Chapter 41

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"Alright people! Who wants to learn about the defender units equipment!"

About a few people from various guilds walked up to Argo as she could only smile and think that business was good roughly a mile from the besieged castle of the Prince of Plague. The siege had been going for 3 days in game, one whole day in real life as the players had been pushed back multiple times by the Defenders from the walls and even the two breaches in the outer walls.

But the Alves were whittling down the enemy defenders slowly and while Argo figured someone would eventually breakthrough and begin getting into the actual city just within the walls as well as the keep, she knew that unless herself and other Info brokers did their jobs right they wouldn't get far.

Players paid her various prices for her information and as she was doing her best to bring up and give them the information they desired, she then watched as two more Alf armies came marching up as they went to try and take a portion of the enemy positions. Of course this was suddenly stopped as several spells came slamming into their ranks and the area around the staging grounds, where Argo was at, as she spun and pulled out her two Nekote claws that she wielded and as she managed to block one green skeletons attack as many more cane charging into the staging grounds, she hadn't expected them to be so bold and charge out like this.

The Staging grounds were really this flattened out area of gravel and dirt from around them as a ring of wooden palisades went around its large area. There was a archery ground, a barracks, a headquarters, a cavalry stable, and a few various portals as sentries had been patrolling around the area.

But not most of those that were here along with the many sentries were engaged in brutal combat as the few spare divisions the Prince of Plague himself was leading came charging into the camp as many began to torch and sabotage the buildings of the Staging ground to buy more time for himself and the hopeful reinforcements from Kommando.

He threw himself into a small cluster of Guild players and as he slashed and attacked them with his chain-linked daggers that flipped and twisted around his body, his blades wrapped themselves around the necks of players, sliced their bodies, stab themselves into bodies for Midnight to pull close and use as a shield from missiles, and while Midnight moved like quicksilver amongst them as he decimated them, that's probably when he noticed Argo.

Argo was fighting off three Skeleton swordsmen as though they were some of the newer Recruit-level, the fact 3 of them were on her had her being forced to defend with her claws than be able to attack and as Midnight finishes off the last of the guild members, he paused for a moment to look at Argo as she fought on against the skeletons.

Argo Muttered something before she ducked one of the Skeletons swings and finally her claws slashed out and took out its spine and cleaved it in half and as it fell to the ground in half, the other two tried to keep up their barrage of attacks but she dodged one and tripped it up as her claws took the other ones head off its shoulders before she curb stomped the last one on the ground as she smashed its head. That's probably when she noticed the Prince just standing there calmly as he had his daggers on hand and the chains around his forearms somewhat loose for quick throwing and retrieving of his weapons and as he stood there before her, Argo took a step back as she could tell he was smirking.

"Pretty good Fighter... want to try me?" Asked Midnight to her as he motioned for her to come at him as he couldn't help but think, Man those marks on her face kinda makes her cute...

But Argo took one step back before she ran as fast as she could from the place and Midnight sighed as he nodded to one of his Skeleton commanders and said, "Alright, gather everyone up and have them get back to the castle. Our raid was successful."

But as the Skeletons and some zombies marched away, Midnight looked back to the fleeing Argo and some of the surviving players as he sighed and muttered, "Dang it guys, now I want a girlfriend too..."

Reaper was bonking his head against his throne as he watched as Lisbeth slowly approached with a bit of a blush but mainly a annoyed look as she said almost right off the bat, "So what's your username?"

Reaper paused before he then stood and flicked his "Boss" mode off to show her his name and as Lisbeth nodded and he put it back on, she then asked Reaper, "So.... since your friend set this up.... what shall we do?"

"I was hoping you had an idea beyond raiding my kitchen for edible objects and trying out my new wardrobe that you would have something...." Said Reaper with a sigh.

"Well that is another good question, what forsaken thing have you pulled out to make me wear?"

"Hey! Hey! I think it'll look good on you! But it's a Monster Drop and so who knows what it will hold up to..." Said Reaper as he motioned for her to follow him.

The two walked through the expansive halls of the Keep, similar to that of Kommando's, but it had a lot more red hues and even had random fountains forever churning blood from its spouts. They passed a few more halls and as hey did so, Lisbeth noticed she wasn't seeing very many guards around the interior in fact the only guards she had seen were the multitude of guards outside on the walls as she had trotted over on her mechanical bronze horse.

Finally, they reached another large room but this one had a table and some food set out but it seemed only for one and as they passed it, Lisbeth asked Reaper, "Is Kommando the only one with handmaidens?"

