Kaiju attack.

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As you and your friends were at your house then the ground started to shake.

Karen: What was that?

You went out and saw what shocked you were three kaiju.

As you saw the three monsters you reached to your watch and transformed as your body  started to grow feathers as your body became bird like as your face looked like a birds with a lightning shaped crest on your beak as you grew a tail with feathers on them as you now have two pairs of wings as you now have four eyes and now have a green and black shirt, as your feet have green and black foot wear on them as you have a collar on your neck with the badge on it as you let out a screech.

Kara: what kind of alien is that?

You only screeched in response as you cannot talk in that form.

Rook: It appears that in this form he cannot communicate to us.

Babs: that is amazing! We can call him stormhawk! No, lightningwing! No no wait i got it thunderbird!

Ben: Sounds good to me.

Rook: It appears that (Y/N) has became a species called a Fuju-Kite.

Kara: what's that?

Rook: it is an alien species that have the ability to control and generate weather patterns and they have incredible speeds.

You screeched to get everyone's attention and pointed your wing at the monsters.

Diana: We need to stop the monsters.

You then flew at the monsters at great speed as you then sent a lightning blast at the monsters as it damage them as kara went to on and tried to punch it only for it to close its faceplates and absorbed the kinetic energy from the hit and hit Kara with that energy as it sent her to a house destroying it in the process. You see Zee as she was using her spell to send blasts at the crab monster as it tunnels underground as you saw the other shooting spikes at her as you flew and got her before the could hit her, as ben was waybig and punched the monster as he  then you saw a ship flying by as it landed and saw what came out was an alien that looked like Vilgax but a girl.

You landed and changed back as the others came as ben went back to human.

(Y/N): who are you?

Myaxx: my name is Myaxx, we need to go to Azmuth.

You and your friends went into the ship as it flew to space as you were now at galvan prime as you looked to see azmuth.

Azmuth: You may know why i brought you here?

(Y/N): Because of the giant monsters?

Azmuth: Their called Kaiju. And their names are Hakuja, Raijin, and Strikethorn. Many kaiju have came to earth and attacked it. And we're trying to figure out their objective.

Then as you looked at the map of the kaiju you had an idea.

(Y/N): Myaxx, pull up a map of the kaiju movements from the war.

Myaxx: of course.

She started to go through the map of the kaiju movements from earth.

Azmuth: And what are you doing?

(Y/N): You said you don't know their objective, what if the kaiju weren't just blindly attacking the cities, what if they were just in their way

Myaxx: Got it.

She showed the movement of the kaiju as it showed the location was Mount Fuji.You

Myaxx: this was where the  kaiju were going to.

(Y/N): ok pull up the current kaijus movent.

She pulled up the nap as the three monsters were heading to mount Fuji.

Ben: Mount Fuji? But why?

Rook: Rare Earth elements. Mount Fuji is a volcano rich with rare earth elements.

(Y/N): And Kaiju blood reacts violently to rare earth elements. That explains the kaiju blood fueled rockets. If the kaiju would make their way to mount fuji it will create a ring of fire as toxas and ashes to wipe out all life on earth.

Diana: Then we need to stop them.

Azmuth: the rest were f you try to slow them down. I have something to give (Y/N).

As myaxx lead your friends to the ship you turned to see azmuth as he was uploaded a certain type of dna into your watch.

(Y/N): Are you giving me a new alien?

Azmuth: Yes.

You looked to see a lizard like alien with crystals on its shoulders.

Azmuth: Perhaps you should try this one.

He took you outside as he jumped on the ultimatrix as you transformed. back on earth we see the kaiju are at japan as they were making their way to mount fuji then we see ben as waybig and the girls were there as ben charged at raijin but it used his faceplates to blocked the punch and absorbed the kinetic energy and punched ben with it and sending him to a building.

Rook: Ben! Raijin's faceplates are absorbing the kinetic energy from your attacks and is using it against you.

Ben: thanks for the tip.

With Kara we see her fighting Strikethorn as she punched it in the face with raijin we see it cherging at ben as Jessica came and started to pull buildings down on it as Hakuja came out from the ground and was about to eat her then ben came and punched him as it was sent to a building and started to go underground.

Ben: Yeah that's right! You better run!

With Jessica she was still sending buildings down on Raijin as Zee came to help her as they see the monster is still coming at them.

Zee: How many buildings can this thing take?

As they were starting to beat them we see Vilgax as he is not looking happy.

Vilgax: Perhaps we should even the odds.

He pressed a button as many robot drones came as they started to make their way to the fight.

Rook: Ben, There are multiple drones approaching to our location.

They turned to see that the drones have went past them.

Kara: Where are they going?

They looked to see that they were heading to the three kaiju as they started to that the three apart and then reconstruct them as they were now becoming into one gigantic Kaiju as it looks at them.

Babs: he's pretty big.

The mega kaiju roared at them sending them back a few feet then another roar was heard as the monster turned as did your friends to see what shocked them was you but you were now a giant lizard with crystals on your shoulders and tail as your dorsal fins were made of the same crystals as the ultimatrix badge was on your chest. As you were flying down to earth as youe crystals were gigantic as you land the crystals shrank down.


The mega kaiju looked at you and roared at you as it charges at you used your tail and  hit mega kaiju in the face as you fired a Corona beam at him as you started to levitate yourself and float towards the monster as it tried to hit you but you made a crystal shield to block it .

Ben: How did he get that alien?

Karen: Azmuth  must of gave him that alien form.

Rook: But he cannot let the kaiju reach Mount Fuji.

Babs: if it does then it's game over.

Ben: what about the monster's brain?

Rook scanned the monster and saw the info and about the brain.

Rook: The brain is heavily armored (Y/N)'s attacks will not be enough to pierce through.

Ben: what about a secondary brain dose it have one of those?

Rook scanned it again and found three secondary brains.

Rook: The target has three secondary brains, one for each component kaiju.

As they looked to see you fighting it mega kaiju was stabbed by your tail and then he grabbed your tail and swung you around and then threw you at a building as you crashed into it and changed back and looked to see mega kaiju heading to Mount Fuji as you then had and idea as you changed into thunderbird and flew up high in the sky as you were at a high enough distance you changed into Way Big and started to go down towards the mega kaiju as you then slapped the badge and went ultimate as you started to become bigger than before.


(Y/N): Ultimate Way Big!

As you saw it was almost at the hole of Mount Fuji you started to come down pretty fast as it was about to go into the lava.

(Y/N): Hey ugly!

The monster looked up to see you coming down pretty fast and then you went at the kaiju as an explosion was seen as you came down from the mountain as the others saw and then the mega kaiju was down but then got up and roared only for it to fall down as it was in two pieces as it was now dead as you changed back and saw the others.

Ben: that was amazing.

Diana: Indeed you have done a nobel deed (Y/N).

Kara: that crash thing you did was awesome.

Babs: and that giant lizard alien was amazing what do you call that one.

(Y/N): Titanus.

While you were with your friends Vilgax didn't look so happy at the defeat of the Mega Kaiju as he the went to his ship but turned to see you at a distance.

Vilgax: Enjoy your victory (L/N), i will be back.

He got on the ship as it flew into space.

Will (Y/N) face Vilgax again? What other adventures await? Find out on the next chapter.

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