Reef grief.

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At a beach near the Great Barrier Reef we see people as they were building giant sand castles for a contest as others were enjoying their time at the beach as we see a stage being set up for a music concert while some people were at the water near coral then a big creature made of coral came out from the water

people began to run and screamed as they saw the creature was on the beach. Then some people were being pulled into the sand as we then see the creature roaring. We then see you and the gang as you were at the beach.

(Y/N): Feels good to be back in Australia.

Desiree: Let's hope we don't have to deal with any more monsters.

Ben: Me either. Besides aren't shaggy and Scooby doing that sandcastle building contest

Shaggy: Like, dude we've already started practicing.

(Y/N): Really? Then you'll probably win this contest.

Then you see Scooby and Shaggy as the started building what appeared to be a treehouse made of sand.

Karen: That's amazing.

Shaggy: it's a sand treehouse, like the tricky part was the tree.

???: You must be the famous Shaggy and Scooby right?

Shaggy and Scooby turned to see was a local man

Shaggy: Like, that's us.

(Y/N): And you are?

Manny: The names Manny I'm also competing in the contest and I'm going to win it.

(Y/N): So shaggy and Scooby are famous in sandcastle building?

Manny: Yeah, they made that working sand rollercoaster.

Shaggy: Like it only had one loop.

You looked at a sandcastle.

(Y/N): And I assume you made this Manny?

Manny: Yeah, and there's nothing that's going to stop me from winning this contest.

Then a sound was heard as the sandcastle then broke down into sand.

Manny: Except maybe that.

(Y/N): What was that?

Keith: Sounds like it's coming from over there.

You then looked to see was a stage and a band was performing on it

(Y/N): No way! It's Smash Mouth!

Daphne: Smash mouth?!

Keith: It kinda sounds similar to one of my aliens name.

Ben: Bashmouth?

Keith: Yeah.

(Y/N): What are you guys doing here?

Steve Hardwell: We were hired to play here.

(Y/N): Oh.

Steve Hardwell: But the contest is ruining our sound!

(Y/N): Look can't we all just get along?

???: He's right. Can't we come to a peaceful solution to this?

You turn to see a beautiful Brazilian woman with bright green hair and eyes wearing a white bikini

(Y/N): And uh, you are?

Bea: Oh, I'm Beatriz da Costa I'm a celebrity judge for the sandcastle contest and a fan of Smash Mouth.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) and these are my friends and over there are my brothers and sister *points at Peni, Steel and Circuit.*

Bea: *eyes you up and down* You know we could use another judge why don't you join me and we can talk details?

(Y/N): Um, sure I could be a judge if you walk me around the beach to show me the contestants aside from my friends and Manny.

Bea: Of course. Right this way handsome.

You then followed her as the gang then saw a man with long brown hair and beard came to them.

(Y/N): Hey who's the hippie?

Ben: Probably the person who is in charge of the contest.

Rama Yam: That's right I am in charge of the contest. Beatriz I see you found our final judge.

Bea: Yeah he's pretty too.

(Y/N): *waves at Rama Yam* Yo.

Rama Yam: You're just in time for yoga please join us.

(Y/N): *whispers* Hey Bea I don't feel right about this guy he gives me chills.

Bea: *whispers* what makes you think you can't trust him?

(Y/N): *whispers* I don't know just something doesn't feel quite right about him to me.

Daphne: Don't worry sweetie we'll keep an eye on him. But first let's do some yoga!

(Y/N): I'll catch up with you guys later, I Uh... I... I just remembered something, I have to check up with the other sandcastle builders.

You then walked off as you then seen changing into your hero outfit as you then slammed your watch as you were now a reptile alien that had three eyes.

(Y/N): Chamalien? Sweet! I haven't seen this guy in like forever.

You then turned invisible as you walked around the beach looking for clues when you saw some of the builders being dragged under the sand then you turned visible reached for your badge until K.O. appeared behind you

K.O: Hey (Y/N)!

You were startled as you turned the badge as it then fired a ray as it hit K.O. as he was seen now as Jetray.

(Y/N): Not again! K.O. what are you doing here?!

K.O: Whoa! I'm wingy alien guy! Maybe he has a different name. Rocket bat! Dino wing!

Then dendy appeared as well.

Dendy: Well you do seem to resemble a fast mobula ray. So...

K.O. and Dendy: Jet Ray.

K.O.: Is a mobula ray like a stingray? Or is there a difference?

