Chapter 50

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It was finally the day of the attack and Kommando could see the grand army off in the distance before he could hear it. A myriad of various colors blending with one another as they cane ever closer and closer to Kommando's only base of operations. Kommando and Reaper, along with Midnight of course, had been busy as ever as they had been preparing the walls and defenses to the extent of multiple and various of situations that may pop up. As such, whole roads were blocked off by barricades of stone and metal, the walls were packed with archers and fighters and every tower had prepped siege engines. And the Princes themselves watched from the main castle of Kommando's as Kommando watched the Alf army coming closer and closer as they spread out across the fields beyond the valley but he smiled as he knew they would be forced to be tightly to get to him.

He watched them then stop and as he saw them stop, he looked to his friends and nodded.

Reaper blew a horn and the Castle towns main gate was opened up, likely to the surprise of the Alf army advancing to the castle came the final and largest swarm of Bone Princes and their hordes of undead ever seen in the game. And the moment the last one went through with his entourage, the gates were slammed shut and barricaded up quickly as Midnights few hastily made units were on the First wall in force as behind them in the Castle town was reapers whole army and then Kommando's army held the castle and final wall around the castle.

It would become a time game to see how long it took for the Alf players to breach through the defenses and Kommando knew he would have to stay more in game to ensure he was ready for when they finally broke into the castle and he would have to fight them on personally.

He watched them with Midnight and Reaper as the Alves ranks seem to ripple in the face of the Bone Princes but they soon were quick to form ranks and begin the battle off in the distance as Midnight asked Kommando, "So... how did the date go?"

"I wanted to steal a few cats, but that's okay." said Kommando as Reaper gave a short laugh.

"So what happened afterwards?" asked Midnight, pressing his luck.

"Well.. we went out and shopped a tiny bit, which was nice... and then we went to an arcade and she is deadly in the pachinko machine... but I wasn't too far behind either." said Kommando as he then said, "And then I treated her to her favorite restaurant. On me."

"Oh that's very nice." said Reaper as he then said, "Well, for anyones info if anyone cares, I went to a Vampire café in japan... was actually kinda nice and we kinda... got a little pervy with one another but all in all, a wholesome night of antics."

"Well Im happy you had a good night... Hey, Midnight, you ever get to find that chick you fought?" asked Kommando293 to his friend.

"Well... theory is I'll meet them in this coming fight... worse comes to worse I'll go find her."

Kommando nodded his head when they all heard the clacking of heels and clicking of armor and turned slowly, almost dramatically, as they turned to see none other than Lisbeth and Sinon in their Dragon and Hel Princess armors as Lisbeth put a hand on her hip and her mace on her shoulder as she then asked, "Enjoying the show?"

"Enjoying the stories we're sharing, actually." said Reaper. "Come on, we're well outside the range of anything serious."

The two girls came over slowly and as Lisbeth leaned against Reaper who put an arm around her, Sinon asked Kommando, "So... should we prepare to fight?"

"You wont take part in the fighting." said Kommando adamantly. "Your whole role in this is simply a prisoner of sorts. To have you actively take part in the fight would contradict that, even under brainwashing as I don't believe any sort of magic can do that.... and above all else, this is no form of Doujin hentai that is gonna happen here in my head."

Sinon shook her head with a smile at the ridiculous statement but then asked, "So... where shall I be?"

"In the tower. It sucks but if we really want to Roleplay this out to the end before respawning back in Alfenheim as our "normal avatars" Sinon watched him air quote that, "then we need to make this look as convincing as possible."

Slowly everyone gave nods to this and then Sinon asked Kommando, "What will you do to make this interesting?"

"Every trick I learned in SAO... which involves Dual-wielding... and some nice amount of explosives for my death." said Kommando.

"Well then," said Sinon with a smile, "when it happens, don't keep any of us waiting..."

Kommando nodded his head as he then went back to watching the big battle continue to spread out across the valley and plains beyond.

A Siege camp was barely able to get placed up in front of the very outermost walls of the Prince of Darkness fortress as the ballistae and the catapults along with some forms of Hwatcha pounded the Alf ranks as they tried to get close to set up barricades and forms of defendable positions but volleys of arrows with explosives and rains of shaped rocks kept delaying and destroying what little progress could be made.

Kirito was way in the backlines with his army as it was really up to the Guilds to get basic Siege encampments set up before the barricades but given this was suppose to be the last fortress of the Princes, several lords and ladies with decent sized armies were trying their luck to get up Siege defenses and even forms of Siege engines to counter-battery the defenders positions.

But as Kirito watched, it looked less likely as time went on as he watched more and more Alf units getting absolutely smashed by the defenses and he then heard Asuna say, "You think by the time we log off and get back on tomorrow we may actually have some headway?"

