Confessions from demon girls

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Here we see you and the girls as you were at sweet justice.

(Y/N): Soo Vaggie is that X on your eye like an eye patch or is that part of you?

Vaggie: Well, you could say it's an eye patch.

We then see Nifty as she looked at your watch as she saw the hologram of Abatoon.

Niffty: He looks fun.

(Y/N): No niffty wait-

She pressed the watch as you were then sucked into a book as it started to bounce around as we then see you pop out of the book as Abatoon as you began to do a dance that Spinel did when she was reset as you landed on the table.

Vaggie: Nifty why would you do that?

Nifty: I was curious.

Then you were seen sitting next to Vaggie.

(Y/N): Yeah, ask first before you touch the watch.

Vaggie was then startled that you were next to her so suddenly

Vaggie: How'd you get here?

(Y/N): Don't blame me nifty was the one who pushed my button.

Nifty: Sorry (Y/N)

(Y/N): It's ok, I can't stay mad at my DBFF.

Kara: What?

Vaggie: Demon Best Friend Forever.

Nifty: *blushes red and giggles* hehe yeah friends, *in her head* If only I can tell (Y/N) how much I love him.

Zee: So Alastor quick question, how old is Nifty?

Alastor: Hmm About as old as a teenager when she died in the 50s my dear Zatana.

Kara: So she's about the same age as us?

Nifty: Yep, *angerly* ever since my ex boyfriend cheated on me I sorta jumped off a cliff.

(Y/N): Ouch.

Nifty: Yeah *gets a little teary eyed* he even said I was a... Neat freak!

(Y/N): Well, I don't think you're a Neat freak.

Nifty: *hugs you tightly* thanks (Y/N) your the only man that I love *realizes what she said and covers her mouth*

Angel Dust: What?

Nifty: Oh forget it I'm gonna say it! (Y/N) (L/N) I love you!

She then kissed you on the lips as your face became red as a cherry and it flew up and exploded like a bomb and turned back to normal as you were in a daze. you accidentally tapped the badge twice as you were engulfed in a light to see you were a fusion of Abatoon and Alastor as the tuxedo was black and white and while it looked like alastor but his smile and eyes were replaced with Abatoon's and the hairstyle resembled Abatoon's with alastor's horns.

(Y/N): Alastor and Abatoon?  Alastoon.

Nifty: Woah so cool!

Kara: So what's Alastoon?

(Y/N): Part Alastor and Part abatoon.

Charlie: So he's like a demon cartoon?

(Y/N): Pretty much. *Turns back to normal* and yeah Nifty I love you too and I'm really sorry about what happened to you.

Nifty: Aw thank you and it's ok.

(Y/N): This time you have someone who loves you for who you are.

Vaggie: Oh forget this I love (Y/N) too!

Charlie: I love him too.

(Y/N): You two girls like me too? Well I love you both too.

Vaggie: Thanks *kisses you* it's been so long since I had a boyfriend.

Charlie: And I never had a boyfriend.

(Y/N): Oh, well maybe being with me will be a good experience of having one.

Charlie: Your right, and I can even invite you over to meet my parents sometime you'll love my dad.

(Y/N): And quick question who is your dad?

Charlie: Lucifer.

(Y/N): Wait as in, the king of the underworld Lucifer?

Charlie: Yeah, and it makes me the princess of the underworld.

(Y/N): Well it must be pretty cool being the princess of the underworld.

Karen: But Charlie what would your dad think about you dating someone from the surface world?

???(Lucifer): I approve.

You turned to see was the king of the underworld himself Lucifer as you saw him.

(Y/N): Wait your ok with me being with your daughter? Even though I'm from the surface?

Lucifer: Yes, my only concern is how you treat my daughter, but I heard stories of you.

(Y/N): Yeah us heros saving the universe and don't worry your highness I'll treat your daughter well and kind.

Lucifer: Please call me Lucifer, and after hearing these stories it seems your ok in my book. Besides, even if I didn't like you I'd still would have chosen you to be my daughter's suitor.

