Chapter 49

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When Shisho woke up, she found herself in a position that she never thought she would be in so soon... or in this instance at least. She had her undergarments still on (thank goodness she hadn't been drunk) and she had only her top most shirt on as her skirt was somewhere around the couch she was laying on. But when she moved her head and opened an eye, pushing some stray hairs from her face, she found herself actually laying on Kleins chest and somewhat to the side as she couldn't help but immediately give a blush at the situation.

He didn't have a shirt on but thank goodness he had kept those doggone shorts on. She remembered watching him take his shirt off and almost take his pants off before she had adamantly told him to keep those on. He had responded with asking her what she was going to take off and proceeded to toss him her skirt as she simply said, "My shirt covers more than the skirt anyway. No funny ideas."

He had laughed and told her she was either a "Brave woman" or she was a very "Perverted wizard" and that either way he was thankful he was with her for the night and not the other guy. She laughed at that and told him to go to sleep after giving him another kiss.

Now they were here, having had the most amazing sleep shes had in a while and all the while trying not to wake Klein up as he was still asleep it seems while she was the only one up for the moment. She glanced around as she sat up and the moment she did, she realized her shirt was a bit unbuttoned towards the top. Must've opened it up to be a bit more comfortable last night it seems.

"Shisho..." She froze as she looked down and saw Klein rubbing his eyes and then giving her a slight smile.

"Nice, um... nice purple bra." he said with a slight giggle before he looked away and put an arm over his eyes.

She simply shook her head and got off him as she buttoned up her shirt and told him, "Baka.. should be asleep still."

"Sorry but I noticed movement on my chest." He muttered as she sat up and got off him to pick up her skirt and put it on but not before she buttoned her shirt up. "So i of course woke up to you."

As he kept his arm on his eyes, he heard her quickly get dressed before she sighed and said, "Well then... before anything, how good is your cooking?"

Sinon finished up putting on the most basic make up she could allow herself to wear, feeling it wasn't necessary to put on a ton for this small date. She had on a nice dress, simple in style and a light blue in color, as she had her stuff in a purse near her and simply hoped that Kommando wasn't too far from her apartment to be late. She didn't want too much of nice clothing on since she had decided to make their date at a nearby cat cafe. She didn't mind cats, especially now that one stray nearby was becoming more of a pet to her neighbor next door, but she wondered how he dealt with animals and she figured a first date should be somewhere relaxing.

She finished up and then just as she was about to relax for a moment, a knock came at the door as she got up and grabbed her stuff before walking over.

And when she opened up the door, she found her neighbor standing there with a slight grin as they said, "Hello Sinon."

"Kommando? So you are my neighbor." She said as she then heard a meow and looked down to see the stray cat purring against her legs.

He pet the cat and moved it from her door before it could bolt inside as she closed it and said, "So you like cats, huh?"

"Almost have what I need to adopt that one... it's a good little kit." Said Kommando as he ruffled his short red hair. She smelled a nice cologne on him from there and it made her smile.

"Good... means you'll like where we're going." She told him as she beckons dhim to follow her.

They walked through the city as they went towards the cafe and as they walked, she asked him, "So... you like cats?"

"Family owned a few and we kept good care of strays around us." Said Kommando. "Not saying I don't like dogs or other animals... heck even snakes I enjoy."

"But I hate spiders." Sinon shook her head as she didn't blame him one bit. Something disgusting about bugs no matter which one. "If I see a spider, it's dead before you can even blink."

"So... what do you think of Japan?" She asked him.

"Nice having relatively cheap rent compared to America... me and the others were barley getting by over there in one apartment." Sighed Kommando. "But I miss being able to do something's.."

"Like what?" She asked him.

"Well, frankly, being able to go out in certain seasons, set up in the woods with a bow or gun, and wait to see what came by... hopefully what you wanted on the table." He said.

"So you hunted?"

"When I could afford tags... some were easily $100 bucks." He told her.

They went around a corner and as they walked along, he asked her, "How are you?"

"Been doing well... Although.." she paused as she then said, "Well, it's fine either way."

"What's bothering you." He asked bluntly.

"Nothing's bothering-"

"You paused and seemed to think it over. What's wrong?" He stopped her by getting in front of her then holding her hands in his own.

She looked at him before she said, "It's... my mother."

"Family issues?" He asked.

"Let's just say since one day we haven't... seen or talked much." Said Sinon

"Which was?" Asked Kommando.

"... I... I shot someone as a kid." She told him softly.

"In self-defense?" Asked Kommando, not even bothered by what he heard which made her ask him, "You're not startled?"

"No... In fact, you'd be surprised when I tell you me and the others are American Militamen... I'll explain a bit more but we aren't strangers with such a thing." Said Kommando. "And I'm going to assume you only shot because defense, right?"

She nodded her head as he then asked her, "Its fine... I can't imagine what it was like though afterwards."

He looked around them as he then asked, "Where to next?"

