An unknown gem

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We see a book as it opened to reveal the story about the diamonds.

Voice: Once upon a time, the Gem Homeworld was ruled by Diamonds: White, Yellow, Blue, Pink, and the littlest Diamond even littler than Pink, Black. While the other Diamonds conquered many worlds across the galaxy, Pink and Black had only one - the planet Earth. One day, Pink and Black fled the comforts of Homeworld. On Earth, they made a new home, new friends, and finally, new lives; giving up her form to bequeath her gem to her half-human son and black had to infuse his energy to create a new being. Without Pink and Black, Gemkind entered an era of despair. But, when Steven Universe learned of his heritage and (Y/N) (L/N) learned of his origin, they reunited with their fellow Diamonds and championed a new era of peace and freedom across the furthest reaches of space.

Then the book was closed shut as we see White Diamond as she was holding the book.

White Diamond: And now, dear Gems everywhere, I'm pleased to announce that Steven and (Y/N) are both finally ready to take their rightful places on Black Diamond And Pink Diamond's thrones! Roll the cameras!

We then see the gems of the hour. Steven Universe and (Y/N) (L/N)

Steven and (Y/N): How's it going, everybody? *Flashes charming smiles*

Steven: I know you all might be thinking of me and (Y/N)  as the new Pink Diamond and Black Diamond, but you don't have to put us on thrones. We already have a rightful place, and it's on Earth.

(Y/N): Yeah, you don't have to do this for us.

The diamonds that were on the thrones then leaned forward in surprise.

Blue Diamond: Huh?

White Diamond: What?

Steven: It's a beach house, where I live with my friends, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl.

(Y/N): And I live in a town called Metropolis with my friends Babs, Jessica, Zee, Karen, Kara, and Diana.

Steven: As much as we've loved dismantling the empire and saving all your planets, we can't wait to get home and spend some quality time with our friends.

As you both finished your message White Diamond look a bit annoyed.

White Diamond: Cut the feed.

Yellow Pearl: Yes my diamond! *turns off the cameras*

The diamonds: What do you mean you're not staying?!

(Y/N): We're saying is that our home is on Earth, I understand that you all missed pink and black.

White Diamond: (Y/N), Steven please.

Yellow Diamond: You can't go.

Blue Diamond: We need you! Or at least I do.

Steven: Thanks but no thanks.

(Y/N): But Blue if you want you can come with us to see how progress is going at little homeworld.

Blue Diamond: That sounds fair.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Steven: And white I understand you missed pink and you miss black diamond a lot.

White Diamond: *blushes* I do miss him very much.

(Y/N): *wink* So guys shall we? *points to the warp pad*

Then you, Steven, and Blue diamond stepped on the warp pad as Blue Diamond made her the same size as you. Then you all were warped back to earth at Steven's house at a glass done at the back of his house as Connie, Diana, Jessica, Kara, Babs, Zee, and Karen were waiting for you along with Desiree and Rebecca (seeing as how we haven't seen them in a while)

Jessica: So how was it?

(Y/N): White Diamond wanted me and Steven to move in to homeworld.

Steven: She and the other diamonds wanted to smother us with attention 24/7!

(Y/N): Not that I minded!

Connie: *giggles* sounds like you and (Y/N) had fun Steven.

Steven: We didn't.

Connie: Well, I'm glad I got to see you before heading out.

Babs: Heading out?

Connie: I'm going to space camp.

(Y/N): Sounds fun.

Steven: You're really going through with it?

Then we see you all exit the conservatory as you all went down the stairs to the balcony outside.

(Y/N): So Desiree, Rebeeca what have you two been up to? Haven't been causing trouble I hope!

Desiree: No, I was doing what any normal person was doing.

Rebecca: And I was just out looking for a job but I got one at metropolis.

(Y/N): Goodness I've missed you two. *kisses them on the cheeks*

Rebecca: Us too.

Desiree: And I see you were busy.

Steven: But Connie you really want to do this.

Connie: of course I always wanted to go to space camp.

Steven: But you've literally been to space multiple times. And you've done way cooler stuff than just camp there.

Connie: I know but my parents are doing what they can to support my interests. It's sweet. *enters the room and picks up her duffel bag* Plus, I get all the freeze-dried ice cream I can eat.

