Chapter 51

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It was on the 2nd day of real life time that the Alves finally got progress done and it was quite big to say the least. In fact, it was so big it truly started the battle off completely as Reaper and Midnight watched with mixture of concern and relief as the forces of the Alves came flying into the first wall and it's gates since the destruction of the whole gatehouse and several of the tower bastions of the outer wall, eliminating many siege engines and units near them. It had pretty much been a instantaneous thing as the Alves at one point were trying to get something of a siege work around the walls and the next moment several huge explosions shattered the wall and sent debris raining all around.

That being said, the forces of Reaper and Midnight fought the Alves into a standstill after their initial push in and were keeping them held at the just the outer parts of the castle town as Reaper tried to get Kommando on in case the Alves had another trick up their sleeve. And if they had somehow smuggled some sort of explosive to destroy multiple points of the wall without the Princes knowing, he had a fishy feeling of what maybe happening.

Eventually, Kommando got the memo and once Reaper got the handshake from the system, he quickly went over to Midnight and said, "Well... it ends today I guess."

Midnight twirled his dual daggers around as they were the only ones on as Mantis was having her last medical tests done today and Sinon and Lisbeth were offline for the moment. Reaper would need to send them a heads up to get on in a bit as he then said to Midnight, "Let's get to work!"

And they jumped out of the tower as they headed for the chaos of the siege battle going out beyond the Inner walls.

Kirito watched the tide of Alves and Guilds flood into the breaches as he and Asuna, along with the rest of the gang, sat back with their army as they had literally just got on to glance at progress when they found this going on. Probably had only been going on for a few minutes and already the Alves were being gently pushed back outside as the trebuchets and catapults fired from the Inner Wall a distance from the Outer Wall, their rounded stones smashing through formations and Guilds while the forces of the Plague and Blood Princes were pushing them back tooth and nail at every barricade.

For a moment, it would seem like the Alves would get pushed back again but Kirito then watched explosions rock not just the Princes forces but the Alves as swathes of both sides exploded from fire and brimstone igniting amongst them. Something wasn't right but Kirito couldn't put his finger what it could be but he then realized with gaps in the forces currently fighting that the skeletons and special units of the Princes would begin to push back the Alves.

"Alright! Let's go! Time to get in ourselves!" Kirito and the whole gang grabbed their units to follow them and they began the charge into the breach as other armies realized the potential threat of losing this fight and also threw themselves into the fight with vigor. Kirito has no cavalry units, they wouldn't be useful in the sieges anyway unless the enemy came out, so the whole army was mainly Swordsmen, Archers, and Guardians as they charged straight into the breach as routing units and badly mauled Guild players began to leak out of the fight to pull back and maybe regroup. Kirito jumped and brought his sword on a Skeleton as the clash renewed here and while a few catapults and trebuchets shots sailed into his ranks or above it, he hacked and chopped at the skeletons before him as Asuna was at his back. Klein and Shisho stood side-by-side as Klein was her shield using his body and sword to keep skeletons and some demons off of Shisho who used the units with them and her magic to try and exploit the weakened defenders. Agil and Silica were next to one another as they also lead their units to attack and slowly, across the Alves lines of Kirito's units, they began to make some push-way as they began to force the skeletons to fall back one by one. Kirito watched as a few clambered over a barricade and sent his Guardians with Great weapons to crack it down while he watched Asuna point to Yui to have the archers fire over it to hit the defending units on the other side.

More alf units and guilds who were more intact than those in the first wave began to push past them and Kirito watched the barricade finally come crashing down as he sent his swordsmen and Guardians into the breach with Agil and Silicas units and soon another skirmish erupted in the streets of the last castle.

Kommando logged on and few his castle shake a few times as he then saw his generals and his handmaidens congregate around him as Earthshaker said, "My prince! The enemy has broken through!"

"Prepare all the defenses that need to be. Gather your warbands! Prepare for a final defense! Do not let the castle fall without a fight!" Said Kommando as he equipped his gear needed and sat in the throne room as he then got Reaper and Midnight in a joint call. "What's it looking like?"

"The walls just exploded about an hour ago I think? It was so sudden they managed to get inside for a bit before our units finally stopped them. But their pushing hard right now." Came Reapers voice.

"You think it might be-?" Began Kommando when Reaper said, "I wouldn't be surprised if it was...."

Kommando gave a groan but he also felt like that what just happened might not be the work of good players. And then he heard running and turned with a drawn longsword as he saw Sinon and Lisbeth come running down. "Has it begun?" Asked Sinon.

"It has... the Outer Walls were breached with explosives... which is unusual given I don't think your armies had gotten enough explosives to the wall." Said Kommando.