She looked around, trying to not feel down from her past as she then lead him by the hands that still clutched hers towards the cafe around the corner. Almost immediately when he saw it, he suddenly laughed and said, "Oh my goodness, you planned this too well."

"Come on, goof." She told him as they walked into the cat cafe.

As one could imagine, the sound of cat meows soon became a slightly deafening cacophony as they entered and while they did get drinks in case they got thirsty, Kommando out his and Sinons drinks up high. Said that "Cats will knock over anything they think they can."

Sinon sat down at a small table with Kommando across from her as she was trying hard not to laugh at the small whispers of baby talk coming from the boy as he petted and gave attention to a few cats who were climbing on him. And failing as she found herself laughing and giggling.

"Kommando.... why are you so calm about my past?" Asked Sinon.

"Well," he said as he pet a very enthusiastic cat who was head butting him for pets, "tell me about how it went down."

Sinon held her hands together and gave a grimace as she then said, "My... mother and I were at the bank... we were waiting with everyone else when a guy with a pistol walked in."

"It happened so fast... I ended up biting his arm and he dropped the pistol so... I... grabbed it.. we wrestled and then I shot him once before... I shot him dead." Said Sinon. The memories came back vivid, hauntingly, the same thing that had tormented her youth night after night.

Kommando was quiet at first before he then said, "So.... you got your first taste of combat, huh?"

"You... sound so nonchalant about this. Why?" Asked Sinon. "Doesn't it disturb you about that whole situation?"

"I mean.. yeah, somewhere in the back of my head it's revolted at the fact... but it also understands the whole context of the situation." Said Kommando. "And that at the very least you don't act like a crazy woman out for blood."

"Your just Sinon... and still will be Sinon to me." Sinon was a little apprehensive but she mulled it over before she realized he was simply trying to say he didn't mind her past only her present and likely her future.

So she then asked, "So... what does it mean being a Militiaman?"

"2nd Amendment is the American constitution.... The right to bear arms and be able to form and upkeep your own Militia force. Been there since our nation was born." Said Kommando as he sipped his drink and pet a black cat trying to get his attention by licking his hands. "People argue about the validity or specifics of the whole thing but to me and some of my friends it means a way to defend ourselves from anyone."

"You have guns then?" Asked Sinon. "With you?"

"Kinda... Japan is far stricter on guns that America is in some ways but some of us were able to get our Militia kit over in case something goes down."

Kommando sighed as he then pointed with a smile to a cat next to Sinon. "Pet it.. it wants your attention."

Sinon glanced over and saw the orange and white cat that she swore had a grin on it with a whisking tail before she pet its head. Apparently, it just wanted a nice spot to rest in as it walked into her lap and curled up with a nice purr that she shook her head.

"By chance you have other plans beyond petting cats and small talk?" Asked Kommando.

"Impatient?" Asked Sinon with a look.

"I.... don't like freefloating plans. Kinda an organizer to a level. Point A, B, C, the whole nine yards. If I just float around it makes me bored a bit..." said Kommando.

She shook her head but she then said to him, "Don't worry.... I have plenty more in store."

She then sipped her own drink when her phone rang and as she brought it out and looked at the caller, Kommando clearly saw her mood go a tad dark as she picked up the call and tried to listen.

"Hello, Mom." Kommando stayed quiet as Sinon spoke to her mom while trying to keep the cats around him from scratching his hands too badly as he rubbed their bellies. The conversation seemed neutral to a point before Sinon then said, "Mom, I'm doing fine... I'm right now here with.. my..."

She paused as though they were on a date and confessed their love... she doesn't remember saying anything about them dating for real and calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend.

But Sinons mother did what every parents does and simply assumed the rest by saying, "Oh you have a boyfriend? Gonna introduce new to him someday after you've settled down?"

"Moooom he's-" Sinon went to say "No" but she heard Kommando give a quiet chuckle as he the muttered to her, "We've confessed to one another and we're on a date... you can say we are dating. I'd like to say so at least.."

She thought about that then she said, "Fine, you win. He's my boyfriend... and I'll have to find a day to come visit you then."

"Come up next weekend. I'll have the place cleaned up and ready for you." Said her mother before they finished the call.

Kommando was hugging a cat close and giving it plenty of attention when Sinon asked, "Do... does your parent know about me?"

"Eventually. I've been busy with GGO work and some ALO work."

"Yeah... aren't you like an Admin on it?" Asked Sinon.

"Basically.. more a moderator... but I've been busy banning hackers left and right. Even in Vr then exist." Said Kommando with a shake of his head.

Eventually they finished their visit up and though Kommando joked he wished he could keep those cats, Sinon told him, "You would've kidnapped half of them just for yourself."

"That's why I have you. Can pull that tail of yours to get you all flustered." Said Kommando with a laugh.

"Calling me a little kitty, now?" Asked Sinon with a slight smile.

"Every kitty has to have a bad doggy, hehe." Chuckled Kommando.

"Okay now your just being a pervert."

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