a brawl and to the concert.

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Here in the Rustbucket we see you and weiss as you were poking her.

Weiss: Hey stop it!

(Y/N): make me.

Then the rv and mystery stopped stopped as max saw a shop.

Max: I'm going to get some snacks (Y/N) you and Weiss try not to destroy each other.

then he and the others left weiss smirked at you.

Weiss: You heard your grandfather. Keep your two hands to yourself.

You then look like you were gonna poke Weiss but you slapped your watch as you transformed into four arms as you were poking Weiss with your two arms.

(Y/N): What? * hold up your two right arms* I'm keeping two hands to myself.

Then Weiss got angry as you were sent out of the Rustbucket as we see Weiss with her rapier Myrtenaster as she came out as you got up and ran at her as she used her power and made a glyph and made an ice dome on her as you came and smashed it as she then summoned a boarbbatusk as it came and charged at you and then you grabbed it and threw it a a sign as raven came and saw you and Weiss fighting.

Raven: That's it time to put a time out on your watch. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!

She sent a spell at you as it hit you but instead of changing back you turned into upgrade and landed on the ground as you went to the Rv and turned it into a battle mech and aimed the cannon at Weiss.

(Y/N): Dare ya to hit me now!

Weiss: I think you used the wrong spell.

Then she summoned a giant suit of armor with a mind of its own as we see it was now by Weiss's side.

It threw a truck at you as you blasted it and got to the mystery machine and combined it and the rv together to make a giant robot.

You then came at them while firing missiles at them as weiss rode on her arma gigas as it dodges the missles as you continue to come at them while shooting missiles as one of them hit a propane tank as it exploded as the others came and were shocked at the damage was caused.

Max: Oh no you two.

You and weiss smiled and then pointed at each other.

(Y/N): she did it!

Weiss: He did it!

Then you saw the sign fall on a car as you both smiled nervously. Later we see a mountain with three holes as we see the gang traveling.

Daphne: It's amazing that they're having a music festival way out here.

As the gang saw vampire rock they were amazed.

Fred: Wow.

Daphne: It's spectacular.

Shaggy: Man, we really are in the middle of nowhere.

Velma: It says the locals call it Vampire Rock because they believe the Yowie Yahoo lives in the rock caves.

Daphne: The Yowie Yahoo?

Velma: It's an ancient Australian vampire.


Then, Velma printed a picture of the Yowie Yahoo as Shaggy and Scooby were scared of the picture.

Shaggy: Next time I agree to go to a place named after a vampire... I need you to do me a favor, Scoob.

Scooby: What?

Shaggy: Like, talk me out of it.

As they continue to drive they stopped.

Daphne: Are we in the right place, Freddie?

Fred: Uh-huh. This is it.

Shagy and Scooby peek out of the mystery machine and looked around as the gang began to walk to find the festival is, until Scooby hears a scary noise and the red eyes show up, and tries to get Shaggy's attention.

Shaggy: What is it, Scoob?

Scooby tried to show Shaggy the red eyes but they were gone.

Shaggy: Like, very funny, Scoob. You almost had us going there.

Then Scooby looked again and the red eyes appeared again, and then out of the trees came out the Yowie Yahoo, and Scooby got scared and jump on Shaggy.

Shaggy: Like, what is it now?

Then the Yowie Yahoo appears again, and scares the two.

Shaggy: Zoinks! It's the Yowie Yahoo!

Fred: Where?

They look around to see it, but couldn't find anything.

Daphne: Come on, you two. We don't have time for games.

Shaggy: It's no game. Scoob and i saw the Yowie Yahoo right over there.

He pointed at the direction where they saw the Yowie Yahoo.as Scooby nodded in agreement.

Velma: I already told you guys, there's no such thing as a vampire.

Then a noise was heard.

Shaggy: Then what's making all that noise?

Fred: Whatever it is, it's moving closer.

Then the noise started to get louder and louder.

Daphne: Well, do something, Freddie.Then

Fred shined a light at the bushes as you all spotted red eyes.

Shaggy: Zoinks! It's the vampire!

Then you all, heard dingo dogs howl at the vampire, The dingos kept on howling and growl at the red eyes until they're gone, and the coyotes left, then Daphne heard music.

Daphne: Hey, do you guys hear that?

Fred: Come on, gang. There must be somebody else around here.

(Y/N): Your right.

Then you all went to where the music was coming from as you saw a stage.

Fred: this way.

Then we see three girls playing music as it was the Hex Girls playing "I'm a Hex Girl" while you all came and saw them.

Daphne: Hey, it's the Hex Girls!

She started to groove along to the music.

Shaggy: I knew those tunes sound so familiar.

The Hex Girls stopped playing as the sound goes off and sees the gang and ran to them as you saw.

Thorn: It is you! *she shakes Fred's hand.*

Fred: Boy, are we glad to see you.

Dusk: What are you doing here?

Daphne: Well, we were on vacation.

Fred: And we thought we'd check out the Festival.

Luna: Cool, we're opening the festival.

