Chapter 42

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Sinon and Kommando293 stood there, looking at one another, as Kommando then slowly put his new gun down butt first and leaned its large bulk against him as he said awkwardly, "Ummmmm...... hi Sinon.."

"Kommando...." she said with another awkward note as she hadn't expected to run into him and he certainly didn't seem like he was expecting to run into her anytime soon.

And then she soon realized what he was holding as she looked at the gigantic 20mm Swiss S100 Anti-tank rifle as he then coughed and asked her, "So long time no see! Where have you been to of late?"

"Hmm... dealing with trying to run away with an overlord. You?" Asked Sinon.

"Trying to get gud, as they say." Said Kommando as he bought some ammo before he then let the gun go to inventory before he said, "So is it a player Overlord or some sorta NPC?"

"NPC.... But..." Sinon suddenly had something tickling her brain, something about Kommando seemed..... recently familiar and not in a way she suspected previously. She swore she had heard his voice before

In Alfenheim in fact.

Still, she tried to not let such a sudden suspicion get to her head as she then finished her sentence, saying to Kommando, "But it's really random with its movement and behavior so I haven't been able to get away from it.... although part of me doesn't want to."

"Why is that?" Kommando was sweating literal bullets in his mask and not because of the mask but from Sinon's suddenly pause and topic but he soon changed it as he then asked her, "So... wanna head out beyond Glocken and see what we run into? Heard a new update with support AI called ARFA are being implemented soon."

"Ehhh... well...." Sinon had that nagging feeling again and she managed to push it away again as she then said, "Sure.... let's hope we don't run into big guilds though. I don't have a gas mask..."

"I can get you one... I have a partial mask that covers the mouth and nose but not the eyes so you'll need goggles." Said Kommando as he began to open his inventory to grab it.

"That's fine, I guess..." Said Sinon, somewhat thankful he had a spare but also curious why he did but simply shrugged.

Once they had equipped what they wished, which for Sinon was pistol and sniper and for Kommando his Bow, brand new 20mm AT rifle, grenades, and swords while also equipping his Titanfall-esque maneuvering gear, they quickly left the ship and as Kommando approached his Panzer 4, he simply turned to Sinon and said, "After you, my lady- I mean Sinon! Sinon! I meant Sinon."

Kommando293's heart raced at that small mistake and even more when she paused to look at him. Sinon had heard him, how he said it, and now even more so she swore up and down he was reminding her of someone she knew too well.

The Prince of Darkness.

Still, she tried to push such a suspicion away but even as they loaded into the tank and headed out towards the gates of Glocken that would lead to the outside world, she felt like she was knowing him from somewhere else beyond GGO. And it bugged her so much she also made a question about it for him then they were in the outside wastelands as they passed various vehicles and bands of players coming to and fro from the wastes.

"Sooo, Sinon.... how have you been beyond gaming?" Asked Kommando.

"Boring. School is meh and all that." Said Sinon.

"Yeah and my new job is a pain dealing with cocky twerps trying to start trouble." Said Kommando with a sigh.

"You a security Officer?" Asked Sinon as she looked down from the turret to him.

"Admin. A little more annoying than dealing with real life punks..." Said Kommando.

As Sinon poked her head outside, suddenly she saw four familiar figures as she said, "Hey Kommando stop here!"

"As you wish my lady- I mean Sinon." Said Kommando with a sudden jolt of what he just did but when he parked the tank, Sinon mentioned nothing of it as she walked up to a woman in black, a small girl in all pink, a girl with normal stuff, and a man in what looked like special forces gear and a large backpack.

"Hello M, LLENN, Pito, and Fukarizoh." Said Sinon as she waved with her sniper out.

LLENN with her pink P90 "P-Chan" smiles and waved back as Fukarizoh waved with one of her grenade launchers in hand as M tipped his cap to Sinon while he kept his rifle up and then Pito had her AK as she had her wicked smile out while LLENN said, "Sinon-san! What brings you out here?"

"Just riding with my friend to see what we find." Said Sinon as she pointed to Kommando, who waved from his driver hatch to the group.

"Hmm... if he had his mask off, he maybe a cute guy." Said Fukarizoh when M said to Sinon, "Mind if we tag along."

