Catching the headless snowman.

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Here we see you and the others in the air as you all fell down to the ground as you popped out as Abatoon along with scooby as you both had snow on your faces making you both look like Santa Claus. We then see you and everyone else back at the inn.

Asa: I called the professor and he's on his way.

(Y/N): Awesome. But who is he again?

Asa: Professor Higginson? He wrote the book on Winter Hollow's ghost! And he works up at the college in Mill's Corner...

Then we see Tommy and his family walk into the inn.

Mortimer: Well Asa you got your way after all. Ah check us in can't stay in a freezing cold house! (would you believe this guy was played by Mark Hamill?)

Diana: I apologize for your predicament.

Mortimer: Well thank you young lady for your sentiment. Asa the key?l

Asa: Now don't be that way Mortimer! You know it's safer for everyone to stay here for a while.

Tommy: Can we spend you know what here?

Mortimer: We'll sure try son.

(Y/N): That's the spirit.

K.O.: I hope your house gets fixed.

Then the door opened as we see a man come in.

Higgins: Where is it? Where's that headless snowman?

(Y/N): Long gone dude. So you must be the professor Asa was talking about?

Higginson: Yes I am and who might you be?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) and this is Peni my adopted blood sister and my two brothers... Stanley And Carter.

He looked to see peni and saw steel and circuit in their human disguised.

Peni: Well we heard that you made the book about the headless snowman.

(Y/N): Can you at least tell us about it?

Higginson: Well for one the legend of the headless snowman starts out in 1823 when this man *shows everyone a really old picture of a man* Seamus Fagan rode into Winter Hollow.

*transition into story mode*

Higginson: He had just immigrated from the old country with a fortune in gold. Sadly, Seamus wasn't the only one on that desolate road. For Blackjack Brody, the infamous highwayman was laying in wait to rob any helpless wayward traveler.

We see a carriage pass by as Seamus Fagen was seen in it as Blackjack Brody was seen as he had a club ready to rob him.

Anna: Did he get away with it?

Higginson: He got away with the gold but he didn't exactly get away. The villagers formed a posse but it was the blizzard that got Blackjack Brody. When they dug him out of that snowman he was completely covered in chimney soot.

We see an angry mob as they were after blackjack Brody as a man saw a snowman and walked to it as the head came off to reveal that Brody was in fact in the snowman

*end story mode*

Y/N: What happened to the gold Professor?

Higginson: Never found. But legend has it that Blackjack Brody yearns for it still. His ghost forever trapped in that frozen tomb of a snowman!

(Y/N): Wow. That is intense.

Betty: No kidding. It's more than a legend. That frosty freak just demolished most of little Tommy's house!

Peni: Yeah.

Higginson: Of course! One of the original Winter Hollow homes!

Asa: That's the oldest house in town. 'Cept maybe Jeb's.

Higginson: Well I've got to check Tommy's house right away! *grabs his coat and heads out to Tommy's house*

Jessica: And I bet that's where that snowman creep will strike next.

Fred: Well

Shaggy: , then We'll be there.

Later we see you and the others at the house as you all were there

Shaggy: It must be Christmas! I thought for sure we'd have to go with him!

Y/N: Don't worry Shaggy we aren't spending Christmas Eve in a spooky old house where a ghost just appeared.

Shag and Scoob: Phew!

*flash forward*

Ororo: We're spending Christmas Eve in a spooky old house where a ghost is going to appear. Old Jeb's house! How's that sound?

Shaggy: Like, ho ho horrible!

Fred: Hello Jeb?! Guess nobody's home.

Y/N: He couldn't have gone far his fire is still burning. Let's write that note Fred.

Fred: Uh, what note is that Y/N?

Y/N: That he's in danger! How we discovered the headless snowman is targeting the oldest houses in town and...

A gust of wind came and blew the fire out

Daphne: Jeepers!

Velma: J-j-jinkies! So cold!

We then see the snowman's shadow walk across the large window

Shaggy: Zoinks! *shut the curtains and everyone hides*

Then the snowman bursts through the door roaring and snarling. Then he sees a picture of Jeb on the chimney and starts to tear it apart then his head came off as scooby was about to sneeze you were seen as Grey matter and covered his nose.

Headless snowman: AAAACCHHHOOOO!

Scooby: Gesundheit.

(Y/N): Bless you.

Then the headless snowman got his head and began to chase you all

(Y/N): Rogue, Storm, Jenn, Betty come with me! Let's get out of here!!

