Patronus training and a death eater reforms

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After a few days we see the members of Dumbledore's Army in the room of requirement practicing the patronus charm.

(Y/N): Ok everyone keep up the good work.

Ginny produces her horse patronus

Harry: Fantastic Ginny!

(Y/N): That's amazing.

Hope: Come on (Y/N) let's see your patronus.

(Y/N): Ok here goes nothing EXPECTO PATRONUM!

And a silver Hungarian Horntail dragon came out of his wand as it roared loudly.

(Y/N): That is amazing.

Harry: I've never heard of a Hungarian Horntail patronus being cast before!

Hope: (Y/N), you have a very powerful patronus.


Then a small house elf appeared

Dobby: Masters Harry Potter and (Y/N) (L/N) must run!

Harry: Dobby what is it?

Dobby: It's that evil Umbridge. She found out about master's club!

(Y/N): *dials an alien* Well let's see if she can handle four arms? *turns into pantaro instead* Pantaro!? Why do you hate me ultimatrix?

Neville: How did you do that? I've never seen a transfiguration spell like that before.

(Y/N): Uh it's a bit complicated. I'll explain later.

Hope: DA! Prepare yourselves!

Then the wall leading back into the castle exploded as you then stretched your arms to catch any pieces of rubble that could have hit anyone.

Filch: See professor. I told you they were meeting in secret!

Umbridge: *notices your badge* I've seen that symbol before!

(Y/N): Oh smoof! We need to get out now. Come on watch, give me something good.

Then your hand became a blade as you were now in armor as you were shocked at it.

(Y/N): Ok this is different but I like it.

Umbridge: Well what are you waiting for? Get them!

(Y/N): Sorry, not gonna happen! Cryo freeze! *Punches then and freezes them* Come on, it's not gonna hold them long!

Fred and George: We'll see you next week during your O.W.Ls!

(Y/N): Shantae, I know I would use my wishes wisely, but this is an emergency. My wish is for you to send us and the rest of my friends I told you about to a safe place where umbridge can't find us.

Shantae: One trip to a safe place coming up.

She then snapped her fingers as you and the rest of Dumbledore's army vanished and then appeared besides Hagrid's hut as you then saw your friends from metropolis are here as well

(Y/N): Guys you're here!

Kara: How'd we get here? *sees you* and why does your pantaro form look different?

(Y/N): Long story short Pantaro got an upgrade and Umbridge is on to us.

Glynda: I must say it is very impressive.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Amethyst: *holding many foods* Dude did you have to bring us here? I was in the middle of making a sandwich.

(Y/N): It was an emergency ok.

Then as you turned to the others Amethyst then dropped a cucumber next to you as you then noticed it.

(Y/N): *Screams and jumps to a tree and hisses* Green thing evil!

Ben: You know that's just a cucumber right?

(Y/N): I don't care what it is! Just make it go away!

Glynda: Aww is the big bad kitty scared? Come down from there and I'll protect you.

Kara: Besides cats always land on their- *sees you fall down to the ground on your face* Face?

Yang: What kind of cat are you?

(Y/N): I'm uncoordinated so sue me.

Amethyst: So as that alien you're scared of a cucumber? Hahahahahaha! *gets punched by you which freezes her*

(Y/N): *smacks the badge and turns human again* Not funny.

Kara: But why did you freak out?

Jessica: I suppose pantaro is a cat-like alien.

(Y/N): Let us never speak of this again.

Everyone else: Understood!

(Y/N): Well the good news is we're safe, bad news for me is I only have one wish left. *sees Shantae* Which I'll be saving to wish for your freedom.

Steven: But what about Amethyst? *points to a frozen Amethyst*

(Y/N): Eh, She'll be fine.


Hope: What was that?

(Y/N): *points at a direction * it came from that way.

Then you all went to see what caused that explosion as you then saw it was the Weasley twins setting off fireworks.

(Y/N): It's you two.

Kara: You know those two?

(Y/N): Yeah but right now I have a bigger problem Umbridge is now on to me and she's after my mask. I need one of you guys to take it as far away from here as possible do you understand?

Hope: and don't put the mask on for any reason

(Y/N): If you hear it talk to you, DON'T LISTEN! Hope, give me your bag please.

Hope: *hands you her bag* Here you go.

(Y/N): Steven have you unlocked your gem storage space?

Steven: Yeah. Why would you ask?

(Y/N): Put it in your gem and don't let anyone catch you! Zee take my sling ring and get back to Metropolis now. And remember guys you guys can't let anyone get that mask no matter what.

Zee: Ok but what are you gonna do?

(Y/N): *shows his watch* Stall for time.

You Slammed the watch and then turns into an alien that had three heads and was blue and had on shorts with the badge on his chest.

Hydra! Now go!

(Y/N) 2: We'll hold them off.

