Chapter 54

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The corridors and alleyways of Glocken was surrounding Kommando293 and Sinon as they walked in full gear towards the meet up point Kommando had put to his Guild. On their way to it, Sinon asked if Kommando had ever mentioned to her he was a Guild member and Kommando had quickly said, "If I mentioned it before, I don't remember.... besides, while I am in charge of a Guild as its leader, we've been laid back from most recent Guild Wars until now."

So now they walked slowly and quietly along the winding corridors of the Underhive of Glocken as they walked through one of the back alleys leading to a large open area up ahead that was suppose to be a sort of public meeting place as Kommando asked Sinon, "ever been a Guildee?"

"I think I said this before but if I haven't, I just attach myself to small groups and take back a portion of the reward for compensation." said Sinon as they then stopped right in the middle as Kommando293 held up his hand.

A figure slowly appeared from the darkest part of it as they lazily swung their STEN cane around while they also could be seen with visible revolver pistols attached to their wrists as they tipped their top hat towards the duo as then the figure said, "Well hello there."

"Midnight?" Midnight wore the snazziest, fanciest Plague Doctor outfit one could come up with in Gun Gale Online as he had a white mask and a black top hat. He was armed with a custom STEN SMG that was his can as he had on his wrists a pair of revolvers.

"And... why are you here?" Asked Kommando as he had said nothing to his friends of this.

"Well... you see. I'm on a job." Said Midnight with a sigh.

Kommando293 had his bow out as he looked at his friend before he then dropped it and pulled his pistol out as he fired a few shots while slamming Sinon away from him. In turn, Midnight immediately fired his revolvers as he dropped his cane and Sinon began to admire the skill and prowess of two Max Build Dex players fighting one another. Whereas Kommando used minimal Dex due to his armor and equipment where it was compensated by his Titanfall grapple belt on him, Midnight was a true Dex build as he used his two legs and maybe a Stimm or two to bounce off the nearby walls and ground as they fired their pistols at one another.

Eventually, Kommando winged Midnight with a lucky round as both finally stopped in the street as red curbed blood floated off them in pieces across their various body parts but Kommando then asked, "Who sent you?"

"Some small Guild who doesn't want you to get back together. They remembered what you did a year ago at the Citadel." Said Midnight as he tossed Kommando a healing stimm as he healed himself as well.

"Why am I not surprised.." sighed Kommando as Sinon then asked, "Should we get going? We're gonna be late."

"Right. We'll have to finish this later Midnight." Said Kommando when Midnight said, "Hey they paid upfront in full... not my fault they don't know how to hire people for hit jobs."

And so with at least a truce, the trio moved to the meeting point.

The statue of a soldier standing with a machinegun dominated what was probably called Victory Square for how huge it was, a few football fields long, in the middle as Kommando, Sinon, and Midnight slowly approached over 100 soldiers in the same look at Kommando suddenly went into his inventory and changed his armor to theirs: the NCR Ranger armor, cloak, and mask.

The group turned and as Sinon and Midnight stood to the side for a moment, Kommando293 barked out to the guild players before him, "ATTENTION!"

The Players formed a large box 10 ranks deep and 10 men across as they all quickly gave a salute to Kommando293 as they all had relatively the same look to them all but there were a few exceptions. One was a Juggernaut mixed with the Ranger look as they held a MG42 and a Tower shield and they soon stepped forward as they then said, "Armor General Theodosius "Bear" Medved reporting for duty."

"Is everyone here? Sound off!" Shouted Kommando293 as he began to pace.

"Sir! Infantry General SpartanHalo reporting!"

"This is Air Assault General Raiden! Ready to drop!"

"Cavalry General Phantom here! Ready to lead a cav charge!"

"This is Helicopter General Private! Helicopters ready to move in!"

"This is Fighter Jet General Jason! We are Top Gun in the skies!"

"This is Airborne General Silverblitz! Ready to drop!"

"This is Recruiting General Sabrina! Ready to do our best!"

"This is Medical General Mucia! Prepared to save lives!"

Kommando293 looked at all of his generals as he smiled at them being here, at least most of them, before he then said, "Welcome back! We have a lot of work to do before we can advance in this servers ranks for Guild Squadrons. Starting with seeing who is still available in our Guild to play."

Everyone nodded as then Kommando293 said, "As we can assume, we can only bring a limited inventory over so I opted to just grab all of our money to help buy us what we need. Factories, gear, equipment, vehicles, everything."

"As of today... the Ranger Guild is once again back in business..."

"So let the Rangers Lead the Way."

Sinon watched as within a few minutes the Rangers had commandeered a building near to the square, scoured it clean of mutants and enemy drones that were NPCs and restoring it completely as they got to work on what to make and build.

She now sat in the meeting room as the generals all sat around and watched Kommando read off all the reports they had given him before he said, "Alright. Everything seems in order... any questions?"

"Yeah." Said Phantom. "When the hell did you get a hot girlfriend like her?" He pointed to Sinon.

"It's a long story." Said Kommando.

"Well at least you finally got one. Been complaining to us for years.." said Theodosius with a chuckle.

"I really don't need a reminder." Muttered Kommando when suddenly a contest began to heckle the crap out of the Ranger commander.

