Chapter 46

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Sinon watched as Kommando sighed in his spot on his throne, obviously either bored or exhausted from doing so much work recently since the Alves had begun attacking more of Hel, specifically MantisSphinxes side of it which resides on the opposite side of Midnights realm. Although she was able to hold her settlements and forts since she had more to offer, the help from Reaper and Kommando did still help her out as the alves were nothing short of persistent and had done their darndest to try and break through her lines and defenses to get straight to her main castle. Sinon didn't see much of the fighting except when she glanced at Kommando keeping an eye on the battles his small armies got in but while she looked at him, sitting nearby on a chair she had placed there to watch him since her throne was currently being made to join his he had said previously, she then asked him, "Something bothering you?"

"Kinda... I'm putting off doing somethings in real life but I don't want to do them since if I leave even a moment something could happen." Said Kommando.

"What do you need?" Asked Sinon.

"Groceries mainly... and maybe a bill." Said Kommando. "Rent."

"I'd go do that real quick." Said Sinon as she walked up and stroked the side of his face gently. "You probably don't want to get kicked out. Or starve."

"I know... but leaving you here alone makes me wonder what trouble you'll get in as well." Said Kommando as he looked to her.

Sinon gave him a stern look. "You know, now that I know who is holding me "captive" here-" she put the word 'captive' in air quotes, "-then I think I'm alright being left alone for a bit here."

"I'll come back and knowing me you'll have stolen all my gold and taken my castle from me." Said Kommando with a small smirk.

Sinon shook her head and then slowly sat down in Kommandos lap, a move hat surprised him as he tried to sit up but she slowly laid back against him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Go deal with real life... I'll hold the fort." Said Sinon. "Just make sure you get it done the right way, not the fastest."

Kommando could only saw and hug her back before he then dragged the menu out and logged out, leaving Sinon alone on the throne. She touched the cold throne, it was a mixture of wafting waves of darkness and steel, and already it went from feeling warm to slowly feeling cold as could be. It made her feel like her heart was going to go cold without the constant warmth of Kommando near her and that was a scary, new feeling for Sinon to the point she simply curled up on the throne and hoped Kommando came back soon.

But as she thought about what she also needed to do, she then sighed and realized she also had some errands to run. Although she had already paid her bills, she was needing some various items that she needed to get to from a store along with finding out how the others of her group was doing.

So with a slightly heavy heart, she logged out of her avatar and slowly opened her eyes in the real world. She sat up and took the Amusphere off her face while she put her glasses on, adjusting her eyes to the darkness of her room.

She slowly rolled her legs around and walked to her dresser while she began to grab a clean shirt and pants to wear outside since wearing a dirty white shirt and just some gym shorts was not the best fashion she could or should wear. Once she was properly dressed, she put on a hoodie she had bought online with the logo of Gun Gale Online plastered on its back and grabbed her purse before heading out.

She headed towards the convenience store at a slow pace, feeling the warmth of summer for what little was still around before fall came by and though she didn't mind the coming cold season, she did wish she could enjoy summer a bit longer. She came to the sore entrance and as the glass doors slid open for her, she walked inside and grabbed a cart before beginning to grab the things she needed. She grabbed some food, a few beauty products, one or two drinks, and then headed for the checkout counter.

While she did, two people entered the store and one of them she didn't know why but felt vaguely like she knew them and then, as the boy with red hair with a red T-shirt and jeans walked by, realized it was her neighbor. She quickly had her stuff paid and then left the store to head back to her home, cracking open a can of totally non-brand fizzy, flavored water and sipped it along the way.

She safely got to her apartment without any fuss or problem and as she opened up the door, she then heard a meow nearby and looked over to see a stray, white cat looking at her with tail whisking while sitting next to a can of food near her neighbors door. Apparently, her neighbor had a soft spot for stray cats.

But she simply entered her home and put her various things away as she took her opened can and took it with her towards her bed when she then stopped as she went to her dresser and pulled out a model gun, slightly futuristic looking. She held it in her hand like her own pistol in GGO and as she did, her heartbeat quickened. She did this as much as she could, trying to beat back the PTSD of her childhood involving guns and since the Death Gun incident it had gotten better and even now she's able to hold it and move its specific parts.

As she held it up with both hands in a proper shooting position, she then couldn't help but let her mind wander a bit. What did Kommando look like? She couldn't remember at the one moment what he did look like beneath his armor but she began to imagine how he did. Short hair? Maybe. Nice body, maybe a six pack? Decent butt and maybe-

She immediately dropped the pistol as her hands clasped her face that suddenly burned up from a sudden rush of blood. No No No! No Sinon! Bad Sinon! Now is not the time to get such dirty thoughts! Are the things she tried to say in her head to try and keep her mind from going down that part of her mind but it kinda failed and some flash images of saucy scenes and more went through her head quickly.

