Chapter 48

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The taking of the castle with what felt like by default standards made Kirito start wondering whom they really were fighting against. NPC's didn't just teleport in like that to help one of their own out but then again it might've been part of the whole thing, a script they didn't realize yet. Still, the win may have saved many from a grueling task of taking the castle town street by street and then fight into the castle itself but the Hackers had been a problem that soon most people began to notice more people getting a bit more banned on a somewhat regular basis as they were found in one way or another.

Another surprising event was the surrendering of the Blood Princess whole domain as he packed up shop and seemingly, with the other Necromancer princes Kirito assumed, set up shop at the last and most intimidating castle: the Prince of Darknesses castle, the one who had beat Kirito a few times and what you could say was a rival to Kirito. Initial scouts were ambushed by skeleton riders and soon few dared to near it but it became obvious it was one of the highest tier castles with Tier 5 walls and battlements with trebuchet, catapult, ballistae, and other siege implements spanning the battlements while towers rose up like dark spikes from the spiked battlements. The castle town expanded not only immensely inside of the walls but also outside and had an initial palisade the Alves would have to get through. And then the castle itself spanned the way between the valley ends as it had several tall spires and keeps within its last and final inner wall.

Kirito hoped this last battle wouldn't prove too lengthy, he was already straining his tier 4 castle to its max for resources and troop capacity like everyone else.

But the one thing he reminded himself was that he was going to be getting Lisbeth and Sinon back from these Princes. He couldn't wait to finally run a full group and even more so since Klein and Shisho were back with them. He found it cute when they were together, a cute couple whispering and laughing which reminded Kirito to have moments like them with Asuna when he could. And if he ever wanted a full group he was going to have to personally get Lisbeth and Sinon back from the Princes, he could only imagine how heavily a guard was on them.


Reaper glanced over as he was getting units placed along walls and more while Lisbeth walked over as she managed to sigh of relief and said, "Stop running on me. I can't find you in this place now like I probably could before."

"How on earth can you lose me, I'm the least edgiest thing here at the moment."

"Just because your red doesn't mean you are the least edgy. It just means your one of the easier edgelords out of our friends to spot because you so darn bright. If only your head was as bright." Said Lisbeth.

"Hey, hey, hey! I know my way around money but going from US Dollars to frickin Japanese Yen is gonna take time." Reaper attempted to defend himself with.

She sighed but then said, "You think we're prepared?"

"Prepared? Least concerned thing on my mind. Mantis had a attack, a seizure if you will... she's fine but they keep getting worse as time passes." Said Reaper as his voice told Lisbeth he was extremely worried for his friend.

So she hugged him as she told him, "She'll be fine, okay? It's why we have Midnight looking over her while we move around our defenses.. but did we have abandon our castle?"

Reaper had completely emptied his castle and town out and moved everything into Kommando's castle. This had been the plan as once Mantis went down, they would simply concentrate efforts here and then once they were beat the even would over. That way they could at some point play the game like normal folks did and Reaper wanted to fly for once instead of ride.

So he answered, "It was planned from the start. We don't want this event going on forever as last I checked, this event had been going on for nearly a month!"

She smiled and then asked, "Well... I don't mind it's been goin on a month."

He smiled. "I know I just... want to fly. Everyone keeps saying flying in Alfenheim is amazing.. we all just want to see for ourselves."

She smiled and then said, "Well when this event is done then I'll show you how to fly personally."

Reaper looked at her with a warm smile.


Sinon watched Kommando bobbing his head to a pair of musical speakers near his helmet as it wasn't loud enough to hear but she was curious what he was listening to as she tried to find ways of connecting to him. The more she connected to him, the more she could plan on asking him on a date because she felt he was too chicken to ask her.

So she walked over and as she did so, she got within a few feet and immediately wished she hadn't.


She immediately turned them off, which startled Kommando293 as he physically jumped in his throne, while she got in his face and put a finger into his chest even through his robes and armor.

"You are such a pervert!"

But to her surprise, Kommando gave a blush as he managed to sit himself up and said, "Well... I never advertised I wasn't... ever have a song that's a guilty pleasure of yours for one reason or another?"

She thought and said, "I do have some... Is that why you listen to that one?"

"I have a few that are very... "cultural".... or more accurately raunchy and perverted..." he said as he chuckled with that bright blush on him. "I won't listen to it if you don't want me to."

