Escaping and singing to blue diamond.

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Jessica: We need to find that door.

(Y/N): door shmor, we'll make a door.

Max: But that will attract attention, the point is we’re trying to get out quietly not loudly.

(Y/N): exactly, ghostfreak and heatblast.

Then you became a fusion of heat blast and ghost freak until you heard K.O.

K.O.: I found something.

You looked to see that K.O. Has found the door.

Hal: That was easy.

Then eddy started banging on the door.

Eddy: Let me out of here!

Hal: Let me try.

He then walked up to the door as he rolled up his sleeves and pointed his hands at the door.

Hal: Open Sesame! *nothing happened* well I've done all I can do.

In response you and Jessica slapped him on the back of his head.

Hal: Ow!

Then Jay-ten and Wy-six appeared and saw you all.

Why-Six: So you were the ones making the noise.

Jay-ten: Is this a game? Can we play too?

Karen: No, we’re trying to get this door to open.

Jay-ten: Door?

(Y/N): Yeah, like part of the wall but open.

Why-six: *laughs* Walls don’t open, they are walls.

Jay-ten: Actually I have heard stories of an opening wall. A long time ago a gem came through a wall hole to help someone who was hurt.

Why-Six: Hurt? What is hurt?

Jay-ten: I Don’t know. I don’t know what hurt is?

(Y/N): I know what hurt is.

Jay-ten: You Do?

(Y/N): It’s when you feel bad. 

Jay-ten: Bad?

(Y/N): yeah it's the opposite of good. Like for example

You slap Hal in the back of his head

Hal: ow, Geez the back of my head!

(Y/N): and as you can see Hal is feeling bad.

Jay-ten: ooh so that is bad.

(Y/N): I guess that’s our way out. Jessica, Slug me in the face.

Jessica: but I'm a pacifist and your my boyfriend I could never do that to you.

(Y/N): But it's our ticket out of here.

Hal: I guess I can take a fall for the team.

(Y/N): awesome

You then turn into four arms and then punched him in the gut sending him to a tree as he groaned in pain.

Hal: Ow…

Why-Six: Cannonball!

Hal: is anyone coming?

You looked to see that the door was still closed as you changed back.

(Y/N): No.

Karen: Now what?

Then the earrings and accessories glowed.

(Y/N): Whatever she says.

Voice: Gather around everyone the choosening is starting.

Jay-ten: (Y/N) come with us the choosening is about to start.

Then you all followed them to see the zoomans in a circle.

Jay-ten: (Y/N) join us in the circle.

(Y/N): Is it someone’s birthday or something?

Why-six: the rest of you wait here until the choosening is complete.

Then we see you as you were in the circle with the rest of the zoomans as the others watched

(Y/N): sooo, what's happening? Cause I don't get it.

Jay-ten: The choosening is a very special event to us.

Why-six: We’re glad to have you on this wonderful time.

(Y/N): Well I’m glad to be here, I guess. BTW, can someone tell me what the choosening is?

Voice: Let the choosening begin. U-twelve please step into the center of the circle.

A black woman stepped into the center of the circle.

Voice: F-3 please step into the center of the circle.

Then a man with blond hair stepped into the center of the circle as U-12 and F-3 held hands together.

Voice: You have been chosen for each other.

You then saw the two kissing each other as you realize what it was.

(Y/N): Wait a minute. Is this some kind of Matchmaking thing!? *sighs* There’s always a catch to these utopias.

Jay-ten: (Y/N), who ever will be chosen for you will be very lucky.

Voice: Jay-ten please step into the center of the circle.

Then Jay-ten stepped into the center of the circle as you turned to the others.

(Y/N): Guys, help me.

Karen: Don’t worry (Y/N) your new here, so maybe there’s a chance that you won’t get choosen.

Daphne: Yeah there's a good chance that you won't get choosen

(Y/N): Yeah, your right.

Voice: (Y/N), please step into the center of the circle.

Then the zoomans cheered for you that you have been choosened with Jay-ten.

(Y/N): well that happened.

Karen: Wait, maybe there’s been a mistake.

Jessica: Yeah, Maybe It’s a mistake.

Wy-six: (Y/N), Jay-ten is waiting for you.

You looked at Jay-ten as she smiled at you.

Why-Six: I see what’s going on here.

(Y/N): You Do?

Wy-six: Your just shy.

