They exploring the outback.

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Here we see you and the other's are at the rv and mystery machine as they were about to leave the beach.

Daphne: I've got a great idea. How about we explore the outback?

Shaggy: Outback?

Fred: Sure, Australia's not all beach. The outback's the wild, inland part.

Velma: *reads her guidebook* My guidebook says it makes up almost 85 percent of the continent.

Shaggy: Like, I know what the outback is... and I don't want to go ""out back"" to look at dust and trees.

Daphne: Come on, guys, I'm sure there's more to see than that.

Velma: And I've got 17 rolls of film to capture it all.

Fred: What if you could hear great music while you were there?

Shaggy: In the middle of nowhere?

Fred: Not ""nowhere."" There, look.

Then you and the others looked to where Fred was pointing at and saw a poster of a vampire rock music festival.

Daphne: A vampire rock music festival!

Shaggy and Scooby: Vampire!?

Daphne: That sounds like a lot of fun, guys!

Velma: Vampire Rock is located right in the middle of Australia. We can see a lot of the outback on our way there.

Shaggy: Scoob and I don't think it's a good idea going to a place where vampires rock. That's asking for trouble.

Scooby: Reah, rouble.

(Y/N): Relax there's nothing to be scared of that place.

Fred: (Y/N)'s right. That's just the name of the place.

Velma: And there's no such thing as vampires.

Daphne: And I'm sure a festival that big will have every concession stand imaginable.

Then shaggy and Scooby got excited to know that there will be food there.

Shaggy: Licorice pizza, chocolate-covered corn on the cob, tutti-frutti ice cream *laughs* not to mention some great local food.

Then he and Scooby left and came back as they were wearing Australian clothes.

Scooby: Ready.

Fred: Real music lovers.

Shaggy: Like, who ever heard of Australian vampires, anyway?

Then you and the others got to the rv and mystery machine as they drove to vampire rock. Later, at Vampire Rock, we see a guy with blonde hair and a middle-aged obese man on stage.

Russell: The rules of the contest are very simple. It's for unsigned bands, no one can enter more than once. And as I've told you again and again, each contestant only gets three minutes.

Jasper: But the Bad Omens' best song lasts five.

Russell: Daniel and I have set the rules, and rules are rules, Jasper.

Jasper: Can't you bend the rules a little? Especially for such an upstanding group of young people?

He pointed at the stage as the bad omens were there.

King: This better be important. I've got things to pierce.

Jack: I'm trying to find a new shade of eyeliner.

He started to put on eyeliner under his right eyebrow while Queen blows a bubble which pops.

Russell: You were saying?

Jasper: Come on, Russell, now that Matt Marvelous is gone... it's obvious the Bad Omens are the best in the contest. Why not just declare us the winner now?

King: Yeah, obviously.

Russell: Jasper, get out of my face or the Bad Omens won't perform at all.

Jasper: You're making a big mistake, Russell. I didn't have to come back here. Especially after what happened to Wildwind last year. But I am back. And I intend to have my group win this time.

Russell: I'm warning you.

Jasper: *scoffs* Let's get out of here.

Then Jasper and the bad omens got on a golf cart as they drove off as Russell turned to see Daniel.

Russell: How much of that did you hear, partner?

Daniel: Enough. Jasper's never going to get over what happened to Wildwind.

They turned to see a wildwind poster.

Daniel:  I can't believe it's been almost a year since they disappeared.

Russell: From what you said about last night, it sounds like they're making a comeback. Maybe it's true what they say.

Daniel: About Wildwind being turned into vampires? Come on, that's just a local myth.

Russell: What do you think happened to Matt Marvelous then? You saw the vampires with your own two eyes.

Daniel: I don't know what I saw, Russell.

Russell: Well, the crew looked all over Vampire Rock. There's no sign of Matt or your vampires.

Daniel: Maybe my grandfather was right. Maybe we should postpone the festival.

Russell: No way. We've both worked too hard to quit now, Daniel.

Daniel: You're right. And the show must go on. *He puts his hand on Russell's shoulder and up at Vampire Rock* This kidnapping makes me nervous, Russell. Very nervous.

Back with the gang we see shaggy and Scooby playing a game as their videogame counterparts were walking through a level as a box of scooby snacks were seen.

Shaggy: There's the Scooby Snax.

The video game counterparts grab the box and in the back Scooby and Shaggy high fived.

Velma: Aren't you guys ever gonna stop playing that game?

Shaggy: Like, I said before nothing to look at, but dust and trees.

The mystery machine and Rustbucket drove through the outback as  they continue their way to vampire rock.

Velma: You'd be surprised Shaggy. The outback is full of life.

Shaggy: Oh boy, like I'll believe when I see it.

Here we see you and the others as you were all having a picnic as you got ready to eat as Scooby wanted Daphne to give him some Scooby snacks as she threw them as he had his mouth opened and then a bird came and caught them and flew away with them as you all laughed at that and Scooby looked to see the bird eat the Scooby snacks as Scooby looked upset that it ate his snacks. Next we see next we see a kangaroo as Shaggy was riding it as Velma took a picture of it as we see Scooby in a kangaroo's pouch as he was riding it and then he was thrown out of the pouch as a joey came out and look to see Scooby was holding on to shaggy as he was covering Shaggy's eyes as the joey laughed at that and then we see you and the Scooby gang playing football as fred gave Velma the ball and then passed it to Daphne and then to you and then you threw it to Shaggy as he caught it and threw it to Scooby as he tried to catch it but didn't as he went to get it as he saw it was on a snake as it came to him and then used its tail and threw the ball at Scooby as it sent him to two trees. Next we see two lynxes drinking water from a pond and then all the water was gone as we see Scooby had drank it all with a straw as the lynxes got angry and then chased Scooby as he ran from them but they stopped as Velma took a picture of them.

Then the lynxes started to chase Scooby again. Next we see you all at a gas station we see shaggy was looking at a lizard as it stuck it's tongue out as Shaggy stuck his tongue out and then the lizard got out it's frill scaring shaggy as he was in Scooby's arms as you and the others laughed at that. Next we see shaggy and Scooby as they were in Australian clothes as they looked through binoculars as they saw a bird coming to them as it looked mad as it chased Scooby and Shaggy and then the bird looked around confused of where'd Scooby and Shaggy went and left as it revealed that they stuck their heads in the ground like ostriches as they got their heads out and saw the bird was gone and they shook hands as you and the others laughed at them. Then we see the mystery machine and the Rustbucket

Fred: Just a few more miles, I mean kilometers. Anyway, we're almost there.

They continue to drive to vampire rock as you thought of what to do at the concert.

What things will you find at the vampire rock concert? Find out on the next chapter. And in the next chapter the reader will have two special things there and there surprises for you guys so I'll see ya next time.

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