(Y/N): Oh thanks Lucifer you won't be disappointed. *To Charlie* So Charlie I gotta ask what's your beef with that news lady?

Charlie: She doesn't like me much because of my idea, she only had me in that broadcast because I'm you know the princess of the underworld.

(Y/N): Hmm Well I bet I can change her mind.

Charlie: You can show her my idea isn't terrible?

(Y/N): It's a wonderful idea created by a beautiful girl.

Charlie: *blushes* Aw thanks sweetie.

(Y/N): Anything for my girlfriends.

Later we see you and the girls at the channel 666 news station you looked to see Katie killjoy.

(Y/N): So that's her? And who's that other guy?

Vaggie: That's her co host tom trench.

(Y/N): Well that's good to know. Well I'm gonna go talk to Katie.

You walked up to the two as you tapped her shoulder.

(Y/N): Excuse me, are you Katie Killjoy?

She turned around to see you and she blushed red

Katie: Yes I am. And you are?

(Y/N): I'm known by many names, but you can call me (Y/N) also known as the alien hero of metropolis. Look I'm here cause I want to endorse the happy hotel.

Katie: You mean that idea that princess has? Why bother it's just a lost cause.

Jessica: Hey, there is no such thing as a lost cause.

(Y/N): Well why do you think it's a lost cause? And be honest.

Katie: Look I only think it's because it's impossible to reform a demon.

(Y/N): Look you need to understand even a fool can make the impossible possible, *looks at Charlie* as long as she never gives up. Plus saying positive stuff about the hotel could oh I don't know boost your image and as an added bonus you endorse it to other demons by staying at the hotel.

Tom: Kid does have a point.

(Y/N): See? He gets it. And thank you Tom.

Tom: Your welcome.

Kara: By the way I always wondered is that mask like part of your face or is it like detachable?

Tom: I'm a gas mask demon so it's part of my face.

Babs: Oh man how do you eat with that thing?

(Y/N): Ok let's get back to the point, if you just give Charlie's idea a chance you'll see it's not a lost cause.

Katie: *blushes red and in her head* Man this (Y/N) is so cute even for a mortal maybe If I go to this hotel I can see him more often. *Outloud* Okay. I'll give this hotel a chance. Maybe it is possible to reform a demon.

(Y/N): Thanks Katie.

Kara: Hey, (Y/N) quick question about your friend Noah, how many of his folks do you know.

(Y/N): Well there's his mom, and there's one I felt sorry he lost.

Noah: He means my dad.

(Y/N): Yeah him.

Husk: So what happened to his old man?

(Y/N): He died in an accident.

Husk: Oh geez sorry about your loss kid.

Noah: It's cool, plus he was also the reason I had my powers.

Husk: What are your powers?

He touches the stone as he absorbed it and his body became stone.

Noah: I can absorb things I'm an Osmosian.

Husk: That must be pretty cool, who was your dad?

Noah: Nathan, me and my bud (Y/N) only remembered him as kids.

Alastor: Well I could always bring your old man back from beyond the grave.

(Y/N): Maybe but it makes me think about past enemies like the rooters.

???(servantis): and I see you still remember us.

You then turn to see servantis and his rooters as you saw Phil.

(Y/N): You, what do you want?

Servantis: We came for what we were after, Noah.

Phil: And (Y/N) you still remember any of Noah's folks as a kid?

(Y/N): Well yeah, his mom and... his dad.

Servantis: Nevermind that, let us claim our prize.

You stopped to think for a minute until you realized something and you stood in front of servantis.

(Y/N): Noah never had a father named Nathan did he? You just implanted that memory years ago so I feel obligated, so I could keep an eye on Noah.

Servantis: * to phil* You have to rub it in didn't you?

Phil: Hey I can't help it.

Servantis: Yes, I did give you that memory along with the others

(Y/N): Others? You rotten head case, you mind zapped me into babysitting your experiments.