"You think it's Hackers?" Asked Lisbeth.

"At the moment, I cannot dismiss such a thought." Said Kommando.

"In all cases... get ready for what we planned to do." Said Kommando.

Both girls nodded and then headed back up as Kommando sat on his throne and waited for whatever came through his doors. He would be ready no matter what it was.

Kirito blocked a blade as he tried to rally his troops but the remains of his Alf army fled from him as now it was just him, Asuna, Yui, Klein, Shisho, Agil, and Silica to fight against a whole unit of Elite Skeleton swordsmen with DarkSteel armor while around them the fighting continued on unabated, the fires from spells and artillery of the Princes having lit whole sections of the Castle Town on fire in an uncontrollable blaze. He blocked as Asuna managed to stab a Skeleton and knock it away but then Agil managed to stun the rest as he slammed his battle axe into the ground, enough for Shisho and Klein to help finish the majority off with spells and some good attacks.

As the skeletons began to retreat and there was a respite in the combat for a moment, Kirito looked at his roster of his army and said, "Looks like it's just us, guys."

"And me." A wave of Blood flew and knocked Agil and Silica into the doorway of a nearby home and Kirito spun in time to see the Prince of Blood in his armor approaching with no Greatsword but instead a red beater shield and a longsword as the Prince stood alone in the streets.

"You Alves have gone far enough." Said the Prince of Blood as Shisho sent a few magical bolts in his direction.

The shield came up and blocked the majority of the damage directed his way as he began to slowly advance but then Asuna pulled her wand out and began to fire spells in his direction on top of Shisho. The Prince steadily approached with his health bar going down slowly as splash damage and some residual effects hit him but he was still going strong and he approached them slowly till Agil, Klein, Kirito, and Silica jumped him with everything they had. It was plain that this was a boss as he would focus on each player one at the time but Kirito also saw him uncannily switch targets mid-fight to focus on someone else. He managed to bring down the group all across to roughly half before he suddenly took a few magical bolts into his back and as he staggered, it cause a stun lock effect as the rest of them hammered him before he could recover quickly. But he recovered sooner than they expected and he managed to force them back as they all could hear horns blowing in the near and far distance.

"Already? That's some footwork for s-" began Reaper as he realized many of his units were retreating to the final gate for a Last Stand when suddenly a Estoc sword blade cut him off as it went across his throat and he gave a distinctive and automatic half-choke as he tried to back up but unfortunately he was unbalanced and the girl looking over him swiftly hit a few more times as he died.

And as he "died", he knew his units would be fleeing the field as he began to get into an invisible mode so he could walk away from the fight to observe the battle and see how it went.

He wasn't alone as he saw Midnight next to him and both watched the Alves and their forces rush past like a tide to the next gates as Midnight said, "Those explosions... they aren't normal..."

"Hackers?" Asked Reaper, concerned.

"Yeah... a group... their using the commotion to shield their movements but they'll be at the keep soon." Said Midnight.

"Hope Kommando is ready for it."

The last wall was standing strong like its gate as the Alves last forced slammed into its gate and walls with ladders and battering rams. The dead on both sides were scattered thick throughout the city and now more piled on the walls and around them as the Alves began to push their way in. Earthshaker was one of Kommando's last general units as everyone else, including his Handmaidens, were already brought down in the massive fighting as he sat with his dual longswords. He watched and felt as Earthshaker finally went down under the weight of many units attacking him and as he watched the door at the far end, he waited for his enemies to appear. One last fight and then freedom to explore a game he had just shaped with this event.

Kirito and his group, having managed to regain some health, flew through halls with other players and a few low numbered Alf units who had squeezed in as Reavers jumped anyone that they got close to but many were being brought down as the Alves charged for the throne room. Finally, Agil slammed two Reavers through the throne rooms door and as the doors burst open as the large skeletons slammed to either side of the throne of pure Darkness, the Alves all filed in and spread out.

"Remember... these bosses don't react to taunts or anything like that." Someone said.

"Well... at least you learned something from the other Princes." They all heard the Prince of Darkness chuckle as he stood up with his black and blue dual blades.

"Now it is time for your final exam...." And then the Prince muttered a few quick words as a huge veil of darkness went over everyone in the room.

Kirito sounds around and tried to see through the girl before him but as he tried to, screams erupted all around as he heard Alves being put down all around him before the veil lifted just as the Prince flew at Kirito. Two blades clashed in sparks as Kirito skidded with the Prince and several Alves tried to get into the fight. But the Prince kicked Kirito away and flew back, doing a 720-spin in the air as his blades took out several Alves around him before he landed on one Tank player and decapitated them simply with his blades.

