training and trying to be normal

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Diana: By the white beard of Zeus, what is this place?

You and the girls were now at the mall.

(Y/N): This is the mall.

Babs: (Y/N)'s right and normal teenager lesson number one, never say stuff like... "By the white beard of Zeus." Lesson number two, you gotta look the part. Bright colors, big logos, be bold!
Then Kara grabbed Diana and gave her some leather clothes.

Kara: Leather, lots and lots of leather.

Then Babs grabbed Diana as she showed her a phone.

Babs: Lesson 3, your phone is your life. Pics, emails, texts, shopping, social media, every single bit of knowledge mankind has ever known. *scrolls through her phone.*

Then Jessica grabbed Diana and made her drop the leather

Jessica: Uh, no leather. *hands her some clothes* These were all made with organic cotton from Turkey.

then Karen came and handed her some more clothes.

Karen: Dress to not draw attention to yourself. But not too much, or you risk drawing attention to yourself.
Then Babs pushed Diana into a changing room.
Babs: Now, get in there and be normal.

after a few minutes, she came out wearing a mix up of clothes. then Babs had an idea.

Babs: I know. Accessories!

she ran and grabbed some accessories but Zatanna

Zatanna: Have you finished tormenting this poor girl? Then, allow me. detcefrep rennam lla ni stcefrep kool.

She cast a spell on Diana as she was given a new look.

Jessica: Oh, she's good.

Zatanna: Ladies and gentleman may I present Diana Prince. Foreign exchange student from Greece. Geek chic.

Diana: And these garments give me the appearance of a typical mortal female adolescent?

(Y/N): Of course.

Jessica: Oh yeah.

Zatanna: Oh, yes.

Kara: I guess.

Diana: Good. Then it is my turn.

You all were now on the roof of a building as Diana was now in her Wonder Woman outfit.

Diana: If we are to be a team, then I must know your skills and abilities. *to Jessica*You! Name, rank, skills

Jessica: Uh... Hi, I'm Jess. I'm a cadet in something called the Green Lantern Corp. And... *exhales* Oh, boy. Well, see, I was given this power ring by these weird aliens. They are sort of like space cops and they patrol these different sectors. You know what, the whole thing is really complicated. I can make stuff with this ring.

She used her ring as she made a potted plant.

Babs: That is so cool! Do a pogo stick.

Jessica made a pogo stick.

Babs: A burrito.

Jessica then made a burrito.

Babs: A mucho megarrito supremo with the works!

Diana: With this ring of the gods, you may produce any weapon imaginable to beat your enemies into submission?

Jessica: Well, in theory, yes. But I don't believe in violence.

Diana: Admirable. So how shall you be known?

Jessica then made her outfit

Jessica: Green Lantern? Kinda comes with the ring.

Diana: Good. And you, Batgirl?

Babs then grabbed a bag and started to go through it.

Babs: I can do all sorts of cool stuff. Even though I don't have any alien rings or anything, but I'm really good at figuring things out. And I make the coolest bat gadgets, like this! Bat barometer and this glow-in-the-dark bat staff. And these bat grappling hooks that I was totally this close to using when Batman was fighting Professor Pyg on the roof of this building. But then Robin showed up, and Batman had to save him. And you know how that goes. And I never actually got to show him how they work. And I never even got to meet him, but that's a whole different story, so I...

Diana: You lack focus.

Babs: What?

babs was in her batgirl outfit

Diana then went to Zatanna.

Zatanna: You can call me the mysterious, the fabulous, the awe-inspring... Zatanna!

she used her magic and changed her outfit into a magician's outfit.

Diana: Impressive. Have your other skills?

Zatanna: I can turn a red hearty black. Ever seen a jumping jack? Go ahead, check behind your ear

Diana checks behind her ear and saw that there was a card there.

Diana: What sorcery is this? I have seen enough. Though you possess great quantities of style, you must learn to channel your magic into a cause. Our cause. And I am afraid this uniform will not suffice. Think of another.

Zatanna was shocked at what Diana said.

Babs: Try a cape.

Then Diana went to Karen as she was doing some work on her outfit. and she was started as she saw Diana as she tried to keep calm.

Diana: What can you do?

Karen: I can, um... I'm still sort of working out the kinks.

she pressed a few keys and then she shrank and then her wings started to buzz.