??? (Keith): What?

You looked to see Keith was here.

Servantis: Sharp as always, just like your grandfather.

(Y/N): So do you remember getting wassabi and hot sauce getting in your and Phil's eyes?

Servantis and Phil: Wait Wha-

Then as if on cue both a mixture of wasabi and hot sauce dropped from no where and got in both of the rooter's eyes making them scream in agony.


(Y/N): hahaha oh man that never ever gets old.

Phil: That does it!

He changed into his terroranchula form as you then stopped him.

(Y/N): Wait! If you kill me we'll never know where the treasure is buried.

Phil: What treasure?

Servantis: Tell us about this treasure.

(Y/N): Um, the treasure of Ima Weiner.

Phil and Servantis: I'm a Weiner?

Then everyone began to laugh as the two made deadpan looks as they realized you did a trick on them.

(Y/N): Classic.

Phil: Well, always leave them laughing.


We then see the two rooters were knocked out cold revealed to be Katie killjoy and Cherri with a spiked bat and an anvil.

(Y/N): Cherri, great timing.

Katie: Really, Nobody?

(Y/N): And thanks too Ms.Kiljoy.

Katie: Please call me Katie. No one ever calls me that *blushes red*  well except for you.

(Y/N): Oh but why save me?

Katie: Well I um uh well Y-Y-You see I-

Tom: She has a crush on you!

Katie: Stay out of this Tom!

Tom: What? The kid has to know.

Katie: Ok fine, look Tom is right I really do love you.

Charlie: Is she lying?

Tom: No, she's telling the truth, didn't you see her blushing when she first saw him?

Vaggie: That does explain why she was staring at him so much.

Tom: And all posters of (Y/N) in her room.

Katie: That is private!

(Y/N): Wait how did you get pics of me? Also did you get my good side?

Katie: One, I might have been watching you and two I think I got your best side. Look, the point is I really do like you and I was thinking that maybe I can go to the surface so I can see you more of you. *Blushes and twiddles with her fingers* besides who do you think gave you the cheetah fur and dropped that Mutagen

(Y/N): Wait that was you?

Katie: Guilty I just Wondering what you'd be like as a mutant cat and the results were amazing you looked so adorable when you were chasing that mouse.

(Y/N): Ok, Katie you can join this harem but there are some rules you need to know. One: you have to share me with the rest of the girls. Two: you can't be clingy with me. And three: You have to love me for who I am not just for my looks. You get the picture?

Katie: *smiles and hugs you* Got it. Wanna see my demon form?

(Y/N): Well, sure I guess.

She then reveals her true form which is an extra pair of eyes ,which, alongside her original pair of eyes, glow bright red. She also summons two extra pairs of arms that resemble the front legs of a praying mantis right below her usual pair of arms.

Diana: Great Hera

Katie: *in her true form* So what do you think?

(Y/N): It's cool.

Babs: I-I-it's n-n-nice.

Zee: Very Unique.

Jessica: N-Not bad.

(Y/N): So I have to ask are all demons based off of plants, animals or other stuff like angel, Alastor, husk, and others?

Katie: Some look like plants and animals well you know Husk is a combination of a cat and bird.

(Y/N): I can see that.

Katie: while others look like other things.

(Y/N): So now what?

Katie: I'm gonna go to the happy hotel and give it a shot...and maybe a bit nicer and sorry about ridiculing your dream your highness.

Charlie: It's ok, and you can call me Charlie.

(Y/N): Well okay then, *sees a card on the ground* huh what's this?

You then see the card and it say 'I.M.P.' on it.

(Y/N): *reads it* I.M.P., anyone know what I.M.P. is?

Angel Dust: Isn't it that company that murder's rouge demons?

(Y/N): What? Uh Charlie do you know anything about this company?

Charlie: Not that I can think of.

(Y/N): You know it reminds me of my dad's business Devil May Cry.

Vaggie: Devil May Cry?

(Y/N): It's a demon hunting business where we hunt bad demons.