A few arrows and spells tried to tie him down but he was quick and he sent his own spells to impact amongst the Alves as he flew around the pillars and objects within the room while a few players Kirito noticed ran up some of the nearby stairs leading up. Go figure, they were trying to ninja the loot that maybe up there.

Kommando dodged and jumped the enemy weapons as best he could, knowing he was taking hits all the same as many players attacked him at the same time but he was carving a brutal and bloody path through them all. Reaper had sent a message of hackers in their midst but Kommando didn't see anything suspicious right now as he only saw normal players. He quickly blocked a few cheap shots aimed at him as he used his dual blades to slash and hack at everything around him but as he reached his half-way point of health, he suddenly stopped as he stood on his throne to catch his breath.

As one could imagine, a flurry of arrows and magic spells forced him off his spot as he flew as high as he could towards the ceiling as he managed to touch his feet against it for but a moment before kicking off from it and rocketing back into the Alves numbers again as he renewed the fight. He managed to kill several more as his health was getting low, dangerously low, but he was determined to drag this out as he fought on.

It was only until he heard the scream that he stopped, on his last health bar, as he looked behind him to the stairs. And that's when his heart practically froze like him.

Sinon was kicking and punching and trying her best to escape but the hooded figures with what looked like skull masks and Speed Hacks going on were flying too fast and holding onto her too tight as they flew down the stairs. He tried to stop them, flying towards them as he used his own somewhat shearing powers but one used a hammer to get a 50-hit combo and forced Kommando to fall backwards as the Hackers fled from the room towards the back as he managed to get up only to get hit by several magic bolts and arrows in his back. He spun and used a few darkness bolts to try and scatter the Alves but there was blood in the water and the Alves were finishing this fight once and for all.

As he thought about Sinon, how he was currently powerless to save her, he then got an idea as he reached into his Admin powers and began to type something up quickly, less of a quest and more an objective as he threw it onto Sinon just as the last arrow took out his life points. But even as he did so, he managed one final shout as he screamed out, "SINON!!"

Kirito watched the arrow crunch hard into the Prince of Darkness and heard the wall of pain from the Prince echo in his memories just as everyone cheered when the cheering died down and they all saw something pop up:

"Objective updated: Save the Stolen Princess."

A marker appeared beyond the castle and as everyone looked at it, they then heard someone say, "Come on! We can't let them get far!"

Asuna glanced over and saw Lisbeth in somewhat strange armor with a Darksteel hammer as she swore for but a moment like a sailor as she ran off in the direction of Sinon. Almost like a mob mentality of any good Boss Raid in any game, the entire Alf force within and outside began to head straight after the objective marker as Asuna asked Lisbeth. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Talk later! Rescue now!!" Lisbeth took off as she lead the pack and Asuna followed her with the others as watching them, currently invisible, were the 3 princes as Kommando was sending a quick message to Mantis.

"You think these hackers have a plan?" Asked Reaper.

"Why else would they take her?" Kommando suddenly went to his nearby summoning portal as he took out every last gold piece he had been saving up as he gave portions of it to his friends. "One last battle..... we fight with the Alves."

"One heck of a way to end this for sure." Chuckled Midnight as they got to work. "But you sure we need our armies?"

"Let's be real, they maybe hackers but even hackers have trouble dealing with multiple attacks around them."

Sinon was bound by floating chains as the players around her gleefully cheered and laughed at her misery while a few of them even seemed to celebrate with stolen jars of virtual alchohol.

"What's wrong, Sinon? You sad that your little boyfriend can't save you?" Gloated one of the figures as there were easily now a few hundred she could see around herself.

"You have no idea what your doing." Is all she could manage as then one went over and gagged her.

"Hey! Those players are coming this way!" Said one of the cloaked figures but then, the leader Sinon assumes, simply laughed and said, "Good. We need an audience for this to work...."

"Can't make our re-entrance without someone alive to see it.."

Meanwhile, trying to plow through the Forest of Dreams as fast as they could, the remains of the Alf army and the Guilds went flying through the Forest as they tried to get to their new objective as fast as they could. Kirito looked over at Lisbeth, who practically was leading the charge, as he asked her, "What happened?"

"All I know is this pushed me aside to get t her. I don't know who they are but I got a bad feeling about it." Said Lisbeth as her wings bounced on her back.

"So, how bad did the Princes treat you?" Asked Klein.

"It's a long story... one I will only speak when we get Sinon back." Said Lisbeth curtly.

And then the army burst from the forest as a plain flanked by the mountain range was before them and all the way in the middle, surrounded by several more cloaked figures, was Sinon attached to what looked like several prisms of crystal or glass. And on top of it all was a slowly counting down timer with only mere minutes left.