Then you all ran as the snowman chased scooby and shaggy as they jumped off a cliff as the snowman followed them but got stuck in a stump as scoob and shaggy covered him in blue and pink flavoring as he looked like a snow cone as he then broke out and the two ran away he then chased you and the others as you all went into a house and he followed you but you ran out and shut the door as the monster was looking for you as he opened the door as he saw you and the others singing a Christmas carol as he smiled and brought cups of hot cocoa to you all but then snow fell on him as we see scooby and shaggy on the roof as the headless snowman got out but only to get pelted by snowballs thrown by you and the others as he ran to a frozen lake as you came as pantaro along with scoob and shaggy as they were dressed as hockey players as they got the snowman's head and used it as a hockey puck the monster then slid under shaggy and grabbed his head and put it back on and roared at you three as you ran with scoob and shaggy and then stopped in the middle of the lake

(Y/N): Ok I think we lost him.

Then the ice started to crack as the pieces began to float away as scoob and shaggy got on you as the ice you were standing began to crack as you all were now in the water.

Scooby: Cold!

(Y/N): I know Pantaro's cool but this is ridiculous!

Shaggy: And I don't like taking a bath when the water's hot!!

Then the three of you started to freeze we later see the others as they were on a boat looking for you three.

Fred: Scooby? Shaggy?

Peni: (Y/N)? Where are you?

Daphne: Fred watch out for those icebergs.

Then he avoided the "Icebergs" as it was revealed to be you, Scooby and shaggy frozen in ice.

Peni: Wait it's them.

We later see you all in the inn as you scooby shaggy had blankets as you tried to warm up.

(Y/N): T-t-t-t-thanks g-g-g-guys. You wouldn't happen to have a spare coat or something would you? Betty your powers are heat related right would it be too much to ask for a hug please?

Then Jessica, Storm, Karen, And Betty came and hugged you.

Jessica: What were you three doing out there?

(Y/N): We were chased out there by the snowman.

Ben: Oh that makes sense. Hey I'm gonna go alien just In Case he comes here.

(Y/N): Ok, but go with grey matter or brainstorm so we can think of a way to catch the snowman.

But Ben transformed into Shock Rock.

Jessica: And he's Shock Rock.

Ben: Hey. Don't worry I got this. *leans to a wall* I'll be right here looking intimidating.

Fred: the rest of us will be outside to plan for a trap the three of you stay here and warm up.

(Y/N): Fine by me.

Betty: Fred, if it's all the same to you I'm going to go back to the inn with (Y/N).

Then the others left leaving you, Betty, Scooby and Shaggy alone.

Shaggy: At least we don't have to worry about the headless snowman unless the room gets very cold! Zoinks!!

Then a blizzard came and blew out the fire.

(Y/N): Ah crap!

Betty: You just jinxed it Shaggy! Thanks a lot!

Then we see the headless snowman come out of the chimney as he looked at you all as he took off his head and prepared to throw it at you all. Then you all ran away as the snowman threw his head and it hit a wall as his nose was stuck in it

Then you decided to mock the monster.

(Y/N): Ha! Ya missed! *blows a raspberry*

Then you saw his body coming to you all as you all ran upstairs and crashed into boxes with Christmas lights as you all were tangled in them, the snowman grabbed his head from the wall and put it back on his body, and then he ran at you all as you ran outside of the roof.

(Y/N): C'mon you call yourself a monster? Come get me! *you then smacked your butt* WHOMP WHOMP! *sees the monster was angry* Uh oh! I think I made him mad!

Then the monster roared and ran at you as you all ran and jumped from roof to roof as you all reached the end. Then you grabbed the Christmas lights and used it as a lasso and threw it at a tree and you grabbed Betty by waist and swung to the ground then scooby and shaggy came down as you looked to see the snowman jump down as you all ran from the monster as we see the others as they had heating lamps set up.

Fred: ok everyone this year summer comes early to Winter Hollow! Btw the heating lamps were a nice touch Jennifer.

Jennifer: Thanks *sees you and the others running from the snowman* Here they come.

Fred: Now that's what I call teamwork! C'mon everyone places it's showtime!

Then they hid as you and the others came as the snowman was at the spot around the heating lamps.

Fred: Now!

Daphne turned on the heating lamps as they began to heat up as the snowman began to melt as he tried to run away but was blocked off by you as heatblast and Betty.

(Y/N): Yeah, I don't think so. How about a little fire Scarecrow?

