Crushing it.

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At the school we see Diana is playing for the hamsters in volleyball as everyone was cheering for her even your friends and the girls.

Kara: Calling it now... Lady Hamsters ain't losing a game this season…

Babs: Whoo-hoo!

Kara: ...with Diana on the team! Boom!

Then we see Diana hit the ball 

Jessica: She's going to crush it tomorrow on debate team. The other day, the topic was "paper or plastic"Diana shut everyone down with reusable canvas bags! Yeah! Pow!

Diana then makes a shot again.

Karen: Dudes! She's my science fair partner on Wednesday! We're gonna kill it with some crazy ancient Greek alchemy! Bam!

Diana makes a another shot.

Babs: Ooh! Ooh! And on Thursday, she's gonna lead the marching band into leading the football team to world domination! Kapowee!

Diana then makes a shot.

Zee: Oh, yeah? Well, she's gonna bring down the house as Juliet in the spring play on Friday. My directing debut will be an absolute triumph! Ba-ba-ba-boom!

Diana makes another shot once again and the score is 15 to 0 and it was time. Everyone then cheer on for Diana.

The Girls: Go, Diana!

Kara: Diana's got the week of her life ahead of her. I mean, can anything stop her?

Diana then jumped into the air as she then saw you and a guy with blonde hair, brown shoes, tan shirt, and brown pants.

She then blushed as she lost all sense of thought when she set her eyes on you and the boy. 
Then the ball hits her in the face and fall down as it confused the others.

Jessica: What?.

Kara: Way to jinx it, Karen.

Karen: Me?

Diana then got hit by the ball as everyone gasp.

Babs and Jessica: Ooh!

Diana missed the shot.

All: Aww!

Diana then bump into another player by accident as Karen and Zee hug each other.

Kara: Ow!

Diana then tries to serve the ball but it bounce back at her. then it hit her on the face. Then it was 15 to 25 on the scoreboard and the game was over. The girls were shocked to see of what just happened.

Kara: So, that happened.

The girls then head to her and they see her in a blissful state of mind.

Jessica: Diana? Diana?

Jessica then poke her on the cheek. Then Babs came in with a bucket of water.

Babs: Incoming!

Babs then dump the water on Diana's face as she was snapped out of her blissful state of mind.

Diana: What... What happened?

Babs: You were being totally amazing like usual, and then (Y/N) and that boy walked in, and suddenly, you were being totally not amazing!
Diana: Boy? You mean Steve and (Y/N)? Incredibly handsome, alluring, more-beautiful-than-Adonis Steve

Kara: Uh, yeah, I guess that was him.

Diana: But why would Steve affect my performance? I barely know him. He's only the first boy I ever saw when I arrived to the World of Man from Themyscira along with (Y/N).

Zee: Oh, this is gonna be good.


We see Diana sailing on her boat as she pulled it onto land.

Diana: After a long and arduous journey across the seven seas, I touched down on the sands of this new world.

Then Diana saw Steve Trevor minding his own business

Diana: And there he was Steve Trevor.

Steve: Hey a nickel *picks up a nickel.*

Then that's when you showed up.

(Y/N): Hey Steve what's going on?

Steve: nothing much what about you

(Y/N): nothing much.

Then Diana walked up to you and Steve as she held out her hands to shake your's and steve's hands.

Diana: I had only heard the legends... But to see in real life... boys... Naturally, I offered them my hand in friendship. It was quite congenial.

Then Diana laughed in an embarrassing tone and then fell down on her face in the sand.

Flashback ends.

Diana: It is no large deal.

Kara: It's no big deal.

Diana: Yes. That.

Then they heard the door opened to see you, steve, and stocking.

(Y/N): Hey Diana.

Stocking: sup people.

Steve: Hey Diana I thought that was you in the game. Great to see you again. And your pals here, too. Hi.

Kara: Who's the goth girl?

(Y/N): everyone this is stocking she's a new student here.

Stocking: yep I'm enrolling here, nice to meet you all.

Jessica: Where did you meet her?

(Y/N): I met her at daten city and let's just say that there's one thing that me and her have in common.

Babs: What's that?

(Y/N): Well she's *whispers to Babs* An angel.

Babs: an angel?

Zee then noticed your scarf.

Zee: I see you updated your wardrobe a bit.