(Y/N): No! Now hold still so I can fix you!

K.O.: Wait I wanna help you find those lost teens. I know I'll fly up in the air and get a better view.

(Y/N): Sorry dude but flying is my thing but it's best to keep your eyes and ears close to the ground just in case you can find things easier that way. And besides you don't even know how to use jetray's powers

K.O.: True.

(Y/N): good.

Then as you times out you and K.O. changed back at the same time to human, and a loud roar could be heard.

K.O.: Sounds like trouble.

You looked to see was a giant creature made of coral.

(Y/N): Whoa! K.O. make sure everyone else on the beach is ok I'll distract big and ugly here!

You then used your watch as you then transformed into Swampender.

(Y/N): Swampender against a coral creature? This oughta be fun!

You then ran at the creature as you then shoot moss at it.

(Y/N): Cool! I can shoot moss.

Then the creature was hit by a green water blast as you looked to see Keith as Undertow.

(Y/N): Keith, right on time.

Keith: You thought you would have all the fun without me? Not a chance!

Coral Creature: *gasping for air*

The creature then runs back into the water as you tried to run after it but it escaped.

(Y/N): Darn it! It got away. But on the bright side, we've got a mystery on our hands!

Keith: Isn't that Fred's line?

(Y/N): He isn't here right now is he?

Keith: Good point. So where do you think it ran off to?

(Y/N): My guess is back to the water. But let's regroup with everyone and tell them about the monster.

Keith: Good idea.

You both changed back as you noticed some mossy rocks on the beach.

(Y/N): Where'd these come from?

Bea: I was wondering the same thing.

You turned to see Bea but she was in a different outfit as it was green.

(Y/N): Whoa! Nice outfit lemme guess you're a superhero too? Because it looks very nice on you.

Bea: Yes and I was gonna ask you and your friend the same question. You can call me fire

(Y/N): I get it cuz you're hot right?

Bea: That and *creates green fire* I can do that.

(Y/N): Cool, me and my friend here have watched that can turn us into aliens

Bea: I see, well I'm here because there has been teens disappearing from the beach.

(Y/N): Yeah, I saw they were being pulled into the sand. We need the whole team for this. Come on.

We see you all running off to find the others to tell them about what you all saw. As we later see you and the rest of the gang at the place you saw the monster.

(Y/N): After me and Keith were gonna fight it it just ran into the water.

Keith: and we did find was a bunch of mossy rocks on the shore.

Velma: Strange.

(Y/N): Me and Keith will go hero just in case.

As you were going through aliens you saw Keith's watch as it showed a hologram of an alien that looked like a demonic warrior.

Keith: Hey a new guy.

Then Keith turned into the alien as the badge was seen on his chest as you then turned into the DJ alien from the vampire rock concert.

(Y/N): Hey it's Notesweet. It's been a while since I've seen him.

Kara: Notesweet? I thought your alien's name was Soundtrack.

(Y/N): I kinda decided to change the name.

Harleen: So you were that DJ who played at that concert Babs told me about? I saw that on video.

She pulled out her phone and showed you as Notesweet playing the song Happier on stage as the video had ten billion views.

Rad: Woah! This video has like a ton of views!

(Y/N): Wow. I guess I did pretty good huh?

Enid: Yeah I say you make a great DJ as Notesweet maybe you and me can DJ together sometime.

(Y/N): Hey that sounds like a great idea maybe we can borrow Smash Mouth's stage later.

Jessica: Wait Enid your a DJ?

Enid: Yeah did I not mention that?

Kara: No you didn't.

Enid: Oh yeah I'm a DJ I'm called DJ Fireball.

Ben: That's you?! You're awesome!

Enid: Thanks.

You looked at Keith as you saw him in his new alien.

(Y/N): So Keith what do you call that alien?

Keith: This bruiser? I think I'll call him Dogma.

Rad: Man Keith's alien is super macho.

(Y/N): Ok. Let's focus, coral creature remember?

K.O.: And we need to find it and those missing sandcastle builders.

Fred: Yeah, we should split up.

(Y/N): Fire, Diana, Desiree, and Ben you're with me.

Enid: I'll go too, you could use some help.

Shaggy: Like Scoob and I are coming with you, it's best we're safe with you.

Fred: let's split up gang.

We then see you with your group as you were looking around.

Shaggy: Like check out those footprints.

Scooby: And paw prints.

(Y/N): There's human, birds, Fire's heeled boots, Crab prints, Coral Creature prints. Wait coral creature?

