Sleep eater

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In your room we see you and Millie in bed sleeping together as you as you were sleeping you heard was someone climbing into your bed as you opened your eyes to see was Blitzo in your bed as he was looking at you as you woke up and saw him.

Blitzo: What ya dreaming about?

(Y/N): Uh nothing, How and When did you get into my room?

But before he could respond you heard noise as it came from the kitchen

(Y/N): What the? Millie? Sweetie, wake up.

Millie: *wakes up* What is it dear?

(Y/N): Someone is in the kitchen.

You and Millie then go into the kitchen slowly with both of you being armed with bats. as you took a peek to see someone in your fridge as he was eating all of the food that was in it.

Millie: Hey that varmint is eating all our grub.

(Y/N): And we paid good money for that.

You ran in to see that the culprit was gone.

(Y/N): Dang it he's gone.

Then you heard a munching noise as you, Millie and Blitzo looked in a drawer of the fridge as you opened it slowly

(Y/N): *whispers to Millie and blitzo* Be prepared.

Then the figure popped out fast as you all were startled but the culprit was revealed to be Ed as he was eating food and looked like he was still sleeping.

(Y/N): Ed? What the heck are you doing man?! You're eating all our food! *Sees Ed is asleep* Ed?

Millie: is he sleeping? *then he came to her as she aimed her bat at him* Don't make me use this!

Then he took a bite out of the bat as you were shocked at that

(Y/N): Did-did he just eat the bat?! *sees Ed walking off with all of your food* Oh no you don't blitzo Millie restrain him while I get the food.

Then he took the bat out of your hand as he walked off into the town.

(Y/N): We gotta get the others.

Then you, Millie and Blitzo ran to Jessica's house as you knocked on the window.

(Y/N): Jess! Jess! Jess, wake up!

Then Jessica came to the window as she opened the window. You saw her Hair all messy and she was wearing green pajamas with a lantern logo on it.

Jessica: (Y/N), why are you up so late?

(Y/N): It's an emergency Ed is eating us out of house and home.

Jessica: What?

(Y/N): Ed is sleepwalking.

Then Ed came out from the door of Jessica's house as he was carrying food with him

Jessica: Where is he going with all that food?

Blitzo: He's gonna eat it. I thought it was pretty obvious.

(Y/N): Jess, call the others we need to see where Ed's going next.

???(Diana): Unhand my goods you sleeping man!

You looked to see Diana as she was trying to get Ed as he had all her food.

Jessica: I think Diana got the message.

(Y/N): We need to get everyone.

We see you all walking through the town following a trail of food that was eaten.

Moxxie: Why what's the-

(Y/N): No! Don't say it!  Things only get worse when you say the you know what phrase.

Loona: *sees a box of bran muffins* huh looks he missed one. Eww bran muffins. *Drops the box in the trash*

Jessica: *picks up a bottle* Sleepwalking and eating people's food is one thing. But littering!

(Y/N): Yeah and if we don't stop him he's gonna continue littering all over the city or worse.

Jessica: Your right (Y/N) let's go!

Loona: We don't even know where he's going.

(Y/N): Let's follow him. I mean he left a trail of food he ate.

Jessica: More Litter!

We later see you walking by then a wall was broken as Ed was seen holding a fridge and scarfing up all the food in it.

Eddy: Whoo hoo! Did you see that?!

Blitzo: He just ate a wall!

(Y/N): Uh Double D does this always happen or is this just natural?

Double D: I always had that question.

Kara: Ok this is pretty funny.

(Y/N): Yeah jokes aside how are we gonna calm down Jess. *Whispers* the girl's gonna blow a fuse if she finds even more litter you know how she is with the environment.

Eddy: Come on guys you all can't miss this! *Grabs the others and have them sit in seats.* Front row seats for the greatest show on Earth.

We see Ed through a window as he began to eat many foods and drinks as he holds a slice of bread as he ate the food he uses the bread as a napkin and then eats it.

