Trying to unlock neos' full power.

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Here we see you at the junkyard as Neos as you were trying to concentrate on using his fusion powers.

(Y/N): Fusion...

Then your body was enveloped in a gold aura as you looked to see your hands have energy in them.

(Y/N): No, not neos force, neos fusion. *sighs* ugh i don't get it. I can use most of my aliens powers, but why can't i use Neos' full power?

Then the ground began to shake as it caught your attention as you looked to see was a giant clam shell as it began to open to reveal a woman as you saw her face as your eyes widened when you saw her pink flowing hair.

(Y/N): Is that... Rose?

Then The pink hair started to part away as it revealed that it wasn't rose but someone else

???: good morning.

You then turn around to see a guy with an orange mustache a propeller hat round belly a red fanny pack and rainbow suspenders and immediately you knew who he was as he was clapping.

Uncle Grandpa: Bravo, this guy sure knows how to make an entrance.

(Y/N): Wow, Uncle Grandpa. I can't believe your here. I can't believe it at all.

Uncle Grandpa: Don't worry, none of this is cannon but this is.

Then he pulled out a cannon as he loaded his head in it.

(Y/N): Woah!

He then fired the cannon as his head was flying in the air and then hit a ship as it began to sink

???: Oh no! Our ship!

???: It's sinking!

Uncle Grandpa: So, i heard you can't get to neos fusion.

(Y/N): Yeah, i've been trying to figure out how to use it. But no matter what I do I can't seem to get it.

Then he pulled out a skeptical as he placed it on your badge as he knocked on it as from the inside we can hear knocking as well.

Uncle Grandpa: yup this is definitely the watch blues. I've seen this before.

(Y/N): You have?

Uncle Grandpa: I was there, don't you remember?

A flashback was seen as we see you going to metropolis high as uncle grandpa's head was seen.

Uncle Grandpa: Wow, this is a new rad awesome story. *sees you* Oh hey, hi there. Hello? Good morning?

We go back to you and uncle grandpa.

(Y/N): I don't remember that at all.

Uncle Grandpa: So you can only fuse when you need to protect yourself?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Uncle grandpa: then we need something to protect yourself from.

Then Uncle Grandpa pulled out a Bazooka.

Uncle Grandpa: like this super rad awesome rocket launcher.

Then he aimed it at you.

(Y/N): Uh Uncle Grandpa, I don't think this is safe.

Uncle Grandpa: Don't worry, I'm wearing a helmet.

Then he fired a rocket at you as you saw it coming straight at you as you held up your hands to block it as the rocket turned out to be small as it hit you as it was on the ground and blew up.

Uncle Grandpa: Anything?

(Y/N): *sees that he has neos force* nope.

Then he pulled out a beezooka.

Uncle Grandpa: Then how about a Beezooka?

(Y/N): *runs away from the bees* ahh! Stay away from me!

Then uncle grandpa was dressed up as robin hood as he had a bow and arrow with a snake.

Uncle Grandpa: Or a snake shooter?

(Y/N): *runs away from the snake* ah! Get away!

Then uncle grandpa pulled out the beezooka again.

Uncle Grandpa: Or the Beezooka again?

(Y/N): *runs away from the bees...again* ah! There stinging me!

Then we see you all bruised up and covered in bee stings.

Uncle Grandpa: Still nothing. Oh i know!

We see Kara as Jessica came to her.

Jessica: Kara, have you seen (Y/N) today?

Kara: Yeah, he's hanging out with some weirdo. I think he's trying to vaporize (Y/N).

Jessica: WHAT?!?!

They looked to see you and uncle grandpa with a death ray as it was aimed at you as it began to power up as you were ready to brace it as uncle grandpa had the remote for the ray.

Jessica: (Y/N)!

Then the ray fired at you as an explosion was seen as they looked they saw you as you were ok and covered in a gold aura as you saw yourself.

(Y/N): NO! Not Neos force! Neos fusion!

You then made the aura disappeared as Uncle grandpa came to ya.

Uncle Grandpa: Hmmm. I could of sworn the doomtastic death ray of dastardly destruction would of worked. You wanna try the bees again?