Eventually, Sinon said. "If you guys would leave him alone... Anyone like to ask me what I get to do? I asked him if I could help him but... he hasn't said anything."

Mucia sighed as she then said, "First we need a few forms done.."

"You do paperwork in your Guild?"

"A necessary evil when your Guild spans easily 1,000 members at some days." Said Kommando.

"After that, we need to assess you for training... then we can assign you to some sort of unit..." said Mucia when Kommando said, "She's sticking with me.... for two reasons."

"You wanna find out if you can make love on the battlefield don't you?" Asked SpartanHalo.

"Excuse me... If I wanted to do that, I'd simply visit her next door IRL." That got the table to flip out a bit before Kommando said, "No... I'd like her to stay close to me given she's not only one of the best shots on the server but also she has been a recent target of PKers... who maybe coming back into the light recently."

"Seriously? I thought Japan got rid of theirs." Muttered Theodosius.

"Yes and no." Said Sinon. "Most are already in prison but a few still elude the police to this day."

"Still... we can't let them infiltrate us or the game... I can do what I can but I can only do so much." Said Kommando. "Therefore we must take necessary precautions to ensure our players safety both in game and out. We're a family... I refuse to let it suffer for criminals amusement."

The Rangers thumped their armor and as they went out of the room, Kommando turned to see Sinon doing her best to swiftly and correctly fill out the papers before her as she signed the digital, floating copies that appeared as holograms to her. He walked over as she finished a few and then asked her, "Not use to this, Huh?"

"You go the extra mile I will say." She said with a smile. "Although to be fair, I guess it could be worse."

Most of the paperwork were basic and small, with it asking for details on the player model, to previous Guilds if any, to combat specialties, to class specs, and more as she filled them out then asked, "How long have you had this Guild?"

"About 6 years, started back in 2014 roughly. All of my commanders have been with me since then.... all of them good people and good friends to have." Said Kommando293 with a smile behind his mask. "They followed me on a whim and not reap the rewards of years of hard work."

"Sounds fun... what was it like?" Asked Sinon.

"We were a small Squadron at first. Are best numbers were 25 people.. then, as we got bigger slowly, we absorbed other Squadrons to bolster our numbers. We didn't have a set uniform so friendly fire did happen more often than not and problems happened as other Guild members left their Squadrons for me or simply left my group for others." Said Kommando293. "But eventually.. we were able to get something together. And now... we managed to place #500 in the Top Squadrons in GGO... a feat I do not relinquish or take lightly."

"Most of us are old SAO players too... so this Guild is a way for me to keep an eye on their mental health and help them... recuperate with their PTSD." Said Kommando as he then asked her, "Paperwork done?"

"Yeah." Sinon gave them over and Kommando293 sent them to Mucia as a cloud of data pieces as he then said, "Let's give you over to the training man, then."

"Who is that?" Asked Sinon.


Theodosius hunted the ranks of old Rangers and new alike with the demeanor of a Great White Shark mixed with a Drill Sergeant. Sinon quickly realized that the "Bear" aspect in his name may tip anyone off to his rather aggressive manners to recruits but she ignored it as the recruits, including her, were instructed to begin running.

"I don't care who you are! You could be the worst player ever! The Best sniper in existence! Or the Guild Leaders own Girlfriend! You are all equally worthless to me and the Guild! Until you finish this training and go on your first assignment, you will be nothing more than an extra body to put into a meat grinder for someone else's Experience points!" Bellowed Theodosius as he ran next to them in his full kit with shield and weapon in his hands.

Sinon ran and though it shouldn't be hard in a VRMMORPG to run, she felt it get to her after the 20th lap around the Victory Square. And when the recruits stopped, Theodosius had set up several targets in the distance as he was next to a big crate of simple M16's, ones dating back to first use in the Vietnam war with Fill auto and only 20 rounds per magazine.

"I want to see how you all shoot... but first, a demonstration. Sinon, come forward!" Shouted Theodosius.

Sinon stepped forward and as she did so, he thrust one gun into her hands as he said, "Sinon you may know is the best shooter on the GGO servers... why don't we see her in action?"

"Shoot that target at 600 meters out there." Said Theodosius to her.

"Average Battle rifle can only shoot to 500 meters." Mentioned Sinon.

"Did I stutter?" Asked Theodosius as he physically towers over Sinon at nearly 8-feet tall in his armor.

Sinon gave him a up-down glance before she sighted up the target way out there. And just as she was to fire, he suddenly said, "And for extra measure... take off the Aim Assist. A true Sniper doesn't need it in the field."

She looked at him then flicked her options down as she flicked Aim Assist off and the Bullet Circle disappeared as she continued to aim. The wind blew her barrel around but she remained calm and as she did, she thought of her pistol as she thought of Kommando helping her aim ever so gently.

Her muzzle let out a flash and her gun let out its thunderous roar as the rifle kicked against her but she watched the tracer round arc out towards the field and then drop down to take out the head of the target in the distance.

Theodosius looked it happen then looked at the other recruits and said, "If you can do the same or do better, 10,000 credits to you from my personal account. Starting... Now."

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