Then out of the sand were crawling out some of the builder covered in wet sand and they were moaning like zombies.

Shaggy: Zoinks!

Then you and your group were suddenly being pulled by seaweed as you saw it was pulling you into the water.

Shaggy and Scooby: Kelp!

Then you saw your friends coming.

Karen: Don't worry we'll help.

Shaggy: No! Kelp!

(Y/N): We're being pulled by seaweed. Ok let's go with humungousaur.

You slammed your watch but instead of turning into humungousaur you turned into Swampender instead.

(Y/N): Swampender? I guess he'll have to do.

You raised your hand and then the seaweed that was wrapped around you and your friends legs unwrapped themselves from you all and you looked to see the coral creature as it swam away in the water.

K.O.: Aw he got away again.

(Y/N): Don't worry buddy, we'll get him next time.

Bea: Hey guys I found a breathing tube

You saw Bea was holding a breathing tube.

(Y/N): *changes back* Where did that come from? Something is definitely strange.

Steve Hardwell: Hey are you kids ok?

You saw Steve Hardwell along with the rest of the band smash mouth are here.

(Y/N): We almost got dragged into the water.

???: Heavy! Now did you miss us?

You looked to see it was the Hex Girls!

(Y/N): Thorn, Luna, Dusk! My goodness it's great to see you girls!

Thorn: We missed you (Y/N).

Luna: We're on vacation too.

Dusk: And we overheard you talking about being dragged into the water and we got nosy.

Shaggy: Like, a coral creature almost dragged us into the sea.

(Y/N): Well things kinda changed since we last saw each other. Over there are my biological brothers and my Adopted blood sister Circuit, Peni, and Steel. *points at Peni, Steel and Circuit.*

Peni: Hello.

Circuit: Greetings.

Steel: It's nice to meet you.

Luna: So you have two brothers and a sister now?

(Y/N): Pretty much. We were trying to solve a mystery.

Hex Girls: Well with you here we know you'll figure it out and save the contestants. *kisses you on the lips*

(Y/N): Well thanks.

Then Peni saw your watch showing a hologram of a creature similar to sonic except it was a fox and had two tails as the badge was on its chest.

Peni: Is that a new alien?

(Y/N): What? *looks at the hologram on your ultimatrix* I think so? Let's check it out.

You slammed the watch as you grew yellow fur as you were now the size of Sonic as you grew two foxtails and the badge was seen on your chest.

(Y/N): Wow. I feel different.

Peni: Different?

(Y/N): Yeah, I feel... Smart. Not Grey Matter levels of smart but still a super genius! No offense Velma and Karen.

Velma: None taken.

Karen: It's ok.

Kara: Uh Dude, you got two fox tails.

You looked to see Kara was right as you had two tails instead of one.

(Y/N): So I do. But they do seem useful. Wouldn't it be funny if I could spin them really fast and I'd be able to fly?

Then your tails began to spin at a fast pace like a propeller to a helicopter as you were now flying above the ground as the others saw you flying and began to laugh as you laughed as well.

(Y/N): *laughs* Hey I really can fly. I'm like a helicopter I think I shall call this guy Tails!

Kara: Tails? Seriously?

(Y/N): I mean why not? This guy has two tails ya know. And I bet this guy can think of a plan to find the creature and those missing sandcastle builders.

We then see two surfers as one was a boy and the other was a girl.

Bea: Where did you two come from?

Boy: We've been here all day riding gnarly waves.

(Y/N): We've been here all day too and we haven't seen anyone riding waves.

Shana: That's because- *gets her foot stomped by Shawn* Ow! Shawn! You stepped on my foot!

Shawn: Then zip it Shana.

Jessica: While you two were surfing have either of you seen anything weird?

Shawn: Sure did.

Bea: Disappearing teenagers?

Shana: Actually a moving lump of coral. Then we came here to catch some Z's

Shawn: *sees a wave* Catch you later dudes we found our next ride!

They both ran to the water to surf.

(Y/N): Well they were helpful. Maybe we better get ready for tomorrow. I might be able to build something but I'm building it as tails not Jury Rigg.

Ben: Why's that?

(Y/N): Uh duh, as Tails I'm a super genius, remember?

Ben: Touché.

The next day we see the others as manny was working on his sandcastle as you then were seen walking as tails with two backpacks but you saw something at the stage.

(Y/N): What the? Who would have done this.