"Hey Kommando!" Shouted Sinon back to Kommando, who answered back, "What?!"

"Can my friends come along?"

"Sure. I need two of them in here and the last two can sit on the tank. I'll let you all do you out who goes where." Said Kommando as he opened some hatches.

But as Sinon slowly walked back to the tank, she had heard what Kommando had left slip out and knew the moment she was on Alfenheim online she would see if Kommando was the Prince of Darkness.

The bar was crowded a tad bit but for Midnight996 and Reaper294, with Midnight wearing the spiffiest Witch Doctor outfit complete with top hat and cane and Reaper rolling with a Juggernaut look, they were wrapping up as Midnight said with a sigh from behind his Plague Doctor mask, "Man.... I hate you and Kommando right now. You both have girlfriends already."

"Kommando and I don't have girlfriends. Simply ladies we keep around with us." Said Reaper with a grunt.

"Still, now that means I have to go looking  for my own soulmate..." Said Midnight when he suddenly got a message from his console and as he looked at it, he suddenly bolted upright and said, "Welp, looks like I gotta go."

"Castle finally breached?" Asked Reaper.

"Looks like it so I'm off to finally release the true me on these peasants." Said Midnight as he quickly logged out of GGO and got onto ALO.

And as he finally appeared in his outfit as his weapons materialized on his body as he immediately felt a shake in his bones as a green, plague-ridden skeleton ran over to him and reported, "Sir!! Our walls and gates are being breached!"

"Then bring up all of the reserves and send them out! Make these Alves pay for every inch of ground! I will stay here and provide magic support while my Elite units defend my castle." Said Midnight as he drew his two Kratos dagger as he linked the chains from his arms to the points on the daggers hilts and as he looked around in his battle armor, he rolled his shoulder as he sighed in anticipation of the battle ahead.

"Alright then, players..... let me show you how a true fighter played SAO, American style..."

Kirito watched as catapults and trebuchets slammed their missiles into the walls of the Prince of Plague as there were thousands of units from Lords and ladies armies and hundreds of guilds of various sizes all charging and attack the Prince of Plagues fortress in one huge mass. Of course, they had been trying to break through their gates for the past 30 minutes, nearly an hour, and the casualties had been staggering as attempt after attempt had been made with little to no success.

What made this attempt different was how Asuna and several spell caster has essentially said "fuck it" to their mana and dumped every AoE spell on the gatehouse and surrounding wall and as the Alves pretty much had lost roughly 2000 of their own already.

And only now, with the spell attacks and siege weapon missiles, was some headway being created before their eyes as Kirito watched as Meteors, columns of pure flame, Greek Fire, and various other spells across all forms caused the Gatehouse to crack and then split before exploding outwards to send zombies, skeletons, and Plague Carrier zombies all over the place as the missiles from the siege engines
widened the hole ever further.

"Insurance is gonna skyrocket with that one." Said Klein suddenly and almost immediately before Kirito could even roll his eyes, Shisho groaned as she said, "Klein if you make one more bad attempt at a joke, I swear I will stop being so nice to you."

"Will you two love birds stop flirting and help us get moving!" Said Silica even more suddenly as the entire Alf army was charging through the breach admist a hailstorm of missiles, spells from the main castle, and some of the Princes own units throwing themselves into the Alves from the walls.

"W-w-we aren't love birds! Not-" Suddenly shouted Shisho with a blush flush across her face as Agil said, "Well we need to join the fight if we want any rewards or even XP from this event."

"Right." Said Kirito and as Asuna stood by him as she waited for her magic to regain itself, Kirito raised and then lowered her sword down as he gave his army the command to advance with the rest as the sounds of battle was heard from within the fortress.

It took them a few minutes to get everyone into the vicinity of the fortress as it soon became all too clear and apparent to Kirito that the fight they faced was not one they would be expecting. The weapons and bodies of dead attackers and defenders lay scattered thick across the ground, piling up on places up to chest height and the blood was thick enough to sometimes be like a river running across the ground of dust and death.

But as they got to the base of the rubble the moment they looked over it was a chaotic sight before them. Whole roads were completely blocked off with formations of Player armies slamming their square formations into other formations of the Skeleton and zombie formations as in other roads around them there were guilds of players battling in scattered groups against scattered enemies.