(Y/N): Wait What?

Then Wy-six brought you to the center of the circle and to Jay-ten.

(Y/N): wait so do we just kiss?

Wy-six: you both touch hands.

(Y/N): okay.

Then you and Jay-ten held hands.

Voice: you have been choosen for each other.

Jay-Ten: It a pleasure to be choosen with you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): The same to you. 

Then Jay-ten kissed you leaving you shocked at first.

Hal: Wow.

Keith: dude…

Noah: (Y/N)’s quite the ladies man.

(Y/N): That was... sudden. But there is something you zoomans should know

Jay-ten: What is it?

(Y/N): Earth.

Wy-Six: Earth?

(Y/N): It’s a planet and it’s where we come from. Earth is beautiful and full of life. 

Jay-ten: Really?

(Y/N): Yes. And it’s the home of your ancestors. So I want to take you all to earth, and show you all the wonders it has to offer.

Jessica: Wait, (Y/N) you were once black diamond right?

(Y/N): yeah why?

Jessica: Then you might know how to open the door and find a way out of the zoo.

Karen: Yeah, you might have a map of the zoo in your head.

(Y/N): I could give it a try.

Then you turned into ghostfreak and then went through the wall as you looked at the panel.

(YN): Please work, please work, please work.

You typed into the panel as it glowed green and the door opened as you changed back.

(Y/N): whoo hoo! it worked.

Then the others saw the door was opened and saw you.

Jessica: You did it.

(Y/N): You were right Jessica. I do know my around this place. Now if only I had a hot chocolate with some whip cream and marshmallow

Then as if on cue a cup of hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows lands in your hands.

(Y/N): Hey, What do you know. *you drank the hot chocolate* that is some good Coco.

Kara: Focus. The way out remember?

(Y/N): I know, I know. * Tosses hot coco in Hal's face*

Hal: *in pain and coco on his face* Agh! Why?!

(Y/N): it just feels right.

Then you walked through the halls as you looked around to see if any guards were around.

(Y/N): The coast is clear.

As you and tge others walk through the hall you then opened the door and saw was blue diamond, Yellow diamond and white diamond as they were in a room as blue Diamond was talking to them.

Yellow Diamond: Blue why are you continuing to run black’s zoo?

Blue diamond: I’m only doing what black would want.

(Y/N): She’s doing this for me.

Karen: She must really care about you.

Then you saw amethyst soldiers.

Amethyst soldier: There you are.

Then the diamonds noticed you and the others.

Blue Diamond: I see you brought the humans to me just as I asked.

(Y/N): Yeah here's the thing blue I'm not human.

Yellow: but you look human.

(Y/N): well maybe this will jog your memory.

You then uncover your forehead revealing a black diamond on your forehead as blue diamond’s eyes widened and had tears in her eyes.

Blue Diamond: Black diamond is that really you?

(Y/N): Yes it’s me blue diamond. *then you noticed bismuth as she was looking at you.* Bismuth, are you ok?

Bismuth: Yeah, can you excuse me for a second.

Then Bismuth walked to an area that had some lava in it as she stuck her head in it and screamed in it.

Jessica: oh my gosh are you okay?!

Bismuth: *gets her head out* Oh my gosh! It all makes sense now!

(Y/N): Bismuth what are you talking about?

Bismuth: Long ago he told me that he left to do one directive and i guess it was to help create you.

Zee: Did she just stick her head in lava?

Bismuth: Well i guess he did pleasure doing bismuth making you.

(Y/N): create me? What are you talking about?

Bismuth:  he used his energy to create you along with those other versions of you. And you still have a part of him.

Kara: What's that?

Bismuth: His gem.

Then blue agate came to the room

Blue agate: my diamond the humans have…

She saw you all and noticed the gem on your forehead. Then her eyes widened as she saw you and saluted to you.

Blue Agate: Black Diamond your alive

Then you noticed blue diamond as she was crying and yellow diamond noticed

Yellow diamond: Blue, you shouldn't be feeling blue at this. *to Jessica, Karen, Zee, yellow and blue pearl* You five sing for her, make her feel better.

Yellow pearl: Yes my diamond. Ahem. *sees Jessica, Karen, Zee and Blue Pearl* AHEM!

Zee: what?

Yellow pearl: Sing to blue diamond make her feel better.

Jessica: sing? But we're not pearls

Karen: we're humans.