Moxxie: how can a mortal eat so much?

(Y/N): What a pig.

???(Spider ham): I'm right here.

(Y/N): *sees spider ham* Oh uh no offense. *Sees Ed is gone.* Where'd he go?

In a room we see a kid sleeping as he woke up.

???(jimmy:): what is that hideous odor? *Sees a figure* Santa?

Jessica: where did he run off to?

Jimmy: Help! Help!

You all ran to where the cries for help came from as you opened the door to see Ed as he had Jimmy in his mouth.

Jimmy: Saliva! Yuck! Germs!

You all stared at him in shock as Loona closed the door.

Loona: Should we ignore that?

(Y/N): Ignore what?

Loona: I like you tonight.

Jessica: I can't look.

Then you opened the door to see that Ed spat Jimmy out as he was standing there shivering as he was covered in Saliva.

(Y/N): You uh got a little actually it's pretty much everywhere.

Moxxie: He spat that kid out.

Jessica: Phew.

We later see you following the trail as it leads to a house and to a window as hotdogs were being pulled to the room.

(Y/N): Shouldn't we try to stop him?

Blitzo: *grabs the hotdogs* got him! *Gets pulled in* Wait he's got me!

Then you all came to see Ed asleep in his bed with lots of food.

Double D: He Seems to be quite condensed with all that food.

Eddy: Yeah, like a beached whale.

Angel dust walked up to Ed.

Angel dust: He looks so natural. *Grabs Ed* Oh Ed. Ed. *Shakes Ed awake* WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!

Then Ed looked around and saw you guys.

Ed: Hi guys!

Karen : Ed, do you know that you walk in your sleep? And that you have consumed all the food within a five-block radius of your bed?

Ed: *getting up* Not only that, but I feel as though I have consumed all the food within a five-block radius of my bed.

(Y/N): That's what she just said. Dude do you remember anything?

Eddy, Angel dust and Blitzo were seen on Ed's bed with food and sodas.

Angel Dust: You were great.

Blitzo: You ate everything.

Eddy: Including Jimmy.

Then the buttons on Ed's pajama shirt came off as Ed saw his huge belly and grabbed it.

Ed: Oh no! Jimmy, don't tell Sarah! Guys help me!

(Y/N): You didn't eat him you spat him out afterwards he's uh over there *points to Jimmy*

Loona: Relax, We're gonna sleep here and keep an eye on you.

Moxxie: do you have any spare blankets?

He opened the closet as it showed to have lots of food in it as it fell on him.

(Y/N): Ed why do you have this much food in your closet?

Jessica: And why is his room a mess?

Zee: It's messier than Kara's room.

Ed: Come on time for bed.

We then see you all sleeping in Ed's room as Ed was seen sleeping on his bed as he was tied to the bed and then he got up as Jessica woke up and noticed Ed sleepwalking again.

Jessica: Guys Ed's sleepwalking again.

(Y/N): Oh I got it Jess you think you can get him in a cage?

We see Ed walk out the door. His bed, to which he is still tied, gets caught on the doorframe. Ed breaks the ropes and continues on then we hear banging from another room.

Sarah: Ed! Ed! Shut up!

Then we see you all run outside.

Millie: How can he be so fast?

Karen: Look

Then she saw Ed as he steps onto the clothesline, bending it. As he slides towards the middle, a pair of panties come loose. When he reaches the middle, the clothesline acts as a slingshot, shooting him into the sky. As he leaves earth, he grabs the panties in his teeth. Once his descent begins, the panties open and act as a parachute. He flies away on them.

Eddy: That guy cracks me up.

Double D: I think I know a way to lure him back.

(Y/N): How?

We later see Ed going through a fridge as he was grabbing food as a sock on a stick was seen as Ed smelled it and began to follow it as we see you all in his room as you had clothespins on your noses.

Double D: The familiar scents of one's personal belongings always makes one long for their natural environment!

Blitzo: You must be a riot at parties.

(Y/N): In English please?