Husk: Huh guess you have some competition kid.

(Y/N): Yeah, and it's time we pay these guys a visit.

We then see you at the I.M.P. Building as you walked in and walked inside.

(Y/N): Ok so who's in charge here *changes into demon Blitzwolfer* Cause the grandson of sparda is here.

You looked to see the boss's office.

(Y/N): Come on out! * bangs on the door* I want to file a complaint!

Jessica: Yeah, I would like to file one too.

Katie: What are you gonna complain about?

(Y/N): I'm making a complaint about them trying to be better than my dad's business.

???(Blitzo): Uh who's here?

(Y/N): An unhappy person that's here to make a complaint.

The door opened to reveal a demon as he was with a few other demons and a wolf girl which made the two girls blush at the sight of him.

???(Loona) *puts her phone down* No freaking way.

(Y/N): Look let's cut to the chase, I'm here because I'm filing a complaint.

???(Moxxie): And what complaint would that be sir?

(Y/N): Your killing other demons that Devil may cry's job!

Blitzo: Well I'm Blitzo, the O is silent by the way and what makes you certain that Devil May Cry should take care of these rouge demons?

(Y/N): Cause I'm (Y/N) (L/N) Dante's son, and sparda's grandchild. And I'm telling you to back off.

Blitzo: And why would we?

Jessica: Cause from the looks of it Devil May cry was taking care of things until you guys came along

(Y/N): Yeah, what she said.

Angel dust: *sees the dead kid* Uh what's with the kid?

Blitzo: Oh that's just one of our targets and for your information we're having a business meeting on how to drum up business.

(Y/N): Wait what?

Moxie: Yes we're in a meeting and our boss here suggested a billboard but we don't have the money.

(Y/N): Well your boss here just wasted all your money's company on this ad.

Angel: Maybe start with better ideas.

(Y/N): Like I don't know a car wash.

Kara: And stay out of his dad's way.

(Y/N): Yeah, my dad's doing a better job at this then you are I mean you killed a kid for Satan's sake.

Moxie: We had the wrong info cause someone *glares at Loona* gave us the wrong info.

Loona: Look I'm sorry ok?

Vaggie: Really?

Angel dust: That had to be the dumbest thing anyone has ever done.

(Y/N): I have to agree with the spider here. Look we can do this the easy way *changes to dragon devil trigger* or we can do this the hard way.

Milie: Well it's not like we wanted this.

(Y/N): Wait what?

Blitzo: Yeah besides I had to get this book just to get access to the surface world.

Angel: Seriously?

(Y/N): Wait where did you get that book?

Blitzo: Stolas, he's one of the Lord's of underworld and a complete jerk.

???(Kid): You're all jerks.

You all turned to see the kid was alive.

(Y/N): that kid is still alive?

Kid: Yes I'm alive I actually faked my death but you all are a bunch of jerks that I actually wanna die *points to blizo* Your a selfish clown boss and kids are supposed to like clowns even the creepy ones.

Moxie: Hey now thats-

Kid: If I wanted to hear from a spineless coward I'd rip out your spine and ask you stuff.

Milie: Hey that's my co-worker you're talking to.

Kid: Zip it!: *laughs* That's your Co worker? I figured you for a hussy but I didn't know you needed a boyfriend that bad. *Points to you and Loona* And you two.

(Y/N) and Loona: What? What about us?

Kid: Nothing I don't talk to dogs, I'm a cat person.

Most of the people in the room went wide eyes and glared at him.

(Y/N): Wow kid you really are a jerk.

Loona: Yeah.

Kara: That's just cold

Diana: Your words hold cruelty.

Karen: That's just mean

Blitzo: Yeah

Millie and Moxie: Hmm-mm

Kid: * gets grabbed by you as Abatoon.* Hey what are you doing?

You walked to a zipper and opened it up.

Kid: *sarcastically* Oh that's very nice, what's this? Some kind of magic act?