Velma: How long have you girls been here?

Luna: A couple of days, why?

Velma: Have you seen anything strange when you arrived?

Luna: Strange?

Thorn: What do you mean.

Max: Wait where's (Y/N)?

Fred: I thought he was with you.

Torn: Who's (Y/N)?

Fred: He's our friend.

Back with you we see that you were at the stands as you looked around.

(Y/N): I'm sure grandpa won't mind if I browse around a bit.

then you saw a genie's bottle.

(Y/N): A genie in a bottle neat.

Salesman: like what you see?

(Y/N): Yeah looks cool, how much is it? I'm thinking of taking it home as a souvenir.

salesman: 25 dollars.

(Y/N): Deal.

you paied him as you took the bottle but he stopped you as he gave you a red ball.

salesman: This comes with the bottle.

(Y/N): Thanks.

then you started to walk as you looked at the ball.

(Y/N): A bakugan cool.

then the bakugan opened up.

Bakugan: Where am I?

(Y/N): Um, planet earth.

Bakugan: Not in vestroia then?

(Y/N): Who are you?

Leonidas: My name is Leonidas.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N), you wanna partner with me? I bet we can beat anybody.

Leonidas: If I partner with you I will have the chance to defeat other bakugan?

(Y/N): Yeah, we'll beat them all.

Leonidas: I sense in this world I will only unleash my true power in these bakugan battles.

(Y/N): Was that a yes? Awesome, great to meet ya partner.

Then you turned into XLR8 as you went back to the group as you changed back as they saw you.

Max: There you are. Where have you been?

(Y/N): I was exploring a bit.

Then you saw Daniel and Russell walking to you all.

Daniel:  I was wondering why the music stopped. 

Russell: We came to make sure you're alright. 

Luna: Of course we're all right.

Dusk: Why wouldn't we be?

Russell: Just checking. Aren't you going to introduce us to your friends?

Thorn: Yeah. Daniel and Russell, these are our friends from America, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy...

Scooby-Doo: And Scooby-Doo.

(Y/N): And I'm (Y/N) and this is my cousin Ben, and grandpa Max. And my friends Kara, Babs, Diana, Jessica, Karen, Zee, Raven, Garnet, Pearl, K.O., Enid and Rebecca.

Russell: Welcome.

Daniel: Sorry to interrupt. We're trying to clear up some trouble before the festival starts.

Luna: What's going on?

Russell: The finalists from our unsigned band contest are disappearing.

Daphne: Well, that's not good.

Shaggy and Scooby hide behind the girls.

Shaggy: Like did you say... *laughs nervously* "disappeared"?

Daniel : The groups are bailing as quickly as they arrived. They hear that Matt Marvelous has been kidnapped and go from "g'day" to "goodbye".

Fred: Kidnapped? By who?

Shaggy: Like by maybe big, creepy, and like scary.

Malcolm: Vampire. Daniel, I warned you terrible things would happen.

He started his car and drove off.

Shaggy: Like who was that spooky old man?

Daniel: That was my grandfather, Malcolm Iliwara.

Shaggy: Oh, I meant spooky in a good way.

Daniel glared as Scooby hoped on Shaggy's shoulder as Scooby laughed.

Daniel: You'll have to forgive him, he's very upset.

Shaggy: Like, I understand. I'm pretty upset myself right now.

Velma: What did your grandfather mean by "terrible things"?

Daniel: The Yowie Yahoo.

Shaggy: Zoinks! Like, you mean the vampire who lives in there? *points at vampire rock*

Daniel: Yeah he and his vampire minions.

Fred: Minions? You mean he has help?

Daniel: Well, so they say. But there's no such thing as vampires.

Russell: Don't you mean rock star vampires? That's Wildwind.

He points at the poster of wild wind.

Luna: I've seen groups like Wildwind in my parents' record collection.

Thorn: Yeah. Check out the makeup and costumes. This poster must be from a long time ago.

Russell: Nope. The members of Wildwind are only a couple of years older than you. Wildwind wanted to bring glam rock back. They did an amazing song at last year's unsigned-band contest. Dark Skull played guitar, Stormy Weathers played bass, and Lightning Strikes was on drums.

Daphne: Wow! So you saw them perform?

Russell: I sure did. They deserved better than third place.

Velma: What happened to them?

Russell: After they lost the contest, they went up to Vampire Rock to camp. They were never heard from again.

Fred: They just disappeared?

Daniel: The locals believed the Yowie Yahoo turn them into vampires.

Shaggy: I'm with the locals, that explain the big, creepy, like scary......

Daphne: All right, Shaggy. We get your point.

Velma: There's no such thing as vampires, you said it yourself, Daniel. 

Russell: Well, maybe not. But Daniel says he saw Matt Marvelous get kidnapped by three vampires who looked like Wildwind. 

Daniel: I never actually said, ""vampires."" 

Russell: Do you have a better explanation? 

Daniel: Whoever or whatever they were, they were pretty convincing. Now I don't know what to think. 

Velma: When did this all start, Daniel? 