She looked at him, a little taken back. "No, you can listen... I guess... I guess I expected that to be associated with me."

"I... have a couple songs I'd like to associate with you but none are raunchy... I think this suits you best."

He put the speakers next to her, adjusted them so they weren't so loud like his, then he played the song in earnest.

Time's a ticking hearts are running
Think that Cupid's up to something
You ask me how I feel I say nothing
But lately colors seems so bright
And the stars light up the night
My feet they feel so light
I'm ignoring all the signs
I keep on frontin'
They ask they bluffin'
I keep you wondering
Keep you hunting for my lovin'
But I crave us hugging
Yeah stay stubborn
'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings
And know just how tug 'em

I think I'm in love again-

She stopped the song on a bar next to the speakers as she then sat next to Kommando as she asked him, "Soo... I have a question.."

"Hmm?" He looked at her from glancing at a small globe looking over the map.

"Would... you like to.." her chest felt tight and the words were dying on her lips and she realized she was blushing hard. Was it really this hard to ask him out?

But he seemed to suddenly pull a anti-anime protagonist as he smiled and said, "Do you want to go on a date with me? I would love to, need to get out of my room."

She smiled as he then asked Sinon, "You have a plan? A place to go or something to do?"

"Well... I was interested in this cafe nearby to me.. it's an entertaining one." She said. "Could you meet me.. at my apartment here at say around noon?"

He was shown her address, which he quickly copied down, before he asked, "Casual or formal?"

"Casual. You'll need it, trust me."

He nodded and then suddenly brought her into a hug as he laid back against his seat while as he tried to draw her in. She let herself be drawn in and as she felt his arms around the small of her back, she put her arms around his neck as she sat on his lap and snuggled her head into his chest as he hugged her close.

"I love you, Sinon." He told her.

"Love you too, Kommando.." And I hope you like animals is all she could think as she smiled into his chest.

Klein was slouched on his couch in some comfy shorts and a comfy undershirt while he was watching his favorite samurai anime when he suddenly heard a knock on the door of his apartment. He checked his phone and saw no text from Shisho and cautiously crept to the door.

But when he looked out through the peephole, he saw Shisho standing outside in what looked like formal, work clothing with her purse and a bit winded in her high heels. He glanced around his apartment, it wasn't dirty or cluttered but it could be better as he had somethings out he didn't need out and a few dirty dishes, but he unlocked the door as he said, "You didn't text me."

"A bit... of an.. emergency one I know..." she said as she took her shoes off carefully while he let her in.

She sat down on the couch as he stood across from her, the TV playing the anime as she put her hands to her face and sighed when she then said, "I saw his car in front of my apartment and... well I simply forgot to tell you a heads up.. I'm sorry."

He simply shook his head and said, "Well, maybe I should've expected this to happen sooner. Want a drink?"

"Water please." She said.

He grabbed a clean glass from his cupboard as he grabbed himself a soda and as he gave her a glass of water, he then sat down next to her trying to pick up where he had left off on his anime when he then asked her, "You did t bring anything to sleep in did ya?"

"No, I-" she began but he then said, "Oh, right. Didn't have time. You can sleep in my room then. It's spacious and not messy, I promise."

She looked at him as she then looked her cheeks out while pushing some stray hair away. "But that's not fair for you. Let me sleep on the couch."

"No, no, I insist." Said Klein as he waved his hand but she then countered with, "No, I insist. I came without warning so I should be on the couch."

The two simply half stared, half gave a rather determined look before she said, "Don't make me bribe you to go sleep in your bed."

"How could you bribe me to sleep in my bed, hmm?" Asked Klein as he put his drink down. "Please, elaborate oh great Shisho the Spellcaster of Alfenheim."

But rather than explain, Shisho flipped her hair back over her shoulder, took her glasses off, took off her jacket she had on over her shirt, then leaned over to Klein and planted a kiss right on his lips. At first, Klein was so surprised and taken back by the move he couldn't even begin to try and reciprocate the kiss but eventually some part of his cognitive function got going and he joined in the kiss before she pulled away.

"You sleep in your bed okay?"

He kinda stubbornly muttered, "Now I don't really want to sleep in my bed."

Shisho gave a slightly exasperated sigh. "Why now?"

"Because you wouldn't be with me."

Shisho blushes as she then said, "Only if it's just sleeping."

"I got no con-"

"Don't even speak about it just... take another kiss and go to sleep you big dummy!"

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