"No the rest of us have some... currently mine trying to prep more food for ya.... right now we're headed for my armory where I keep my spare stuff... and where you outfit is." Said Reaper.

"Alright... then one more question." Lisbeth rushed ahead of Reaper and crossed her arms as she blocked his path.

"Why did you want me and not some other player?"

Reaper paused as he was near her before he then sighed and said, "Honestly.... why wouldn't anyone be? Compared to me at least, you're a lot better looking and I bet several guys would want to be with you."

Lisbeth uncrossed her arms and as she reached out and took Reapers demon mask, she slowly peeled it off as she saw his brown hair, blue eyes, and a bit of a handsome face that made her pause as she looked at it before she sighed and put the mask down on the nearby table as she said, "Keep the mask off for me will you... might help that self confidence you lack."

"I would but I need it for m-" began Reaper as he went to grab the mask but she grabbed his hand as she looked at him and she sighed as she now could finally feel what Sinon felt for Kommando, even for a little, as she then said, "Let's just find what thing you want me to wear and how embarrassing of a day I'm going to have..."

Reaper nodded as he then lead Lisbeth away while he opened the doors to the armory and as Lisbeth walked in with her eye of a Blacksmith out, she immediately saw it in its corner.

"You want me to wear that thing?"

"Hey listen, listen, I'd make you what Sinon got, I believe it was the Hel Dress, but at the same time I don't have the materials to do so given how I'm forced to use and NPC blacksmith instead of a real one." Said Reaper with a sigh.

"..... and why should I? That thing is several times more revealing that Sinon's!"

"Because it's cute and I thought you'd look good in it-"

"You thought? You thought??"

Reaper sighed when Lisbeth was about to unleash a full salvo of various reasons why thinking that way was wrong when she stopped herself and then puffed her cheeks out as she then said, "If I don't think I look cute in it, I'm not wearing it.."

"I'll be on my way out then..." Said Reaper with a nod and he closed the doors behind him as he walked out.

Reaper stood outside probably for only a minute before he felt the door move on him and he quickly moved away and when he did so, he looked back and could only blush and put a hand over his face as Lisbeth with a very obvious blush and obvious embarrassed look on her face as she had on the Succubus Maid Outfit set as she was trying to hold her main miniskirt down over herself.

"Well... why won't this stretch lower..... well don't just stare! Do I look cute or not?" Demanded Lisbeth with a flustered look on her face.

Reaper took his hand and made a pondering pose as he said, "Weellllll you see-"

Sinon threw her hands up, almost upskirting herself in the process, as she then grabbed his Necromancer cloak and said, "Tell me! Just tell me before I die in embarrassment!"

"I can't! You're so beautiful it's hard to not simply stare and just keep staring!" Said Reaper as he held his hands up.

The two stood there in front of the armories door as Lisbeth slowly loosened her grip before she then asked him, "Do you really have a crush on me?"

Reaper looked at her before he looked down and said, "Yes... at first it was just a "Oh she looks nice" sorts thing but as time went on... even though I haven't seen you all too much, but overtime I began to develop a crush on you..."

Lisbeth looked down as she then said to him, "Let's go eat then, Reaper.... I might already have a crush on you too soo.... let's... let's take it slow and hope Kommando and Sinon come to realize their feelings soon..."

Reaper looked up hopefully to Lisbeth, who was blushing again as she then added, "And I'll wear this for you... it's not too bad but... but only for you, okay!"

Reaper could only smile once as he wanted to scream and shout with joy but he simply bowed before saying in a gentlemanly manner, "Right this way, my lady..."

And he quickly made his way to her side as he went to try and impress her with the lunch he had prepped.

SBC Glocken was about as business as usual for Sinon as she popped up and as she looked around, it had been sometime since she had played GGO. Mainly because she had been busy on ALO so much she almost forgot about GGO but as she began to walk away, she suddenly felt herself smile  as she felt free for once.

But she stopped as she realized it wasn't really freedom she had been missing and as she looked around, she kinda felt bad for thinking it. The Prince did try his best to keep her happy, at least for an NPC as is, and considering he had allowed her to do a lot why should she complain?

Still, she had felt like a caged bird for a bit and so she headed out to the many Gunships around to see what was new. She entered one of the larger Gun markets, the same with the Cowboy betting game and the one she, Kirito, and now Kommando has gotten stuff from, and as she looked around, she suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh! Sorry! I wasn't-" began Sinon when she found herself lookin at Kommando293.

"Oh! Sinon! Ohhhhhhh." Is all Kommando said as they stared at one another.

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