The Wonder Woman and secrets revealed.

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Mr Chapin was leading you all to the detention room as he opened the door You and the girls walked into the room as some of you looked down Babs was happy.

Mr Chapin: Detention on the first day of school *clicks tongue*

As he left you all were sitting in your desks as you were now having detention.

Zantanna: I hope you have good attorneys.

Kara: What are you gonna do? Sue me 'cause I have better aim than you?

Zatanna: Ooh, I knew you threw those potatoes!

Jessica: Now, let's not start fighting again.

Kara: You threw more nuggets than anyone!

Karen: Um, for the record, if I offended anyone, I'm truly very sorry.And

Then the door opened as she squealed as Mr Chapin was there along with a truant officer.

Truant Officer: We found her walking around the streets.

Mr Chapin: Cutting class on the first day of school. *clicks tongue * get in here with the other delinquents while i find out which homeroom your in.

A person in a cloak came in as she took of the robe she was revealed to be the wonder woman

Babs was in shock at who it was as wonder woman sat in a desk.

Karen: That's... She's...

Zatanna: Gorgeous!

Jessica: Is that...

Babs: *gasps* *whispering* The Wonder Woman.

Kara: *scoff* That's no wonder woman. It's just some dumb cosplay girl.

Diana: I am no girl. I am Diana, Princess of the Amazons. I alone survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite. By right, I am not a girl, but a woman.

Kara: Trust me, Princess, you do not want to start with me.

Diana: Is this a challenge?

Kara: *scoffs* For you, maybe.

Diana: Very well. I shall allow you first strike.

Kara: All right. But you asked for it.

Kara got into a fighting stance as she sends a punch only for Diana to dodge it by moving out of the way.

Diana: again.

Kara tried to punch her again only for diana to block it as she countered with a kick to the gut it sent kara a few inches. Kara blew her hair as she dusted herself she tries to punch her again only for diana to run and jump on a wall as kara tried to punch her as diana kept dodging the punches.

Kara: Why don't you just stand still?

Kara then punched Diana as she was sent flying and crashed into a wall as the girls and you gasped at the sight and Kara walked to the hole.

Kara: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. Are you all-

Then Diana came out form the hole and tackled Kara as she started punching her face then Kara threw Diana off of her as she tried to punch her only for diana to dodge it and jumped on Karen's desk as she grabbed cases and started throwing them at Kara as she grabbed a desk and blocked the projectiles as she threw the desk as you Jessica, Karen, and Babs watched as babs had hearts in her eyes as she was in pure joy at the sight. Kara and Diana began to charge at each other but only for a spring made of green energy appeared in between them as it slung them back at the walls as the spring disappeared the green energy went to Jessica's ring.

Jessica: Both of you, stop! Fighting is never the answer.

As Kara started to get up you went to your omnitrix and a dial came as you went through it and selected a silhouette as an hourglass symbol came out and you slammed on it as your body began to transform

you are now a blue jellyfish like creature with white swipes with six tentacles as two acted as the legs as the other four acted as the arms as it had pointed fins and it had green eyes as it has a badge with a green hourglass symbol on its mouth.

(Y/N): AmpFibian!

As Kara tried to get to Diana a bolt of lightning came and struck near Kara as everyone turned to see you.

(Y/N): Jessica is right this is not the answer.

Karen: yes!

You turned to see Karen wearing homemade armour in black and yellow.

Karen: The answer is... *squeaky voice* Running away.

She pressed a few keys on her device as she shrank to the size of a bee as she tried to fly out of the room as everyone else began to fight as outside some students were talking to each other.

Girl: Oh, my gosh. And then Aiden said...

Zatanna: Teacher's coming.

You all stopped as the room was a wreck and began to panic and started to quickly try to clean up as the teacher was about to open the door Zantana saw everyone panicking and grabbed a magic wand.

Zatana: tup siht os ssalc egnarts niaga

The room was engulfed in a bright light as it died down Mr Chapin opened the door and saw you and the girls sitting down smiling as you were normal again.

Mr Chapin: Everything all right in here?

Zatanna: Mmm-hmm. Yes, Mr. Chapin.

Mr Chapin: All right. Good. I, um, forgot my keys.

He grabbed his keys as he left the room then Babs jumped out of her seat and looked at you all.

Babs: A-ha! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew you were super. *points at Kara* I knew it the minute I saw you dent that car door because no ordinary person could possibly slam a door that hard. * to Karen* And then when you spilled all those weird metal thingies on the bus, *to Zatanna* I knew there was something weird going on with you, too. And then you, all of a sudden, had your backpack, and I was like, "That's weird." *to Jessica* And then I overheard you talking to that cute boy about some Corps thing and some ring * to you* and I saw your watch was like nothing i ever seen before and I knew something was up, so I decided to start a food fight so that we all get detention together, which totally worked. And then you, I wasn't planning on you showing up at all. So that's just like a huge bonus anyway. My plan was that you'd all keep fighting once we got to detention and all get so worked up that you'd be forced to reveal that you're super and guess what, so am I! The one and only Batgirl.

Kara: Great! Another cosplayer.

Diana: Huzzah! At last. A sister-in-arms. Never had I dreamed I would encounter the warrior spirit of an Amazon upon entering the world of Man. For you see, it is my quest, my crusade, my destiny, to bring the Amazon way of peace and prosperity to man's world, and to rid it of all evil. The gods bestowed this honor upon me and I feared I alone should have to carry my burden. But now... Now I have a sister by my side.

Babs: *gasp* No, no, no, no. Five sisters and a comrade.

Kara: Uh, nope. I use my powers, I get in trouble. Every single time.Jessica: Not me. I'm not fighting anyone.

Zatanna: *chuckle* Sorry. I'm an artiste. Not a police officer.

Karen: Um, I'm not really that good at it.

(Y/N): I rather work alone.

Diana: Cowards! I speak of destiny. The same mantle of greatness the gods bestowed upon me, they have also bestowed upon you.

Babs: Plus, come on, you guys! How can you not be excited about heroes and villains and fighting crime and hidden lairs and secret identities and stuff?

Zatanna: Um, the trick with secret identities, my dear, is that, in order to remain secret, one must convincingly pass as a normal human being.

Babs: Okay, tell you what. You guys give being a team a teensie try, she'll teach us how to be heroes and you can give her a makeover. Deal?

Zatanna: [sigh] Who am I to say no to a makeover?

(Y/N): I'll help out.

Karen: Um... Okay.

Jessica: Good for you, Karen. I'll try, too, but only to support and encourage Karen's brave decision.

Kara: Fine. Whatever.

Babs: Yes! It's settled. Super awesome super hero-ness, here we come!

What adventures await next? Find out next time. As for the next chapter hero training and learning to be normal.

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