a dangerous signal.

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As you were with Karen, Zee, and Jessica you were at the park as Karen saw a poster about a new signal tower.

Karen: have you heard of the new tower in town? It's pretty amazing. 

(Y/N): cool.

as you saw the tower from far away your ultimatrix started to emiting an electricity as you took notice then your face changed into a mask.

You tried to get the mask off of you as the girls noticed.

Karen: (Y/N), what's wrong?

Zee: And where did you get that mask.

you didn't respond as you had your hands on your arm with the watch started to have red veins as it turned white and grew as you back started to have white lumps with red lines on them as your arm started to cover your body in white goo as your body began to change.

(play the video at 0:38 to 0:59)


The lumps on your back started to look like blades as your legs change their structure by the goo as your feet changed as the girls were shocked at that and saw your hands were still covering your face as you then stopped covering your face as you then looked at them as you were now a white creature with red and green colors on your body as a blue gem on the red part covering your face as the ultimatrix badge was on your chest.

Jessica: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Karen: What is that form?

You looked at yourself and saw that you were now in your new form as you were in shock at this.

(Y/N): What happened?

Karen: I think a frequency must of caused you to change into this form.

(Y/N): Ok I'll call this guy Argonaut. Anyway I'll change back now. * you pressed the badge but you were still in alien form.* What? *you kept pressing the badge* It's busted.

you tried to get the badge off of you but you ended up making yourself fall on the ground as your girlfriends looked at you as you got up.

(Y/N): What's wrong with this watch.

Jessica: The frequency must be messing with your watch.

(Y/N): Great then I'm stuck like this.

Keith: I say I suits you.

you turned to see Keith as he was sitting on a bench as he went to his watch he transformed into a mutated version of Rath.


(Y/N): What is that?

Keith: This big guy? I call him Savage!

he charged at you as you jumped in the air as you landed and turned to Keith as he looked at you in pure rage. Then he charged at you as he was about to punch you as you charged at him ready to punch him as you both charged as you both punched each other's fists as you then punched his face as you then charged at him and grabbed face and punched him as he grabbed you and threw you at the town as you crashed to the ground you got up and saw Keith came as he slammed his badge and became a mutated version of heatblast.

(Y/N): Heatblast?

Keith: I go by Hotshot.

He sent a fire blast at you as you raised your arm as it became a shield and blocked the blast as you then looked at him and then charged at him at fast speed and then jumped in the air and then went straight at Keith and then punched him in the face as you ran at a direction Keith was following you as he was trying to get you as you were near the new tower as Keith was there as he was now savage again you charged at him as you felt your hand change as it was now a blade as you looked at Keith as he sent his claws at you to slice you only to block them with your blade as you looked at him. And then you pushed him and then saw the tower and had an idea as you ran to the tower as your arm change back as your fingers became tendrils and started to pull on the beams on the tower and pulled them off making the tower fall as Keith saw it coming down to him.

Keith: Uh oh.

Then the tower crushed him as it was destroyed you watched started to beep as you changed back as Karen, Zee, and Jessica came to you.

Karen: (Y/N), your ok.

Jessica: And you back to normal.

(Y/N): Yeah when the tower was destroyed i changed back.

Jessica: maybe it was the tower that was keeping you as Argonaut.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Then you saw Keith came out from the scrap metal of the tower and left knowing that you will have to face him again as you and your three girlfriends walked off together.

Well i hope you guys liked this chapter cause there is more where that came from and I'll be closing this chapter with a video of family guy character peter getting hit in the crotch with a bag of nickels enjoy this video and give a like to this chapter.


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