You then threw the kid in it and then everyone one heard he was screaming as some looked in it as you zipped up the zipper.

(Y/N): So, would anyone else like to enter the fly of despair?

Blitzo: Uh nope, I'm good.

Kara: Yeah same here.

Karen: No thanks.

Everyone else: Nope.

Loona: *sees her phone* Woah no way.

(Y/N): What?

Loona: Turns out that kid was our target

Jessica: Wait what?

Blitzo: They wanted us to kill an actual child?

Loona: That's what they said.

(Y/N): Good. Now where were we? Oh yeah the complaint I'm filing.

Blitzo: Hey hang on now we just wanted to help.

(Y/N): Help?

Blitzo: Yeah, just hear me out with you and your girlfriends and friends out there fighting other villains who's gonna pick up the demon Villains around here.

Jessica: He does make a good point.

(Y/N): So your saying you want your company and my dad's business to work together?

Blitzo: Exactly.

(Y/N): Hmm well alright.

???(Dante): And I approve.

You turned to see your father was here as you saw him you then came to him.

(Y/N): Dad, what are you doing here?

Dante: I came because I heard you were here plus also to avoid going to a party that Patty wanted me to go to.

Then a telephone was heard ringing as Blitzo answered it.

Blitzo: Hello? *Hears the caller* Ok, it's for you Dante.

Then Dante came to the phone.

Dante: Hello?

???(Patty): *on the phone* Dante, where are you at, I wanted you to come to my party today.

Dante: Look I'm having a business meeting and I'm also with my son right now.

Patty: *on the phone* Son?

(Y/N): *takes the phone Hi there and yeah I'm Dante's son and you are?

Patty: Patty Howell. I used to be with your dad as a kid.

(Y/N): Oh, well it's nice to meet  you.

Patty: Well how come I never heard that your Dante's kid?

(Y/N): Uh it's a long story.

Dante: Yeah.

(Y/N): Well Dante reunited with (D/N) the small part of his humanity and now Dante's picking up what his human self had left behind. Me and my siblings.

Patty: Oh well maybe I can come over and meet you.

You looked to see your dad Dante was shaking no at you as you continue talking to Patty.

(Y/N): That would be nice.

Patty: Thanks I'll see you then.

You then turn to your dad.

(Y/N): Soo what's your beef with her?

Dante: She was always annoying back then.

(Y/N): Come on, she can't be that bad.

Loona: So your sparda's grandson?

(Y/N): Yup, and cousin of Nero.

Blitzo: Sparda has two grandsons?

(Y/N): Yeah even I didn't know about it until I met him *points to Dante* and my sorta of evil uncle, hey Dad what happened to Uncle Vergil?

Dante: Well he kinda stopped with the whole thing and he's been doing his own thing.

(Y/N): Oh, so he's out there hunting rouge demons like you?

Dante: Pretty much.

Milie: I didn't even know sparda had another grandson and a handsome one at that, I'm Millie.

(Y/N): And Wielder of the demon sword (Y/N).

Loona: You named a sword after you? That's pretty cool I'm Loona and I gotta say for a human turned wolf your pretty hot.

(Y/N): Thanks, well the sword was made after I stabbed myself with my old sword and absorbed it and the Sparda.

Blitzo: And why did you stab yourself with your old sword?

(Y/N): Cause that's the sword my grandpa sparda used. Also my dad stabbed himself with his sword so I figured it would work for me too.

Dante: Yeah the Yamato separates man from devil.

(Y/N): But the Rebellion and Striker brings them together.

Dante: What my son said.

Loona: So, what happened to your grandma?

(Y/N): She... Was killed by demons.

Loona: Oh, sorry I asked.

(Y/N): That's okay. Those demons who killed her were sent by someone who was an enemy to my dad, Mundus.

Millie: That Jerk?

(Y/N): You know Mundus?

Millie: Yeah he's been attacking us back then but if it wasn't for your grandpappy we'd be ruled by Mundus.

(Y/N): Hmm so my grandfather was a hero.

