Chapter 53

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Kommando293 fires his bow with Sinon over the heads of the group as their arrows took out a few NPC mobs trying to come down the stairs while Reaper294, Midnight996, and the usual group Kirito ran with plus Shisho as they were trying to do a quick run on the dungeon that was once Kirito's old castle. Skeletons, orcs, and other beasts jumped at the party from all sides as they fended them off from almost all angles but as they neared the end towards the boss, they gave a pause to recuperate and rest.

"Geez, Kommando, watch your aim... nearly nicked me on that last one." Said Midnight with a rub of his ear.

Kommando simply put the bow on his back as he said, "Well kinda hard when you keep jumping into my line of fire."

"I wasnt moving in the first place!!" said Midnight as he shook a fist while the rest of the group simply looked over their gear and stocked their mana and health bars back to somewhere near full or topped them off at full.

Kirito looked at the doors with Asuna towards what was the throne room as Kirito could hardly believe that a few weeks ago he was in that very throne room building up an army, upgrading them, and then also fighting Kommando on numerous occasions directly or indirectly. He still couldn't get an answer from Kommando293 about where he got his dual-wielding from since the ranger-like figure seemed to dodge the questions harder than he dodged boss AOE attacks but eventually Kirito was going to get an actual straight answer from the man.

Sinon glanced over to Kommando as she asked Kommando, "You have plenty of arrows left, right?"

"I have about 30 left. Should last me." said Kommando as he picked through his quiver.

"Here take some of mine." said Sinon as she brought a bundle of her own arrows out of her hip quiver to give to Kommando but he held his hand up and shook his head adamantly.

"No, hold onto your arrows. Your still a bit better of a shot than I am.. besides, I need to see how rusty I am with these." Kommando took his dual scythes out and twirled them around in his hands with ease and practice.

"Where are you dual swords? Got rid of them when we ended the event?" asked Klein from nearby with Shisho at his side.

"Oh I still have them." Kommando equipped two dual longswords from his inventory onto his back as he had now longswords, the scythes, and his bow with its quiver as he then put his melee weapons away and said, "Alright, Im ready for this last fight. What about you all?"

Midnight and Argo stood up with their daggers and claws while Lisbeth looked at Reaper and asked him from nearby, "You ready?"

"Never been more ready." said Reaper as he held up his shield and his longsword as he had attached to the shield on the back a longsword as well which he could pull out when needed.

Shisho and Klein stood up and nodded as everyone else soon gave affirmatives or thumbs up before everyone gathered up around Kirito and Asuna as they stood before the giant doors leading to the entrance of the castles throne room. Asuna pulled her wand our as Shisho prepped her staff for magical spells of all sorts, the frontline soon consisted of Agil, Klein, Kirito, Reaper, Midnight, Lisbeth, Leafa, Silica, Argo, and Kirito as behind them was Kommando and Sinon as they were part of the backlines with the spell slingers.

And with the party all ready for the battle ahead of them, they all slowly opened the doors to reveal the interior of the throne room after having succumbed to intentional abandonment. The tree that once had stood as an elven throne, wreathed in flowers and leaves, was now completely overgrown as it towered into the ceiling with its tree branches while its roots and branches wrapped around various support pillars around it while a few such pillars further away lay crumbling on the ground in ruin. The stone floor which the group stood upon had cracks and holes opened up into it as the suits of elven armor that once had flanked the throne room on the sides lay scattered in clear and utter disarray. There were no clear signs of enemies around the group as they slowly entered and spread out only slightly so they didn't get wiped out in a single attack. Kommando and Sinon had their bows strung with arrows while Shisho and Asuna already having fire-based spells at the ready to release against the boss when it finally showed up.

But as the groups slowly walked around the throne room as they went from a horseshoe shape to a circle with the backlines in the middle and the frontline fighters around them as a sort of shield against enemies that had to be around them. But it wasn't until they reached the center, standing over the center of the map that Kirito once glanced at to see the world of alves in the form of territories and lands held by various elven lords and ladies that they finally got to see the boss they had come for and its various and many guards. A single elven Guardian, once may have been part of Kiritos very army as it had slightly deformed Guardian armor with all emblems and tunic that once may have identified the warriors loyalty having been scrubbed and torn. Around the raid group, slowly coming out into existence, were not only a few monsters like skeletons, orcs, and goblins but also the bandit-like elven swordsmen, archers, and a few smaller guardians as the boss stood like a true giant nearly 12 feet tall and armed with a small shield and a large maul, a hammer-mace used for true combat.