Steven: But Sadie Killer and the Suspects are playing tonight. Isn't a rock show a little better than space camp?

Connie: It may be equal to space camp.

Then Connie's phone vibrated as she looked at it to see it was her mom.

Connie: That's my mom. I should get going.

(Y/N): Tell Dr. Maheswaren I said hi!

Then Steven and Connie hugged as you looked to see that Connie was blushing and she kissed Steven on the cheek as he blushed.

Connie: Okay, bye!

Then she left as you looked to see that Steven had put his hand on his cheek and grins widely.

Kara: So you and Connie are a thing Steven?

Steven: What? No! We're just really good friends!

(Y/N): If you say so.

Then Steven looked at Connie.

Steven: Tell everyone at space camp that space used to be super scary and dangerous, but it's great now!

Connie: I will.

Then we see Steven as he begins to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Steven: Here we are in the future, Here we are in the future and it's bright! Nothing to fear No one to fight I can't believe we've come so far Happily ever after, here we are!

Then he ran into his room as you followed him along with the girls as you saw a portrait of the crystal gems and see Steven on his bed.

Steven: Once upon a time, I thought I'd always be in my mother's shadow Answering for her crimes, I thought I'd always be in an endless battle Till I began to hone A power all my own

Then we see was Steven facing many former enemies such as corrupted gems, Jasper, Diamond Mechs, Homeworld gems through those trials we see that Steven has grown stronger till this very day.

Steven: That I could feel growing stronger every day! And now I saved the world, Not just that- the whole galaxy's saved, We did it! Here we are in the future!

Then we see you all going through town as you looked to see Pearl and Greg.

Steven: Hey Pearl! Hey Dad!

(Y/N): What ya doing my lovely pearl. Hey Lion! How are you doing buddy?

Pearl: Oh you! I'm learning to play the bass.

Greg: I keep telling her it's pronounced base.

Pearl: Excuse me, b-a-s-s spells "bass".

Greg: Your the boss.

Pearl: Heck yes, I am.

(Y/N): I bet she will play beautiful music.

Pearl: Oh stop you're going to make me blush! *Jumps on top of Greg's van*  Once upon a time, I only lived to be in Pink Diamond's service. Until the day the two of us snuck down to be on this planet's surface.
We became our fantasy! And I was sure she'd set me free! But in the end I guess I never left her side. And after love and lost, and all the tears that I cried I find that...

We see a Montague of pearl being pink Diamond's servant and then the two of them sneaking off to earth and pink diamond being reformed into Rose Quartz. Then we see Pearl jumping off the van and lands in your arms.

Steven and Pearl: Here we are in the future!

Then you all began to laugh together and then lion came to Steven.

Steven: Oh hey buddy, I'm heading to town.

Greg: See ya at the concert tonight?

Steven: Wouldn't miss it for the world!

(Y/N): I'm coming too.

Then you and Steven went into Lion's make as you both were now in the pink dimension as you walked through the pink field as Steven was humming his song as he saw lars' tree. As you both reached to it you both fell backwards into the grass as we see you and Steven emerging from lars' head as you both landed into chairs that garnet seating you both next to the off colors.

Garnet: I saved you two a seat.

(Y/N): Aw thanks Garnet. *Kisses her cheek* Your the best sweetie.

Garnet: Aw, stop (Y/N)

(Y/N): Why would I when I'm dating the best fusion ever!

Steven: Did we miss anything?

Garnet: Your both just in time for my favorite part of the story. Once upon a time, a Sapphire came to Earth with her Ruby soldier Sapphire's deadly fate was set until the Ruby rushed in to hold her Suddenly, they were fusing; Beautiful, strange, confusing

As garnet sings a Montague was seen as we see Ruby and Sapphire of how they met years ago as Sapphire was confronted by past pearl as Ruby rushed into to save Sapphire and the two fused into Garnet.

Garnet: And there I was, a bundle of questions, so naive, That if you told me this I never would have believed you then, but...

Steven and Garnet: Here we are in the future!

Steven: Lemme save this. *Bubbles away a slice of Ube roll.* Hey any idea what amethyst is up to?

Garnet: I have every idea what everyone is up to. You'll find her if you head to Little Homeworld. Take the Warp pad.

(Y/N): Thank you my beautiful fusion.