You saw was a big pile of sand as the instruments for the band smash mouth were smashed were in the sand pile then you ran to the gang.

(Y/N): Guys, you might wanna see this. Someone smashed the instruments on stage.

Daphne: WHAT?!

You and the gang came to see the mess as Smash mouth came as Steve Hardwell saw the broken instruments.

Steve Hardwell: Who would do this?!

Manny: If you're talking about us, then save it cuz we didn't do it!

(Y/N): It was like this when I got here.

Rama Yam: Help me!

You heard him as you saw the coral creature running off as Rama Yam was being dragged into the sand.

(Y/N): The sand is dragging him under! We gotta save him!

But he was already gone as he was now in the sand.

(Y/N): We have to solve this thing here and now! And I have the perfect gadget for the job.

We then see scooby and shaggy wearing the backpacks you made as you were holding a sonar device

(Y/N): I made a sonar scanner while Fred was making the backpack so Shaggy, Scooby, and myself can find the missing people.

Shaggy: But why do we have to do this?

(Y/N): Cause most people that have disappeared were sandcastle builders, and you two are the only ones. If it helps I'll be coming with you.

Shaggy: Like there's nothing that will make us agree to be bait.

Then the backpacks gave the two some Scooby snacks

(Y/N): The backpacks you both have on have a special compartment that have time released snacks. Ready to be bait now? Btw, Bea here is a tracker so you guys can find us.

Bea: Thanks.

Shaggy: ok you drive a hard bargain.

(Y/N): Good let's go.

You began to walk but you were walking in place as you noticed shaggy was stepping on one of your tails.

(Y/N): Hey! You're stepping on one of my tails! Can you get off of it please?

Shaggy: Oh like sorry.

He got off of your tail as you smiled at it.

(Y/N): That's better.

Karen: Are you sure this plan will work?

(Y/N): One hundred percent. Come on guys let's go find those missing kids.

At night we see you, Scooby and Shaggy at a sandcastle as you were waiting for the coral creature to show up.

(Y/N): He should show any minute now.

Shaggy: like we should go home looks like he's not coming.

Then the backpacks gave the two Scooby snacks as they ate them.

(Y/N): Better?

Shaggy: Better, we'll wait here.


(Y/N): Guys, was that you?

Shaggy: No.

Scooby: Ruh-Uh.

(Y/N): Then he's here!

Coral Creature: *roars*

(Y/N): Time to go guys!

You all then ran as the coral creature chased you

Bea: Hey the tracker is working here they come!

You, shaggy and Scooby ran passed the gang.

Karen: And there they go.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then they ran as they saw the coral creature coming as we cut to you, Scoob and Shaggy as the coral creature was after you but he stopped as he saw a sand sculpture of a girl coral creature scooby and shaggy made as the creature saw it and was love struck by it and came to it as you three ran as it came to the sculpture but it broke into sand as it got angry and resume its chase as scooby dug a hole in the sand as you all were running from the creature as you went in the hole as you popped your head out as the creature tried to hit you as you went into the sand as it became a game of whack-a-mole as the creature tried hitting you as it became tired and fell down as you all came out from the sand and ran as we see you, Scooby and Shaggy as you were running but you were cornered as the creature was coming as you then flew in the air with your tails and Scooby made a sand version of the Golden Gate Bridge as they were at the other side as they ran as the creature tried to follow you guys but the sand fell on him as you all were seen running from the creature as you ran into the big sandcastle as you were running from the monster as you ran out of the sandcastle as the creature burst through it as it was seen gasping for breath as it went to the water.

Zee: It ran out of breath.

Shaggy: Like help!

We now see shaggy and Scooby as scoob was seen being pulled into the sand as you and shaggy were trying to pull him out as Jessica came to help you.

Shaggy: I'll get ya out scoob if it's the last thing I do. No the last thing I'll do is scream!

Then we see you all get pulled into the sand as the gang.

Babs: Their gone, and so is Jess.

Fred: Don't worry we'll track them, their blips are in good shape.

Then two people ran past the gang as Fred saw them.

Fred: Hey Dude, and... Dudette.

The people were Shawn and Shana as they were seen with their surfboards and wet.

Shawn: Dude, you saw us.

Zee: and it's weird you two say your surfers, but we never see you two surf.

Shana: We should tell them.

Kara: tell us what?

Shawn: Dude, it's hard to believe but we're upside down surfers.

Karen: What?

Shana: It's our invention.