But to her credit, she quickly policed those bought and images as she picked he model gun up and put it back where it belonged before walking over to her bed as she laid down on it and then put her amusphere back on.

"Time to go back to the Keep and actually hold it down." Muttered Sinon before logging into Alfenheim Online and into the war-form landscape of Hel.

Klein slowly walked his way towards the library as he entered it and when he did so, he began looking around the rows of bookshelves. It didn't take long to find his quarry and he slowly walked up behind them as he held something suddenly next to them.

"Oh Klein!" Shisho took the small bouquet of flowers from Klein and smelled their nice rose scent as she put them to her face like a mask. "You really shouldn't have.."

"Oh but I did sooo yeah, have em. Keep em." Said Klein with a smile as Shisho hugged him. Their date had ended very well with them having some nice drinks, good food, and ended nice when he escorted her home like a good gentleman.

Shisho broke the hug as she asked him, "But why when I'm at work?"

"Shisho," Said Klein with a shake of his head, "your co-workers are up against you. They told me your hours."

"Oh those old ladies" Said Shisho with a weird face but she didn't mind it that much. If anything, that made it easy for her to lock out on time.

So she soon finished her duty of putting books away before she then quickly walked with Klein out of the library once she had clocked out and they began to just walk along the sidewalk. It was a beautiful day, nice sun, decent breeze flowing through the trees, it was a good day to just walk around as the two talked.

Unfortunately, it had to be cut short suddenly when a car rolled up next to them and Shino and Klein looked over to see a man dressed up in a red shirt and shorts with blonde hair as he looked straight to Shino as he said, "Hey babe... wanna come for a ride?"

Immediately, Klein went to put himself between him and Shino but she seemed to suddenly step forward with her head slightly bowed and the flowers next to her side as she said, "A-Alright.."

"Wait, hold u-" began Klein when Shisho stopped him but saying, "Don't.... just.. I'll... I'll explain later... I'm so sorry."

Klein couldn't even find the words to speak to Shino as she soon was driven away, leaving him alone. Was he just some dude that she liked but really had a boyfriend already? Did he just had his girl stolen?

All he could do was make assumptions and wonder what had just happened as he walked home by himself, far more depressed than he had expected.

When Kommando logged back onto Alfenheim, he slowly walked from his room as he headed downstairs and the moment he did, he suddenly found hands covering his hands as someone said, "Guess who?"

"The Grinch." Said Kommando.

"Since when am I a grinch?" Asked Sinon as she gave him a shove and crossed her arms.

"Well... your a mean one-" began Kommando when Sinon suddenly threw her dagger at him but he caught it and then sighed.

"It was a joke, okay?" Said Kommando as he tossed the dagger back.

"Oh now you say it's a joke after I throw a dagger at you..." Said Sinon as she caught the dagger mid-flight and sheathed it before walking to Kommando.

Kommando hugged her close as she then took her hands and slowly put them on his heel t to lift it off and reveal a pale face, green eyes, and red hair as she smiled and asked, "Is this how you look like in real life?"

"Roughly... I'm a lot better looking obviously in game than in real life, but hey.." Said Kommando.

"Oh stop, you look amazing as ever.." Said Sinon as she hugged him and tossed the helmet away.

"So what were you doing while I was away?" Asked Kommando.

"Things." Said Sinon.

"You were masturbating weren't you?"

"NO!" Sinon pushed herself away from him in horror but Kommando just laughed as he heard Sinon heatedly say, "Such a Pervert! Baka!"

"Oh gosh you said Baka, no my weakness!" Kommando made the movements of dying slowly on the ground but Sinon kicked his shin hard and he couldn't help but wince and rub his leg as he said, "Okay now that hurt!"

"What you get you stupid Pervert! Lucky I don't jam a arrow in you for that!" Sinon said with a huff.

"Oh come here you." Kommando went to hug Sinon by she turned her back to him yet he still hugged her from behind and then said to her, "You know I'm playing with you because I love you."

Sinon simply crossed her arms with his arms around her and stood there silently for a few minutes before she finally said back, "I love you too.... just... please don't make fun of me that way."

"Alright.... now come here. I think we need some practice with that bow of yours." Said Kommando and Sinon smiled as she followed him outside.

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