Chapter 20

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Aera's P.O.V

"Aera, what's got you so distracted?" My grandfather's voice seemed cloudy and distant. "Aera?"

I blinked and stirred, turning to him.

"Hm?" I sat up a bit straighter.

He motioned towards my plate full of untouched food, while my dad gave me a puzzled frown.

"Aren't you hungry?" Grandad asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah," I said, turning down to my dinner.

I picked up my chopsticks, but didn't move to get a bite to eat. Truthfully, I wasn't really hungry at all. I just wanted to go to my room and think. Or not think at all. My brain was exhausted. But I hadn't sat down with Dad and Grandpa for a meal like this in a while, and I felt a bit guilty.

"Are you feeling okay?" Dad finally spoke up.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just a bit tired," I faked a yawn.

I wasn't tired either. I felt wide awake. Anxious.

"Seems like you're always tired these days," He replied under his breath.

"Well, I mean, I have school and stuff, you know? I haven't completely settled in, okay?" I snapped.

They both looked up at me in surprise. I blinked, surprised at myself, and looked down.

"I'm sorry. I--I should go to bed," I told them, getting up.

The two were silent as I walked out of the room. What is up with you? I asked myself, walking into my bedroom. Taking a few deep breaths, I leaned against my door. I felt angry. And confused. I was stressed. And sad. I guess these emotions could make anyone snap. But I never snapped at those two. Ever. Maybe you do need rest. I sighed and got ready for bed, despite the early time.

Instead of slipping under my covers, however, I huddled up on the chair beside the large window. I laid my head against the back of the chair and stared out into the growing darkness. I wished I had never gone to dinner that night. Then none of this would be happening. Namjoon wouldn't have gotten angry and confessed. Jimin would still be here. Or should I say Sasin. I flinched at that thought. It was all so confusing. I wanted answers. Needed them.

A thought would come into my head every once in a while, one that I would dismiss right away, before it could became a complete sentence in my head. Ever since Jungkook and Jimin's argument. It was a crazy thought. One that was impossible. It made no sense. And yet, it did. Which was why I had to push it far into the bottom of my mind before I could think it.

Because what Jungkook had called Jimin didn't mean anything. It couldn't.




I cleared my throat and looked down, away from Namjoon.

"Um. So we should go," he said.

"Yeah. We should," I replied.

We began walking slowly down the street in excruciating awkwardness. I was happy that Namjoon had come to walk to school with me again. But I wished it didn't have to be like this. I snuck glances at him every few moments, and all he did was look everywhere but at me. I wanted to say something, anything, as we neared the school, but I had no idea what to say.


I jumped at the sound of Namjoon's voice. I turned to him in surprise. He cleared his throat after a glance at me.

"I was wondering...if you wanted to do something together," he said carefully.

"Oh. Like what?" I asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Like...another hike...or movie...or dinner."

"Namjoon..." I said with a sigh.

"It's not a date or anything," he said quickly. "Just hanging out. Like normal."

I gave him a side glance as we neared the school steps.

"Yeah. Okay," I agreed. "Just tell me when you're free then. Bye."

I hurried away to my first class, and I swear I heard someone hiss a "yes!" behind me as I jogged into the school.


Namjoon wasn't at lunch by the time I showed up, but a pair of extremely apologetic boys were.

"Yah! Namjoon told us to!" Hoseok complained to me.

I crossed my arms and looked away.

"We'll make it up to you!" Taehyung insisted.

I was silent.

"Aera!" They whined.

Before I could help myself, a chuckle escaped my lips. They both grinned at my expression.

"Okay, I forgive you," I told them honestly.

They high-fived.

"But you know, you don't always have to listen to what Namjoon tells you."

"He didn't really tell us to actually," Taehyung confessed.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He told us how he felt about you, and we figured he was upset because you like Jimin. So we decided it was best to just stop hanging around you for a bit, just to spare Namjoon's feelings," Hoseok explained.

"Wait--hold on! 'Like Jimin'? What are you talking about?!" I exclaimed as soon as what he'd said settled into my brain.

"Well, I mean, don't you?" He asked.

"No! Of course not! I don't like..." I trailed off as I realized what I was saying.

"Well, in any case, we are really sorry. It probably wasn't the best decision," Taehyung continued. "So, to make it up to you, we'll treat you to dinner!"

If my mind wasn't completely elsewhere, I would have responded with an "again?". But I was thinking about what Hoseok had said. "You like Jimin..." Did I? Did I have feelings for Jimin?


Despite it costing me another awkward walk with Namjoon, I agreed to go to dinner with them, and I was actually pretty happy about it, too. It was nice to go to hang out. It was normal and comforting.

"Hello!" Taehyung called as we walked in.

With him sat the boy named Yoongi, who he'd had car trouble with before. We hurried over to sit with them.

"Hi, again," I said nonchalantly to Yoongi.

"Hi," he replied.

Jin followed in afterward, then came Hoseok. The food was as good as before, and listening to their conversations was amusing. I even gave my input from time to time. For the most part, though, I was quiet. It was fun. And relaxing. It took my mind off of things. But not completely. I would glance over at Namjoon from time to time, to see him looking at me. Whenever we made eye contact he would look away and I would sigh.

By the time we finished our food, it was pitch black outside and only a few scattered costumers sat in the cafe. I yawned and checked my phone. I almost started choking again when I saw it was about 11:00.

"Crap, it's late," I said to myself, then looked up at the boys. "Guys, I should get going."

I began to stand, as they started saying their goodbyes.

"Oh, do you want me to walk with you?" Namjoon asked.

I chewed my lips in thought. Last time I walked home alone from there, I was almost assaulted. But I really didn't want to walk with Namjoon again, not until the next day at least.

"Um, I'll be fine. Don't worry," I replied with a half smile.

"Are you sure?" Jin asked.

"Yeah," I said with another wave. "See you later."

I turned and headed out into the cold night air, an uneasy feeling settling over me almost as soon as I walked out. I shook it off and began down the lonely street, trying to calm my nerves. It was quiet and I didn't see any suspicious figures, so after a minute or two, I began to relax.

But that didn't last long, because the feeling returned as I walked by the park. Except worse than before. I tensed again and looked around, seeing nothing. But I wasn't satisfied. I definitely felt something, yet I couldn't see anything. And that somehow made me even more anxious. I glanced around, my breaths getting shorter. Calm down, Aera. You're okay. I gulped and quickened my pace, suddenly wishing I hadn't turned down Namjoon's offer.

I turned to the park again, and this time, I saw someone. A tall, dark figure,  who I knew wasn't Jimin. Jungkook? I stumbled a little from the sudden thought. Biting down on my lips hard, I started speed walking down the sidewalk, taking another glance at the shadowy figure. Did he just get closer? I wondered in terror. Run.

"Aera!" A voice pierced through the dark.

The sudden noise was too much, I cried out and stumbled, tripping and falling down onto the pavement.

"Omo! Aera!" He called out again.

He ran over and crouched beside me, looking worried and a bit guilty.

"Sorry," Namjoon said. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"I-it's fine," I responded shakily.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked.

"No, I don't think so."

I let him help me get up.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"After you left...well, I was kind of worried. Sorry."

"It's fine," I said, throwing a quick glance at the park. "I'm glad you came."

The figure was gone.

Sort of unedited, sorry!

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