Jessica: I think what double D was trying to say is that if we use Ed's sock it'll make Ed come to us.

Then we see Ed as he was walking to the window of his room as you grabbed him by the feet and pulled him in.

(Y/N): I got him!

Then the others came to help you as you all pulled hard to get Ed in but we see Ed as he was now stuck.

(Y/N): Well at least he's not going anywhere.

We then see Ed is now sleeping in a reinforced cage as you and the others were there.

Blitzo: Well at least he won't be a problem.

Kara: Oh really then how about you stop finding us and (Y/N) after school and not doing hero stuff.

(Y/N): Come on, it's not a big deal.

Jessica: Excuse me, what?!


We see you and Jessica in the kitchen as Jessica was making breakfast.

Jessica: (Y/N) honey could you get the milk?

(Y/N): Sure thing sweetie.

You opened the door as an arm came and gave you the milk.

Blitzo: Spoiler alert, the milk's spoiled.

You then laughed as Jessica turned to you.

Jessica: What's funny honey?

Then she saw that Blitzo was in the fridge.

Blitzo: Very impressive word play.

Jessica: What the?! Why are you in our fridge?!

On another day we see you and Zee sleeping in the bed at night as Zee was trying to sleep as she heard someone get on the bed and purring as she opened her eyes to see Blitzo on the bed as he was looking at her as she was awake.

Blitzo: What ya dreaming about?

Zee: I was dreaming that I was a world famous magician, but now I like to go back to that.

Then another flashback came as you and Kara were seen playing rock music as you both finished you both were about to kiss and a beep noise was heard as Kara looked out the window.


We see Blitzo as he was seen through a window with a camera as he was smiling and holding a video camera as he was recording you both. Then we go back to you all in the present.

Kara: Just stop doing that.

Blitzo: I don't see what the issue is? *Smirks* Is there something you all don't want me seeing?

Jessica: No.

Blitzo: Your little garden of baby plants?

Zee: Look what you say and how you act is really inappropriate!

(Y/N): Whoa Zee, calm down.

Zee: Don't tell me to calm down!

Blitzo: Look I don't judge the boring couple stuff you all do outside of school. So don't judge me.

Kara: Oh we do judge you, quite a lot actually.

(Y/N): Kara he's our friend.

Blitzo: No it's fine your girlfriend is just, how do I say this with being offensive? *smirks* Hot headed.

Jessica: Does insulting people make you feel better about yourself?

Blitzo: It actually does.

Husk: plus the reason I see how (Y/N) has girlfriends is because he's easy to manage.

You then charged at husk and pulled rebellion out and up against his neck in the most dangerous way possible. And for the first time in his life husk was terrified when he saw your glowing red eyes and black seclars.

(Y/N): *in demon voice*  Wanna say that

Husk: NO NO NO! I take it back!

(Y/N): That's what I thought.

You snap back to your normal state.

(Y/N): *sees everyone staring at him* Uh why's everyone staring at me?

Moxxie: How did you summon the rebellion?

Loona: I thought your dad used it to make his sword.

(Y/N): What are you guys talking about?

Blitzo: the sword in your hand.

(Y/N): *sees rebellion in his hands* Woah jeez *drops the sword* I swear I didn't do that.

Moxxie: You summoned it, how could you summon it?

(Y/N): I'm not sure I guess I just snapped.

Blitzo: Wow that is amazing.

Kara: You have your dad's old sword.

???(Vergil): Impressive nephew.

You turned to see your uncle Vergil.

(Y/N): Uncle Vergil.

Moxxie: Vergil, as in the Alpha and Omega

(Y/N): So what are you doing here? Also, are you, ya know...insane?

Vergil: Don't worry I'm not the man I once was. I came because you manage to summon Rebellion.

(Y/N): Yeah it was weird it happened right after...right after husk talked about my girlfriends.

Husk: look I'm sorry kid ok?

(Y/N): Ah no hard feelings. Don't know how I summoned my old man's sword though I thought only he could summon it.

