Chaoter 55

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Two weeks of training and practicing all seemed to blur together for Sinon as she did her best to not get yelled at by Theodosius or some of the other Ranger Generals of the Squadron as she passed course after course, some being a breeze like fighting but others barely scraping by like using tactics in groups of people as a leader for fireteasm, squads, and platoon.

But evneutally came the day that she was no logner running around the Victory Square with the recuits and being given not only her rifle back but also her new Ranger gear armor. She didnt know how to feel but pride as Kommando walked up and down the ranks of the Ranger recruits and veterans as he congraduated them and handed them their gear as he soon finished by standing before the formation with his Generals as they all stood in front of the statue.

"Alright boys and girls... today you have become apart of the Ranger Squadron... but today, we also have a day to rpove of what we can do now we are coming back into the light."

"Currently, we've managed to find a rather troublemaker Sqaudron running around the wasteland attacking new Squadrons left, right, and center... Normally, PvP is not discouraged here.. but we have suspicions from some blogs and of course people around us that these guys maybe more nefarious..." said Kommando293 as he looked over eveyrone.

"The Squadron in question are the Beater Wolves... we've done some digging and some snooping around with help and we've come up with 3 locations of their hideouts in the Wasteland.. and their current numbers are about equal to ours..."

"We have some advantages. First off, a lot of Squadrons have been wanting to get back at them... so we can call upon a lot of beginning allies to help us if we need them for anything.. and from what ive managed to gather, they are not competitive enough to take part in Squadron Wars... which means they have little in the way of assets."

"Now comes the Trial of Fire all Rangers take on their way to becoming one of us... as of today, as of right now... We go to war with the Beater Wolves." said Kommando293.

As he said, that, Theodosius came forward and said, "While we will be getting more people to help us, we've already divided everyone here in various corps and groups under the Generals commands.. obviously, some of you will  be under our direct command and others are beign promoted to being leaders in the field.."

A couple hologrpahic notices popped up before everyone and Sinon saw she was stuck in the command squad that was really just her and Kommando293 but as she looked at the other parts, she saw how they divided up the groups of Rangers between the commanders. There was 50 Rangers under SpartanHalo as they would be the base and core of the Squadrons grunt power. 10 were with Theodosius to power the only 2 tanks the group had, 5 were going into the Jet Generals group to pilot various planes, 10 more were becoming Medics, 10 were becoming helicopter pilots and gunners, and the other 15 were becoming part of an adhoc Artillery unit under the combined command of the Airborne and Airborne Generals. It wasnt amazing but even she saw the need to split the forces up so they could cover mutliple jobs.

As she also looked through the misison briefing as platoons of people were being split up to their individual leaders and the squads were being formed, Kommando293 walked over to Sinon as he said, "Sorry to make it seem your getting special treatment but reality is I need to keep an eye on you as well as keep you far enougha way from the fighting to make your sniping seem useful."

Sinon could only answer, "Well... from what this says, we have at least 10 different Squadrons of various sizes that can help us fight them.... will they becoming?"

"They will intiate the majority of the fights as distractions around their current hideouts but we'll be going into said hideouts to clear them out and destroy them... we cant offically disband them but if they lose enough battles they can be discouraged from appearing again... and their PKers... I want to know if they have any... nefarious affiliations." said Kommando293.

Sinon nodded as the Squadron soon headed to their new Squadron building as they prepared for what came next.

0800 Hours, Rockey Outlands, Wastelands......

The thrumming of the Helicopters filled Sinons ears even through her mask and helmet as the Helicopters were being escorted by some basic A-10 Warthogs that were basically gliding to keep up with the slower helicopters. Two of the helicopters were Chinooks helping carry between them a King Tiger tank and the other tank, a basic Sheridan Light Tank, would be deployed later one when they reached the deployment area about a few kilometers form the Beater Wolves first base they would asssualt. Even out here she could pickout the sound of fighting somewhere in the rocky hills of the Wasteland biome they were in.

Suddenly, she heard talk on the internal radio within her helmet and Ranger mask as she looked over her Hectate-2 Sniper rifle again along with her Glock and MP7 just as she felt her Blackhawk slowly coming down to land in a valley that the Squadron had designated as their primary deployment zone.

The Blackhawk came down as the Rangers began to jump out of them as they began to spread out while the Blackhawk piltos begna to power off the helicopters and were soon covering them for camoflauge to keep them from being immiedtely spotted. The valley was covere din bushes, low trees, and a river splitting down the middle as the Squadron deployed the Sheridan and got it and the King Tiger going as Theodosius commanded his King Tiger while the other 5 Rangers went to get into the Sheridan and pilot it. Meanwhile, the A-10 Pilots began to circle the area  in a wide berth to make it seem less suspicious as the Rangers began to set up a Beacon for an initial spawn point but would be not the pimary starting point of the assault on the base.