Jessica: (Y/N)!

You looked to see the superhero girls, Ben, Rook, Steven and the crystal gems.

Kara: What's going on?

Zee: And who is this... stranger?

(Y/N): he's not a stranger this is uncle grandpa.

Uncle Grandpa: Good Morning

Kara: Uncle Grandpa?

Diana: So that would make him (D/N)'s brother and father?

Kara: Guess that explains why you have a weird family.

Belly bag: that's right.

Then Uncle Grandpa's head took off into space as it orbited around earth along with you and the others heads as you were laughing as the others were weirded out.

Belly Bag: He's not just your uncle grandpa (Y/N). He's everyone in the worlds uncle grandpa and when he comes to town you're sure to have a fun time.

(Y/N): *laughs* We're in space!

Then the others heads went back to earth and back into their bodies

Jessica: *trying to find the words but fails as she faints.*

Then we see kara walking around as her head is on backwards

Kara: ah! My head is on backwards

Dianna: *shudders*

Then we see you and uncle grandpa's heads as they floated down back to your bodies and fistbump each other

Babs: Group huddle!

Then the others went into a group huddle.

Zee: Obviously we're dealing with some super powerful reality warping entity.

Diana: He could be a danger to metropolis.

Kara: I don't know, I kinda like him.

(Y/N): *Joins the group huddle* Hey what are you girls talking about?

Uncle Grandpa: *joins the group huddle* Are you forming a secret club?

Then a second uncle grandpa joined the group huddle.

Uncle Grandpa and Uncle Grandpa#2: Can we join too?

Then the others were startled as they backed away from uncle grandpa as Jessica came to him.

Jessica: Um, Uncle grandpa.

Uncle Grandpa: Good morning.

Jessica: Yes, we have decided to...

We see you and uncle grandpa playing video games.

Uncle Grandpa: Play video games?

Jessica: uh no we decided to...

We then see uncle Grandpa running in a circle with his head facing backwards

Uncle Grandpa: run around in circles?

Jessica: no we decided to...

We then see you, uncle grandpa and Kara eating a three way sub sandwich.

Uncle Grandpa: Eat a three way sub?

Kara: Hey.

Jessica: KARA! *calms down* No, we have decided...

Diana: That you are a danger to (Y/N) and Metropolis and we must vanquish you!

(Y/N): Wait what?!

Uncle Grandpa: Bad morning.

(Y/N): Wait stop! Don't hurt him!

Then you saw the superhero girls ready to fight as ben turned into four arms, as rook pulled out his prototool as the gems summoned their weapons as words appeared.

Voice: Superhero girls! Ben 10! Crystal gems!

Then you saw words as they appeared with you and uncle grandpa.

Voice: Run away!

Uncle Grandpa: Come on, let's go!

You and Uncle Grandpa ran for dear life as they all started to chase you as kara tripped on the letter y as she looked at it.

Kara: Why?!

(Y/N): Sorry! Their not usually like this!

Uncle grandpa: Quick belly bag, we need a plot hole.

Belly bag: Sure thing uncle grandpa!

Belly bag then opened his mouth and the whole screen was engulfed in a white void as we see you and uncle grandpa running as you stopped running as uncle grandpa was running in place.

(Y/N): So, where are we?

Then the scene changed as we see the universe as a hotdog was floating around and singing as we see a silhouette of a head as it floated above earth as it revealed to be uncle grandpa's head.

Uncle grandpa: Good morning!

Then he started to laugh as we see an rv driving by as we see him in it and driving it and was still laughing

Uncle grandpa: Now where did I put that dude? Oh i know.

He opened the glove compartment and you were in it.

Uncle grandpa: Good morning. Here let me help you

He then pulled you out of the glove compartment and was now in a seat.

(Y/N): Where am i?

Uncle Grandpa: Welcome to the UGRV.

(Y/N): The UG what now?

Uncle Grandpa: The Uncle Grandpa Recreational vehicle.

(Y/N): Cool, my grandpa has an RV too. Were you a plumber or rockstar or something.

Uncle Grandpa: I'm still a rockstar.