Karen: Oh, the wings aren't supposed to buzz like that. I'm working on rocket launchers, but they malfunction. The whole thing is all messed up. I wanted to be big and strong, so people would notice me, but... my growth tech backfired, and now I'm even smaller and more invisible than before. I should just go home.

Diana then picked her up with her hand and looked at her.

Diana: You possess far more strength than you know. You simply lack confidence, little Bumblebee.

Karen: I actually prefer the indestructible, gamma phase, 1000 k-

Diana: Bumblebee.

Babs: Trust me, it's way better.

Then Diana went to you.

Diana: (Y/N), We've seen your power explain.

(Y/N): Well it's because of this. *holds up your wrist showing the Omnitrix.* It's called the Omnitrix, it lets me turn into aliens I'll show you.

You went to your watch as you started to dial for an alien and then you made a choice and you pressed the button and you began to transform

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N): Shock Rock!

Diana: Incredible, and what will you be known?

(Y/N): (Y/N) 10.

Babs: But why are you called that is that all the aliens you can turn into?

(Y/N): It used to be but now I can turn into more than 70 aliens.

Babs: That is amazing!

Diana: With this, you are able to transform into many different aliens in battle?

(Y/N): Yeah that's pretty much it.

Diana: You will show great power for combat. *to Kara* And you, we've seen your incredible strength. Is there anything more you have to offer?

Kara: [scoff] Not to you. I'm no hero, "Princess." That racket is for chumps.

Diana: You could be the greatest hero the world of Man has ever known. You simply lack proper motivation!

She grabbed Babs and threw her as you all gasped at what she just did and then Kara took noticed and changed and flew after Babs as she was about to fall to her death.

Jessica: Have you lost your mind?

(Y/N): Wait look!

You and the girls see kara as she was flying as she has Babs in her arms.

Kara: Okay, fine. I am a super hero, all right. *scoff* So what?

Babs: *gasp* Again! Again, again, again!

You and the girls but Diana started cheering at what she did. Then you and the girls are now in a junk yard as Zee now has a new outfit.

Zatanna: Ugh, I conjured a new outfit to hang out in a junkyard?

Babs: Shh. She knows what she's doing.

Diana: Soldiers! Our mission is to save the world of Man.

Babs: That's right.

Diana: In order to do this...

Babs: Preach, sister!

Diana:...we must learn to save...

Babs: Whoo-hoo.

Diana: himself.

She pointed at a bunch of mannequins that look like women.

Karen: Um, I think those are ladies.

Diana threw a hubcap at a pile of cars making it about to fall on the mannequins as you and the girls gasped but Diana ran to them and grabbed them as she jumped and dodge the falling cars as she stands on the pile.

Diana: And now, it is your turn.

Kara was next as she was with a bunch of mannequins as Diana made a pile of cars fall then Kara flew and punched the cars as she floated smiling but you and the girls were in shock as Diana had a look of disappointment as Kara looked down and saw that the mannequins were destroyed by a bunch of cars. Then you and the girls were now walking to a comic book store.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number four. Pop culture.

Zatanna: [groan] Culture? Is she kidding?

Babs: [gasp] O-M... No way! It's the super-rare Batman giant super-special with limited edition pull-out Batman poster. I would kill for this

Diana : Have you learned nothing? We must protect the innocent, not engage in needless slaughter over material goods.

Jessica: Diana, it's just an expression.

(Y/N): Yeah, she didn't mean literally.

Jessica: (Y/N)'s right. It's a figure of speech. For instance, if you are hungry, you might say, "I'd kill for a burrito."

She pointed at a burrito stand.

Jessica: Go on you try.

Diana took a deep breath and quickly went to the burrito stand.


The burrito vendor screamed and ran away from her.

Diana: *holds out some money* Accept my payment or DIE!

She started to chase after the vendor as you and the girls gasped except for Kara as she was smiling at that and you all started to go after her. You all were now back in the junkyard as mannequins were now on a conveyor belt as they were heading to a compactor as Diana wanted Zatanna to go first as she started to use her magic while performing a show as the compactor crushed a car. Zantana sent a beam of magic to the machine as it turned it off as she landed to the ground and conjured hands clapping as she was bowing as you and the others were not happy at what you saw as Babs got Zatanna to look as the mannequins were now crushed into cubes, as she was in shock.
Later we see Kara holding a chain that was holding a dog as Jessica put a steak on the face of the mannequin as she tried not to throw up as she went with the others as bumblebee shrank and brought out her rocket launchers and aimed at the dog as kara released it as it began to run she pressed a button but nothing happen and she began to fly away and was now hiding behind diana as she watched the dog was trying to eat the steak and shw fainted as diana patted her for comfort. Then you all saw the dog run off with the mannequin's head as you and the girls chased after it. Next Babs had her feet in a foot bath.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 26. Uh, what are we doing again?