Sinon wathced as Kommando293 began to give orders to everyone around him as soon the Platoons split up with one having Theodisuses King Tiger and the other platoon having the Sheridan. The artillery platoon had all 60-mm Mortar tubes that they all currently had on their backs as they headed out to set up close to the enemy base to eventually rain fire down upon. Sinon looked over to Kommando, who had traded out his bow to keep his 20mm S1-100 Southurn AT-Rifle while also sporting a AUG and his C96 Pistol as he ahd that back-belt of grenades and pf course the Titanfall-gear always on those hips of his.

And then he gave the order for the groups to advance on the current location of the base as they began their long and earnest hike through the mountainous region of the Wasteland. For Sinon if it was not for the fact that the Rangers had really forced the recruits to be use to marching, she may have actually been really awful at being use to marching up and down the mountain paths of the Wasteland as they wound their way towards the Beater Wolves base in them. It wasnt known to the Ranger comamnd, aka Komamndo293 and his Generals, if the other Squadrons would pull the Wolves into a large fight across their multiple bases or even if these bases were the primary one but they figured they could either get lucky or find out based on intel they found in the bases.

Sinon wathced as Kommando293 lead the two of them up one of the nearby mountains that split their forces in between to go around it as the mountain was nearly overlooking the Wolves base that sat nestled in another valley. As they managed to pause for a moment to catch their breath on the way up, Sinon asked Kommando293, "So... I have to ask for a moment... but how big of a battle have you ever commanded?"

"Oh geez... Um.... let me think." Kommando293 thought back before he asked her, "Well... how big do you think I've ever commanded?"

"I'm thinking if you had 1,000 poeple you've done a battle the size of Arnhem." said Sinon as she had read up on it recently for some porject.

"Oh you poor child... the Squadron at one point swelled to 3,000 in a large Alliegance between us and other Squadrons as we fought a huge fight over a area not bigger than the city we live in now... a huge battle akin in relative scale and size to the Battle of Stalingrad..."

Kommando293 thought back to the months that the battle would happen over. It had been a huge event in the Squadron War and in fact had lead to the Rangers becoming around the #500's rather than the mere #800's previously to the fight. "The Alliance was known at the time as the Coalition as we battled the Alliance known at the time The Curse.... We fought over one of the larger Territory nodes in the Squadron War and it was within a large city we all at the time jokingly called Stalingrad at the time until this huge battle came to be and then it was simply renamed as Stalingrad almost like a post-mortum honor to the fighting..."

"I remember leading the 1,000 members with artillery, tank, and plane support into that city and it went down like Stalingrad. We got pushed back to the edge of one of two rivers where we were forced to nearly every day D-Day the opposite banks in an effort to try and breakthrough the Cursed's ranks and fortifications within the city... we would die and respawn a thousand times each day until on the last day of the first month we finally broke through not only on the beaches of the riverbanks but we also broke through in two bridges on the other river... From there we began a large drive into the city with everything we could throw. Fighting went down into districts for house to house... we kept living and dying in some of the same houses for days on end as they switched sides... we levelled the city with artillery and planes bombs... we used everything we had... the battle ended with a Coalition victory only after 6 whole months and after the Squadron War ended..."

They continued their hike up the mountain as then they came to its peak, Kommando293 pointed to some nearby rocks overlooking the valley as he then told her, "We'll set up your nest here..."

Sinon nodded her head as Kommando293 brought his AT-Rifle out and put it on the rocks as he then took his binoculars out and began to see where everyone was. He was pleased nearly everyone was where they needed to be and as he looked at the enemy base, he was pleasantly and also unfortuantely annoyed at how it looked. The base was sat in the ruins of a FOB styled like modern militaries as and had been set up with what he could see were a couple basic bunkers with HMGs and a pit for a series of mortars. He couldnt see anything AT based but if he had to guess, they may have some TOW systems of a sort somewhere set up in nearby bunkers. He saw no movement in the base which might denote two things: the enemy either wasnt here and was busy trying to fend the surroudning areas off from the other Squadrons assaults or they were so hunkered down that he couldnt see them.

And since he still heard fighting way off in the distacne, he was hoping for the former over the latter but there was only one way to find out.

"Ranger units... begin the attack."

The first beginning of the attack was a stonk of 60mm mortar shells slamming into the FOB as then the platoons and their armored support began to head into the FOB as Kommando293 and Sinon monitored the situation within.

What was the pleasant, and more thaknful, option that was seen coming around was that the base was abandonned and the Ranger platoons soon were within the FOB as they began to both raid it while also scour it for any scrap for information. Kommando293 listened to the information coming in before he looked to Sinon. "Looks like a bust on this being their main base... but its close... and we may have some problems..."

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