Zoo feild trip and a new ability.

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At the metropolis zoo we see you and the class as you were in the reptile house as you all were looking at a snake as it was sleeping.

Hal: why isn't he moving?

(Y/N): He's asleep bonehead.

Hal: Alright alright sheesh. Let's look at something else.

We see the class moving on as you, Kara, Karen, Zee, Babs, Tatsu, and Diana were still at the place where the snake is.

(Y/N): I guess it's not so fun being stuck in a box isn't it buddy?

Kara: What are you saying.

(Y/N): I mean look at him, he must really miss his home. *to the snake* You just want to go home, don't you?

The snake got up and it shook yes at you as you and the girls were shocked at that.

(Y/N): Wait, can you... hear me?

Then snake shook yes in response.

Karen: (Y/N) you can talk to snakes.

(Y/N): WOW. So do you miss your family?

The snake looked at a direction as you looked at a sign that said "bred in captivity"

(Y/N): Oh, you don't like being here don't you?

The snake shook no that it didn't like being here as it wanted to leave this zoo.

(Y/N): I just wish there was something I could do for you bud.

???: Out of the way you! Mum, Dad, Pierce come see what this snake is doing!

A fat kid pushed you down to the floor as you saw a black haired kid in frumpy clothes get pushed down as well

(Y/N): Hey kid, are you ok?

Kid: I'm fine.

You looked at the fat kid angry as the glass for the snake exhibit vanished as the fat kid and his friend fell inside

(Y/N): What the?

Then the snake slithered out of the exhibit as he looked at you and the kid.

Snake: Thankssss guyssss.

(Y/N): Anytime.

Then the snake slithered away as many people saw the snake out and ran in terror.

Kara: what did that snake just say to you?

Kid: He said thanks. Wait, you guys look familiar. Where have I seen you?

(Y/N): Promise not to tell anyone who we are once we tell you? Btw, what's your name kid?

Harry: Harry Potter.

(Y/N): Well Harry, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) Alien hero of metropolis. And over there are my friends Supergirl, Bumblebee, Batgirl, Zatanna, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman. *notices the famous scar* Whoa Harry what happened to your head?

Harry: It's a long story.

As for the fat kid and his friend they get up to get out but they see that the glass was back and they were trapped in it as you saw them.

(Y/N): We should go before that kid's parents come here.

Kara: agreed.

You all then left the reptile house as you were seen at a bench.

Harry: So your a parselmouth like me.

(Y/N): A parselwhat?

Harry: You can talk to snakes.

(Y/N): How? I don't remember learning how to from Hope.

Harry: Hope?

(Y/N): She's a friend of mine.

We see Hope appearing out of a portal with a snowy owl on her shoulder and two letters in her hand

Hope: Actually I'm one of his girlfriends.

(Y/N): Hi sweetie. And who's this pretty bird on your shoulder?

Harry: Hedwig! *holds up his arm and Hedwig flies onto it* Hey those are Hogwarts letters! Who are they for?

Hope: For me and (Y/N).

(Y/N): You've gotten a similar letter I'm guessing Harry?

Harry: Yes, if you got a letter to Hogwarts that means your a wizard.

(Y/N): Then, you and Hope could help me out with this magic thing cuz I've only ever used a sling ring and talked to snakes.

Hope: Ok first thing we need to do is go to Diagon Alley. Have any idea where we can find this place Harry?

Harry: Well, you're in luck guys because I do! Diagon Alley is in London.

Kara: and how is that good news? We're miles away from London.

(Y/N): Sling Ring! Remember? I can get us there in two seconds flat!

We then see everyone in front of the Leaky Cauldron.

Jessica: are you sure this is the place?

Harry: Yes, I'm sure.

(Y/N): But it sticks out like a sore thumb!

Tom: My lord! Harry Potter is back!

You turned to see an old man at the bar

Harry: Hi Tom! Just showing some a couple of new students to Diagon Alley to help them get their supplies!

Tom looks at you funny

Harry: Yes their new students.

(Y/N): Our letters must've been really delayed. *Holds out your hand* I'm (Y/N) by the way, and these are my friends Kara, Karen, Zee, Jessica, Babs, and Diana, this is Hope the other new student.

Tom: Well it's very nice to meet you all. Harry here will show you how to get through. Isn't that that right Harry?

Harry: Yes, I can show you the way through. Come on guys.

You followed Harry to a brick wall.

Kara: Uh dude this is just a wall.

Harry: Watch.

You saw Harry as he tapped a few bricks as the wall opened up to reveal a bunch of shops.

(Y/N): Wow. This is amazing.