Then another uncle grandpa came out from the curtains.

Uncle Grandpa#2: Here (Y/N) let me give you the tour.

Then you and uncle grandpa walked around as you saw how big the rv was on the inside.

(Y/N): Whoa, this place is huge. You could fit a billion vans here.

Uncle grandpa: Actually it's more like forty or fifty vans.

You then saw forty or fifty small vans.

Uncle Grandpa: See.

(Y/N): huh not what I had in mind but okay.

Then you heard a motorcycle as we see a slice of pizza wearing shades as it was on a motorcycle as he drove on it and did some insane stunts and we see him at the beach and then he came into the room and crashing into the vans and threw his helmet and motorcycle away as we see it was all just a thought bubble as you saw it and see the pizza slice.

Pizza Steve: Oh hey, it's just me Pizza Steve. just the coolest and tastiest steve who ever lived.

(Y/N): Hey Pizza Steve. I'm (Y/N), Alien Hero of Metropolis.

Pizza Steve: Alien Hero?

(Y/N): Yeah I turn into different aliens and save the day.

Pizza Steve: Come on Uncle G i got two rules. No more than forty or fifty vans, and only one hero allowed.

Uncle Grandpa: Yeah, but this hero is special.

Then we see a dinosaur man walk into here

Mr Gus: Yeah, he's an omnitrix wielder.

Uncle Grandpa: Hello Mr. Gus.

(Y/N): Wait you know I have an Omnitrix?

Mr Gus: I have a comprehensive knowledge of all magical denizens of the multiverse. I know all about the superhero girls and alien heros and i know about you merging the multiverse. *goes to a computer* Check this out. I even made my own gemsona.

We see mr gus as a gem as his gem was on his tail and weilding a frying pan.

Mr Gus: My gem is on my tail, and my weapon is a frying pan.

Uncle Grandpa: Nice line work Mr Gus.

(Y/N): That's pretty cool, i just wish that Neos was as cool as your drawing.

Mr Gus: Something wrong?

(Y/N): I've been trying to turn into a neos fusion but each time I try to I can never get it.

Mr Gus: You don't say? Oh that's simple. Neos' powers are based off emotional clarity. You can only fuse as Neos when you feel extreme emotions of...

Pizza Steve: Hey Mr Gus, I fixed your drawing.

We see that pizza steve had erased mr gus' drawing and replaced it with a poorly made drawing of himself.

Mr Gus: Hey! Why didn't you do that on a new layer?

We see him going after pizza steve as a giant realistic tiger came in and roared.

Uncle Grandpa: Oh hi, Giant Realistic Flying Tiger. You got any advice for (Y/N).

GRFT: *roar*

Uncle Grandpa: I'm not gonna tell him that, that only works on cats.

(Y/N): So now what?

Uncle Grandpa: We just sit here until something happens.

Then a gust of wind came as something was sucking everything away.

Uncle Grandpa: Something happened!

Then you, Uncle Grandpa and Giant Realistic Flying Tiger were sucked up by a giant Belly bag as he ate you and burped. With the others they were still inside the white void as they were running around trying to find a way to escape the void.

Garnet: There's got to be some way out of here.

Pearl: We'll never escape! This is our new home!

Karen: We're gonna be trapped here forever!

Jessica: we can't escape!

Zee: I don't want to be here forever!

Garnet: Pearl, Karen, Jessica, Zee. Your all are overreacting.

Pearl Karen Jessica and Zee: WE'RE NOT OVERREACTING!

Then they started to scream and run around the void as they then bumped into Kara.

Kara: Hey, where's (Y/N)?

Then we see pizza Steve dressed up as you walking towards them.

Pizza Steve: Looking for me? Pizza (Y/N).

Zee: that is not our boyfriend!

Kara: Aw nice.

Pizza Steve: Whoa hold on.

Kara: Pizza!

Then she started to chase pizza steve.

Pizza Steve: Don't eat pizza steve!

Then kara ate him as she came back and pulled out his shades from her mouth and put them on and gave a thumbs up.

Garnet: Ok, I'm ready for this chapter to end.