(Y/N) 3: Yeah you guys can't let that lady get the mask!

(Y/N)1: Or the gauntlet.

(Y/N)2: Or the lamp. *Next to (Y/N) 3* now go.

(Y/N) 3: Dude! Ever heard of a breath mint?

Zee: We'll see you back home. *creates a portal back home*

They went into the portal as it closed as you looked at hope.

(Y/N)1: All we can do now is pray that the mask stays safe.

Hope: Ok and why did you call that alien Hydra?

(Y/N)3: I have no idea, hey you know what's weird? *points at (Y/N) 1 and 2* I can't talk if either one of them is drinking water.

Harry: Ok?

Ron: But why does he have 3 heads?

Hermione: And they seem to have different personalities or at least one of them does.

But then Umbridge and her goon squad show up

Malfoy: Well where is he?

Umbridge: And where is my mask!?

Hope: Far from where your toady hands can use it for evil!

(Y/N)3: Yeah! And it's not your mask to begin with

(Y/N)1: It was my father's, and he gave it to me so I can keep it from tyrants like you and Voldemort!

Then all three of your heads then blasted water and hit Umbridge with it as hope saw it.

Hope: Oh, now I can see why you call him Hydra.

Harry: Guys sorry to interrupt but we need to get to the ministry!

(Y/N)1: Harry is right we must leave while we have the chance and save Sirius from Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries! *flash of red and turns back into a human* But how are we getting there?

Luna: We fly of course!

We then see everyone on the backs of thestrals flying into London. As you looked to where Umbridge was and sighed.

(Y/N): phew, five more seconds and we would've been toad food! *Sees the members of Dumbledore's army looking at you* I guess I have to come clean about my watch huh?

Ginny: What's so special about that watch?

(Y/N): It's the reason for my transformations, this watch is called the ultimatrix and it let's me turn into many different aliens.

Neville: Like the hero Ben Tennyson right?

Everyone else turned to face Neville

Neville: What? Just because I'm from the wizarding doesn't mean I don't know about muggle superheroes.

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm Ben's older cousin but that isn't important right now we have a life to save!

Harry: Follow me guys we can use the muggle entrance.

Then they went to a red phonebooth and cramed inside

Hope: Ok now what genius?

Harry: We dial up the number for the ministry and we lower down.

Glynda: I'm closest to the dial. I'll do it. Harry what's the number?

Harry: 26622.

She then dialed in the number and they started to descend down as it stopped, we see you squeeze out of the group as Abatoon as you were flat like paper.

(Y/N): Man, it was cramped in there. *Blow back to regular shape.

Glynda: I didn't mind.

(Y/N): Ok everyone you all have been selected because your the best in your field

Everyone: Oh.

(Y/N): That we can find.

Everyone: Oh...

(Y/N): *pulls out a photo projector* Your skills will be put to the test, facing... *shows pictures of Voldemort and some of his death eaters* These guys! And here's the scary part *shows the next photo but didn't see it* This is their psychotic leader!

Then you looked to see it was a photo of Glynda in a bikini.

(Y/N): Oopsie! Uh how'd that get there? *chuckles nervously* Next is the actual leader photo.

Then it showed a photo of Bellatrix Lestrange herself

(Y/N): This is their real psychotic leader Bellatrix Lestrange. You leave her to me because I think I can free her from the monster that is controlling her. After we save Sirius that is. Now Harry, which way is the Department of Mysteries?

Glynda: But how did you get that photo?

(Y/N): Abatoon's full of odd things. It's best not to ask. *turns back into a human* Let's move it people!

Then they began to walk as they went off to the Department of Mysteries

Harry: This is it.

(Y/N): Ok I'm gonna go alien just in case any baddies are around *Dials up an alien* Let's go shock rock.

Then you slapped the watch but instead of turning into shock rock you turned into a little alien that resembled a bumblebee as it had on a black and green suit as the badge was on a green and white belt.

(Y/N): *looks at himself* Aw come on! I wanted muscle not miniscule!

Glynda: *picks you up and hugs you* Well I think you're cute like this.

(Y/N): Cute and useless. How am I supposed to fight baddies if I'm a little insect? It's not fair! *Then your body generated electricity in the whole room as it shocked everyone*

Hermione: Maybe not entirely useless.

(Y/N): Wow so this guy is like Feedback, but smaller and he's a bumblebee. I think I'll call this guy Bumblebee.

Hope: Bit on the nose ain't it?

(Y/N): Come on it's a good name and it makes sense since this alien looks like a bee.

Glynda: He has a point.

We then see everyone in the hall of prophecy

(Y/N): Harry this is where you saw Sirius being hurt right?

Harry: Yes. Row 95.

You then follow Harry to row 95

(Y/N): He should be right here right? But I don't see him.