The Girls: No kidding!

Harry: Ok first stop is the bank; Gringotts! It's at the end of the alley.

(Y/N): Ok, but I don't have any wizarding money!

Harry: Don't worry they have a muggle to wizarding money area.

(Y/N): Oh ok.

We then see you in front of a goblin desk clerk.

(Y/N): Excuse me, I'm here to exchange some muggle money to pay for my schooling please?

Desk Clerk: Very well, name.

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N).

The goblin stopped working as soon as he heard your name.

Desk Clerk: The famous son of Dante, the demon slayer?

(Y/N): That's right.

Desk Clerk: Do you have your key sir?

(Y/N): Um, no?

Desk Clerk: No matter I'll take you down to your vault now!

(Y/N): Uh thank you, I guess.

We then see you at a vault numbered 1

Clerk: At your father's request we had this vault set up for you and he also left something powerful in there for you.

(Y/N): What is it?

Clerk: Something so powerful it can go toe to toe with Harry Potter and the dark lord himself.

(Y/N): Ok, and I'm also guessing it's dangerous if it's in the wrong hands.

Clerk: I refer to the muggle comic book series titled "The Mask" but when used by someone like you it is more like the movie with the actor Jim Carrey

(Y/N): Oh, but why did Dad leave the mask in my vault? Hey, Hope have you ever heard of this mask?

Hope: Some say it was made by Loki, the norse god of mischief, others say it was used in a tribal African ritual. The only thing people agree on is that it's freaking scary!

(Y/N): So it be best to use that for an emergency much like ultimate Alien X.

The goblin then opens your vault and everyone's jaws literally hit the floor (genie style!)

Everyone but the clerk: Holy Crap! How much gold and weapons can fit in this vault!?

(Y/N): Guessing my dad, was pretty busy in his work.

Kara: No kidding look at all this.

Then on the center table was a green wooden mask, a white lantern, a white lantern ring, a giant axe, and a red gauntlet with six glowing gems in it.

Jessica: Wait that's a white lantern power battery and ring! I thought those were fake!

(Y/N): where'd dad even get this stuff?

As you looked around Babs notice a lamp was on the ground and picked it up

Babs: Huh, looks a little dusty. It can use a good rub.

She then rubbed it and it started to glow blue

(Y/N): Babs? What did you do?

Babs: I don't know I just rubbed it.

(Y/N): I know what's coming next! Take cover!

You duck behind a bookshelf as a genie came out groaning loudly as he then grabbed his neck in pain.

Genie: Aii! Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck!

Desiree: No way! It's Aladdin's Genie!

(Y/N): You know him?

Desiree: Who doesn't? His story is famous! Can I have your autograph?

Genie: Why certainly, just hang on a sec. *grabs a notebook and pen from somewhere* Who am I making this out to?

Desiree: Desiree.

Kara: Ok, so ask me this are there more genies in this place or are you two the only ones?

Genie: Oh there's also my little sister Shantae she was in the lamp with me. Hey sis come out here!

Then the lamp began to shake as another genie came out but that genie was dark skinned instead of blue, and wore a bright red outfit and her purple hair was done in a long ponytail

Kara: That's your sister, I don't see anything that makes you two related.

Genie: We're siblings from different parents.

Jessica: so she's your half-sister?

Genie: Bingo! But she's only half genie.

Shantae looks at you and hearts appear in her eyes

Shantae: And who is this handsome guy?

(Y/N): Uh, (Y/N).

Shantae: (Y/N)? What a gorgeous name for a handsome master!

(Y/N): Master?

Shantae: Well duh! Don't you know how genies work? My brother and I will explain. The important rules.

Genie: Rule number one: we can't kill people.

Shantae: Rule number two: we can't make people fall in love with other people. *kisses you on the cheek*

Genie: Rule number three!: We can't bring people back from the dead! It's not a pretty picture! We don't like doing it!

(Y/N): Ok but this sounds like a load of barnacles!

Genie and Shantae: Master! We don't think you quite realize what you got here so why don't you just ruminate while we illuminate possibilities?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Genie: Well Alibaba had them forty thieves. *Has thieves with swords in their hands in his hands.* Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales.

Then those thieves began to circle around you and point their swords at you then we see Shantae appear behind you.

Shantae: But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves You got a brand of magic never fails.

She made her arms appear as they then punched the thieves away as we see you on a boxing ring as genie was seen rubbing your shoulders as Shantae was seen fanning you with a towel.

Genie: You got some power in your corner now.

Shantae: Some heavy ammunition in your camp!

We see her as she is lighting a firework as it was seen flying around and explodes.

