Chapter 21

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Aera's P.O.V

I didn't see Jimin or Jungkook for a week after that, and everyday I would feel more relieved and sad at the same time. I missed Jimin. A lot. More than I thought I would. Namjoon and I slowly got less awkward around each other, and he didn't mention his feelings again. I felt bad, but I was grateful for that. Things were inching back to the way it had been when Jimin first disappeared, and I kept expecting him to pop up somewhere random. This feeling caused me to be more easily convinced to go places with the boys, in hopes of seeing him. But each time I went out with them and didn't see Jimin, the sadness deepened from disappointment. I didn't stop trying to find him though. As much as it killed my spirits.


I still went to the park everyday after school. Mostly because I hoped to see him. Of course, I didn't. Sometimes, I found myself wishing I could see that mysterious figure again. Even if it wasn't him. I wished I could go back and try to confront the shadowy person. I knew if it happened again, I would freak out like last time, but I needed to see Jimin. Come on, Aera. Just forget it.

I sighed and laid my head against the bench. Memories of spotting him flashed through my head. The first time at the park back at home popped up suddenly. I recalled how he'd acted so strangely, staring at the old woman, then following us. Then her passing out. I never found out what happened to her. I frowned at that thought, surprised at myself for never asking Jimin about it. Well, he wouldn't know what happened either, Aera. I assured myself. But for some reason, I felt like he had. The look on his face during the whole event, as if he had a purpose, then him disappearing after she fainted...Don't be ridiculous.

I swallowed hard and sat up, my throat suddenly dry. I shook my head and tried to push away all of the scattered thoughts. My phone buzzed, bringing me back to reality. Grateful, I grabbed it and checked to see who it was.

"Want to see a movie?" Namjoon had texted.

I sighed and reread it slowly, considering. It would take my mind off of things. And Jimin...I shook my head again. Stop doing this to yourself. I looked back to my phone and replied.

"Sure. When?" I sent.

With that reply, I leaned back again. But I couldn't relax again. My mind whirled, giving me a head ache. I wished I hadn't finished my water bottle that school day. Suddenly, a prickly feeling crept down my neck. I jerked forward, eyes darting around the park. My mind said Jimin, even though I knew it was stupid to get my hopes up. Instead of Jimin however, I found myself watching a tall figure warily. Jungkook.

For some reason, I didn't fill with the fear I had expected. Instead, I felt angry. An emotion that surprised me. I still gulped as I realized he was watching me intently, but I wasn't exactly frightened. He seemed almost surprised as we locked eyes, which confused me. Where's that evil glare he always wears? Suddenly feeling brave because of the falter in his expression, I actually got up. Luckily, I stopped myself from approaching him. I was smart enough to turn away and walk back to the sidewalk. I took a breath of relief as I began to walk home.

"Interesting..." a cool voice said, making me jump.

I glanced behind me, thoroughly perplexed and horrified to see Jungkook a few feet away. How did he get here so fast?! I had to refrain from letting my jaw drop. I contemplated whether or not I should ask him. However, another question popped out instead.

"W-what is?" I asked shakily.

He took a few steps closer, studying me carefully. But not in perverted way. It was as if he was just trying to figure me out. It was strange, the chilly bitterness still surrounded Jungkook, but not nearly as much as it had when Jimin was there. I still backed up a bit as he got closer, though.

"Very strange..." He said to himself.

I was silent this time, since he obviously wasn't going to answer me. Jungkook was still watching me, but it was almost as if he looked straight through me. Like I wasn't there. But his eyes suddenly focused on me again.

"Who are you?" He asked me slowly, looking genuinely perplexed.

I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again, not sure how to answer. I took in a shaky breath as he stepped closer until we were inches apart. He still studied me in the same way. Confused. Searching for answers, as if he could find them in my eyes. But I needed answers too, and I couldn't find them the way he was trying to.

"Where is Jimin?" I suddenly asked.

As if someone flipped a switch, Jungkook's gaze turned back into its normal glare, causing a shiver to run up my spine. Fear finally set in, and I immediately regretted asking.

"His whereabouts are none of your concern," he snapped.

"I--I need to know," I said, my voice cracking.

"If you care about your safety, you'll forget about him."

I suddenly felt angry again, frustrated with all of these ambiguous warnings and answers. I remembered how sad and scared Jimin was, and how it was all Jungkook's fault.

"I'm not afraid of you," I told him.

And it was true. At least in that one moment it was.

"I'm not going to stop looking for him."

I should've kept my mouth shut. I should've ran away as soon as his expression had turned into a glare again. But I was so desperate. Jungkook's eyes blazed as I snapped at him, and without warning, he grabbed my collar. I let out a small cry of surprise as he shoved me against the tree that stood beside us.

"I could take your life away right here, you know," he told me quietly.

His voice was as deadly as before. I shivered in terror.

"No one would ever find out who did it. I'd never be blamed. Why?" A smirk spread on his face. "Because only humans go to prison."

I stared at him in surprise and horror and confusion, gulping. I couldn't scream. I was more scared than I'd ever been in my life. He'd pretty much just told me he wasn't human. And yet I still pushed it.

"J-Jimin wouldn't let you get away with it." I totally and completely hated myself for saying that, but I knew it was true.

His smirk disappeared, and anger returned, his grip on my shirt tightened.

"You're going to regret ever getting involved with him," he told me.

"I know."

We stared at each other intensely. His eyes filled with hatred, mine filled with fear. And maybe a bit of bravery.

"But I love him," I choked out.

OMG you guys have no idea how great it was to write this, I feel so excited omg. I hope u like it as much as I liked writing it! XD
unedited because I was too impatient and really wanted to publish it.

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