Shawn: you bind your feet under the board.

Shana: and you breathe through this special snorkel. It feels like you're part of the wave.

Kara: Ok.

Shana: While we were surfing we saw this big coral skeleton and we had to get out.

Shawn: It seemed like we caught one wave to many.

Bea looked at the tracking as she saw the blips moving out to see.

Bea: Guys their moving out to sea, they should be right under the Great Barrier Reef.

Under the ocean we see a tunnel was being made as we then see you, Scooby, Shaggy, and Jessica as you all were covered in wet sand and looked like you were in a trance as we see many of the sandcastle builders as they were working on a tunnel as they were digging then you were seen as a device was on your hand as it shocked you as you then shake your head.

(Y/N): Good thing I made that if I'm in a trance. *sees Jessica* Sorry Jessica but please forgive me for this.

You flew up to her face as you then slapped her very hard on the face as she then began to shake her head and rubbed her cheek where you slapped her at.

Jessica: (Y/N), why did you do that? *looks around* Uh, where are we?

(Y/N): I think we're in a tunnel under the Great Barrier Reef. Plus I thought you might be in a trance so the best way to get you out of it was by giving you an unfriendly wake up call.

Jessica: Oh.

Then the backpacks gave scooby and shaggy snacks as they ate them and they were back to their old selves.

Shaggy: Guys, your sand drip monsters.

(Y/N): I think someone is dragging these kids down here and making them build this tunnel. The others should know where we are until they come get us, we better play along.

Jessica: Good idea.

Shaggy: Ok.

Then we see you all acting like the rest of the builders as we see the rest of the gang are on a boat as they were at the place you were at.

Fred: According to the sonar they should be right beneath us.

Bea: and hopefully the rest of the missing builders.

Then we see them go into the water as they were swimming through the water then the coral creature came and was after them as they swam to a part as they opened they hatch and were inside as they were in a tunnel as they saw the builders.

Karen: There's the sand drip monsters.

Zee: *sees Rama Yam* and there's Rama Yam.

Daphne: *sees you, Jessica, Shaggy and Scooby * Oh no their sand drip monsters.

Then we see shaggy looking at the gang as he smiles and winks at them as they looked at him.

Shaggy: Like don't mind us all outsiders, we are but humble sand drip workers who are by the way out of snacks.

Kara: their fine.

(Y/N): Glad your all here.

Karen: But how are we gonna get these kids out of here?

Fred: I have a plan and it would require all the things here.

We later see you all as Fred made a trap.

Fred: Just needs one more thing.

Shaggy: Like what about this.

He places a small shovel on the trap as it then fell apart as the sound caught the workers attention as they saw you.

(Y/N): Here's a better idea, run!

You all ran as the workers chased you as they were hitting the parts of the cave as on tripped and hit the wall of the tunnel as it began to collapse.

Daphne: The tunnel's collapsing.

Then the sand drip workers stopped as Rama Yam always in front of them.

Rama Yam: Turn around, toward the beach!

Then they all ran as water came into the tunnel as scooby was now in the water as the coral creature was now in it.

Shaggy: Scooby doo, run!

Then the creature got scooby in his hand as it got scooby to safety. As we now see everyone is at the beach as the creature put scooby on the beach.

Karen: Everyone is our.

Velma: Including the one behind it all.

We then see the creature swim away.

Daphne: The monster's getting away.

Velma: The real monster isn't going anywhere.

(Y/N): In Fact he's right here.

You and Velma came to rama yam as you pulled off his hair as it was only a wig and his bead was fake as you removed it as it showed he only had short hair and it was a lighter brown color

Everyone: That's Rama Yam?

Spencer: Actually Spencer Johnson.

(Y/N): Me and Velma both realized he was faking that trance when he started to yell commands to his muddy minions.

Velma: Exactly, *takes Spencer's necklace* and this is how he got them that way.

Then the necklace glowed as Fred, Hal, and Rad were hypnotized by it.

Fred, Hal, and Rad: Yes master...

Velma then put it away as they were back to normal.

Karan: But why would you do such awful things to those good kids?

Spencer: They were working for the greater good of mankind, building the reefway.

Shaggy: Like I never heard of a Reefway.

Spencer: It would have been the 9th wonder of the world. An underwear highway for cars, buses, trains, anything that rolls. Connecting Australia to New Guinea!

Velma: Ingenious.

(Y/N): Insane, but ingenious. Since you couldn't do it legally, you lured the best teenage builders with that sandcastle contest.