"Let's get the princess!" The shout went up from somewhere around Kirito and like a battle cry, the army surged forward at full speed.

But little to Kirito's surprise, several arcing spells came flying in and summoned several monster mobs as the monsters rushed the army. And as Kirito ran, the first thing he did was bring his sword cleaving down onto an orcs chest as it squealed and reeled away. The battle that happened stretched from one side of the valley towards the other as the Alves and the monsters being somewhat constantly summoned fought with all they had. Lisbeth used her hammer to plow aside the mobs with Silica and Agil as they tried to force their way with others to Sinon as Kirito and Asuna tried to have Alf units and guilds target particularly tough pockets of monsters to break and rout.

"Watch out!" Shisho got shoved hard by Klein as he used his legendary blade to block a orcs axe and as he kicked it back, he said to her, "Have any mana left?"

She said in reply, "We used our last spells at the fortress!"

As Klein and other players tried to hold off the orcs surge coming for them, Shisho was scrambling to get her inventory opened up and rummage through it when she then heard a voice behind her say, "Let me send you some of my mana... I won't be really using it so you can have it."

A sudden surge of mana filled her bar out completely and beyond and while she looked up at the prisms, she then asked the voice, "Got any spells?"

"I have one." Her bar glowed again and as she looked at the new spell now sitting in her slot, she sighed as the voice said, "In a few minutes, look behind you and have hope."

"We are coming to help." Shisho couldn't imagine who else was coming to help but with mere seconds left on the timer, she quickly channeled the spell before her as a matrix of arcane words and combinations began to form around her like a whirlwind of golden text.

"If you got a plan, Shisho! Nows the time to use it!" Shouted Klein.

And that's when he felt a blistering heat and arcing energy fly right by his ear and Klein instinctively ducked and went to the side as Shisho unleashed a powerful Arcane Beam spell thy cut through the ranks of mobs and through the ranks of hackers as it came up against an invisible shield. Someone had cast a magical defense prism and now it was being worn away even as the hackers tried to keep it up for 10 more seconds but, alas, the defense matrix shattered and a final blast from the spell ruptured two prisms as they shattered completely.

It didn't free Sinon, to the dismay of Shisho and Klein but they watched as then the timer got reset to 20 minutes and the players across from them looked in their direction as Klein said, "I don't think they appreciated that much."

Words could never have been more true as several hackers and some normal players in the cloaks suddenly detached themselves from the group and charged into the combat as a few giant boss mobs were summoned as with blade and whip they began to scourge the area of the valley of Alves as players and units desperately fought to hold the ground they had gained.

Kirito got kicked away by one player using speed hacks and Asuna did her best to defend herself against another with Aim Bot but that's when they all felt something happen. A crack in the earth formed under one of the boss mobs and a giant, black skeletons hand flew out with its body as it cracked the boss across the jaw and with realization more skeletons suddenly flooded through the Alves ranks and began to push the hackers and mobs back through sheer weight alone. Seeing this, many Alves either continued the fight or turned to see 3 figures galloping on horseback towards the fight as Kommando, Reaper, and Midnight has their best gear on and their specialized weapons out as they suddenly shot a series of bolt-based spells at the prisms, shattering them completely and turning the timer off.

The hackers and cloaked players retreated to the platform which Sinon still was hovering above in her torn dress armor and as Kommando, Reaper, and Midnight came to the front of the Alf and Skeleton formation, Reaper sighed and said, "Well... looks like we really just made it after all..."

"How the hell are you here? Alive?" Asked one player before the trip.

"Oh... I dunno." Said Midnight with a shrug. "Maybe it's because you all never would have thought that us "bosses" were really just bored players."

As Kommando looked over them, he then said, "So.... here's what's gonna happen.."

"Your gonna give us the girl, log off, and take a quick hike back where you came from." The players all glanced at each other at that ultimatum as one asked, "Pr why? Your gonna ban us?"

"I mean I could do that.... but I when I ban hackers... I have a tendency to visit them IRL with a bit of a vengeance.." said Kommando.

"Ha! We're Laughing Coffin!" That bane stunned almost all of the Japanese players and Kirito felt his knees get weak. "You have nothing you can do to scare us!"

While most of the Alves shirked down before the Laughing Coffin members, Kommando just smirked. "So... some real PKers then, huh?"

He put his hand on Midnights shoulder as he turned away and as he stood there, he muttered, "Admin Override Code: Initiate Save Data."

As Kirito watched Midnight, the player suddenly had his armor fall off as it was replaced by a long dark cloak as he had some steel armor pieces on him. He held twin daggers of green with those chains on them but as Midnight glanced back, Kirito shuddered at the half-skull mask he wore.

