To black diamond's zoo

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In space we see you and the others in Blue diamond's ship as you all were in a blue bubble.

Shaggy: Like are they going to suck our brains out?

Pearl: No they're taking us to black's zoo.

Peni: Are they gonna chain us to walls?

Garth: And make us do tricks for peanuts?

Amethyst: Nah.

Then we see the ship has arrived at the zoo as you all were brought inside.

(Y/N): Do you all realize where we are?

Hal: No.

(Y/N): Look around guys, The advanced modern anthemic, the black color palette we're in.

Babs: IKEA.

(Y/N): the falcon fury. Wait Babs, did you say IKEA?

Babs: No, I said Falcon Fury just like you.

Then we see a gem coming as she was surprised to see blue diamond.

Holy blue Agate: My Diamond, it is a surprise to see you.

Blue: I have come with humans.

Blue agate: Oh I didn't know I brought the humans from pink's zoo here. Amethysts, *points to max* take this human to the others in the zoo.

Then two amethyst soldiers came and grabbed Max.

(Y/N): Grandpa!

Max: Don't worry about me, just do what they say for now.

(Y/N): Alright. Can't say the same about the lemon juice that about to drop on blue agate's eyes

Hal: What?

(Y/N): the lemon juice

Blue agate: what are you-

But before she could  say anything else lemon juice from out of nowhere rained down on holy blue and got in her eyes making her scream in pain

Keith: Ok that's funny.

Then blue was about to get her whip out but saw blue as she calmed down.

Blue agate: My apologies, let's begin the tour.

(Y/N): careful you'll trip on the wet floor

Blue agate: what are you?

Before she could finish her sentence she tripped on the wet floor

(Y/N): I told you so.

Jessica: That is a little funny.

Then she got up.

Blue agate: let's begin

Then you all started to follow her as you saw were many different kinds of alien species while the others were busy your watch scanned each alien in the zoo.

Blue agate: as you can see black spent his whole life collecting many species from across the galaxy.

(Y/N): wow that's a lot of species. Oh and watch out for the hot sauce that's gonna land on you and get in your eyes

Blue agate: wait What?

Then hot sauce rained on her as it got in her eyes as she screamed in pain.

Then two amethyst soldiers came to blue agate.

Amethyst soldier: Blue agate, there's something you need to know.

Blue agate: What is it?

Amethyst soldier: Yellow and white diamond are on their way.

Blue agate: What?! Why didn't you tell me?! Never mind. Make yourselves useful and escort these humans to the assimilation bay.

(Y/N): uh you gems might wanna look out for the wet floor.

Amathyst soldier: what? what are you-

She then slipped on the wet floor

(Y/N): I told you so

Diana: it is highly amusing.

Then the soldiers got up as they took you all to the assimilation bay as they opened it.

Amethyst soldier: These newer humans are so spunky. In you go

They were about to shove you before you dodged them

(Y/N): oh you wouldn't wanna do that do you?

Amethyst soldier: oh and why is that?

You then broke out of the handcuffs and uncovered your forehead revealing your back Diamond gem on your forehead.

Amethyst soldier: my diamond.

Jessica: (Y/N) what are you doing?

(Y/N): *to Jessica* play along. *To the amethyst soldiers* Yes I'm Black Diamond, but let's keep this between us. I'm going in it to get my grandpa back. And keep a watch on the others, don't disappoint me.

Amethyst soldier: as you wish my Diamond.

Then you went in the assimilation bay as the others went in with you as they closed the door then a conveyor belt moved as fingers came and then did a photo shoot of you all as it showed you all then they began to do a check up on you each. Then fingers were about to grab your socks and shoes and take them off before you grabbed them and glared at them

(Y/N): Don't. Even. Think. About. It.

Then fingers ran and went to Jessica as they removed her outfit.

Jessica: Hey give that back!

Then Hal laughed at Jessica.

Jessica: It's not funny Hal.

Hal: It is funny. You just got your clothes taken away.