(Y/N): Yeah but this isn't your ordinary run of the mill scarf.

Zee: then what is it then some kind of  weapon?

(Y/N): Actually yeah it is. It used to belong to an angel called Scarf.

Kara: Scarf? What kind of name is that?

(Y/N): Well he was an angel exiled from heaven. He represented one of the seven deadly sins.

Zee: And that sin would be?

(Y/N): Pride. Well Stocking is a fallen angel as well as her sister.

Zee: and who's her sister.

(Y/N): Panty. Well they were exiled for the same reason. Stocking represents gluttony and her sis represents lust.

Stocking: yeah well you should have seen (Y/N) when he got the scarf.

Jessica: What happened?

Stocking: He did a dance like he was Michael Jackson.

Jessica: wait Michael Jackson? As in The Michael Jackson the king of pop music?!

Stocking: Yeah, why?

Jessica: I'm such a huge fan of him!

Stocking: Ok, well anyway i have a video of (Y/N)'s dance.

She got her phone and showed the girls the video of you dancing.

Babs: woah look at him go!

Kara: dance while you work kid.

(Y/N): Thanks and I didn't know I could dance that good. well she's also here because she's helping me out with controlling my angel powers.

Kara: Angel powers? But here's my question: why didn't you tell us you were an angel?

(Y/N): That's because I didn't know about it.

Stocking: until now. 

(Y/N): Well remember when my hair was white?

Karen: Yeah why?

(Y/N): well it turns out that it wasn't because of me getting old. it might be connected to my powers. Anyway stocking is gonna be here to show me the ropes of being an angel.

Kara: ok but how did you meet Steve?

(Y/N): oh that, well he and I met at Sweet Justice we had ice cream together. 

Then Diana giggled like a girl looking at her crush.

Diana: *giggles* ice cream.

Then you all turned to steve.

(Y/N): So steve, any reason your here

Steve: I didn't get into the military academy like I wanted, so it looks like I'll be right here at Metropolis High with all of you!

(Y/N): I would've made a celebratory party for his recruitment at sweet justice. 

Steve: Well, I better be off. Lots of extracurriculars to check out. See you later! Oh, great game, Diana.

Diana: *giggling* Your game is-- okay, Steve, bye. *stuttering* Okay, later, 'k? I don't know.

Then Diana swoon onto the volleyball net, then fell onto a table as it fell on her as volleyballs swarmed the gym as she got up and turned to get the balls.

Diana: Wait, oh, I'm sorry. Oh, oh! Oh, no!

Zee: This is not good.

Jessica: The Amazons prepared her for everything. Except talking to boys.

Karen: I remember my first crush. It was brutal.

Babs then gasp.

Babs: Do you know what this means? Steve Trevor is Diana's Kryptonite.

Kara: Hey, guys, let's get one thing straight: Kryptonite is Kryptonite. It's extremely painful, and awful, and that dude is not Kryptonite. Besides, this is Diana Prince we're talking about. She can handle anything.

Diana then trip on a ball as the other balls fall on her.

On Tuesday, there was a debate of putting toilet paper over or under and Diana is speaking right now.

Diana: Oh! And so, just as a battalion of warriors must approach an enemy encampment via an over-ground pass, so, too, must toilet paper hang in the over position. Thank you.

Everyone cheered as Diana returned to her seat.

Jessica: Got this in the reusable bag, suckas!

Diana then gasped as she saw Steve and you at the stand as Jessica's eyes widen in shock. Diana was lost in thought from the sight of Steve Trevor as the spotlights shine on Steve, but what Jessica didn't know is that Diana wasn't obsessing over Steve but someone else.

Steve: Steve: Well, gee, I guess I don't really have strong opinions on how you hang your toilet paper. If you're an "over" kind of guy, who am I to judge? But if you're an "under" dude, well, you know, that's okay, too.

(Y/N): Well said man. 

Then Diana clapped like a girl seeing her crush.

Diana: Oh, Steve, I have never heard such eloquence. You're so smart. Is he not smart, everyone?

Then everyone was silent until you spoke up.

(Y/N): Um yay?

Diana: I concede.

Then Jessica Screamed in disbelief

It was Wednesday at the science fair and diana was going through the science of Greek Alchemy.

