Chapter 56

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The Beater Wolves actual main base was some ways away from the base the Rangers had raided but that being said it didn't mean the Rangers were going to stop their aggressive advance against them. If anything, Kommando293 quickly had everyone load up their choppers again, uproot their spawn point, and then immediately make the way towards the base as the Rangers were not seemingly thrown into a chaotic movement towards the Beater Wolves.

Sinon clung to the Blackhawk she sat in next to Kommando293 as she could hear him talking into his radio as she sat next to him before he said to her, "They've set up in some ruins... it's going to likely be a rough fight to dig them out."

Sinon nodded her head as she then watched the pilot begin to take them down hard and fast as suddenly the shape of some Wasteland ruins began to jut up from the ground as she noted the explosions and fighting around it. The Beater Wolves were embattled by the other Squadrons wanting revenge and as Kommando293 saw it, he ordered their limited Air Support to begin hammering the Beater positions.

The helicopters, even straining under the weight of dragging along some hefty tanks, began to descend as swiftly but safely as they could as Kommando293 said, "The other Squadrons are ganging up on them but aren't making any headway! Now is our time to shine people!"

The moment the aircraft touched down, the Rangers scrambled out and began to deploy the tanks and mortar tubes as they were relatively close to the ruins and therefore once the mortar tubes were set up, they began to immediately fire a small stonk of High Explosive 8cm bombs into the ruins as the Sinon scrambled from the helicopter behind some ruins as she watched the explosions dazzle the horizon while the Rangers set up on the very outskirts of the ruins the Beater Wolves had sway over, the other Squadrons between them and the Beaters somewhere in a wide ring around the ruins.

Kommando pulled out some binoculars as he began to slowly calibrate the Ranger mortar fire more accurately into the Beaters ranks and positions. The fire blossomed like destructive flowers as the various ruins scattered around the larger, skyscraper ruins soon were crumbling down as the mortars destroyed them. As they did so, Kommando took time to note the messages from the other Squadrons as a few of their leaders thanked him. Not surprising they had someone looking out for the Rangers it was standard to keep two eyes in the back for everyone one forward.

He watched as the Rangers tanks began to come forward and put rounds downrange as their shots cracked open the bunkers of the Beaters before Kommando293 suddenly said, "Alright let's get this done! Rangers! Advance up! Push them back to their base!"

With the Spawn Beacon up, the Rangers began to jump from ruin to ruin as Sinon followed Kommando through them as they occasionally poked their heads into windows or doorways to fire at either the Beaters own snipers or stiffer resistance points that stalled the Rangers in combat. The two darted from alley to alley as they got closer to the Beater base, in fact at one point they got close enough for them to see it and it made Sinon swallow hard.

The base was a semi-constructed fort of rock, metal, and sandbags in the shape of a star as it was in the remains and ruins of a couple different ruined buildings, skyscrapers, and other things to make its shape up. It was also very much armed to the teeth as she could see launchers. Some pits for long dead mortars thanks to what she assumed was the Ranger air support that had come through and even now once again flies low and hits the fort with more 30mm cannon fire that shreds apart its outer walls like it was nothing.

Sinon and Kommando soon found themselves amongst the Rangers no more than 500 meters from the Star fort as the assault seemingly had ground down and Kommando got his binoculars out as he looked all the way across to see what was going on. The enemy squadron was fleeing into the fort as the other Squadrons were gathering around but that's when he noticed several dead bodies and vehicles already around and when he watched the Beaters retreat in, something very bad poked its head out.

A doggone Stumtiger slowly rolled out as it fired once and the shell flew out and hit a clump of people and vehicles as it instantly turned them into nothing. And then it retreated as the Beaters rushed out and began to seemingly push back the other Squadrons.

"The Air support just ran out." Said Raiden nearby to Kommando.

"And we don't have anything that can pen that armor..." said Kommando with an annoyed grunt. "We may have to back off this time... a shame."

"Nothing can penetrate that armor?" Asked Sinon.

"Well.... at least that I know. Can that 88 pen the side armor?" Asked Kommando to Theodosius in his Königstiger.

"Uhhh I'm not risking my girl over trying. Not yet anyway." Said Theodosius.

"Fair... Yeah, signal the cho-" began Kommando but Sinon suddenly tapped him and asked him, "You sure?"

"What are you thinking?" Asked Kommando.

She suddenly tapped his side and Kommando felt his photon swords jiggle as she said, "Last I checked only Starship armor can stop those... so why don't we give Theodosius the best chance for that side armor?"

"It's under heavy guard in its base." Said Kommando.