Vergil: True, but since you are his son you inherit his weapons.

(Y/N): What about your weapon, what was it called again? Tomato.

Vergil: Yamato. This sword is used to create portals.

(Y/N): Could I uh use it?

Vergil: Be my guest.

He tossed Yamato at you as you caught it as you saw a tree outside and came at it slicing the air as the tree looked ok.

Husk: Kid you were supposed to slice the tree not the air.

Then you placed the Yamato in the scabbard and the tree burst into pieces.

Vergil: With the Yamato, you can slice your opponents without even touching them.

???(Tatsu): That is amazing.

You looked to see Tatsu as you and Diana saw her.

Diana: Tatsu.

Vergil: You must be Tatsu, I heard about you. And about your sword soul taker.

Tatsu: Yes but Diana taught me how to be a hero in a different way.

(Y/N): That's right and to being a hero saves lives not by punishing villains but by protecting the innocent.

Tatsu: Yes that.

Angel dust: But how come it didn't take our souls?

Vergil: As long as your demons you should be safe from the soul taker.

(Y/N): What about fallen angels like panty and stocking?

???(Panty): Someone say our names?

You looked to see was panty and stocking as you saw them.

(Y/N): Hey girls.

Panty: Hey babe. *Sees Vergil* uh who's he?

(Y/N): that's my uncle from my dad's side.

Stocking: Wait, you mean your evil uncle?

Vergil: I'm not evil.

(Y/N): That's right he was evil but now he's pretty chill. And he came because of me summoning this * holds rebellion.*

Panty: Woah cool sword.

Stocking: Panty that's not any sword that's-

???(Scanty and Kneesocks): Rebellion.

You and the others turn to see scanty and kneesocks in black nightgowns

(Y/N): Hey Scanty and kneesocks.

Scanty: Hello honey

Kneesocks: Hi sweetie.

Vergil: More lovers I presume?

(Y/N): What can I say, I'm a girl magnet.

Kneesocks: How did you summon Rebellion? Your father absorbed it along with your grandfather's sword to create his sword.

(Y/N): Well uncle Vergil believes that since I'm Dante's son I inherited his sword. Although I don't have any idea what happened to my eyes.

Scanty: Your eyes?

Kneesocks: They look Pretty okay to me.

Blitzo: You should have been here earlier, his eyes were red and black when kit cat over here talked smacked about his girlfriends.

Husk: Hey I said I was sorry, besides I-I don't wanna make the kid angry he nearly took one of my nine lives.

(Y/N): Just be careful what you say next time.

Husk: Uh yeah will do.

(Y/N): Anyway, I guess this sword could be useful. It is my dad's old sword.

Scanty: Yes it could.

(Y/N): Yeah, anyway, maybe it would be best to get some sleep, and as for Ed, he won't be causing anymore trouble tonight.

Jessica: Yeah at least he won't be littering.

Kneesocks: You must hate littering very much huh?

(Y/N): Jessica really cares about the environment. Like really cares.

Kara: Yeah.

(Y/N): Anyway, I'm going home and getting some sleep. Night.

Scanty and Kneesocks: can we sleep with you?

Panty and stocking: and us?

Jessica: why?

Kneesocks: just thought he could use some company.

(Y/N): And I have a feeling that others might have the same idea. You know what if any girl wants to sleep with me raise your hand.

We then see Scanty, kneesocks, panty, stocking, Diana, Jessica, Kara, and tatsu raise their hands.

(Y/N): figures.

Scanty: don't worry.

Kneesocks: Our bed is big enough for 9 people.

(Y/N): You know normally, I would ask a question about that, but it's late so I'm just gonna let it slide. Come on girls.

Then you walked home with Diana, Jessica, Kara, Tatsu, Scanty, Kneesocks, Panty and stocking following you as you headed off home. We then see you with the girls sleeping together in bed as you were seen with the girls cuddling with you as the screen fades to black.

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