"Oh s-" began Agil when suddenly a green magic missile spread slammed into the people behind Kirito as Kirito spun to see huge green explosions erupt in the midst of other guilds and armies as it sent bodies and some body parts with blood in all directions. And the worst part was since there were these bottlenecks going on with the players instead of hem pushing out, the spells were able to kill dozens and scores of the players and player armies in seconds which Kirito immediately said to his friends, "We have to breakthrough! It'll be like the opening of the event if we don't!"

Immediately, Agil went to work as he shouted to the Guardians in the unit, "With me! Let's push along the walls if we can and try and flank the enemy units!"

With him leading those units away, Kirito watched as Klein with Shisho shouted, "Half of the Swordsmen and archers with us!! Let's push through the guilds and see if we can breakthrough there!"

And with that Shisho fired a few small Lightning bolts down the center road full of Guild and scattered zombie and skeleton mobs as they connected to some of the mobs and blasted them apart but then immediately Klein and what units he had with him were charging down that center road as the swordsmen did run by slashing and hacking of the nearby mobs while the archers did their best to keep up with a running Shisho, who kept shouting at Klein, "Don't run too far ahead!! I still need to keep up with you!!"

This left Silica, Kirito, and Asuna looking with the remainder of their army as with Agil having managed to find a somewhat intact passage and was using it to try and flank the Princes Forces on the walls, that left the trio to find something to do before another wave of magic spells began to slam into the alf forces still pouring through as they tried to break through in areas.

Of course, as Kirito was about to give the order to go after Klein, given how Klein right now was making a hard push to the keep of the Princes, suddenly he heard a familiar voice say, "I'm ready to help, Daddy!"

Kirito looked over to see a newly clothed/armored Yui as recently Asuna had told him that she could work as a sort of support to them with magic and though Kirito was reluctant to send the AI child into combat even if she was a magic support class, the White Priestess Armor did make her look like a small angel as Kirito slowly got in a crouch as he said to her, "Try and stay back from the fighting, okay?"

You nodded and as Kirito stood up, he drew his two DarkIron longswords as he pointed them down the middle and said, "Alright!! Follow Klein's group and help them out before they become encircled!!"

But just as he finished saying it, another volley of magical attacks came flying from the keep and as several players began to try and get shields up to protect those either rushing through the breach or trying to get to the breach, both Yui and Asuna immediately got together as they both quickly put up a Defensive shield as the spells slammed into it before they got close to the ground but eventually the shield shattered and sent magic shield shards and a few more spells flying around to land in clumps of allies.

"We have got to break into that keep before more of us get destroyed! So everyone! Rush to the keep!!" Shouted Kirito and as his small group and army rushed down the middle street, several upon several of those that had been outside rushed inside as they ran with him down the Main Street to the next gate, where Klein had found himself to be in a pickle as usual.

He had succeeded in breaking the center roads resistance against the many guilds but the problem that now appeared was he had found himself to be completely encircled by an enemy garrison of like five different units as Klein and Shisho found their units being put in one large circle as the skeletons and zombies attacked them from all sides. And with the swordsmen spread thin to protect the archers, the archers were forced to take out daggers to try and shore up the defenses but without good weapons or armor they also were like cannon fodder even against the skeletons and zombies.

Still, it wasn't like they didn't have help as the Guilds without opponents charged up into the combat to try and breakthrough but most of them were being halted just shy of reaching Klein's group by groups of Zombies being resurrected right in front of them as the zombies held them off do to sheer numbers.

"Swordsmen!! Breakthrough those Zombies lines! Charge!!!" Shouted Kirito as he leveled his weapons at the zombies and the Spriggan swordsmen all lowered their swords and brought their shields up as they all let out a roar and charged straight forward at top speed.

The Guilds all suddenly jumped out of the way as the Zombies were slammed by the charge and as many were simply swept away by the charge, the charge also forced them apart as Kirito's army went charging through as the guilds used the gap to force back the zombies into smaller streets while behind Kirito's army came several smaller armies, wether because the lord or lady in question hadn't been able to get more in time for the raid or because the spell artillery coming from the keep shredding their army, that quickly spread out past Kirito towards the gate leading to the keep while Kirito threw himself into the melee around his trapped units as the zombies and skeletons were tore down quickly as soon Klein's unit managed to push the enemy units away.