Garnet: Anything for you (Y/N). But you do realize that you are a fusion as well.

(Y/N): yeah, a fusion dating a fusion.

Then we now see you and Steven warped to a warp pad as it was being suspended in the air by ropes. As you both were about to take a step amethyst caught you both with her whip and pulls you two back in.

Amethyst: Careful guys.

(Y/N): Thank you my purple gal.

Amethyst: Anything for my alien hero. *jumps into your arms and gives you a kiss on the lips*

Then we see the warp pad was being lifted up as we see a crane and we see bismuth and Lapis are seen on a platform attached to the crane.

Bismuth: Steven, (Y/N) your both just in time we're about to install the warp pad!

Then peridot came hovering in with a trashcan lifted by her power as she looks at her tablet.

Peridot: Which means Little Homeworld is 83.7% complete.

Lapis: Only 83.7%? We'd better get cracking.

Bismuth: on it.

Then she operated the crane as you looked to see many gems working on building little homeworld.

(Y/N): Wow, this is an amazing view.

Amethyst: It is so how does it feel to be a cheetah?

(Y/N): It's strange but kinda cool.

Steven: I can't believe little homeworld is growing fast.

Amethyst: So are you. *Shape shifts into Steven.* Look at me! I'm a young adult!"

Then you laughed at that

Amethyst: All of the gems wanting to make their home on Earth. Wish I had this when I emerged. Once upon a time, I burst to life inside of the Kindergarten; Product of a war that I had no idea I had a part in I came out late and alone, Knew nothing but my home

Then we see a Montague of amethyst emerging as all the other quartzes were gone leaving amethyst to wonder around the kindergarten until the crystal gems found her and became who she is today.

Amethyst: But I know now exactly who I'm s'posed to be, And it's a part of this family!

The warp pad was lowered into a hole as you all got off of it.

Amethyst: What do you think?

(Y/N): Amazing, just like you Amethyst

Then you began to sing.

(Y/N): If we could stop right here and be... finally done, finally us, finally we.... Are in the future

Then we see you and Steven running along with the gems and others running through the grass field.

All: Here we are in the future and it's bright Nothing to fear, no one to fight, I can't believe we've come so far!

(Y/N): Happily ever after!

Others: Happily ever after

Steven: Happily ever after!

All: Here we are!

Then we see you all lying on the grass at the lighthouse as Steven picked a flower and used his healing spot to heal the flower he picked as you used your watch and became black diamond.

Steven: I want everything to stay exactly like this and never change.

(Y/N): Me too.

Pearl: Agreed.

Amethyst: Here here.

(Y/N): How does the future look garnet?

Garnet adjusted her visor as she smiled while using her future sight and then she sat up and frowned.

Garnet: No!

A strong wind blows in and an ominous shadow is cast over the hill. The Crystal Gems look up at the cloudy sky and spot a strange Injector-like ship lowering from the clouds. It looms over Beach City and points towards the hill. Just then, a silhouette is seen at the top of the ship.

???: Hey! Are you Steven universe?

Steven: Um.... yes?

???: *Looks at you* and are you (Y/N) (L/N)?

(Y/N): Yes?

???: Perfect.

The silhouette's finger transforms into a giant horn, and she blows it. Legs and a pointed drill then emerge from the bottom of the ship. Then garnet picked up amethyst.

Garnet: Move!

Then you all ran out of the way as the ship's legs grip the sides of the hill. The ship then thrusts itself forward, driving the drill into the ground of the hill as the Crystal Gems gasp in shock.

Amethyst: Hey! Nice park job, dingus!

Kara: Who taught you how to drive?!

A pink liquid inside the ship begins to gurgles, as it cruises down the drill and into the ground. The figure on the top of the ship before jumps down to the bottom, revealing to be a pink cartoony-looking Gem, with a gem shaped like an inverted heart in her chest. Her gem flashes as she cackles and glares down at the Crystal Gems.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Pink gem: Well, well, well, well, well. Lemme get a look at the menagerie. *shapeshifts her hand and eye into a telescope* You must be Amethyst. You must be Garnet. And Pink Diamond's Pearl. Wow, she took you with her. *grits her teeth* Isn't that just... swell?!

Pearl: It can't be.

Pink gem: *laughs* Oh, but it can be, and it is. I got a new style and a few new toys that are gonna put an end to your "happily ever after" once and for all!