Millie: He sure was.

(Y/N): Huh cool. Vaggie quick question: what kind of demon are you?

Baggie: I'm a moth demon.

(Y/N): Moth demon? But you don't look like a moth.

Vaggie: I know, but I think there is something you should know I think you might be the new Dark Knight.

Angel Dust: Dark Knight?

Vaggie: Yeah, think about it Angel he's sparda's grandson.

(Y/N): Dark knight? You mean Batman?

Vaggie: No, it's the name your grandfather was called by demons. And since your sparda's grandchild you might be able to carry on his name demons call him by.

(Y/N): Oh, thanks Vaggie.

Vaggie: You're welcome and I think there's one thing that (Y/N) and sparda both have in common.

Husk: And that is?

Vaggie: They both have a heart of loving another person. And I think it may be best to keep the fact that (Y/N) is sparda's grandson a secret.

Angel Dust: Why? I mean he would be very popular if everyone knew who his grandpa is.

Vaggie: But it would also make (Y/N) a target for rogue demons.

Charlie: Right, so we can't tell anyone about this?

Vaggie: No one. Imagine what would happen if they got our boyfriend.

Charlie: What?

Angel Dust: Just get to the point already .

Vaggie: They would use his blood to gain sparda's power.

(Y/N): So we can't let that happen.

Vaggie: Exactly. So nobody should know about this. *to you* Look I'm just saying this because I don't want to lose you, I just got you as a boyfriend and I don't want to lose you quick.

(Y/N): It's ok Vaggie, you won't and I'll be right with you my beautiful moth girl.

Vaggie: *blushes* hehe thanks

Babs: So we should probably protect (Y/N) more often considering he's more of a target now.

Vaggie: Yeah.

(Y/N): So Vaggie, how did you die? I'm just asking.

Vaggie: It's complicated.

(Y/N): Oh, well you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Sorry if I asked.

Vaggie: It's ok.

(Y/N): Well I think maybe we should head home.

Vaggie: Yeah, Let's go home.

Blitzo: Hey kid, maybe you can come by here to talk about our business.

(Y/N): Ok, and I'll take back my complaint.

Katie: Well I was thinking of you could do an interview for the 666 news channel?

(Y/N): Yeah I can do that. Well Blitzo I hope your business goes well.

Blitzo: Well, I don't think of it as my business. I think of it as my family and you are kinda part of it now.

Moxie: We are not family. You are the boss, we are the employees and (Y/N) and Dante are your business partners. And you treat Loona like she's some troubled teenager.

Loona: Oh sit on a bread stick Moxie.

Moxie: you sit... Sit on.. a... And the be... Just do your job!

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Wow nice comeback.

Blitzo: Hey! We don't blame our screw ups on Loona *hugs loona* She didn't do anything wrong.

(Y/N): Yeah she probably does a great job as a receptionist.

Moxie: Have you even met her?

(Y/N): Well it would be nice to get to know her.

Moxie: She's awful.

(Y/N): Oh come on she can't be that bad.

We then see a Montague of things that Loona does such as we see Moxie come to her with a fax of an ad for weight loss, throwing down a present from Blitzo that had spiders in it and other things.

Blitzo: Look the point is Loona is a valued member of our family and thank you (Y/N) for your support.

(Y/N): Anytime, So why did you take a job here Loona? And is Blitzo your dad?

Loona: He's not really my dad he's just adopted me.

Moxie: and she's more of a homeless woman that our boss took and man the phone.

Blitzo: That is offensive, without homeless people I wouldn't have half the joy and laughter in my life.

We see him looking through a window and sees a homeless demon as he waved at him

(Y/N): Um how do homeless make you have joy and laughter?

Moxie: Well how would you like it if Blitzo here found you outside of work? like he does with me and Millie.

Millie: Aw come on it's not that big a deal.

Moxie: Excuse me WHAT?!

We see a flashback of him and Millie in a kitchen as he is cooking.

