Chapter 52

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The sound of the car driving along what was the Japanese equivalent of an interstate as Kommando was driving himself and Sinon down the road towards Sinons old hometown. It had been two days since the incident in ALO and real life and the amount of crazy nearly made Sinon look for grey hairs. The person who had tried to medically assassinate her was quickly taken into police custody, where she was quite surprised to see how fast Mantis could hide a shotgun and her gear in her home. Online, she watched Kommando quickly find the IP's of the players in ALO that had attempted the so called "Resurrections of Laughing Coffin" as some were already calling it and quickly permanenting banning them before they could come back again in another account. He couldn't do it to Gun Gale Online but at the same time he was able to send the IP info over so that there was a chance they could be. On top of that, the Hel portal was quickly closed off and all of the keeps and castles of the Alfenheim Lords were turned into new Dungeons for players to raid and fight in, bringing life into the game unlike any other.

Sinon had seen a lot be put into the game for bug fixes and other things but with the event down, even though it had only been roughly a day since it had ended, she finally had seen what Kommando293 and his friends normally were like as players. Reaper was the absolute biggest change as he went form rather mellow to one of the best flyers of the group as he went Salamander but could speed around like a Slyph. Kommando went Spriggan, something Sinon was not surprised by, along with Midnight who also went Spriggan and Mantis went Cath Sith which seemed a rather interesting choice to Sinon but she didn't question it. And not to mention she got to see what they usually wear as normal players but then a bump in the road shook her out of her thoughts as she looked to Kommando, who said, "Sorry. Did I disturb something?"

"Just thinking." said Sinon before she asked, "How far you think we have left?"

"I don't know... a few hours? Less?" He managed a shrug as she drove them. "I figured you knew."

"Its been years since I've been home... I don't even know if its the same.." said Sinon as she cradled her arms into her chest.

"Well... I'm here so you can lean on me if you need to." said Kommando as he kept the car on the road.

The ride was quiet as they drove on for a few more hours before Kommando then said, "Looks like we have arrived... nice little town."

The little town was small but quaint as the car was driven into it relatively slowly and Sinon looked around slightly shy and curious of what had changed. Most of the main street hadn't seemingly changed but at the same time there were new places and shops around before Kommando looked at his phones map and turned down a street as he said, "Alright... here we go... lets see what we have in store..."

When Sinon had left her mother, her mother's mind had already been shattered by the death of her father and the bank incident had shattered it completely. She had been in a Psychiatric care for a bit after it all before being released but by then Sinon was with her Grandparents for a bit before living on her own in the nearby city. Only recently had she been reached out by her mother who seemed to be doing just a bit better and enough so to be able to talk to Sinon normally.

Sinon hoped her mother was really okay with her bringing her new boyfriend over, she didn't need any drama on top of all the drama and crazy having already been dropped into her lap. As they were nearing her mothers home, she then noticed a cat on a nearby wall and she asked Kommando, "Have you adopted that cat yet?"

"Just before we left I did... good little Kitten... thinking of naming it Sith or something..." said Kommando as he had the car turn a corner.

"Sith?" asked Sinon.

"Yet. Cat Sith.... Caith Sith... get it?"

"Im going to jump out now." said Sinon with an exasperated sigh.

"Just don't forget to grab the parachute. Long way down." said Kommando with a roll of his eyes.

They quickly entered another street and then Kommando brought the vehicle to a slow and then a stop at the front of a house Sinon barely recognized as her old home. But as she looked at it as Kommando turned the car off and began to get out with their luggage, a wave of various feelings came over her: anger, hopefulness, loss, hurt, a myriad of emotions that tossed her around as Kommando helped her out.

"Alright.... let's hope she's home." Said Kommando in a slight mutter as they went up the steps of the home with a couple bags of luggage.

When Kommando knocked on the door, it slowly opened to show a women in her later 30's, maybe early 40's, as she looked at him then Sinon before she gave a warm smile. "Sinon, my girl!"

Sinon felt her mom hug her as Sinon managed a small slightly hesitant hug back. Her mother eventually stopped hugging her and bowed to Kommando, who bowed back in respect, as she then said, "Come in."

The home was modest and there wasn't too much out of the ordinary compared to Sinon's small apartment but she did note there were a couple work papers around. Her mother having work was a good sight to see given how she once had been but then Kommando asked, "Where are the rooms?"

"Oh, upstairs. Your room will be on the left." Said her mother. "I'm assuming your sharing a bed, right?"

"Mom!" Sinon sounded exasperated as Kommando went upstairs to put away the clothing while her mom tried to giggle but something was off.