Then garnet stomped into the ground and broke the void as they were now back at the junkyard and saw you, Uncle Grandpa, Steven's lion, and Giant Realistic Flying Tiger having some tea.

Uncle Grandpa: I'm sorry I couldn't help you use neos fusion.

(Y/N): That's okay Uncle Grandpa. I had a lot of fun today.

Girls: (Y/N)!

You looked to see the others as they were angry.

Jessica: Get away from that man!

Zee: He's a monster!

Kara: *growls*

(Y/N): Come on guys, he's done enough already.

Then uncle grandpa saw Diana's lasso.

Uncle Grandpa: oh good mor- *gets wrapped in the lasso*

Then the lasso got him as he was pulled to the others as they began to beat him up and jumped into the air as uncle grandpa was all beaten up.

Uncle Grandpa: That's smarts.

Everyone: Finish him!

Then they all started to come at him as he closed his eyes as you began to run to them.

(Y/N): No don't hurt him!

Then you jumped as a panther appeared wearing a cape as it had on a collar with the letter NS on it and the ultimatrix badge on it's left front leg as you began to glow.

(Y/N): Stop!

Then you were engulfed in a bright light as you were now black with wings and had the badge on your stomach as you were in shock that you have now fused.

(Y/N): Woah!

The others were in shock that you have now fused as giant realistic flying tiger's jaw dropped as you turned to uncle grandpa.

(Y/N): I did it uncle grandpa. I really did it!

Uncle Grandpa: yay.

Zee: Protecting him activated Neos' fusion power?

Jessica: He must really care about this stranger.

Kara: I hope he didn't care about that pizza.

(Y/N): Everyone, it was a big weird surprise that Uncle Grandpa showed up here today. We never met anyone like Uncle Grandpa. But you all can't just attack people you don't understand. You have to stick up for them, and listen to what they had to say, you all did that for me sometimes.

Steven: He's right, it was the same thing when I met him.

Jessica: Your right. *Begins to cry* How can I be so blind?! I'm sorry!

Kara: I also apologize for Jessica.

Karen: We're so sorry, we should have listened to you.

Diana: You have taught us a valuable lesson Uncle Grandpa.

Uncle Grandpa: Well looks like my work here is done. *his heads flies off as it we see giant realistic flying tiger flying as uncle grandpa made a new body that came out from his head.* Bye bye.

(Y/N): There goes the weirdest guy in universe

Then we see lion as he roared sadly that giant realistic flying tiger had to leave.

Uncle Grandpa: Remember kids, don't be afraid to be super we-e-i-i-rd (Y/N), Steven and i got your backs. See with eyes unclouded by hate, and always remember to say... *A big "Good Morning" appears in the sky.* ... GOOD MORNING!

Diana: he truly is amazing

(Y/N) and the others: yep.

(Y/N): That's uncle grandpa for ya.

We see you and the others crying and smiling as you saw him flying away.

Uncle Grandpa: *Rubs his eyes* Boy that hurt my eyes. *Pulls out a list* Now let's see here Dexter, Deedee, Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Ed, Edd, Eddy, Billy, Mandy, Mac, Juniper, Swat Kats, Flapjack, Finn, Steven, Clarence, *sees your name* Ah, (Y/N) (L/N). * writes a check on your name* Now who's next?

At the bottom of the list we see two names Victor and Valentino. With you, you then changed back and looked at the sky.

(Y/N): I'll never forget you uncle grandpa for helping me. Thank you.

Jessica: so that means you can use Neos' full power now.

(Y/N): Yeah, but we have to thank Uncle Grandpa for that. If it weren't for him then I would still be struggling on using Neos Fusion right now.

Jessica: huh I guess in his own weird way Uncle Grandpa actually helped.

(Y/N): Yeah, everyone has their own way of helping others, no matter how weird it is.

Karen: yeah. I guess your right.

Then you looked at the watch as you see a hologram of neos and smiled knowing that you can now use neos' full power.

Well i hope you all liked it and i would like to thank deadpoolmerchwiththem for the help with this chapter and be ready for crushing it. See you all soon.

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