Diana: It was noble Hemera, goddess of the daytime, who bestowed the Philosopher's Stone upon my people. We honor the shining light of her sun by transforming the base metal of our armor into pure, shimmering gold.

Karen: This is incredible! With your knowledge of ancient chemical processes, we're totally gonna win!

Karen then notice that Diana is pouring too much chemicals into one test tube and look up to Diana.

Karen: Uh, Diana. Uh, Diana.

Diana was lost in thought as Steve was holding a potato clock and he was with you at the science fair. Then there was an explosion as everyone head out running as Diana was doing some dopey giggling as Karen sigh.

(Y/N): Is it too late to participate?

It was Thursday and Diana is marching band leader as Babs was playing the Xylophone. Then they form a phrase Go Hamsters! Then Diana toss her baton into the air and then catch it. She then see Steve riding his bike delivering newspapers. Diana then chase after him along with the rest of the marching band. 

(Y/N): Who knew that marching band can move that fast?

Then Babs hit a note on her Xylophone in frustration.

It was Friday and Diana was playing the role of Juliet in a play.

Diana: O, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo!

Zee: She's amazing.

Diana: Deny thy father…

Zee: This play is amazing.

Diana: ...and refuse thy name.

Zee: I'm amazed!

Then Karen came and whispered to Zee as she got angry.

Zee: What? But he's supposed to be on stage right now!

Oliver: Unacceptable!

We turn to see the actor who is suppose to play Romeo.

Oliver Queen: You call these pantaloons? If I cannot play an authentic Romeo, I shall play none at all!

He then walked away.

Zee: Who needs you, anyway? I've got Diana. And an understudy. Garth? Garth, where are you?

Steve: Garth is sick.

Then Zee and Karen gasped and turn to Steve.

Steve: Under-understudy Steve Trevor reporting for duty.

Steve then whistle and walk onto the stage.

(Y/N): You go buddy!

Then you see Karen and Zee staring at you with anger.

(Y/N): What?

Zee then whisper to Karen.

Zee: Remind me to banish Garth to the 27th dimension.

Karen then nod in yes as Diana says her line.

Diana: Romeo, doff thy name, and for that name, which is no part of thee, take all myself.

Then she hears squeaky footsteps and turn to see Steve walking towards the ladder and saying his line.

Steve: Um, I take thee at thy word. Call me but love...

Diana then got lost in thought again from the sight of Steve Trevor. Steve then walk up to the ladder as Babs whisper to Kara.

Babs: Kryptonite.

Kara then punch Babs on the shoulder as Steve continues to climb the ladder and reading his lines.

Steve:  *acting* With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls......for stony limits cannot hold love out. And what love can do, that dares love attempt.

Steve then see that the next part is the kissing scene.

Steve: Uh, I think we're supposed to kiss now.

Steve tries to kiss Diana as she blushed hard enough that an imaginary volcano appeared and shot lava. Then the whole stage fall apart.

Jessica: Look on the bright side. At least this week is over.

It was Saturday at the hideout and you and the girls are watching a movie.

Aiden: I never wanted to love her, Alexandra, but she's the most important thing to me now.

Then Diana feels so weak and is covered in a brown blanket as you and Jessica spot her and was shocked by it.

Jessica: Oh, my goodness! Diana, are you okay?

(Y/N): What happened?

Diana:  I do not know what ails me. I cannot eat. I cannot sleep. And my stomach is full of something akin to the fluttering of butterflies. The cause of this illness is a great mystery.

Kara then got up and pull Diana out of the chair that she was sitting in.

Kara: That's it! We're taking you out and getting your mind off of Mr. More-beautiful- than-Adonis.

All: Yeah!

We see the girls taking Diana at the mall as she spots a pretzel stand and orders a pretzel. Then the girls spotted Steve and try to get Diana away from him as he was choosing which shirt to wear as you were with him. At the library we see Diana taking a look at the odyssey and she found you and steve there and kara puts a book back and the girls took Diana to an electronics store where they were looking at a screen with a kitten playing with a ball of yarn and then screen changed to you and Steveas the girls then took her somewhere else .The girls then take Diana to the pier and ride a roller coaster as you and Steve sit next to Diana as she spotted you and him. The girls then take Diana and try to escape you and Steve Trevor, they go to multiple places: the bus, subway, taxi, etc.

