With hagrid and training in the taverns

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In Hagrid's hut we see you, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Frost the leopard waiting to hear how Hagrid's talk with the giants went.

(Y/N): So, what did they say?

Hagrid: Most of them said yes but unfortunately a few of the death eaters followed us and they joined Voldemort.

(Y/N): Well that sucks!

Hope: What do we do?

(Y/N): What we always do when the odds are stacked against us, fight like H.E. double hockey sticks!

Hope: You know you always have a way of focusing on the positive.

(Y/N): Yeah cause we have to remember, there maybe darkness in the world but there are other who will always find the light

Hagrid: That's something Dumbledore says a lot. But be careful kids, there's a storm coming and we best be ready when she hits.

(Y/N): Then we have to be prepared for the coup of the century. Get it?

Hermione: Bit on the nose don't you think?

Hope: Yeah, you're kinda pushing your luck (Y/N).

(Y/N): Well excuse me princess! Forgive me for trying to be funny.

Hope: I think you should just stick to fighting bad guys and being handsome.

(Y/N): Hey I like to see you come up with a better joke.

We then see you in Hogsmeade walking into the Hog's Head tavern with the golden trio

Harry: You promise there won't be too many people?

(Y/N): Why are you concerned by that?

Hermione: I promise it's just a few friends.

Hope: But who are they?

Hermione: Fellow students that wanted to learn practical defense since Umbridge won't do diddly squat!

(Y/N): Good point I can help teach.

Harry: Deal.

Shantae then appeared beside you.

Shantae: I have to be honest, that Umbridge is pretty much a jerk and an utter quack.

(Y/N): That I can agree with.

Hope: What's the point of her class if you can't use magic?

Ron: Exactly!

We then see you enter the tavern and saw a lot of students

(Y/N): This is a few friends? This is more than a few.

Genie then appeared holding a chart that had students names on them as he counted how many were in the tavern

Fred and George: Whoa where did he come from?!

(Y/N): It's a long story. Anyway Genie can I see that list so we take roll.

Genie: Oh sure chief. *hands you the list with the names* Here you go.

(Y/N): Ok *looks at the list* Now let's see who will be joining us today. Cho Chang?

A pretty Chinese Ravenclaw student in Harry's year raised her hand

Cho: Here.

(Y/N): Ok. Fred and George Weasley?

F&G: Right here. *raises their hands*

(Y/N): Good. Hannah Abbot?

A blonde Hufflepuff raised her hand

Hannah: Yo!

(Y/N): Good to meet ya. Neville Longbottom?

A boy in Harry's year raised his hand

Neville: Right here.

(Y/N): Ok. Luna Lovegood?

Luna: Right here! *raises her hand*

(Y/N): Ok. Looks like everyone is here so let's get this meeting started.

Hermione: As you all know Umbridge refuses to teach us anything practical.

Hope: You got that right sister!

(Y/N): So we have to learn the practical stuff from someone who has experienced it. So class is now in session.

Hannah: So what kinds of things will we be learning from You and Harry (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Well for one, defensive spells, protection against dementors, and maybe a few practice duels.

Harry: that's right. any other questions?

(Y/N): *Sees a Student raise a hand* Yes?

Student: If you have genies does that mean you can wish for anything?

(Y/N): Oh my god why do people always ask me that? Yes I do genies and yes I can wish for anything I'm saving my wishes for emergencies only! They are my friends and I don't like asking too much of my friends. Now do we have any other questions particularly dealing with why we are all here?

Neville raises his hand

Harry: Yes Neville?

Neville: I have one question.

Hope: Ok what is your question Neville?

Neville: I have heard rumors from some of the muggleborn students that a few nights ago a green faced person was on castle grounds would any of you know who that person was?

(Y/N): Oh uh, not that i could think of anyone but I'll let you know that he is a good friend of mine from back home in Metropolis.

Hope: *whispers* Good cover.

Cho: What's Metropolis like?

(Y/N): Best way to describe it is as a much bigger version of Diagon Alley but in the muggle world and in the United States where Hope and myself are from.

Hannah: So what do you do most of the time there?

(Y/N): Well my friends and I save the world from various threats be they magical, other worldly, or made by human hands. My friends and I saved everyone and I even merged the multiverse to stop one of my most formidable enemies. And there was even the time I was rejuvenated.

Hannah: Rejuvenated? What happened?I

(Y/N): *Shows the black Diamond on your forehead* See this? I'm a hybrid of different versions of me and one of them had this on his forehead and after I was attacked by a member of the same people that my black diamond version came from with a special weapon it turned me back into a child and I lost my memories.

Hermione: So it made you back to what you were before?