Shaggy: Like you dragged us through the wet sand and made us look like sand drip monsters.

We see a flashback of you, Jessica, Scooby and Shaggy being dragged into the tunnel by Spencer disguised as Rama Yam as he used the necklace on you four hypnotizing you all.

Velma: Then you hypnotized them and put them to work.

The flashback ended as we see scooby and shaggy as they ate the snacks from their backpack as you showed the gadget on your hand.

Shaggy: That's what snapped me and scooby out of the trance. Looks like we were saved by the snacks.

(Y/N): And this handy device gave me a shock snapping me out of the trance and I had to give Jessica a hard slap on the face to snap her out.

Jessica: And I forgive you for slapping me (Y/N), just don't do that again.

(Y/N): Ok plus he also faked his disappearance so he can supervise his laborers.

Velma: That's right he made them dig out rocks from the ocean floor and pile them on the beach at night.

Spencer: Well, I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling sand drips.

Then we see the coral creature.

Fred: But what about the coral creature.

(Y/N): That's all it is, coral.

Velma: He's right.

Daphne: You two mean for once the monster is real?

Velma: It's not a monster.

(Y/N): Velma's right, a lot of strange creatures have evolved in the Great Barrier Reef. The sounds from the underwater tunnel must have confused it and drove it out of the deep.

Fred: And since that tunnel is shut down forever, it won't be bothered anymore.

(Y/N): That's right so you can go back to the reef in peace big guy!

Scooby: Thank you coral creature.

We see the creature wave at you and scooby as it swam back to its home in the ocean.

Spencer: I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids, that dog, and that stupid supermodel!

(Y/N): Ahem!

Spencer: Oh, and that meddling superhero!

(Y/N): Well Spencer I think you'll have plenty of time to think of a new idea, behind bars.

Steve Hardwell: Now that that's done let's have that concert!

The next day we see everyone as they were making sandcastles and the stage we see Smash Mouth and you preparing to start the show.

(Y/N): Btw guys, I was wondering if I could sing one of your songs?

Steve Hardwell: Sure man, which one?

(Y/N): New Planet. Well after you guys sing Fun that is.

Steve Hardwell: Of course. Go get in the crowd and we'll call you up when we're done.

(Y/N): Thanks man.

We then see you with your friends as the show was about to start.

Steve: Thank you for letting us play our song with sounds that are guaranteed to not break your sandcastles.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then they began to play their song Fun as everyone was enjoying the song as Fred was seen playing volleyball against himself as Velma was seen reading books as Shaggy was with manny.

Shaggy: Like congratulations on winning the contest, like nothing can top off your sandcastle except maybe the large chocolate ice cream sundae with cherry sprinkles we just made.

(Y/N): Impressive Shags! Where is it?

We then see Shaggy and Scooby's sculpture with bites as scooby was seen eating it

(Y/N): Scoob that isn't real ice cream!

Scooby: Scooby dooby *spits out the sand* Pa-tooey!

We then pan back to the stage

Steve: And now to perform our song New Planet; (Y/N) (L/N)!

(Y/N): That's my que, see ya. *you were seen at the stage* One, two, three, four!

Music started as you began to sing

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N): We need a new planet You were a rock but I took you for granite Ain't that a shame, ain't it a sin? We added too much baggage when our ship came in Like a laser beam You're never what I'm seeing I ought to better my best behavior I can't deny I lit the fire But the twist of fate bridge was gonna burn anyway Without you, it's no fun It's like a total eclipse of the sun Without you it's no wonder It's like a total eclipse of the sun It's just that time of the season I'm getting tongue-tied facing my demons But I'm free 'cause I want you to be But the twist of fate bridge was gonna burn anyway Without you, it's no fun It's like a total eclipse of the sun Without you it's no wonder It's like a total eclipse of the sun We need a new planet You were a peach but I told you to can it You weren't the only pig in the pen We added too much baggage when our ship came in Without you, it's no fun It's like a total eclipse of the sun Without you it's no wonder It's like a total eclipse of the sun Without you, it's no fun It's like a total eclipse of the sun Without you it's no wonder It's like a total eclipse of the sun
As you finished singing the crowd began to cheer for you as you then took a bow but you were then tackled by the girls and Bea as they were seen hugging you tightly.

TO BE CONTINUED!!! We hope you in the mood for some magic because HARRY POTTER IS NEXT BABY! Alakazam!

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