Chapter 45

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It was morning when Klein woke up and when he moaned, he stretched and then sat up as he looked at his clock. It was 8'o clock in the morning and as he looked to it's right, he saw today was Friday. Date day with Shisho.

A smile spread across his face as he thought about that girl, one of the few girls who had not only been nice to him but was also going maybe one of his first girlfriends. But only time would tell if this love story would end in either a "friend zone" or an actual relationship.

He jumped up from bed as he quickly got into the shower and after a 5 minute scrub time he was out and getting on some normal clothes. The date would be later on in the day so he had figured he would spend the day going to one place he had been wondering about: the local library. Normally, the library was the last place on his mind but since this event had begun in Alfenheim he had wondered if he could find some info through mythology on their enemies and maybe just whole thing itself.

Besides he was running low on Samurai novels to read that he already owned, both light novels as well as various manga.

And so as he put on jeans, a shirt, and threw on a hoodie with the Takeda symbol, making his way from his apartment as he locked it behind him and stuffed the keys next to his wallet. He went down a flight of concrete stairs which he took them quickly, two at a time, before reaching the bottom and heading out quickly on the nearby sidewalk. He perused the sidewalk as he past only a few people out on the somewhat busy street and as he came to the light, he stopped and waited for the crossing sign to turn green before proceeding his way along the X-crossing to the other side.

Compared to where his apartment was, the Library was about a kilometer away and it was centered in a beautiful part of the city where there was a park somewhat surrounding it. He didn't mind going to the library, only when it began to slowly take his yen from his because of late fees did it become annoying. Still, given he had been able to keep up with his books lately and had some extra yen not meant for various items online or for rent, he figured getting some more Samurai novels would do him well enough.

He journeyed while thinking of the various novels he would be getting to continue reading, totally not paying attention much to his surroundings, but he soon managed not to run into anyone as he came to the Library's exterior. It had a two story, boxing dimension with a skylight on its top and colonnades going down from the roof to the ground all around its front entrance. Tall windows let more light stream into the library's floors and onto its many bookshelves and people he could see in the windows.

He walked through slowly as the smell of books, paper, and ink wafted through like a musty odor but he didn't mind it as much as some other smells. He walked past the desk as two older ladies smiled and waved at him and he politely waved back at them before heading deeper into the library. He passed tall bookcases, most being tall enough to touch the ceiling in 4-shelf bookcases, as he was looking for his samurai section when he passed someone on a ladder.

At first, he would've simply looked past them and kept out of their way but as he heard a small yelp from up top, he instinctively looked up to see someone familiar. Her brown hair flowed down towards her waist as she had blue eyes behind a pair of thin-rimmed glasses. She was wearing a blue shirt and jeans as she was trying to put a book into a shelf while trying not to fall on her wobbly ladder but as she looked down, she then saw Klein and managed a pause.

".. Klein?" She asked him.

Wait was she- "Shisho?" He Asked Back when then the ladder suddenly gave out and sent her falling.

He snatched her out of the air with one arm as he grabbed the ladder from falling and as Shisho held an arm around his neck and a hand on the book, Klein grunted as he put the ladder down gently before helping Shisho onto her feet.

"Uhh... thanks, Klein." Said Shisho with a small blush.

"Don't mention it." He said with a smile as he then sighed and said, "At least this time I caught you unlike when we met."

She could only smile and give a huge blush as she covered her face and said, "You weren't suppose to see me at work! Suppose to see me tonight!"

"Hey, if I hadn't been here, who would've caught you?" Asked Klein as he set the ladder back up and then held it with his hands and a foot on the bottom-most rung. "Here, this should make it more stable."

Shisho smiled before going up the ladder and put the book in place before going down.

"Well that was the last one thankfully... whew." Said Shisho as she then looked at Klein and asked, "So why are you here?"

"Ow as here to check out some Samurai novels and the like." Said Klein as he collapsed the ladder. "But at the moment I think helping you out will be my goal."

"Klein.." she sighed and held a hand to her face, trying to cover her blush up as well as look exasperated before she then gave up and said, "Just don't get me in trouble."

He simply bowed to her with a grin as he walked with her to put the ladder up.

It'd be a few more tasks for Shisho before her shift was up but as she walked out, she turned to Klein as she sighed before saying with a bow, "Thank you for helping me."

As Klein looked at her, just about to bow back, he looked over her current outfit. Her jeans had a slight rip at the bottom, her shirt had the symbol of the One-Eyes Dragon from a novel he read, her hair was a dark brown that went down her back, her chest was easy Double D's, she wore simple blue shoes, and her glasses had a little dust on them.

But then he bowed back to her and said, "You're welcome my lady."

"Soo." Said Shisho as she stood up and placed some stray hair back behind her ear. "What now?"

"Well," he checked his watch as he saw it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, "we both agreed for a 6 o'clock meeting time.."

"Two hours till our little date." Said Shisho as she gave a thought.