(Y/N): Ding ding ding! Give the brightest witch of the age a prize! and I learned that lil black was a bit of brat. But he only acted that because he was alone.

Ron: He was an orphan?

(Y/N): Not exactly. He was just always by himself with no one to talk to. Till she came.

Cho: Who?

(Y/N): Pink Diamond and a friend of hers. They found him and took him in.

Neville: when did this happen?

Hope: 65 million years ago if you can believe it.

(Y/N): Yeah and a fact gems are immortal naturally they could never grow old.

Hannah: So does that mean you're immortal too?

(Y/N): But of course! But I can still get hurt by something fierce.

Hannah: So how did you get your memory back?

(Y/N): I had to look for my missing piece that makes me, me.

Hope: Plus Lil Black Diamond is so adorable. *shows a picture of lil black diamond* See? Isn't He cute?

(Y/N): Not again! Plus I thought we got rid of those pictures!

Hermione: He does look as cute as a button. I just want to squeeze him and never let go!

Hannah: He makes baby kittens look less cute than they already are!

Hope: I just want to pinch his cute little cheeks.

(Y/N): Alright we get it lil black is adorable, as i was saying I found my missing piece with help and It made me realize what my missing piece was.

Hannah: What was it?

(Y/N): It was my girlfriends' love for me. Well i also found out that for a little guy lil black moves like a very skilled warrior. Plus he also likes to wander off... A lot.

Hope: One time lil black got on top of a ferris wheel all by himself.

Hermione: Isn't that dangerous for a child to do that?

Hope: True but trust me you don't want to make the little tyke mad. He once screamed at a friend of ours and he flew all the way to China.

Hannah: What made that baby mad?

Hope: Well lil Black was looking for his pet and some of us thought his pet was imaginary. And believe you me, he is anything but Imaginary.

(Y/N): and i was shocked to find out that i had a pet like that as black Diamond. Now if there are no more questions if you want lessons from me and Harry we just need your signatures. So who wants to learn some real defensive magic? one important rule, you cannot tell Umbridge about any of our goings on so one lesson I will be teaching you once we find our classroom is how to resist truth potions.

We then see everyone signing the sign up sheet and leave the hog's head and head back to the castle

(Y/N): *whispers to Hope* How did anyone find out about my mask persona?

Hope: *whispers* I don't know, maybe the students thought that you were some kind of monster or something but I think you should be more careful with it. We don't want it to fall into the wrong hands.

But little did you guys know Umbridge heard your little conversation about the mask

Umbridge: So the mask is real? Interesting. I must find a way to get that mask for myself.

With you and hope down in the common room

(Y/N): What are we supposed to do with this thing practically the school knows of its existence and it is here but it's only a matter of time before people figure out that the mask is me and try to take it for themselves.

Hope: Maybe we can take it to the headmaster so he can keep it safe?

(Y/N): I don't Know The mask was calling to me when i first put the mask on people might see me put it on again and we would have trouble on our hands. And if Umbridge puts it on I shudder to think of what could happen.

Then Dumbledore's voice could be heard coming from the speakers

Dumbledore: Can (Y/N) and Hope come to my office?

(Y/N): We better get going. Maybe we should take this with us just in case.

Hope: Yeah. Good thinking.

We then see you and Hope in the headmaster's office

(Y/N): You wanted to see us sir?

Dumbledore: Yes I did. I have heard the mask of Loki has resurfaced and was seen on castle grounds. Are either of you the one who wears it now?

(Y/N): I may or may not have put the mask on. But only to find out what is so special about it.

Dumbledore: I see. As a word of caution keep that mask as far away from anyone who would abuse its power namely Professor Umbridge. Don't let anyone but your friends or some of your teachers know about it. Professor McGonagall chief among them you can trust her.

(Y/N): Thanks for the advice Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: Also know that if anything is troubling you just come to me for advice.

(Y/N): Ok thank you sir.

The next day we see you, Hope, and Tracy going over the schedule.

(Y/N): Ok let's see here DADA with Gryffindor, potions, Herbology with Hufflepuff, Lunch, a free period, Flying with Ravenclaw, and Care of magical creatures.

Hope: Seems like we have a free period that sounds like a perfect time for the real DADA lessons.

(Y/N): Yeah, but we need to be sure that no one follows us.

Tracy: So it's true. My friend Cho Chang told me about your lessons. Can I join you guys?

(Y/N): Sure but make sure no one finds out or follows you to our lessons.

Tracy: Like the muggleborns say "my lips are as sealed as Fort Knox"

(Y/N): Thank you.

We then see you all at hog's head to perform your magic defense.

Well I'm gonna end it here for now I hope you guys liked it because they're will be more coming soon

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