Steven: Whoa, whoa. This has gotta be a misunderstanding. In case you haven't heard, I've established peace across the-

Spinel: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard! I've had your little message to the universe... ON LOOP!

The pink Gem extends her leg and kicks Steven in the face, knocking him backwards. You and The Gems promptly summon their weapons in preparation for battle.

Pink gem: I just love that part, where Pink Diamond spends the rest of her days on this... nowhere planet... *chuckling* With... a bunch of... nobodies!

The pink Gem uses her arms to spring herself down and bounces on the ground, as she begins to sing.

Pink: That's right, I heard the story, Over and over again, Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends! That's right, I heard the story, Don't really like how it ends, Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends!

The pink Gem, with her flexible body, easily dodges every single attack by you and the Crystal Gems

Pink gem: What did she say about me? What did she say? What did you do without me? What did you do? Did you play games without me? What did you play? Did you think all this time that wouldn't find out about you?!

Then she began to play with you and the gems as she then intimidated Steven.

Pink gem: Oh, that's right, I heard the story, Over and over again, Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends!

Then she extended her limbs and grabbed you and the crystal gems as the others watched that she was beating you guys.

Garnet: She's running circles around us.

Amethyst: I'm rusty. Give me a break!

Pearl: It really is her, but she can't be serious.

Steven: You know her, Pearl? Can you tell us who she is?

Then the pink gem was enraged at what Steven said.

Pink Gem: Who am I? Who am I? What are you even saying? I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing! Let's play another game, This time I get to win! Lives on the line, winner takes all, Ready or not, let's begin!

The pink Gem pulls a scythe-like weapon out of her gem, jumps off the lighthouse and begins sticking it at the Crystal Gems.

Pink Gem: Oh, that's right I heard the story Over and over again, Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other friends!

The pink Gem begins extending her body all around the Injector ship and the lighthouse, stretching her body to a tremendous degree. The Gems charge towards her as the pink Gem begin unwinding her body.

Pink Gem: Oh, that's right, I heard the story, Don't really like how it ends Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other, Other,Other friends!

With great accuracy, the pink Gem slashes you and all three Gems with the scythe, poofing Garnet Amethyst and Pearl's physical forms in one fell swoop. Before you poofed you looked at your harem and peni as they were in shock at what they were witnessing.

(Y/N): I love you guys

Then you poofed as they others watched in shock as you, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl's gemstones fall to the ground.

Peni: Brother!

Jessica: What did you do to them!?

Peni: You killed my brother!

Steven: Peni, he's not dead, he's in his gem.

Peni: What?

Steven: When a gem gets really hurt they go in their gemstone to heal.

Desiree: Well how long does that take!?

Steven: A couple of hours. But he's fine.

Spinel: But you won't!

Then he saw spinel coming to him as he summoned his shield

Steven: Uh oh!


Then they came at her but she jumped up and slashed at Steven but they saw that nothing was happening to him.

Kara: ha! It didn't work..

Spinel: Then you won't mind if i do it again!

Then she started to slash at Steven again as she kept doing it again and again until steven grabbed the scythe.

Steven    Cut it out!

Pink Gem: You don't poof, do you? Hmm, figured as much. Just wait! Your human half won't stand a chance against my Injector. Not after what I just did to your gem~!

Steven    *grunting* What are you talking about?

Pink Gem: You weren't always a powerful hero, were you?

As the pink Gem lets out one last maniacal laugh, Steven wrests control of the weapon and swings it at her, cleaving her physical form in half and poofing her instantly.

Babs: you did it Steven.

Then Steven collapses to his knees and shakes off the pink circuitry on his body, before setting the weapon down on the ground and reaching for pink gem.

Steven: Better bubble you before something else happens.

Steven tried to bubble the gem but it popped instantly he tried to bubble the gem again but the bubble popped again.

Steven: Where's my bubble? What's going on.

Peni: I don't know but what about the gems and... My brother.

Jessica: We need to get everyone to Steven's house.

Then they all walked off to Steven's house as they begin to wonder what was happening to Steven and what that machine was doing.

To be continued. Well there will be more coming soon and get ready for the gang to meet Little Black diamond. And o would like to thank ashtonmillman16 for helping me with this special.

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