Daniel: Ever since I was a boy, my grandfather told me the Yowie Yahoo Iived in Vampire Rock. I never believed him. But in the past few months there have been a lot of strange lights and sounds coming from up there. I'd love to find out what's really going on. 

Fred: Well, gang, it looks like we have another mystery on our hands. 

Shaggy and Scooby started to tip-toed backwards, after they heard Fred.

Russell: A mystery? 

Velma: We'll need to investigate this from the inside. 

Fred: And the best way to do that is to go undercover as a rock band. If we're lucky, the Wildwind vampires will try to kidnap us next. 

Shaggy: I don't want to be that lucky. 

Daphne:That's a great idea, Freddie. 

Russell: I'm not so sure about this. 

Daniel: They may be our only hope. 

Russell: I guess it could work. Especially if it keeps my pick to win the contest from getting kidnapped. 

Daniel: And who's that? 

Russell: Two Skinny Dudes. They haven't shown up yet. I know you've never seen them perform, but trust me, they're the real deal. 

Fred: So what do you say? 

Russell: Well, okay. But don't say I didn't warn you. 

Shaggy: Scoob and I wouldn't mind sitting this one out. 

Scooby: Uh-huh. 

Shaggy: Maybe the group should be a trio.

They tried to chicken out, but the Hex Girls pushed them back 

Thorn: Come on, you chickens. Luna, Dusk and I will help you look the part. 

Luna: Yeah, there's a wardrobe room backstage. 

Dusk: This is going to be fun. 

Shaggy: I knew coming to a place called Vampire Rock was a bad idea.

Back with you you were with the others.

Max: what did you ran off at.

(Y/N): just bought a few things as souvenirs.

You hold up the bottle to them.

(Y/N): this thing does look a bit dusty so I'll just clean it a bit.

You rubbed the bottle a bit then it started to shake as you see that it began to bring green smoke around as we see a female genie come out of the bottle.

Desiree: greetings I am Desiree and what is your name.

(Y/N): (Y/N).

Desiree: Well (Y/N) i am here to say that you have released me from my lamp and for that you will have three wishes.

Ben: Well can you at least tell us about this.

Desiree: No i can not tell it to you. I would much rather sing it to you.

Play this while you listen to the story and for the song but Aladdin is replaced with (Y/N).


Desiree: Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves * she holds out many thieves as they started to surround you* Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales * she appears behind you.* But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves You got a brand of magic never fails * she made your arms into her arms as they were giant and started to punch away the thieves then she appeared as a boxer coach rubbing your shoulders.* You got some power in your corner now * she made and lite fireworks* Some heavy ammunition in your camp You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how * she appears in her bottle as she grabbed your hand and made it rub the bottle* See all you gotta do is rub that lamp And I'll say * she appears infront of you*  Mister (Y/N), sir What will your pleasure be? * she becomes a waitress* Let me take your order Jot it down You ain't never had a friend like me * she brings out chicken* Life is your restaurant And * she becomes the chicken* I'm your maitre d' *she leans to you wanting you to whisper to her ear* C'mon whisper what it is you want You ain't never had a friend like me * she made clones of herself as they started to groom you up a bit* Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service You're the boss The king, the shah * she made you appear on a throne as max, K.O., and ben were fanning you as your harem appeared by your side.* Say what you wish It's yours, true dish How about a little more Baklava? * she made a wave of baklava appear as it swept you away as you appear on a column with the letter A on it. Have some of column A * you jump on another colum with the letter B on it* Try all of column B * you jumped as she caught you* I'm in the mood to help you dude You ain't never had a friend like me Can your friends do this? * she juggles three mini suns* Do your friends do that? *she made a gigantic statue of you and then she holds out a hat and pulled out a dragon out of her hat* Do your friends pull this out their little hat? Can your friends go poof? * the dragon breathes fire as it makes three dancers appear* Well, looky here Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip And then make the sucker disappear? * she made the dancers disappear*  So dontcha sit there slack-jawed, buggy-eyed I'm here to answer all your midday prayers * she holds a certificate* You got me bona fide, certified You got a genie for your chargé d'affaires *she made you and her appear on a couch* I got a powerful urge to help you out So what-cha wish? I really want to know * she holds up a list that is at least three miles long* You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh *she rubs her bottle* Mister (Y/N), sir, have a wish or two or three I'm on the job, you big nabob You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend You ain't never had a friend like me

She made a big stage as many dancers were there as she started to dance as you joined in on the fun as she then made all of the things she made go into her bottle.

Desiree: You ain't never had a friend like me, hah!

She appeared in front of you and your friends as she was smiling as a sign said applause as Babs and K.O. Started clapping as you smiled at her.

Babs: Bravo!

(Y/N): That was pretty good.

Desiree: *blushes* thank you.

You started to smile that you now have a partner and a genie with you as you walked to the gang knowing that they will be ready for the mystery

What other surprises await next. find out on the next chapter and i hope you guys like that i have leonidas and Desiree in the story and I'll see you next time later hot potators!

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