"Get 'em." Said Kommando and Midnight suddenly half blink-stepped into the midst of the Laughing Coffin members as he threw around his daggers and chains in long intricate arcs that cut, stabbed, and slashed across the players as then he threw out several blue-flames bombs that erupted into huge fires that engulfed several players.

Kirito realized that it was not ordinary fire as it coated Midnights blades as he jumped and sprinted around, causing havoc as he did so with speed Kirito felt was close to his own if not his own. A few Hackers with Speed Hacks came to try and stop Midnight but several golden daggers stopped them and then banned them instantly on the spot from Kommando as Kommando had his hand on Reapers shoulder.

Midnight finished dousing chunks of the Hackers and Laughing Coffin with Greek Fire before he flew back and while most of the Laughing Coffins power level players were dead, that meant more higher ranked ones were still alive. But when Midnigbt flipped back, suddenly Reaper shown as his armor melted to be replaced with an exact copy of Heathcliffs armor as he pulled out two swords of his own and said, "My turn."

Several Lauging Coffin tried to rush him, laughing in hysterics, but Reaper dodged their attacks as he to moved incredibly fast even with the plate armor on while his dual longswords quickly began to make work of the Laughing Coffin around him, slowly forcing his way into their inner ranks. While he did so, Kommando walked over to Kirito and reached into Kirito's inventory as he said, "Sorry, Kirito, but I need this for a moment."

He pulled out the legendary sword Excalibur and as he planted in the ground, he soon heard Reaper fly back as many Laughing Coffin members either were dead or had retreated from the duo of players that had thinned their ranks exponentially. Reaper looked at Midnigbt and nodded as both looked at Kommando who finally sighed and said out loud, "Admin Overide: Save Data Load."

And then his armor melted to be replaced by Kirito's old armor set from SAO but now with a hood and a skeleton mask as Kommando picked up Excalibur and put it on his back while drawing out his black Elucidator and blue Dark Repulser.

"Alright.... one last fight to end today..hehehe just like old times." Said Kommando as he stepped forward.

"Go get him, Kommando!" Shouted Midnight.

The Laughing Coffin members rallied in a tight bunch around the podium as one of the guys drew a dagger to stab Sinon hut as Sinon looked over in some confusion but then shock as she then had a sudden thought: what if they were trying to pull a Death Gun?

But then the mans hand was severed completely from its arm as Kommando seemingly blinked into existence on the podium as he quickly used his extreme speed and his dual longswords to overtake and crush the laughing coffin on the podium. He smiled as he remembered the first time someone on the American SAO had discovered the key to unlocking Dual Wielding, which merely involved a lot of dexterity minmaxing, and how it had spread like wildfire through many player ranks.

And now, as he stopped at the top of the podium, he stabbed both of the swords into the podium and took out Excalibur as the golden blade gleamed in the light of Hel and while the Hackers and Laughing Coffin all around him surged to him, he smiled.

"Admin Override: Ban Hammer."

And then with incredible speed and precision he slashed the blade straight down as a golden set of armor made of 1's and 0's enveloped him completely and the blade let out a wave of them as for a moment no one saw anything beyond gold. But then it subsided and several "Banned" symbols were on the ground where the Laughing Coffin had been along with the Hackers as Kirito watched the sword disappear from Kommando's hand as Kirito checked his inventory to find it there.

"Well done, Alves of Alfenheim..... you won the game..." said Kommando with a clap.

A few clapped and a few cheered in victory but many were silent as Kommando said, "Well... I wasn't planning on this aspect of it..."

He looked to Sinon and smiled as he said, "I'll see you soon, Shino." And then placed his hand on her as he forced her to log out.

Sinon woke up with a start as she heard the sound of a gun chambering a round, she believed a shotgun from the sound, and she ripped her Amusphere off to find a groaning hooded figure on the floor and someone with a 12-gauge pump shotgun standing over her.

"Hey, Sinon. Kommando sent me to keep an eye on you." The woman was lean, covered in Camo fatigues, had some ammo carriers on her and a helmet, and Sinon asked as she recognized the voice, "Is that you, Mantis?"

Mantis smiled brightly as she flipped her NVGs up to reveal amber eyes and brown hair while she said, "Police are on their way.... he had this on him."

She picked up an autoinjector and Sinon said, "It's poison.... it was meant to kill me."

"Figured." Muttered Mantis as she sat down next to Sinon while eyeing the groaning, double over figure nearby.

"What did you do?" Asked Sinon.

"Shot him in the dick with a rubber bullet."

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