Genie: You got some punch!

Shantae: Pizzazz!

Genie and Shantae: Yahoo and how so all you gotta do is run that lamp.

Genie: And I'll say *he appears in front of you.* "Mister (Y/N) sir! What will your pleasure be?"

Genie then made a seat and table as you were sitting on it as Shantae appears dressed up as a waitress.

Shantae: *french accent* Let me take your order Jot it down.

Genie and Shantae: You ain't never had a friend like me!

Genie appears as a water as he reveals a chicken to you

Genie: *french accent* Life is your restaurant and

Then the chicken became Shantae as she was seen on the table.

Shantae: I'm your maitre'd!

Then they both leaned close to you and had their ears close to you wanting you to whisper to them.

Genie and Shantae: C'mon whisper what it is you want, You ain't never had a friend like me!

Then we see genie and three more clones of himself as they were giving your hair a trim.

Genie: Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service.

Shantae: You're the boss The king, the shah!

Then we now see you on a throne with a room full of treasure as we see your friends were seen with you as the boys were fanning you as the girls were close with you.

Genie and Shantae: Say what you wish It's yours, true dish How about a little more Baklava?

Then we see baklava was being poured on you as you were now seen on a Column with the letter "A" on it with fruit on it.

Shantae: Have some of Column A.

Then you jumped as you landed on a column made of fruit with the letter B on it.

Genie: try all of Column B.

Then you jumped down as Shantae caught you.

Genie and Shantae: I'm in the mood to help you dude, you ain't never had a friend like me.

Then we see Genie in a tuxedo as he was dancing as Shantae came in a red dress as you were seen with her dancing around with her as you then caught her as she kissed you on the cheek.

Genie: Can your friends do this?

He was seen juggling five of his heads as he then threw them to you and you began to juggle them.

Shantae: Can your friends do that?

Then we see the two as a hat was seen as they reached into it.

Genie and Shantae: Can your friends pull this *pulls out themselves as genie was seen a rabbit and Shantae was seen as a little monkey.* Out their little hat? Can your friends go poof? *We see Genie as a dragon as he blew fire and three dancers were seen.*

Shantae: Well looky here.

Genie and Shantae: Can your friends go Abracadabra let 're rip and make the sucker disapear?

The dancers then vanish as genie was seen small and on your arms.

Genie: So don't cha sit there slack-jawed,buggy-eyed I'm here to answer all your midday prayers.

He then jumped off your arms as Shantae was seen holding a certificate.

Shantae: You got me bona fide, certified
You got a genie for your chargé d'affaires

Genie: I got a powerful urge to help you out
So what-cha wish? I really want to know

Genie and Shantae: You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh Mister (Y/N), sir, have a wish or two or three.

Shantae: I'm on the job.

Genie: You big nabob.

Genie and Shantae: You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend You ain't never had a friend like me!

Then we now see you and your friends on a stage as you were seen dancing along with Shantae as we then see Eddy as he was filling his pockets with all the money and treasure he could stuff in his pockets

Genie and Shantae: You ain't never had a friend like me, hah!

We then see you all back in the vault as there was a light up sign that said applause.

Ben: So let me get this straight so if your a genie and your sister is half genie does that mean (Y/N) gets wishes?

Shantae: That's right he gets three wishes.

Kara: and he can wish for anything he wants?

Genie: Yes ma'am. Anything he wants.

Hal: So and he wish for more wishes?

Shantae: Nope the rules state that you can not make a wish for more wishes, and be specific with your words when you wish for something. Jafar learned that the hard way.

Hal: Darn it!

(Y/N): can't make wishes for more wishes and be very specific on my wishes got it. You know what guys aside from the mask, the lantern ring and battery, and the gauntlet pick out a souvenir my treat.

Hope: thanks but you do remember about getting the things for school?

(Y/N): Oh yeah! Better pick your souvenirs fast guys!

Ben picked the axe, Jessica picked out a glowing shield, Babs picked out a black and red batarang, Hope picks out a golden staff, and Diana picks out a sword that had snakes coiling around to make the handle We then see everyone back in the alley

(Y/N): So where to first?

Harry: I'd recommend Madam Malkin's robes for your uniforms.

(Y/N): Ok.

Hope: We'll see you in a minute guys.

(Y/N): Oh, and Ben can you do me a favor and hold on to my mask, ring, and gauntlet please?

Hope: are you sure that's a good idea? Cause I don't think Ben should be holding on to those kind of items. Tell you what my bag has an extension charm on it give them to me and I'll hold onto them until we get to school ok?

(Y/N): Fair deal.