"Much you may hate this idea, but we're gonna use our friends to hate it out... we just need to make them scared enough right? I'll set up, we kill enough, it comes out, you stab a giant mark on it, Theodosius hits it, we have all we need right?" Asked Sinon as the firefight ahead intensified.

Everyone looked at Kommando and he looked at his Rangers before Mercia said, "Well... you have always said your best with a Photon than with a rifle."

"Alright.... You all better get going then... and someone give me cover fire Becuase I'm gonna need to get close!" Said Kommando and he quickly scampered forward as everyone began to pour fire on the Beater Wolves.

This was a very stupid idea but a Sturmtiger was such a very bad thing to his group he wasn't going to risk it all having it run around but apparently he was okay with running up to it and stabbing it with his Photon Swords which was such a stupid, stupid, stupid-

He ducked as a few shots zipped and snapped around him but he kept running forward towards the fort as he kept as low as he could and darting in and out of cover when he could and only sprinting across open ground when he absolutely had to. A few shots snapped by him but the report of his Rangers guns, Sinons sniper, and the thunderous report of his tanks guns quickly were making the Beaters flee back into their fort for the safety while they brought out the Sturmtiger likely and as Kommando ran, he began to use his maneuvering gear to go forward even faster with its hooks and small booster packs to give short bursts of speed across the terrain.

He could hear it slowly grinding out as he slammed his shoulder into the wall of the fort but as he looked around the corner, he could see it slowly coming forward from the fort.

"Alright sweetheart! I hope this works!" said Kommando as he ignited his Photon Swords and rushed it.

Sinon was in a sorta ruined tower as she fired again in a relatively awkward kneeling position as the wall she used to rest her bipod on was not tall enough to stand behind but tall enough to not be able to prone. She watched another Wolf appear with an RPG and her gun kicked as she put them down as fast as they had appeared. She panned as she watched Kommando dart around the ruins as he neared the entrance of the fort and while she panned around her scope, she fired twice as she put down a machine gunner and his belt feeder down near Kommando as he kept running forward under her watch. She fired a few more times as she soon reloaded but that's when she then saw it: several of the Beater Wolves were trying to come around the back of their base to flank several other Squadrons and in the process Kommando. And she wasn't going to let that happen as she began to fire down onto them and forced them to scatter or find cover when 3 of them pitched over with dead symbols appearing on them as her gullets put them down.

A few bullets snapped by her and she panned her gun over and fired at the machine gunner trying to pin her down as he bullet put them down before panning back to Kommando. He was now engaging the Sturmtiger by slashing his Photon Swords across its armor in a giant X and O to make the armor weaker for the King Tiger to hopefully be able to penetrate. But then suddenly he spun hard and she watched as he suddenly blocked with his two Photon Swords another players gun sword likely made of Starship metal and as more players appeared he became embroiled while the tank tried to back up to retreat into the base.

"Hit the tank!" Said Sinon over the Comm to Theodosius in his tank.

"But I'll hit Kommando!" Said Theodosius.

"Fuck it! He'll respawn!" Said Sinon.

For a moment she actually figured he would argue but then Theodosius said, "Oh yeah your right. FUCKIN SEND IT!"

The King Tiger fired as its shell smashed into the weakened side of the Sturmtiger and as the tank shuddered, Kommando and the players looked over as he quickly made a max dash to flee the inevitable. And then the tank exploded like a thousand pound bomb as the tank disappeared with a portion of the base and several players and even Kommando was obscured by the smoke and dust as the entire Ranger Squadron and the other Squadrons used this moment to rush the base. Sinon quickly headed down her little sniper tower to see what was essentially left of the Sturmtiger as it blew up from secondary explosions and smoked more than a chronic smoker.

She was at the base of the wall as she glanced around while fighting continued to rage inside when she suddenly saw a figure walking amongst the bodies. She kept close to the wall as she watched the figure walking amongst the bodies simply looking over them as she then noticed something about them: the symbol of Laughing Coffin was on his right arm that she could see. His gear seemed so average too it was weird but he did have a slight dark and edgy affinity he had for his look. He was also using a silenced pistol and as she pulled her MP7 and Glock out, she was about to point it at the person when they suddenly looked at her and said, "Ph don't worry... we may have failed to kill you in Alfenheim... but your still vulnerable.."

She froze completely as she stood on the spot looking at the figure before she then asked them, "Who are you?"

The figure simply smiled and said, "Dont worry.... you will be the thing that brings us back to light-"

The persons talk was cut off as Kommando decloaked from the surroundings using Active Camouflage and as his photon swords took down the person in a quick series of blows. And as he stood there, he looked at Sinon as he then sighed.

"The Beaters are a cover for Laughing Coffin... which means they are coming back in greater numbers..."

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