(Y/N): Will you three please sing for her.

Jessica: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): well it would be rude not to.

Yellow pearl: your Diamond has a point

Karen: oh… ok.

Jessica: oh I got a song in mind

Karen: which one?

Yellow Pearl: we will do one yellow diamond requested and then yours green pearl.

Jesica: Green pearl? Do I look like a pearl to you?

Then a green pearl came to the room as you all saw her. 

Green pearl: hello my Diamond.

(Y/N): Hello.

Yellow pearl: My apologies, I didn't mean you i meant her. *points at jessica.*

Jessica: I look nothing like a pearl 

(Y/N): I think she's talking about your ring Jess

Karen: They think your ring is your gem.

Zee: She's right.

Jessica: Well I'm still not a pearl I'm a lantern

Yellow pearl: is that a type of gem?

Jessica: No there like space cops that patrol the universe, but I don't believe in violence.

Yellow pearl: I see and what are you referred as?

Then Jessica made her hero outfit as she looked at Yellow pearl.

Jessica: Green lantern.

Green pearl: she definitely looks like a green pearl now.

That made jessica mad being called a pearl  but yellow pearl looked at her.

Yellow pearl: Focus we must sing to blue the song yellow diamond requested.

Blue Pearl: Yes for my diamond.

Jessica: Fine, but you better not call me a pearl.

Then they came to the two pearls as Yellow diamond came to blue diamond.

Jessica, Zee, Karen, Yellow pearl, and Blue Pearl: 🎶 Aah-haa-haa, aah-haa-haa
Aah-haa-haa, aah-haa-haa
Aah-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa-haa haa haaaaa🎶

Yellow Diamond: 🎶 Why would you want to be here? What do you ever see here?🎶 that doesn't make you feel worse than you do? And tell me, what's the use of feeling... Blue?🎶
🎶Why would you want to employ her subjects that destroyed her? Why keep up his silly zoo?🎶 Oh, tell me, what's the use of feeling, Blue?🎶 An army has a use; they can go and fight a war A sapphire has a use; she can tell you what it's for An agate terrifies; a lapis terraforms! 🎶Where's their Diamond when they need them, Blue? You've got to be a leader Blue!🎶 Yes, of course we still love him...
And we're always thinking of him… But now there's nothing we can do, so tell me… What's the use of feeling? What's the use of feeling? What's the use of feeling, Blue? Oh, how can you stand to be here with it all?

Jessical, Karen, Zee, and Pearl: Here with it all! 

Yellow diamond: Drowning in all this regret...
Wouldn't you rather forget him?
Ohh, won't it be grand to get rid of it all?

Jessica, Karen, Zee, Pearls: Rid of it all!

Yellow Diamond: 🎶Let's make a plan and attack! Start looking forward and stop looking back!🎶 🎶Oh, yes, of course we still love him… And we're always thinking of him… 🎶Don't you know I miss him, too? 🎶But, tell me… What's the use of feeling… What's the use of feeling… What's the use of feeling… 🎶 🎶Mmm-hmm-hmm, mmm-hmm-hmm Mmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm 🎶hmm-mmmm

Then she began to think about black diamond and you reminding of him in her eyes she saw was black diamond smiling at her.

Blue Diamond: It’s just he just reminds me of black.

(Y/N): Jess, i think you can sing that song you wanted to sing.

Yellow pearl: Your diamond is right we can now sing the song you were requesting Green Pearl.

Jessica: Grr. I told you not to call me a pearl.

(Y/N): Yellow pearl call her Jessica.

Yellow Pearl: Green Jessica.

(Y/N): No just Jessica.

Yellow Pearl: Just Jessica.

(Y/N): No Jessica.

Yellow Pearl: Very well, let us sing this song, no Jessica.

(Y/N): Jessica.

Jessica: Ok.

The you got some instruments out as you, Keith, Noah, and Steven played them as Jessica began to play her song.