Zatanna: Pampering ourselves. Isn't it relaxing? An important part of being a teenage girl is taking care of yourself.

The girls were getting their nails done as you and Kara were sitting on a couch as spa employees were trying to get Diana's nails done..

Diana: And, in the world of Man, the toe-nail is the point of focus?Zatanna:

Zee: Precisely. Isn't this fun?

Spa employee: Such enormous calluses.

Diana: Ugh!

Spa employee: Time for the big gun.

She pulled out a foot sander.

Diana: WEAPON!

she pulled out her lasso and started to chase the spa employees as you took noticed and chased her along with the other girls as kara came to see what will happen. Back to the junkyard we see a lot of mannequins as there is a stuffed cat in a tree as Diana was trying to get Babs to get it but she got distracted by a butterfly. She got her attention as she pointed at the tree. Babs began to run to the tree as she punched a mannequin and jumped as she used two grenades as she punch two more mannequins as she went to the tree Babs grabbed the stuffed animal and held it up as she looked at you all as Diana looked disappointed as you shook your head as Kara facepalm and the others looked shocked.

Babs: Uh, those weren't bad guys?

Next there was a group of mannequins as Diana showed Jessica that Babs was driving an excavator as it roared like a monsters as Diana wanted her to fight it as Jessica refused to as Diana walked away frustrated Jessica used her ring and put the mannequins in a safe locking it up and sending it far away as she looked at Diana with a smirk as Diana pointed at the others as the excavator got Kara as Jessica was in shock as she ran to help her as the others tried to help her but Kara broke free sending pieces of metal at a bunch of mannequins. You were next as Diana pointed at a mannequin on a tower as others were in the way and you used your Omnitrix and transformed.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Y/N): Overflow!

You shot water out of your wrists and flew to the tower and grabbed the mannequin and jumped down and used your water to soften your landing as you looked at the others they weren't looking happy as you turned to see the rest of the mannequins were all soaked and in mud.

(Y/N): um my bad.

You and the girls are now in a movie theatre as you all were now watching a movie except Kara as she was sleeping.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 86... Romance.

Aiden: I never wanted to love her, Alexandra. But she's the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me, ever. So, why hasn't Caitlyn texted me?

Kara: [snoring]

Alexandra: She just needs time, Aiden. It's only been two days. If she texts after three days,that's irrevocable love.

Diana: What is happening?

Karen: Aiden just realized he can't live without Caitlyn. But Alexandra is telling him that Caitlyn won't text until tomorrow, because that's exactly what Michael didn't do to her when they broke up. And, isn't it all just so sad and beautiful?

Diana: Teenage males are very confusing.

Jessica, Babs, Karen, Zatanna: Tell me about it!

(Y/N): Excuse me?

Jessica: Oh, no offense (Y/N).

Caitlyn was looking through a window but then Aiden came through the door

Aiden: Caitlyn!

She looked as she took her glasses off as Aiden came to her.

You will be mine, Caitlyn. Forever.

Diana: Beware, Caitlyn! Aiden attacks! *pulls out her sword*

She charged at the screen as she was slicing it with her sword.

Karen: No, Diana! He's just going to... Kiss her.

You all left the theatre.

Kara: She is just not getting it, you guys.

Babs: No! I am not giving up on this team. There's got to be some place to loosen up an uptight warrior princess.

Karen: Oh, I know.

You all were now in the piers as you were at the carnival as you were playing skeeball as kare tried to roll the ball she broke one of the games. Diana tried a slice of pizza but the cheese stretch as she tried to catch it but only to get tangled in it and you all began to laugh at it. Then Babs and Diana started dancing to music played by a musician as you joined her and you all rode a rollercoaster and there was a photo booth and Diana was pushed in it by Babs as it took a few pictures as the final picture was with you and the girls together. At lexcorp there was a figure typing on a computer as it was putting a program into an army of demolition robots.

What will happen next? Find out on the next chapter. As for next a failure and disbanding. Hope you like the story please comment and also share this to others please i believe this deserves to be shared.

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