"Well as much as I would love to spend the rest of the day with you till then... I have some bills to pay before hen I'm afraid." Said Shisho with a guilty look.

"Alright then." Said Klein's its a smile before he gave her a small hug which made her give a cute "eep!" But then she hugged back and buried her face in his shoulder.

"Don't be late." She said as she began to walk away with her purse on her shoulder.

"I won't... my lady." Said Klein as he waved her good bye, knowing full well he'd see her again later that night.

Night soon fell on the city and Klein had decided to dress semi-casual as Shisho had told him she would be doing so and thus felt he needed to do the same. He had jeans on, a under shirt, a button up shirt with collar with the Takeda symbol all over it, and then had put on his red bandanna on his head before making sure he had everything else. He was smell and looking fresh to from a recent shower so he wasn't reeling of any alcohol he might've had the night before.

He walked out and as he went down the stairs again, he got in his car and started it up before heading out to Shisho's apartment, a few blocks away. He went through some lights, avoided getting into wrecks, and when he came to her apartment complex, he was about to get out and open the door when he heard a tap at his window so suddenly it made him jump.

He looked over and standing there in a nice red dress, nothing too fancy but something nice for sure next to red stockings and sneakers, was Shisho as she waved to him just as he quickly unlocked the door and before he could get out she opened the door, sat down, and closed it back up as she strapped in.

"You know I was going to help you in." Said Klein.

"I know you would've," she said as she hugged him, "but I think it's time we get to our little date."

He smiled. She was straight to the point and so he quickly put the vehicle back into Drive and headed off for the Dicey Cafe. It didn't take long for them to arrive at a parking garage near the Dicey Cafe and as he quickly picked his ride up, he then headed out with Shisho holding one of his arms as they walked through the slowly turning nighttime streets. They passed some of the few people still out at this moment in time and as Klein came to an alleyway, he slowly lead Shisho down it as they approached a cafe with a pair of die on it. The Dicey Cafe.

He opened he door for her and as he beckoned her in, the ringing of the bell above the doorway gave anyone within knowledge of their existence.

"Klein." Said Agil begins the counter as he was clearing some glasses while a few patrons were around as it got close to night time. "Good to see you friend. Is this Shisho?"

"It is indeed, Agil." Said Klein with a smile and Shisho gave a small bow as Agil put the glass down.

"What will it be, you two?" Asked Agil.

"Some waters and appetizers to start of with." Said Klein as he sat Shisho down before himself and Agil nodded as he went into the back kitchen.

As Klein and Shisho sat there as music played slowly and lightly in the background, Shisho asked him, "So how did you find of this place, Klein?"

"Please call me-" began Klein to tell her his name but she then said, "I'm going to call you Klein. I like it."

He simply smiled and said, "And Shall I call you Shisho?"

She nodded and so Klein nodded before telling her, "I met our friend there in SAO with the rest of the group you know, he and his wife owned the bar back then and we still come to it somewhat often."

She nodded and as Agil came back to the bar, a nicely dressed woman came over with a smile as she said to Klein while putting the food down, "Finally found yourself a girl, eh Klein?"

"Oh ha ha, Kathy." Said Klein as he shook his head while Kathy, Agils wife, smiled at Shisho and said, "And who are you?"

"I'm Shisho." Said Shisho with a small bow of her head.

"You look amazing in those clothes." Said Kathy as she walked back to the kitchen while saying something to Agil.

Shisho giggles as Klein simply began to slowly eat, figuring to take time with eating to talk with Shisho as he then noticed what looked like something creeping onto her collar but he couldn't tell when she then asked Klein, "So beyond SAO and Alfenheim, what other games do you play?"

"Gun Gale." Said Klein as Shisho went, "Really? Isn't it very hardcore and difficult?"

"Only if you don't have a friend who can help you." Said Klein. "And I have one who helped me and the group."

Shisho smiled and put her head in a hand as she leaned on the table, idly stirring her water before asking, "Sooo... how long were you planning on asking me out?"

"A while. Took me long enough to actually ask you, though." Said Klein with a smile as he admitted it.

"Hmm..." she smiled as she then asked him, "So which books did you get?"

"Oh, I got the third book in the "One-Eye Dragon's Journey" novel series."

"Oh?" Asked Shisho as she sipped her drink.

"Do... do you even know light novels?" Asked Klein hesitantly, Africa's she might not like anime and manga and all that.

"You know it'd be a shame to spoil how it is in the fifth book of the series." Said Shisho with a grin.

"...Don't you dare spoil it for me, woman." Said Klein. "You are messing with one of my favorites."

"I mean," Said Shisho as she looked up in the air dramatically and put her drink down before looking back down at him and sliding her glasses down to the end of her nose, "I figure you wouldn't but I just have this feeling you'll want to know what happens to One Eye-"

Klein pointed at her, "Don't even think about it. Not even jokingly."

He felt someone kick his shin and he looked down to see her foot kick it again and he looked back up as she was shaking her head.

"Don't worry." She said with a small laugh. "I'm only on four."

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