Chapter 44

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The wave of Skeletons swordsmen were crashing into the front ranks of the swordsmen under Klein as Shisho tried to get blessings out from her list of spells but another wave of incredibly accurate arrows came flying in to take down some of the swordsmen on both sides but it seemed like they didn't care as more arrows came raining down upon them.

But as Shisho watched as more skeleton horsemen came smashing through the ranks of Kirito's forces and as she looked around, it was chaos. With the Plague fortress having been conquered, the Alves had tried to push in the Princess Of Pleasures territory. This is where they had met stiff resistance and even now with the other Princes coming in to take them on, the Alves were being pushed back on all fronts.

Probably what made it even more depressing was who was helping lead as Shisho saw them both sitting on a bronze metal horse and a ghostly horses next to a Hellhound mounted Prince of Blood and a Dark Horse mounted Prince of Darkness. Sinon and Lisbeth, dressed in clothing and armor unlike anything she had seen. lowered their arms as another wave of enemies charged straight from their position to slam into the Alf ranks and as Shisho tried to grab Klein and begin pulling their group back before they got encircled, she suddenly was slammed away and she flew a couple feet and then hit the ground as she slid a few more feet.

"Shisho!!" Shouted Klein as he turned to face the Skeleton General Raider as the Princes forces had finally broken through and were now picking off the entire Alf army bit by bit. Shisho tried to get up but just as she did so, suddenly a full volley of arrows came crashing down on her and as multiple were stuck in her, she watched her health go to "0" and then she simply died in her spot as all she heard from Klein was, "Shisho!!"

Of course, one would think that's the end of it all but as she simply waited, soon she appeared back at Kirito's castle as it had became expanded and its was producing a lot more. This was especially since without attacks from the Princes that the remaining Alf lords had begun to expand what they have. And as she slowly walked away, she sat down on a bench that had been placed nearby to the spawn point and as she waited for Klein, she simply crossed her legs and put her head in her hands as she waited.

A couple minutes later, Silica and Agil appeared and as they both sighed and walked off, they went towards the armory or wherever else they wanted to go but Shisho simply sat there and awaited for Klein. And then, a few more minutes went by before Klein appeared on the pad and as he looked around, he spotted her as Shisho smiled and stood up as she walked over to where he was standing.

"Stray arrow get you?" Asked Shisho.

"Yeah... hehe, thought I was safe for a moment." Said Klein as he rubbed the back of his head.

She smiled, her chest swelling with happiness and then felt her back strain with having to keep her bosom up and as she sighed and put a arm under her breasts to support their size, Klein asked her, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing fine." She said with a genuine smile while she then began to walk with him out of the castle and into the inner courtyard.

"Sooo...." began Klein as they walked along, "Can I have a moment from you?"

"Of course?" Asked Shisho.

"Sooo.." he stopped just shy of the marketplace as he glanced around before he then asked her, "Are..."

"Are you available this Friday?"

Shush I looked at Klein with a bit of a blush as he suddenly gave a frustrate groan and looked away as she barely heard him say, "Damn it! Too soon!"

Not like soon enough... thought Shisho as she then asked Klein, "What do you have in mind?"

Klein looked back to her with a bit of surprise but then composed himself as he then said to her, "I know.. of a nice bar by chance we can visit."

She smiled. It was a start for once but finally she thought she saw him realizing she was quite into him. He had a nice body, handsome face, and she hoped he had a good enough job to support himself and maybe her. "Sounds nice.. should I wear something nice?"

"If you want." Said Klein. "A friend of mine owns the bar so I'm not sweating it too much." Said Klein.

"Then it's a date." She said with a sudden kiss to his cheek. His scruffy face tickled her lips as she pulled away and she slipped away as she then said to him, "But let's make sure we have our gear and soldiers set up for the next sorty."

Klein simply smiled at her and nodded as he was trying to keep his heart in his chest and it was failing. But that was okay.

"Oh my word! You nailed your friend right in his back!! What a shot!" said Kommando as he trotted Sinon alongside him back towards the castle as their units followed them. "I wasn't expecting you to be so merciless."

"I'm your evil princess now, though..." Said Sinon with a small smile. "I have to discard such useless people from my life."

"Oof. Remind me to stay on your good side then." Said Kommando as he looked at her and then made himself stare at her.

She saw him staring at her, once again, as she then asked him, "Keep the mouth close. You'll catch flies if you don't."

"That's fine. Could use the breath mint." Said Kommando which made Sinon gag a little before he then said, "but for now I'll just take your beautiful scent."

He leaned over form his horse and gave a sniff of her neck, which seemed to have this flowery perfume wafting up from it, as Sinon flinched and said, "Hey! Cut it out! Not out here..."