Betty: Bad joke! But it was funny.

Then you and Betty began to heat up as the snowman REALLY started to melt

Headless Snowman: I'm melting! I'm melting! Oh what a world!

Then you touched your badge and turned back into normal.

(Y/N): And the headless snowman is...

You took off the head as it was revealed to be a big triangle under the snow.

All: Nobody?

Velma: Wait!

Then the triangle opened up to reveal that Professor Higginson was inside it.

All: Professor Higginson?

(Y/N): Professor the time has come for your lecture. Get it? Cause professors give out lectures?

Kara: Boo! Stick to fighting.

Jennifer: Sorry honey but Kara is right. Stick to being handsome.

(Y/N): Hey, I like to see you guys come up with a better pun.

We then see you all in the Inn.

Higginson: When I did my research on the town's lore I learned the highwayman Blackjack Brody robbed a man in 1823 and concealed the gold before they found him.

(Y/N): Huh That makes sense.

Higginson: That gold is rightfully mine!

Asa: Why are you a descendant of Blackjack Brody?

(Y/N): What she said.

Velma: No he's a descendant of the man Blackjack robbed Seamus Fagan!

Higginson: Brody robbed my great grandfather and Christmas was ruined for my family ever since!

Fred: He used the legend of the headless snowman to cover his search of people's chimneys.

Jennifer: Since his disguise was made of snow he had to refrigerate every home he broke into.

(Y/N): *holds up a device* he used this device to put out the fires in the chimneys. Watch! Show them Scoob!

Then Scooby used the device as it made a snowy wind as it put out the fire.

Higginson: I really wanted my great grandfather's gold but all I found were bricks.

Velma: Wait a second! Gold, bricks. Are you Guys thinking what I'm thinking?

We see all of you at one of the destroyed chimneys as Velma dusted a brick as it was revealed to be gold.

Shaggy: Gold.

Asa: There all gold.

Sheriff Perkins: Well bust my buttons! Blackjack hid the gold bullion bricks in the chimney!

(Y/N): That explains everything.

Higginson: So the gold slips through my fingers once again. Well I suppose I'll have to go to jail for all the trouble I caused. Just another reason for me to hate Christmas.

Tommy: It's sad what happened to the professor's family. Since it's Christmas can't we just forgive him?

Higginson: Like anyone in Winter Hollow is going to forgive me.

Tommy: Well I forgive you *gives him his scarf*

Higginson: After all I caused your going to give me a present?

(Y/N): Yeah, isn't that what Christmas is about?

Asa: I think we all lost sight of that.

Jeb: Well professor, this was your family's gold.

Sheriff Perkins: Yeah I reckon it's rightfully yours now. *gives Higginson a gold brick*

Higginson: What? Mine? Well maybe it is, but it's my turn to give. This gold belongs to the whole town!

Sheriff Perkins: You Don't have to do that.

Higginson: But I want to, I'm so sorry I ruined your homes and your holiday. There's enough here for everybody.

Then he started to give gold to you and your friends and everyone.

(Y/N): Now that's the spirit of Christmas.

Diana: Indeed he has done a generous deed.

Asa: Here's to Professor Higginson the richest man in town.

Then we see scooby as he was near a tree as he plugs in the lights as it was lit up.

Tommy: Hey it's a merry Christmas after all.

Fred: Merry Christmas Tommy.

Higginson: Merry Christmas everybody!

Shaggy: like there's only one thing missing.

Then a shooting star was seen as it came by and was now at the top of the Christmas tree as you all saw it.

Shaggy: I was gonna say presents but that's pretty good to.

Then you looked at Shaggy

(Y/N): Really Shaggy? You were just given a freaking gold brick and you want more presents?!

Shaggy: What?

Steel: Shaggy it's better to give than to receive.

Shaggy: I guess you're right.

(Y/N): You got that right.

Then you looked at Peni as she was smiling as she looked at the Christmas tree.

Peni: This is the best Christmas ever.

(Y/N): It sure is lil sis, it sure is.

Then we see scooby and shaggy as they both had Scooby snacks as they gave them to each other as scooby then hugged shaggy as you all looked at the tree as we now see scooby putting on a Santa hat.

Scooby: Scooby Dooby Doo.

Hey guys it's ashtonmillman16 and Dimitron75 here and we hope you loved our Christmas special that we made together and we hope that you all enjoy Christmas with your family and friends and have a Merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! And get ready for the Steven Universe movie Special coming up next. We'll see y'all later.

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