"Good job Klein for almost dying." Said Kirito before he then added, "But better job for staying alive nonetheless with some units."

"I told you we were too far extended!" Kirito heard Shisho say to Klein, who simply answered with, "I wasn't expecting them to be summoned so quickly!"

"Still, we should be prepared for the final fight. Are you all ready?" Asked Asuna as she looked around them.

They all nodded as suddenly Argo appeared as she said, "The keep has been breached! We can charge in now!!"

"Alright then! Let's go!!" Said Kirito as the whole group charged in as suddenly Agil managed to bring up their rear with what remained of the forces that had attacked the castle as bodies lady scattered thick behind them.

The interior was lit by green and blue fires but the horde of players and army NPC's charged past them as some sporadic fighting happened here and there as the remaining Elite units and handmaidens to the Prince of Plague were found and quickly routed and as Kirito and his unit appeared in the main huge vaulted ceiling and as the players and npcs all slowly fanned out, Kirito and his group were looking around with them as several players were somewhat scratching their heads at where this boss was.

"Where's the boss?" Asked one player.

"This is too much of a kill box, we should get moving." Said a Player Lord nearby.

Suddenly, they all heard this almost maniacal laughter coming from what sounded like above them and the moment Kirito heard it, he head spun up as he could see the Prince hanging from the ceiling on a chandelier and as the Prince was looking down, he held two blades of pure green that glowed brightly in the dark interior.

"What comes up..." Said the Prince as suddenly he cut down the chains holding the chandelier of many blood-colored gems.

"Shall come crashing down!"

And with that, as some players either did scatter or tried to, the chandelier came smashing down in a wave of sharp, glittering precious gems as the roughly 20 players beneath the chandelier had been smashed into bloody mush while the Prince landed a few feet away before slowly, almost dramatically, as he stood with those two daggers.

Every immediately got ready with the tank players and more melee focused Alf units appearing in the front while mages and more ranged users and units got in the back. Kirito watched as five health bars appeared above the Princes head along with the words "Prince of Plague" as the Prince sighed and then beckoned the Alves forward as he said, "Alright now.... show me what you can do."

Almost instantly, several mages and archers sent some form of a missile straight at the Prince but even as they did so, he simply jumped back and summoned up a horde of undead to soak the damage as zombie parts went flying and as he landed on his thrown, which looked more like an infected hive than throne, he then sighed and said, "That wasn't very nice."

Of course, as Kirito watched, the Princes blades flowed as suddenly chains from his arms and wrists all loosened before he flung them into the players mass and as several players gave a shout of warning as Kirito and his group dodged in a direction other than the blades, the Prince flung himself but halfway he yanked the blades out and spun mid-air as the blades sliced through several Alf units as well as players and when the Prince landed, he spun them out again as they took out a few more players before the dust settled and the blades were swinging around him lazily.

"Who said I was going to make this easy for you?"

And with that, several of the Guardian and Alf swordsmen units charged the Prince with some of the tanks and as Kirito watched Agil use a axe skill that sent a wash of green energy at the Prince, it became even more apparent they were going to have it tough. The first couple hits landed on the Prince as he attempt to slash down a group of Guardians and as the skills pushed him back and dropped his health, he retaliated with not only a hailstorm of Plague bolts that exploded amongst people ranks and knocked out some more of Kirito's depleted units, Kirito then felt the chains fly past as the Prince lashed out and snagged two players before dragging them over with a snap of the chains and as the players were brought over as immediately the Prince wrapped their necks with chains as the Prince took his blades and ripped heir necks open and kicked them away.

Immediately, Kirito had to duck as the Prince spun in the air as his blades sliced across several players and as Kirito blocked a blade from the Prince and as he jumped forward with Klein to slash at the Prince, the Prince spun away as he suddenly slithered around a player and then immediately stabbed his dagger into their shoulders before ripping them out and jumping off as he sent the player tumbling as they join the half dozen players around already dead.

"Agil! Use taunt! Get his attention!" Shouted Kirito as Agil immediately shouted, "Boss! Taunt on me!!"

But to Agils surprise, the Boss simply looked at Agil as he then took a dagger from his belt not attached to his chains and tossed it at a mage nearby as the mage lurched back and fell dead before the boss then launched off to start his attacks again.