Hope: Plus Ben would probably do something dumb and reckless with those things.

Ben: Hey!

(Y/N): She's kidding, right?

Hope: I'm just saying giving Ben those items and trusting him to keep them safe sounded like an ok decision but think of what will happen sooner or later.

Ben: Good point.

(Y/N): Yeah your right.

Then you handed Hope your things as she puts them in her bag.

We then see you and Hope inside the shop and you ring the bell for service

(Y/N): Hello? Is anyone here?

Hope: We're here for our uniforms for Hogwarts

???: Just a minute I'll be right there.

???: Ouch! Watch where you pointing that! (Am16: Two guesses on who this is!)

Then we see the shopkeeper working on a blonde boy that looked like a complete and utter twat!

(Y/N): Uh have we came in at the wrong time?

"Twat": Yes now go away! Unless she wants to stay. *Gives Hope a creepy stare*

Hope: Ugh, no thank you. I'm taken!

(Y/N): Look we're just here for uniforms for Hogwarts, we're new students, blonde guy that I have just met.

Draco: Oh, where are my manners! I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

(Y/N): Name's (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N), and stay away from my girlfriend punk!

Shopkeeper: Are you familiar with Dante the demon Slayer?

(Y/N): Yeah, he's my dad.

Shopkeeper: My Word! I have been waiting for this day! Your dad asked me to make these for you and your friend *pulls out black and purple leather outfits complete with a red trench coat for you and a purple one for Hope* These are made from Hungarian Horntail hide and and the softest nindu fur for maximum comfort.

(Y/N): Thanks, they look amazing.

Hope: Let's go try them on!

We later see you and hope as you both have on your outfits as you looked at yourself in the mirror.

(Y/N): Nice touch with the trench coat. Reminds me of my dad.

Dante: Thanks but you would not believe how long it took me to get the stuff needed to make them, and happy birthday squirt!

(Y/N): Thanks Dad, best gift ever.

Enid: Wait did he say it's your birthday?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Babs: maybe we can go get something for a birthday lunch.

Rad: Why not the supreme birthday snack *holds out a hot dog* The hot dog!

Enid: *lowers his arm* Let the birthday boy decide.

Rad: Awww! I wanna choose for (Y/N).

(Y/N): How about the ice cream place by the wand shop? Btw Harry where did you get Hedwig? I wouldn't mind having an owl like her?

Hope: I think I saw a shop that sells owls and owl accessories.

Dante: I'll go get the owl while the rest of you go to the wand shop and meet me at the ice cream parlor ok?

(Y/N): Sure thing Dad.

Enid: Plus, you do need a wand. I know is that I'm a witch and it's kinda the main thing for magic.

(Y/N): Ok. See you at the parlor Dad! Come on guys!

We now see you all at the wand shop as you were looking at many wands as you were looking for the right one for you.

(Y/N): which wand is the perfect wand for me?

You looked to see a wand as it had vines all over it

Ollivander: Ah, I've been wondering when I would see you Daughter of Spellbinder and Son of the Demon slayer. I am Ollivander.

(Y/N): Hi. My girlfriend and I are here for our wands for school we start in a few days.

Olivander: Ah I see your father had told me to give you and your friend these wands for you two.

He walked to a counter and picks up two wands as one had a black and red box and the other was black and purple

Ollivander: (Y/N) your wand is 14 and a half inches, springy, good for defense and attack, made out of Yggdrasil wood and a combo core of thestral tail hair and basilisk horn. A powerful and dangerous wand indeed. As for you Hope, your wand is made out of Elm wood, 13 inches, unyielding, good for transfiguration and charms. Treat it carefully!

(Y/N): We will. Thank you Mr. Ollivander!

Ollivander: You're quite welcome.

We then see you and Hope leave the shop as you were outside Draco shows up.

(Y/N): You again?!

Hope: What do you want?!

Draco: I'm just here to get my new outfit that should belong to me!

(Y/N): If your talking about the outfit my dad made for me than you can forget it it wasn't yours to begin with.

Hope: He's right, so go get your own outfit punk!

Draco: My father will hear about this! *storms off*

(Y/N): *shouts to Draco* Oh I'm sure he would like to hear about your little problem! And he might like to hear about the son of the demon Slayer Dante! Come on Hope let's head to the ice cream parlor.

Hope: Yeah I'm anxious to see your new owl.

You and Hope walk to the ice cream parlor and Ben waved to the both of you

Ben: Guys over here we saved you a couple of seats!

(Y/N): Thanks cuz.

Kara: What took ya so long.

(Y/N): We ran into Draco and he try to get me to give him my outfit.