"One of those situations where I don't believe so..... even if we were to log off." Said Kirito as he glanced at her. "If anything if we can't set up anything soon, we'll likely be forced back into the other castles and wait for siege engines to get built."

The two watched for a few more minutes as many attempts were still being made to get some progress done but then they heard a familiar voice say, "Looks like someone needs to teach them to put up some sort of shield or wall against that sort of firepower."

Klein and a somewhat blushing Shisho were standing behind Kirito and Asuna as Kirito asked his samurai Fighter, "You have an idea?"

"Yeah. You need shields right? Why don't we just create earthen shields, move them with soldiers, and get closer that way?" Asked Klein. "Shisho can make them efficiently and anyone else with Earth Magic can."

Kirito and Asuna glanced at one another before then suddenly a scream was heard and they turned to see a series's of Trebuchet shots land amongst the Alf armies. This cause Klein to second-guess his original statement as he then said, "I guess we should move back a little before we do anything."

Shisho sighed as she began to call up some of Kirito's units to lead away as the whole Alf army began to pull back but Guilds and smaller Lords and Ladies began to try and renew their efforts to build up siege engines and the like.

It had nearly been probably half a day in real world time to Kommando's expense and guess and the Alves had only the most bare basic of siege encampment and engines up but for everyone one they put up they lose 2.

So needless to say, they weren't getting too far ahead when it came to getting close enough to the walls. He almost wanted to ease up the pressure but knew that the moment he did, there would be estimated roughly a few thousand Alves in his city town within a few minutes.

So he didn't feel the need to relieve pressure as he walked from the window within his castle as he made his way down to the throne room. As he did so, he then heard someone singing down below and simply assumed it was the NPCs singing. They occasionally did it.. but as he listened to the melodious tunes coming up, it didn't sound like the NPC's.

Nor did it sound like Sinon.

So with one hand to his Greatsword on his back, he made his way down the stairs and towards the throne room where he then saw Lisbeth and Sinon looking at the Princess of Pleasure, aka MantisSphinx as she sang to them.

"Mantis, shouldn't you be in the Hospital still?" Asked Kommando as all three women looked to him.

Mantis smiled. "I am. Midnight dropped my kit off."

"How nice of him... the Doctors allow it?" Asked Kommando as he came closer.

"For short periods of time." Said Mantis. "They have me hooked up anyway so need to worry about an SAO happening."

Kommando shook his head as Sinon said, "You didn't mention she could sing..."

"Didn't want you to think you need to know." Said Kommando.

"How are the Alves doing?"

"Still stalemate on getting progress. No surprise."

As he went to his throne, Lisbeth then asked him, "Question.... I keep glancing at the map... what's beyond the valley?"

"Ummm." Kommando glanced around his map but even he didn't see anything.

"I guess we get to see after I die maybe?" Said Kommando, uncertain even himself.

What Sinon spoke of was the area beyond the Forest of Dreams that ended at the edge of the valley. It was a blank, somewhat open space and as he looked at it, he knew something was up.

But he decided to ignore it for the moment as he then said to Sinon, "So I have a radical idea by the way."

"Oh?" Asked Sinon.

"Would you care to join me tomorrow for a date? On my expense?" Asked Kommando.

Lisbeth and Mantis both grinned and looked to Sinon, who asked, "What about the castle?"

"At the rate the Alves are going even 24/7, a few hours spending time with you is probably not enough for them to breakthrough."

Sinon pondered and then remembered what day it was so she then said, "How about instead you wait two days then you can come visit... my families place."

At first, Kommando simply gave her a blank look and then arched his eyebrow as he asked, "They haven't assumed anything beyond the first conversation have they?"

"Not yet."

"Good because I don't think I can speed time up in real life to get us a kid to show off."

Sinon could only blush as she said, "Maybe that's a good thing..."

And then as Kommando was about to walk away, suddenly he then noticed something about Sinon as he asked, "Are you.... wearing lipstick?"

Sinon smiled as she was thankful he noticed as she then pointed to her brown lipstick and asked, "Like it?"

And then Kommando looked at her with a very suspicious face before saying, "Not even gonna answer, I'm gonna go and hit the hay for a few minutes."

"What you don't want to test it?"

"I'm not going down the rabbit hole."

"But it's chocolate flavored!"

"How is VR Lipstick chocolate flavored??"

"Are all preparations done?"

"The moment the others are done, we'll begin to prepare the teleportation spell circle and then the altar. We just need a sacrifice."

"Good..... our rebirth will begin soon.... tell our men to be ready to break down that door."

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