Back at the lair, you just got back and you see Diana acting all dazed.

(Y/N): What happened to her?

All: Steve Trevor.

Babs then appear and dump water on Diana.

Babs: Incoming!

The water was dumped and Diana is still in a dazed.

Karen: "Is this how she's gonna be from now on?"

Babs: I don't know. Hey, Kara Is this what happens to Kryptonians, when they're repeatedly overexposed to--

Kara: Gah! Stop with the Kryptonite, already!

Kara then grab Diana and shake her and slap her.

Kara: Come on, lady, snap out of it! You can't let some boy do this to you! You're an Amazon warrior. You're Wonder Woman! You're literally a symbol of female empowerment!

Jessica then grab Diana.

Jessica: Leave her alone, Kara! Poor Diana is entitled to her feelings. This crush is natural and normal. And she'll deal with it on her own time, and in her own way.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Diana: That's crazy, (Y/N) and Steve. I like vanilla, too.

Jessica then place Diana back into the chair as she walked slowly backwards.

Babs: Or, we could just take out Steve Trevor.

All(Except you): Agree.

Karen: Let's take him out.

(Y/N): Wait What, he's my buddy!

Zee: Don't worry (Y/N), we're not gonna kill him or anything.

It was Sunday and the girls are in stealth mode as you, Stocking, and Steve Trevor are walking together. The girls are armed to the teeth and they're gonna launched an attack on Steve right before he gets a phone call from the military academy.

Steve: Hello? Jeepers, I got into the Military Academy after all? Neato! How about that?

(Y/N): Now I can make that celebratory party at Sweet Justice, ice cream is on me!

Stocking: I can go for ice cream

You, Stocking and Steve head over to Sweet Justice as the girls turn to Babs as she was hacking into the academy's network.

Babs: What? I took him out. By hacking into the Military Academy and getting him accepted. What were you guys gonna do?

It was Monday and Diana is beating the opposing team and the hamsters got 52 to 0 and everyone cheered for Diana.

(Y/N): Nice work Diana!

Later, in the locker room.

Kara: Thank goodness we don't have to worry about that Steve Trevor guy anymore.

Babs: You mean Steve Kryptonite?

Kara: Let me explain this to you one more time. It's simple. Kryptonite is from the planet Krypton!

Zee then turns to Diana.

Zee: Come on, Diana, hurry up.

Diana: I am nearly ready.

Before Diana close the locker, there was a picture of you next to a picture of Diana herself and there are hearts around your picture. As we see her with the others.

Zee: Diana mind explaining something to us?

Diana: Such as?

Kara: You going gaga over Steve.

Diana: Steve? Sisters, I do not understand.

Kara: You always go swooning over Steve whenever he's around.

Diana: Oh, I can assure you it is not Steve that I was swooning over.

Kara: huh?

Zee: Wait, what?

Kara: If it wasn't Steve then who is it?

Diana: *blushes and giggles* its (Y/N) (L/N) the man of my dreams *swoons* 

Babs: So it was (Y/N) the whole time? But we thought it was Steve.

Diana: Sisters rest assured that Steve and I are friends. And (Y/N) is the man i am destined to be with.

Zee: oh phew that's a relief.

Diana: But sisters why would you all assume that i was thinking of Steve?

Jessica: Well we thought that you loved Steve more than you love (Y/N).

Diana: Jessica, I love (Y/N) with all my heart. After all he is the one who saved me from my mother 

Kara: and us too right cause we helped too.

Diana: Yes that is true Kara. And I thank you all for saving me as well.

Jessica: Well don't you all think it's odd that (Y/N) was an angel the whole time but didn't know about it?

Karen: Yeah it is kinda weird.

Diana: That is true. But no matter what he is he will always be our angel.

All: Yeah.

As the others were walking two figures were hiding as they heard their conversation.

???: So we have another angel to deal with.

???: Don't worry sister you heard what they said since he didn't know about his powers, taking him down will be easy.

Them the two smiled as they walked away as they thought of a plan to deal with you.

Well i hoped you all liked this chapter and get ready for more surprises coming your way. And be sure to share this with others and i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and i would love to thank Deadpoolmerchwiththem for the assistance on this chapter and I'll see y'all later.

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