But even as the Prince jumped amongst the players, taking a few hits as a few players got lucky, the players and alf units were losing their own left and right as Kirito tried to find something to even the odds when he noticed something about the boss. The boss kept on the move by either running, sliding, spinning, or using the chains to whip himself around and as he moved close to his group, he then said, "Someone needs to like pin him down and keep him from moving around!"

And then suddenly, the Prince came flying at them but just before the Princes boots neared Kirito to slam him away, suddenly Argo spun around and round-house kicked the Prince in the face and as the Prince flew back, he didn't jump up as he simply sat up and managed to mutter, "Owch that actually hurt-" but then suddenly three players jumped on him and began to slam their weapons and shields into him as several magic and missile weapons slammed into him as for once, without being able to move around freely as he pleased, was getting owned.

And then 5 seconds into the beat down, suddenly an explosion happened as Plague-ridden fogs and miasma's all went around the Princes position as people ran out with various debuffs on them and as the Prince slowly stood up with his daggers as his Plague doctor masks mouth was giving off these noxious fumes as the Princes health was now roughly at half.

"Okay..... now I'm pissed." Said the Prince as suddenly he took his blades and slammed them both into the ground as suddenly a shockwave sent several players slamming into the walls and columns supporting the roof as the Prince suddenly seemed to be in a frenzy mode as he was far more quick and agile now as even Kirito had difficulty keeping up with the speed.

But it also appeared that Kirito was becoming more of a target as even as he tried to swing at the Prince with his dual longswords, the Prince of everything diseased was having none of it and even pushed Kirito back as Kirito, along with several other players, were dangerously near half health. But even then, with the Prince rushing around, he was getting reckless as he was also taken quite a few hits as he passed by. Then again, a 1v many players and units also didn't make it much fairer but the Prince was making sure anyone in reach got killed before they could react.

But what suddenly surprised Kirito the most, was when suddenly Argo engaged the Prince one on one as people tried to support her and as the Prince seemed to pause before he began to fight her as well and as they dukes it out, Kirito shouted to the rest, "Keep him still! We can win this if we can pin him down!"

Sinon and Lisbeth would've made this boss easy. He quietly thought to himself when suddenly he heard Shisho say a few dozen magic words before she said, "Greater Paralysis!"

He watched her mana drop a huge chunk but even as it happened, the Boss was slowed as he tried to move fast but wasn't able to. And worse, he was on his final health bar as he quickly managed to keep back five different players, he threw out some magic spell balls that suddenly exploded in blue fire and as people screamed as some burnt to a crisp, before he then was faced with Agil who slammed him with his axe.

And then as he managed to get up and take out an overconfident Fighter with two slashes, Klein appeared and used his legendary katana to slash the Prince back as Asuna and Kirito went in and managed to slash the boss together.

And as the Boss slowly got up and glanced around, Kirito got into his Dual-sword position he was known for as the Prince did a similar one with legs out and daggers up front and as the Prince looked at Kirito, the Prince muttered, "Don't worry.... this won't be the last you see me-"

But just as the Prince rushed forward, suddenly an arrow slammed into his chest and as the Prince jerked back, six more slammed into him as he suddenly was brought down as he looked up once before a final shot killed him by exploding his head.

"Congratulations!! Boss defeated!"

Players cheered and so did Kirito's group but as he looked around, it was a pretty shocking amount of casualties for a raid. 57 Alf units lay dead and then about 32 players lay dead all around and all to kill 1 Boss.

But Kirito could only look around as Klein went towards a room looking for loot. He slowly came to the door as he heard some humming and as he stepped in with his sword, he looked over to a glowing light.

"Do you fucking mind?"

The Prince of Plague, with no battle scars or nothing, was standing at a fridge with a knife and bread as he had jam in one hand and the slices in the other as he demanded, "Get the fuck out and don't say a word of this! I'm making a damn sandwich!"

Klein looked around him and then slowly walked out as he looked at the others, with no one paying him any attention to his surprise and luck, as he then shrugged and went to look elsewhere.

Midnight sighed as he finished his sandwich up before he said, "I could've tried but.... in truth I just want to find out more about this Argo... her round house was on point though...."

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