The group formed up and immediately the fight began as the monsters and bandit elven warriors charged the group from all sides while the archers of monsters and bandits fired form all around and on the few levels above the group. This was answered by Kommando and Sinon focusing on the archers firing above while Shisho and Asuna fired their spells into clumps of enemies to stagger them and stall them or to fire them at the boss to get some quick and cheap hits in while the main fighters were busy fighting off the swarm of enemies form all around. The fighting was quite even between the npcs and the players as while the players were skilled and could easily beat the npcs around them but with so many enemies the players were being swamped by attacks and foes from all sides and thus the fighting began to bleed through Kiritos group into the inner circle they tried to stop them from getting. And as the last arrow flew from Kommando's bow, he quickly dropped it back into his inventory as he drew his scythes and just as the first few npcs came charging into the backlines in the center of the group, he flew into them as his scythes spun and twirled in his hands as he fended them off and push them back to join the group.

The boss stood still as it taunted the players with phrases, its beginning stage of fighting not yet initiated till all of the various NPC's around it were defeated but that stage was coming soon as Reaper, Midnight, and Kommando lead a spearhead straight into a group of NPCs to face on their own while Kirito and his group was somewhat free to take on the boss between them all.

And as one could imagine, with 3 decent players fighting off the spawning enemy mobs while the rest of the party focused on the boss itself, it was only a matter of time before the boss fell to the ground and was beaten as the rest of the party gave a short cheer at their victory and then gave a short moment to look over the loot they had received between everyone.

Which wasn't much and only a few of the people in the group got items but what they did get was quickly placed in the middle of the room as they sorted them out with whom got what as Kirito lead the effort by saying, "Alright... shall we give Lisbeth these assorted armor pieces? We all have the same level and quality of armor, correct?"

Everyone agreed as the items were shipped into Lisbeths inventory and this continued on with some of the items until nothing was left and everyone had basically the same things as they had when they went in. The group quickly finished up by heading to the top of the castle at the tower and when they reached the very top of the castle, they all were looking at the entirety of Alfenheim as there was nothing but open sky above them.

Reaper, Midnight, and Kommando all stood on the edges of the wall as the others put away weapons and as Sinon looked up to Kommando, she then stood next to him and held his arm to her closely as she said, "Ready for another flight?"

He looked at her and simply smiled as he then said, "Id race you but... I dont feel like racing today..."

But to the opposite of Kommanod not wanting to rush, Reaper looked to Lisbeth, who was going to say something, when Reaper then gave her a small saluting gesture before he threw himself off the tower and sprung his wings out as he flew out towards the main city. Lisbeth sighed before she threw herself into the air to give chase and soon everyone else made their way into the air as Kommando and Sinon staid behind for but a moment. Sinon looked up at Kommando as she then asked him, "Ready?"

Kommando nodded his head and both sprung their wings out before they lightly and deftly sprung off the castle tower and headed after the others.

"Im telling you, virtual alcohol seems to sweet compared to real alcohol." said Reaper with a sigh as everyone was in the virtual cafe, the Dicey Cafe, held by Agil in the main city at the base of the World Tree. The group, having finished their flight from the raid, were relaxing in the cafe as some were drinking virtual drinks and others simply lounging in chairs and on various couches spread around.

Kommando was laying on his back with Sinon sitting next to his head when Reaper then asked Kommando, "Hey, Kommando... I hear the Guild Wars in GGO is happening soon. You going to reorganize your Guild for it?"

"Ill consider it. The Ranger Guild has been doing well so far in our small skirmishes but in order to get them in the next Guild Wars I would have to do a Call to Arms... and Im unsure how many will appear..." said Kommando293 as he looked at Reaper.

"Oh yeah. Since you've left America there has been some problems, right?" asked Reaper.

"We've lost about.... 3 full units worth of people.... thats 150 people." said Kommando. "So right now, we only have a fraction of our original numbers. We can easily get new soldiers and recruits if I was to get us organized but at the same time theres been word that some problems have been happening with connections between the Japanese and American server links... to risk having a total defeat because of a mass desync could spell disaster for any campaigns."

Sinon listened to this before asking, "You never told me you had a guild."

"Wasn't important." Said Kommando while Sinon interjected, "It kinda is. I'm a solo player, if I'm seen with a Guild and especially with a big guild, there's gonna be rumors."

"Already are rumors." Said Reaper. "Some say since the last BoB you've maybe lost your touch... haven't been on enough."

Sinon sighed before she told Kommando directly with a finger to his chest, "Grab your Guild mates. I want to see what they can do."

"It's the Rangers Guild. We aren't #500 in the top Guilds for no reason." Said Kommando as he began to type a message.

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