Kommando smiled as he said, "Like an uncontrollable aphrodisiac....."

Sinon could only shake her head as even if they had just started dating, she already was feeling better and as she got near him on her horse, she put her head on his armored shoulder and said,"Don't move... I'm gonna get comfy."

Kommando smiled and as they trotted along but then he asked her, "Is there anything you regret at the moment being with me?"

Sinon wanted to give him a immediate answer but thought about it before she said, "Only that we haven't met in real life yet... you think we can?"

"... I'll see what I can do.." Said Kommando with a nod.

Suddenly, an explosion of green appeared before them and Midnight appeared with a instrument as he began to sing, "And this is a night!!!! It's a beautiful night!!!!"

"Midnight we both know you can't sing. It's why you're forever alone." Said Kommando.

"Sorry, just trying to create a mood for you two." Said Midnight as he made the instrument vanish.

"Should've seen her after my pick up lines. Looked like she was about to rape me there and then." Said Kommando as suddenly Sinon smirked.

"I'm sorry but that's coming from the guy who about jizzed in his armor at my pick up line." Said Sinon.

"Can't blame me." Muttered Kommando.

"Say, where's Reaper going? I can't see him online." Said Midnight as he joined the two.

"He's on his date remember?"

Reaper stood with a red shirt, black pants, black tie, black sneakers, his brown hair trimmed and red eyes clear as day with plenty of good deodorant on his body to keep any sweat stink away. He was looking around on a corner as Liz had told him to meet here and as he looked around, he had in his pockets a wallet, a phone, an a extendable baton. He might not be able to hold a gun but a knife or a baton can do the same damage.

He looked around as he didn't feel like wearing a jacket when he then saw a girl in a pink dress, very simple nothing fancy, with black knee socks and some nice shoes with a purse, brown hair, and gorgeous brown eyes as she looked around but then saw him before proceeding to walk over.

"Reaper?" She asked.

"Hello, my lady Lisbeth. You look gorgeous tonight." He said with a slightly exaggerated bow.

"You like red." Said Lisbeth as she fixed his tie which was slightly crooked.

"Don't like it?" Asked Reaper, a little worried.

"I think it suits you a little too well." Said Lisbeth as she kissed his cheek which made the pink lipstick she wore spread onto a red face.

And then she gripped his open hand as she said to him, "Lets get going... it's not too far from here but it's still a walk."

Reaper smiled and put his other hand to fumble with the baton because he was watchful of trouble but didn't let it how as they walked away to the cafe.

They passed some small stores and some cars while they headed into the actual city and while they did, Lisbeth asked him, "So you play Gun Gale... I just got into it myself cause of a friend."

"Really? Does your whole group do it too?" Asked Reaper.

"Only when we find out there's a group of Player Killers.." Said Lisbeth.

"PKers huh?.... I remember them in our SAO... American Psychopaths who would launch full assaults on towns as they wished... especially when the Admin dropped town shields."

Lisbeth got quiet as Reaper had told her scarce details on this American Sword Art Online that had affected him and his friends. But as she looked at him and held his hand, she kept close to him as she could smell his deodorant. "Is that pomegranate I smell?"

"Kommando sent it to me for Christmas.. he's a good guy but terrible taste in Christmas gifts." Said Reaper. "He once got me in the SAO a new shield  and I had already gotten 5 levels higher than it so it was useless beyond throwaway or materials."

He chuckled and she put a head on his shoulder as she said with a poke in his side, "What's got you in a good mood to talk about your past?"

He jolted back and grabbed her sides from behind to tickle as she squealed before he stopped and said, "It's what happens when your my girlfriend... I begin opening up to you."

She smiled as then they continued along without anymore incidents for the most part as she then stopped them before a small cafe embedded in the side of a mall area. As they entered, Reaper then asked her, "Sooo... why this place?"

Inside was an entire cafe devoted to none other than vampires. Many tables were set up with red candles, red or black tablecloth, there were many fountains of fake blood and while Reaper looked around, he saw a few of the "Vampires" as he sighed and asked Lisbeth, "Let me guess.... this is because I'm the Prince of Blood?"

"Hope you don't mind. Besides they won't bite you... but I might?" Said Lisbeth as she gave a wink to Reaper, who was both turned on and off by the pun as he sighed while they were escorted to their table.

And as Reaper sat down with Lisbeth, he then grabbed her thigh closest to him and she jumped and blushed before scowling as she said, "Pervert."

"Only for you. No one else." Said Reaper with a smile as he let go.

"Still a pervert." She said as then she looked around at the decor before she then got a slight grin and just as Reaper found a drink, he felt something skim over his waist high pants and he looked over at her from the menu.

"And I'm the Pervert here?"

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