While her mom's face was one of mischief, her body language spoke volumes of anything other than mischief, mainly of concern and distrust it seemed. So Sinon then asked her mother once Kommando was away, "You.... don't like him do you?"

Her mother seemed a little taken back by the directness but then she sighed as she sat down at her table and said, "I... partially hoped it was a more local boy than a foreigner... or that you weren't already having sex."

"We aren't and I'm sure if you split us up he wouldn't mind it." Said Sinon with a sigh. "But he's been the only boy I've been interested in since.... well..."

Her mother held her hand up as if to say "enough" before she then said, "I hope so but the other room isn't furnished. And I don't want a guest sleeping on the couch like I have these few nights."

Sinon sat across from her mother as she asked, "Has it been bad recently?"

Her mother sighed when Kommando appeared from upstairs as he asked her, "So... do you just live alone here, ma'am?"

"I'm afraid so." She told him as Kommando walked down the stairs to the table. "Her father... didn't make it from an accident."

"Ah." Kommando's tone got quieter as he understood what she meant immediately and simply nodded his head but said nothing more than that.

As he stood near to the table, Sinon then asked her mother, "You haven't been doing anything have you? Like-"

"I don't drink. Its expensive to drink. Besides, Ive been too busy with work to do anything." said Sinon's mother as she put a few stray hairs back in place on her head.

As Sinon was about to say something, she felt a tap on her shoulder and Kommando leaned over as he said to her, "Hey, why don't you head up and make sure everything is as you like it."

She looked at him but got the distinct feeling he was looking for a moment to speak in private with her mother so she got up from the table and headed upstairs while Kommando sat down at the table in front of her mother as her mother got herself a glass of water before asking him, "Need something to drink?"

"Not now. Im fine for the moment." said Kommando as Sinons mother then sat back at the table with a glass of water.

Sinons mother took a sip from her glass as she then asked him, "What do you wish to talk about?"

"Well... I guess for once Im asking you what you think of me in your honest opinion..." said Kommando. "As I understand this maybe the first time shes either had a boyfriend or brought one up to you."

Sinons mother smiled. "Well... I guess the one thing Id like to get off my chest is thanking you for being willing to possibly take care of my daughter.. as Ive bene told in a text your neighbors in your apartment complex?"

"That wasn't planned. When me and my friends came over, we simply tried to find places that were cheap and we could easily obtain money from. We all game and get money from it but it helps as well to have cheap rent and all that." said Kommando. "However... that being said it has been tempting to find a bigger apartment for me and her, even if only fantasy."

Sinons mother smiled. "Remind me of my husband in a way. Willing to take care of me when he first met me..."

"Hey, when you find a girl you cant help but feel a real connection with, you don't want to let them go in case you ever get to the whole marriage part of relationships."

"I'll assume you haven't told Sinon about that have you?" asked her mother with a small smile.

".... Yeah. Im a little apprehensive to see what she may say... Im pretty sure she may simply say, 'talk about it later' but at the same time... I fell it may even scare her off..." said Kommando a bit quietly.

Sinons mother simply smiled as she then said, " Well... maybe keep it in mind... but please do me one favor since you'll be dating her."

"And that?" asked Kommando.

Sinons mother gave a small bow as she said, "Please.... Please take care of Sinon for me..."

Kommando smiled to her as he told her, " I will, Ma'am... I almost have to. I don't ever want to make a girl feel like shes just.... a thing. And my friends don't exactly want me to mess this up."

Klein watched as Shisho came up the stairs to his apartment again as he had finally cleaned it up really well this time and as he watched her, he asked her as she reached the top of the nearby stairs, "Come to visit my grand castle, oh fair maiden?"

Shisho smiled as she then sighed as she said, "Well what can I say? Your cooking is alright enough and your place isn't he worst place I've been to.."

Klein simply chuckled as he then asked her, "Well at you at least sent me a text this time. I have some pizza if you want any."

"I have only did that once." said Shisho as she then said to Klein, "So.... you know hat I have here?"

Klein noted the bag she held and before he could say a thing, she presented him with some books form the library he had been trying to obtain to read and as Klein took it off of her, Klein then asked her, "So... what do you want to do today?"

"I'd like to just watch and relax... work isn't stressful but the recent activity of certain individuals." said Shisho.

 "Well worse comes to worse, Sinons friends could come help us...." said Klein when they then noted a car driving by slowly.

Normally Klein wouldn't have thought much but not only given the recent circumstances but as well as seeing this car and knowing who owned this car, Klein watched as Shisho got behind him just as her exes car sped off real quick and didn't come back for a second pass.

"Lets... head inside." said Klein as both quickly used this moment to head inside and lock the door behind them.

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