Then fingers came to Hal and took off his outfit as Jessica smiled that karma got Hal.

Jessica: Not so funny now is it Hal?

Then the fingers went to Zee and began to take off her outfit.

Zee: Get your fingers off of me!

But they took her outfit as Oliver smiled at that

Oliver: I think that suits you Zee.

Zee: Ok, lets see how you like it?

Then she made the fingers go to Oliver as they did the same thing the fingers did to Zee as she laughed at him. Then Fingers came to Karen as they began to take off her outfit as she blushed in embarrassment because of her outfit taken away.

Karen: Please don't look at me.

Then fingers came to Babs as they took off her outfit.

Babs: Hey, That's my outfit.

Then they went to Keith and took his outfit away.

Keith: Hey, hands off the clothes.

Hal: Guess we're finding your grandpa without clothes.

As everyone's clothes were taken you saw something up ahead.

(Y/N): Guys.

You saw what looked like a crusher as you all were heading to it.

Peni: Their trying to kill us!

(Y/N): woah relax peni I'm sure there not gonna kill us

Then the thing landed on you all as you were now in loincloths.

Zee: Loincloths?

Kara: Seriously?

Jessica: huh, I don't hate this.

Diana: it is just like home.

(Y/N): well at least I still have my pants

Then the fingers were about to take them until you stomped on them a couple times Then other fingers came as they put earrings on you until you took yours off and one of the fingers were about give you another pair of earrings till you stomped on them again, making  the other fingers scared of you.

(Y/N): No loin clothes and earrings got me?!

The fingers nodded fearfully knowing what you would do to them

(Y/N): just give me something fancy okay.

The fingers then wrapped around you and gave you a black button up shirt, black jeans, slick back hair, a gold tiger necklace with a black jewel and red Jewels for the eyes and a mob boss watch and black shoes.

(Y/N): much better.

Zee: That actually suits you.

(Y/N): thanks. Oh wait where are my Manors *to the fingers* hey you knuckleheads give my girlfriends and friends some fancy clothes too or else I'll finger ala pancakes.

Then they began to give them suits and dresses.

Babs: woah we look awesome!

Karen: It's pretty.

Kara: not too shabby

Zee: This is much better.

Garth: now what?

Then glass walls came as it began to fill up with water as you all were now being sent through a pipe by the water and shot out into a beach as you looked around and you saw your grandpa with two people as one was putting flowers in his hair.

(Y/N): Grandpa!

Max turned to see you.

Max: (Y/N)!

Then you and peni ran to max and hugged him.

Peni: oh Grandpa, we thought they had you chained up to a wall and made you do tricks for peanuts.

Max: Hey peni, it's ok. These people have treated me so well when I got here.

Hal: Well we found your grandpa, so let's get out of here.

He looked around in the water to find a way out.

Hal: Man, where is it?

Max: Your not gonna get out that way. I already tried.

(Y/N): then we'll make a way out.

But before you could do anything you saw where many humans in loincloths

Wy-six: Ah max, I see you have met the new visitors.

Max: Yeah, This is (Y/N) and peni. Their my grandkids.

Hal: Names Hal.

Jessica: I'm Jessica.

Zee: I am Zee Zatara.

Karen: I'm Karen.

Babs: Hi, I'm Babs.

Kara: Names Kara.

Diana: I am Diana

Garth: I'm Garth.

Why-six: (Y/N), Max has told stories of you. "It's hero time!" That's your line right?

(Y/N): uh yeah? *Whisper to Max* grandpa who are they?

Max: These people are the descendants of humans brought by gems thousands of years ago. They never seen the earth.

Peni: Wow.

Zoomans: It's hero time! It's hero time!

Zooman: Come on say it.

(Y/N): okay okay. It's hero time!

Kara: So how are we gonna get out of here?

Jessica: I think I saw a door to the human zoo during the tour.

Max: A door? Good then let's bust out tonight, it'll be easier after the routines.

Karen: The routines.

Then the earrings on the zoomans and the jewels on your accessories began to glow.