Glynda: Harry this one has your name on it. *points to a prophecy*

(Y/N): *Flies to the prophecy* She's right, it must be something important.

???: You have no idea.

They turn to see a death eater with a snake headed cane walking towards them as you had electricity in your hands

(Y/N): Who are you?

The death eater pulled out his wand and removed his mask to reveal Lucius Malfoy

Lucius: You need to learn the difference between dreams and reality.

Harry: Take any more steps and I'll break this!

???: Hahahahaha! He knows how to play! Itty Bitty baby Potter!

You and the others turned to see was Bellatrix Lestrange in the flesh

Neville: Bellatrix Lestrange!

Bella: Neville Longbottom is it? How's mum and dad?

Neville: Better now they're about to be avenged! *points his wand at her*

(Y/N): Hold on, you guys take care of Lucius and I'll handle Bellatrix

Bellatrix: Hahahahaha! What's the little bee gonna do sting me?

Then your fingers fired stingers at her

(Y/N): Actually yeah. And free your mind from Lord Moldyshorts!

Ron: Good one mate! Hahaha!

Then you flew around Bellatrix as she tried to fire a spell at you as you dodged it and sent an electric blast at her as she dodged it to see you weren't around.

Bellatrix: Where did he go?

Above her head we see you as Abatoon

(Y/N): Pretty lady say what?

Bellatrix: What?

(Y/N): Gotcha!

She looked up to see you on her head.

Bellatrix: Get off me!

She tried to get you as you then jumped off her head.

(Y/N): Let's see what we got in the old pocket. *reaches in his pocket to pull out a doll of Jessica as Green Lantern* Nope. *throws the doll and reaches in his pocket to pull out a feather duster* Nope. *Throws it and pulls out a photo of Glynda in a lingerie*

You were shocked at it as you blushed.

(Y/N): Definitely not! *Hides the photo and then pulls out a mallet* Perfect!

Glynda: Where did that come from? Uh nevermind, I don't want to know.

Bellatrix: What are you going to do with that? Whack me on the head?

(Y/N): Actually this *a boxing glove came out from the mallet and punched Bellatrix*

Bellatrix shook her head and looked around to see you were gone and looked to see you wearing a trench coat, fedora and sunglasses as you pointed to a direction as she then headed off to that direction but stopped as you looked at her and dashed off.

Glynda: That little alien really is full of surprises.

Then you popped out of Glynda's shirt as she saw you.

(Y/N): You're telling me. *jumps out of her shirt and turns into omni enhanced Armageddon* Now lets free her mind. Glynda I'm gonna need you to hold her down.

Glynda: On it. *Uses her semblance and holds Bellatrix in one spot*

Then you walked to Bellatrix as you looked at her straight in the eye.

(Y/N): Look into my eyes, your mind is tainted by darkness, see the light!

As her mind was being freed something was happening to her body as it looked like it was deaging her back to her mid 20's

(Y/N): *turns back into a human* Whoa! I know she was pretty before but Holy crap! She's drop dead gorgeous!

Bellatrix: What happened? And why am I back in my twenties?

Glynda: You were being controlled by the most evil dark wizard in the world. But as for the deaging thing I have no idea.

(Y/N): And I was the one who freed you, and we need to stop him before he can get his evil mitts on a prophecy.

Bellatrix: Count me in.

(Y/N): Good. We'll need all the help we can get.

Hermione: But how can we beat Voldemort.

(Y/N): I need to think of a plan.

???: You are too late boy!

You turn to see Voldemort is all his ugly glory

Voldemort: Give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die!

(Y/N): Never! STUPEFY! *slaps the watch and changes to Omn-El but his appearance is much different as he had on a black jacket, green shoes, and black pants, a shirt with the omnitrix symbol on it as the badge was on a green and white belt.*

Super Steel! You're never getting this. *hands it to Bellatrix* Break this so he can't get it.

Bellatrix: Ok. *takes the Prophecy and smashes it*

(Y/N): You may be a powerful dark wizard, but you think you can take on a kryptonian? I think not!

Voldemort sent a blast at you as you dodged it and sent a heat vision blast at him as you then came at him and punched him as you then did a ice breath at him freezing him as you then changed to abatoon and pulled out a door.

(Y/N): Come on everyone, let's get out of here!

You opened the door and they all went in as you went in and closed it as it vanished as you all then came out from the other side of the door as you all were now at your house in Metropolis.

(Y/N): We'll be safe here.

Glynnda: And you know that you appearing in my shirt was a little rude.

(Y/N): Sorry. It was a spur of the moment thing MMM! *you shut up as Glynda kisses you on the lips*

Then your head became red as it lifted off like a firework as music starting to play for no reason then your head reappeared as you fell flat on your face unconscious

We hope you enjoyed this chapter guys! Sorry for the long wait it just took to figure out what should happen in this chapter. Well see ya later.

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