To Wwe city

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Late at night on the outskirts of WWE City one of the stars is out jogging this star being The Miz (egotistical jerk!)

Miz: Who's awesome? I'm awesome! Who's awesome? I am awe... OOF!

Mix realized he ran into the big red monster himself, Kane!

Miz: Kane! We thought you vanished after that last match!

Kane: Grrrrr.

He turns his head to see a giant sign with a motorized statue of Triple H waving his hand

Statue: Welcome to WWE City! Take the next exit cuz it's just that good!

Meanwhile at an unknown place we see Vilgax as his group were here as we also see what looked like a 11 year old Ben but his hair was white and shirt was red as he had an ultimatrix as Voldemort and his death eaters were here.

Albedo: Why are we even here?

???:Because I have something to show

They all turned to see a red humanoid spider alien as a badge was on his chest.

Jack: SPIDER!!! Squish it, squish it, squish it!

Voldemort: Ok who invited the moron?

Drogo: Vilgax recruited him before you came, I am Drogo but in this form call me Redback and I'm here to help you all steal from (Y/N) that he values most

Jack: Oh yeah what's that?

Drogo: His goodness. In this form I spent countless times studying and I learned how to turn a hero into a villain.

Jack: For real? It sounds like the yin yang yo-yo and that it won't work.

Then Drogo pressed a button as a machine with three tubes of goo were seen as he grabbed a death eater and placed him in it as the machine activated as the machine was on as it was finished the doors opened. We then see the death eater come out and laugh happily and skip off as the others saw it.

Drogo: I call it Oog, good becomes evil, evil becomes... that. *points at the Nice Death eater*

Jack: Even my jackbots could come up with a better name than that!

Drogo: Would you like to step into my machine?

Jack then peed himself

Jack: No thanks.

Drogo: Thought so, and I have a plan to use this. We use it on his friends and turn them against him.

Lucius: Brilliant! With this we can have Bellatrix back to use for us!

With you and your friends we see you at your house as you scooby and shaggy were playing a wwe game with you as Santino, Shaggy as John Cena, and Scooby as Sin Cara.

(Y/N): This is a fun game.

Shaggy: You can't see me!

We looked to see that in the game that Scooby was winning as you came in and beat Shaggy and Scooby in one move

Game: One. Two. Three. Knock out! You beat the game on the hardest difficulty!

(Y/N): Yeah that's right.

Game: But can you complete the victory dance?

We then see the game show the avatar Scooby played.

Shaggy: It's all yours buddy, you earned it.

(Y/N): And I say pantaro should be able to do the dance.

You then turned into pantaro as we then see Sin Cara began the dance as you then copied the moves as you were doing great as you then saw the game speeding it up as you then picked up the pace as the final move was a backflip as you followed Sin Cara's moves perfectly.

Game: Perfect score!

(Y/N): That's what I'm talking about.

We then see the game show a screen of what appeared to be the ceo of WWE himself VINCE MCMAHON!

(Y/N): *gasps* Vince McMahon. No way!

Vince: Hello, I'm Vince Mcmahon. Congratulations on completing the victory dance and for that you have earned a special prize an all expense paid trip to WWE City and ringside seats to Wrestlemania and signed photos of the superstars of your choice so bring your friends and family to WWE City don't miss it!

Game: Report to training camp at WWE city as soon as possible with this game disk as proof of winning the contest.

(Y/N): That is amazing!

The others then came as they saw you.

Peni: What's going on?

Ben: And why are you Pantaro?

(Y/N): Long story short, we played a wwe game and won a trip to wwe city.

Shantae: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Shantae: Wow, I never expect that.

Gogo: Me either.

Amethyst: Oh yeah? *holds a cucumber* Check this out.

She then placed the cucumber next to you on the floor as you then saw it and hissed and jumped up to the ceiling clinging onto it.

(Y/N): Really? Again?

Shantae: Come down, don't worry I'll catch *sees you fall down* you...

(Y/N): Ow... note to self; work on making pantaro land on his feet. Anyway *turns back to a human* Shall we pack up the machines and head out to WWE City?

Kara: Sounds like a plan.

We later see the others at the Rustbucket and Mystery Machine as Shaggy and Scooby we're packing and you were Omni Enhanced XLR8 as you were helping them pack

(Y/N): Hey guys which superstar are you most excited to see?

Shaggy: Like I hope I get to meet John Cena. How about you Scoob?

Scooby: Sin Cara. He's my favorite!

(Y/N): *sees many suitcases* No job is long when XLR8 is on it!

Then you began to move quicker than lightning as you began to put all the things in the RV and Mystery Machine.

(Y/N): All set! Let's go!

You then saw shaggy and scooby as their hair was pushed back from the force of your speed

Shaggy: Like hey you never said which superstar you're most excited to see (Y/N) so tell us who is your favorite?

(Y/N): Oh my favorite wrestler is actually one of the divas so don't laugh!

Shaggy: Like we won't judge ya man.

Scooby: Tell is.

(Y/N): Well my favorite is Aj Lee. She is so incredible!

Fred and Max: Come on guys we're burning daylight!

(Y/N): Coming! Oh I almost forgot.

You then ran into the house and came back with a disc in your hand

(Y/N): Can't claim our prize without the game.

Steven: Well this reminds me of the time me and amethyst were wrestlers.

(Y/N): You wrestled? This is a story I gotta hear!

Steven: Amethyst shapeshifted to a wrestler persona she called purple puma and I even made one I call Tiger millionaire.

(Y/N): Really? That was the best name you could come up with?

Steven: Hey I was 13, it was the best I could come up with! Ahem, anyway we did pretty good and won many matches but Amethyst decided to stop so I changed my wrestler name to tiger philanthropist.

Shaggy: Like what's a philanthropist?

(Y/N): It's a person that gives money or other types of necessities to people in poor countries or in the US. Like, John Cena for lack of a better example.

Shaggy: Like, I get it now.

Steven: Yeah, Lars was pretty much my biggest fan and went to every one of our matches.

(Y/N): sounds like he looks up to ya.

Steven: Yeah he did.

(Y/N): Well we better hurry up wwe city is waiting for us.

They then went to the RV and mystery machine and started driving to WWE City

We now see the vehicles in the mountains as Shaggy and Scooby were talking and eating Scooby Snacks

Shaggy: Like, here comes Scooby with a double backflip off the top rope!

Daphne: Exactly how many more play by play Scooby snack attacks do we have to endure?

(Y/N): Don't worry sweetheart we're almost there and hey I got you something. *Pulls out a necklace with a large purple crystal on it*

(Just imagine it purple)

Daphne: Oh my goodness. It's beautiful!


We see a raccoon in the middle of the road causing the mystery machine to swerve into a ditch as they came out of the mystery machine.

???: You kids alright?

We see a man with a leg brace got out of a truck as a hooded man walked up next to him

Cena: Can we help you guys out?

(Y/N): You're John Cena!

We hope you guys like this new set of chapters next time the reader meets the stars and gets blamed for stealing the championship belt so that isn't gonna be fun but at least you get the train with Aj Lee! See you guys next time!

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