Moxie: Millie can you get the butter?

Millie: Sure thing.

She opens the fridge as we then see Blitzo hands her the butter.

Blitzo: Spoiler alert: the butter's spoiled.

Millie: *laughs a bit*

Moxie: What's so funny Millie?

He then sees Blitzo in the fridge.

Blitzo: Really impressive work play.

Moxie: What the?! WHY ARE YOU IN THE FRIDGE?!?!

We then see a flashback as Moxie was sleeping in the bed as he opens his eyes to see that Blitzo was in his room and watching him sleep.

Blitzo: What ya dreaming about?

Moxie: I was dreaming that my parents were being murdered. And I like to get back to that.

We then see a flashback of Moxie playing a guitar as he was singing a song as Millie was with him and then he heard a beep and looks to see Blitzo was at the window with a video camera.


We then go back to the present.

Moxie: Just stop doing that.

Blitzo: I don't see what the issue is. Is there something you don't want me seeing?

Moxie: *irritated* No.

(Y/N): So why do you see them out of work?

Blitzo: I just like to keep a close eye on members of my family.

Moxie: We are not your family!

Blitzo: And I don't judge the things they do after work so don't judge me.

Moxie: Oh I do judge you, quite a lot.

Millie: Mox he's our boss.

Blitzo: no it's fine, Moxie is... How do I say it without being offensive?

(Y/N): Not right in the head?

Loona: A moron?

Babs: Crazy?

Zee: Psychotic?

Kara: A dimwit?

Karen: A knucklehead?

Blitzo: Oh I know. Dumb.

Moxie: Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single, life?

Blitzo:  it actually does.

(Y/N): Yeah I can see why he does that. You're a complete demonic knucklehead.

Moxie: Oh so insulting me makes you feel better about your half human half demon life?

(Y/N): Yeah, it does actually. Well I'm gonna head out.

Loona: Wait, can I come with you?

Millie: Oh can I come too?

(Y/N): Why?

Loona: I can use some time out and to get away from that doofus over here. *Points at Moxie*

Moxie: Hey!

Millie: And I was wondering if I can get to know you a bit more.

(Y/N): Yeah, I could use some company.

Loona: Cool.

You got your sling ring and made a portal to home with Loona and Millie holding your arms.

Loona: So this is your place?

(Y/N): Pretty much. Welcome to my home.

Millie: Well are you just half demon or more than that?

(Y/N): Well I'm actually a fusion of an angel, demon, gem, and a bunch of other stuff.

Loona: Oh well how is it that your able to live like that.

(Y/N): Well it kinda took a lot of getting used to, but I'm actually glad of who I am.

Millie: Oh. That's nice.

Loona: Ok well there's something I wanna tell you and it might come as a surprise.

(Y/N): What is it?

Loona: *inhales* I really like you... A lot.

Millie: Me too.

(Y/N): Since when?

Loona: When I saw you come into our business.

Millie: Yeah the same goes for me.

(Y/N): Ok. Well if you want you can be in the harem but there are a few rules. One you both have to share me with the others, two you both can't be clingy with me, and three you both have to love me for who I am and not just for my looks.

Loona: I guess I'm ok with that.

Millie: Me too as long as I get to be with my love here. *Hugs you*

(Y/N): Thanks Millie.

Loona: So is there anything you do when your not killing demons?

(Y/N): Most of the time I just help my friends, fight the bad guys and what not. And uh that's pretty much it actually.

Millie: Well i think you are pretty good at it.

Loona: and you make a great boyfriend.

(Y/N): And you two make wonderful girlfriends.

Then you leaned towards loona to kiss her as you heard a beep and looked at a window.

(Y/N): What the?! Are you filming us?!

You looked to see it was Blitzo as he was at the window to your house as he was seen holding a video camera.

Blitzo: Look for me I don't judge any kind of couple stuff you do after hours so don't judge me.

You then looked at him and then smiled at him.

(Y/N): Ok fine, I guess I don't mind.

And done!

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