Voice: Hello, you all must be hungry.

Hal: What was that?

Why-six: *laughs* Hal does not know about a little voice.

Babs: little voice?

Jay-ten: They guide us through life.

Voice: It is time to eat.

Then all the zoomans went to the Forest as you looked at them.

Max: Look we'll get out of here, but for right now, let's just play along.

(Y/N): Ok.

Then you all looked to see fruit growing really fast as Jay-ten handed you a fruit.

Jay-ten: (Y/N) today the fruit is red.

(Y/N): okay thanks? *takes the fruit* So is it an apple or a strawberry.

Jay-ten: What is an apple and strawberry?

(Y/N): that's the names of the red fruit. Uh Jess you think you can educate the natives on food.

Jessica: Sure thing.

As she told them the many kinds of fruit and when everyone were eating the fruit the little voice spoke.

Voice: Is the fruit good?

Why-Six: Oh yes. It is very delicious.

Karen: It's good i guess.

Little voice: It's time to play.

We see why-six as he rolls down a hill then you and jay-ten rolled down together as you both rolled down Jay-ten was on top of you as she laughed at that.. As the others rolled down to then we see you all on the ground looking at the stars.

Voice: Now reach your hands out to the stars.

You and the others reached your hands out to the stars.

Voice: That's it higher just like your reaching to space. Wasn't that fun.

Why-six: I have not had this much fun since yesterday.

Then we see the zoomans smelling the flowers.

Voice: Now it's time to stop and smell the flowers.

(Y/N): What if I don't want to smell the flowers?

Jay-ten: (Y/N) why don't you?

Then she put a flower in your hair as she smiled at you. Then we see the zoomans cleaning up in a lake.

Voice: Now it's time to get clean.

You looked at the lake and then saw Jay-ten.

Jay-ten: (Y/N) watch my splash.

She then jumped down and made a tiny splash. And you saw Wy-Six.

Wy-Six: Watch mine.

He then jumped down and made a tiny splash too.

Kara: Wow.

Velma: Jinkies.

Peni: Those are the tiniest splashes I ever saw.

(Y/N): of all time. I got it * walks up to Wy-six and Jay-ten* Hey have you two ever heard of a geyser?

Wy-Six: I never heard of that. Tell us what it is

(Y/N): Watch I'll show you.

Then you jumped in the water and turned into overflow as you then made two geysers as Wy-Six and Jay-ten were amazed.

(Y/N): These are geysers.

Then the zoomans were amazed at your performance as the others watched you.

Voice: Don't any of you want to clean off?

Kara: Fine.

Babs: sure I guess.

Jessica: I'll clean off.

Peni: ok, ok.

Zee: I guess I can't say no to a relaxing bath.

Diana: very well

Karen: I guess it won't hurt.

Then they all joined in the water as you looked at the zooman as max saw you.

Max: You alright?

(Y/N): I'm fine, it's just these humans? It's like the don't even realize their trapped here.

Max: I don't blame them. This place is perfect for theme. They have everything they need and they don't have to worry about a thing here.

(Y/N): yeah can't believe I did this.

Max: what you?

Jessica: he means he found out he's black diamond.

(Y/N): see the black diamond on my forehead

Max: I thought you were going through a phase.

(Y/N): I thought so too. Until now.

Max: But Look we're gonna get out tonight.

Then you look to see the sky becoming night as the sun has become a moon as all the zoomans got ready to sleep.

Voice: goodnight everyone.

Then you looked to see da invincibros are sleepy too.

Hal: Man I'm beat for doing absolutely nothing.

Garth: me too. Goodnight guys.

(Y/N): is this really the time to sleep?

Rad: Pretty much.

Then you looked to see Ed was digging a hole and went to the ground as a stone risen up and Ed popped out of it.

Ed: Comfy.

(Y/N): not even gonna question it. Okay looks like we're breaking out of here.

How will the others escape? Find out on the next chapter for the special and I'll see y'all later.

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