Hope: And he flirted with me! *gags*

(Y/N): That guy is a real snob.

???: Boy is he ever!

You turn to see a red headed boy and a bushy brown haired girl walking to your table.

(Y/N): Harry, are these friends of yours?

Harry: Yeah, *points to the red head* this is Ron Weasley, *points to the brunette* and this Hermione Granger. My best friends in the world!

(Y/N): Cool, nice to meet you two any friends of Harry is a friend of mine I'm (Y/N) and these are my friends and my dad Dante.

Ron: Your the son of Dante? The Demon Slayer?!

(Y/N): That's right

Dante: Always nice to meet a fan.

Circuit: You seem to be very popular here dad.

Hermione: Who is that?

(Y/N): That's Circuit, he is my brother.

Ben: He's a mix of (Y/N)'s DNA and Upgrade's DNA.

Ron: Who's Upgrade?

You then used your watch and transformed into Upgrade as you showed them.

(Y/N): This is Upgrade, I forgot to mention that I have a watch that can turn me into many different awesome aliens, along with my cousin Ben, my buddy Keith and my other brother Steel. *changes back* So dad, how did owl shopping go?

Dante: It went well, we found a beautiful snowy owl named Giza *lifts up a cage with the owl sitting in it* isn't she gorgeous?

(Y/N): She's perfect.

Ron: And quick question who's Steel?

Then steel walked up to him.

Steel: That would be me.

Dante: Now that everyone has been introduced let's celebrate my son's birthday! (Y/N) and I will be right back.

Peni: Ok but hurry back.

We then see you and Dante walk into the ice cream shop

Dante: *whispers* So I'm guessing you found your other presents in your vault? More specifically the mask?

(Y/N): *whispers* Yeah I did and I found that gauntlet but Dad why did you put things as powerful as those items in my vault?

Dante: *whispers* I thought they might come in handy for you one day.

(Y/N): Dad I hope you don't mind but I gave some of my friends a few souvenirs?

Dante: Like?

(Y/N): Ben got the axe, Babs got the batarang, Jessica got the shield, Hope got the gold staff, and Diana got the sword.

Dante: Seems like the axe your talking about is stormbreaker and it found its next wielder in you and Ben.

(Y/N): Me?

Dante: Yeah, your able to bring it to you no matter where you are. Just so long as the mask and gauntlet are safe.

(Y/N): Hope has them safe in her bag.

Dante: Extension charm?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Dante: Good.

(Y/N): So dad is there any other styles that I can do? like for example I did one where I can possess someone. I call it the possessor style.

Dante: I don't remember doing something like that. Looks like you found a new style.

(Y/N): Jackpot!

Dante: Jackpot indeed. Anyway, the styles that you can do is gunslinger, Swordsman, Trickster and Royal guard. Plus Doppelganger and Quicksilver.

(Y/N): Cool.

We later see you, Hope, Harry, Hermione, and Ron at King's Cross Station a few days later

Hermione: Hurry up guys we're gonna miss the train.

(Y/N): How are we even going to get on the train with all these muggles?

Harry: Watch. *Runs through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10*

(Y/N): Did he just run through the wall?

Ron: Yeah the train should be at the other side.

Hermione: Hurry up we don't have much time.

You all ran through the barrier as you all were at the other side and you saw Harry.

Harry: Come on guys hurry.

You looked to see that the train is beginning to leave as you saw it leaving as you ran

(Y/N): Wait! Stop the train!

But the train was gone as you saw it.

(Y/N): Man! We can't be late on the first day of wizard school! *realizes* Oh yeah.

You got out the lamp and rubbed it as we see Shantae and genie come out.

Shantae: So what's the trouble handsome?

(Y/N): We missed the train.

Shantae: Oh that sound pretty bad.

Genie: Just say the words and we can bring it back so you and your friends can get on or you can wish to be on it already.

(Y/N): Hmmm? I dunno sounds a bit tough, maybe we'll find another way to get to Hogwarts.

As you were about to walk out you then saw genie and Shantae looking at you.

Genie: Excuse us? Did you rub our lamp? Did you wake us up?!

Shantae: And all of a sudden you don't need us?! I don't think so! You're getting your wishes so SIT DOWN!

(Y/N): Yes ma'am.

Then we see you, Hope, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Shantae and genie on a flying carpet.

Genie: Welcome to Flying Carpet Airways the exits are everywhere. Please keep your entire bodies inside the carpet at all times. And we are outta here!

We then see you all flying off to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

To be continued next time! Hope you guys enjoyed the first part of Harry Potter! Next time is your sorting ceremony and you try on your new mask!

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