Jessica: I had a purpose then, pursuing the path to catalyze our dream But it's a winding road, where you stumble and sway your way amongst the crowd Don't get me wrong, I would never go back in time – or play God But is there a way I could earn back that endless sky? I can see it in your eyes Don't give me that look – 'cause, you see You're the last person I need to pity me Cryin' won't pave a way to forgiveness Every sin you carve is ever lasting I'm lost in this maze of emotion Who am I waiting for? Now, these once blank pages of my notebook Become a plea to regain fallen virtue All this time, I've been trying to run away from my own reality We'll live for something as soon as we find it I've forgotten, please remind me, as day turns darkness Expired chances - but we gotta make it through again 'cause there's no where else to run There's still so much here, a life worth living And with time you'll drown the feeling out (I'M ON THE WAY) It's so nostalgic, maybe all the love is worth the pain 

As you were playing your guitar Nevan the others watched you as the zoomans were amazed at your performance.

Jessica: It's not a lack of pride But I know I'm to blame, so I apologize I don't know what to say But I wish I could free the worry from your eyes All we've been through and all that's yet to come And all that we have become will remain as we roll the dice Once more, I close my eyes from the sight But it's all a futile fight, for it's all etched inside my mind The invite of a white lie Some can't resist the call to join in But still, I thought I knew you better than to give into pressure Once fury thorns in your heart The fire's quick to consume you And what comes from those ashes – is your reality
We'll live for something as soon as we find it May we come across that future Can you hear me? I'm screaming Expired chances But we gotta make it through again 'cause there's no where else to run It's through your kindness, I'll always be grateful And I'll strive to become stronger (I'M ON THE WAY) I'll carry onward, gaining friend and foe along the way I try to make sense of why We can't figure how to unlock the next door We bleed on this path we lead But we cannot turn back, cause our story's begun Open up your eyes - Open up your eyes

Them you began to play a guitar solo as you began to shred on Nevan as the others watched you played as you played your solo you then picked up an acoustic guitar and played it.

Jessica:🎶 There's still so much here, a life worth living🎶🎶 And with time I'll drown the feeling out I need to right all my wrongs And finish all things I've left undone We've only just begun We'll live for something as soon as we find it May we come across that future Can you hear me? I'm screaming 🎶Expired chances - but we gotta make it through again 'cause there's no where else to run It's through your kindness, I'll always be grateful And I'll strive to become stronger (I'M ON THE WAY) It's so nostalgic, maybe all the love is worth the pain🎶

As you and the others finished playing the song blue diamond looked at Jessica.

Blue Diamond: Thank you, Jessica.

Then Jessica smiled at Blue diamond.

Jessica: Your welcome Ms.Blue

(Y/N): That song was beautiful Jess.

Yellow diamond: that song was...good

Yellow pearl: It was… something.

Peni did notice white diamond looking at you while blushing pink.

Peni: Guys, what’s up with white diamond?

Hal: What do you mean?

Peni: Look at her. She’s blushing and she’s looking at (Y/N).

Garth: Do you think she likes him?

Pearl: When black diamond was with us white was in love with him but she never got to tell him how she felt for him.

Peni: And since my brother is black diamond your saying that white loves him?

Pearl: Yes. That is true.

(Y/N): My diamond’s I would like to make a request.

Yellow Diamond: yes you may.

Blue diamond: anything for you black.

White Diamond: State your request.

(Y/N): I would like to bring the humans from pink and black’s zoo to earth, I want them to know about their ancestors home.

Yellow diamond: And your reason is black?

(Y/N): *points to the zoomans* My reason is they have spent all their life in the zoo and they have never been on earth or seen it before.

Yellow Diamond: Very well.

Blue Diamond: Actually I would like to accompany black to earth.

Yellow Diamond: Very well blue, you can go with black along with his human pets.

(Y/N): Wait, pets?

Jessica: I think she means us.

Karen: Yeah she thinks we’re your pets.

Zee: Did she just call me a pet? I am no one’s pet!

(Y/N): Zee calm down.

Zee: But she called me your pet.

(Y/N): I know but don't let that get to you.

Zee: Ok.

Yellow diamond: Blue, prepare your ship to earth.

Blue: Yes yellow. Everyone come with me. 

As you all followed her Jessica looked at you.

Jessica: (Y/N) can I ask you something, how did you know how to work the tech in this zoo.

Pearl: There is a possibility that (Y/N) may still have Black Diamond's memories.. 

(Y/N): that and I didn't know I was only 50% sure it was gonna work.

Kara: Really?

Zee: only 50% sure?

(Y/N): yeah I was sure the other 50% would just backfire.

Blue diamond: Black my ship is ready.

(Y/N): Thank you blue.

Then you all got in blue diamond’s ship as it flew in space at fast speeds as you all headed to earth.

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