Chapter 22

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Aera's P.O.V

"But I love him."

Jungkook's eyes widened at my words. And I was just as surprised. But it was true. I do love him.

"It doesn't matter," he said through gritted teeth. "Jimin can't love."

I couldn't speak anymore. No more words would come out. Confessing about Jimin was the last thing I could get out. It was impossible to cry for help. I thought I was going to die. But Jungkook suddenly stiffened and glanced down the street, before turning back to me with a smirk.

"This is your last warning: Forget about Jimin or next time we meet, I will kill you."

He gave me one last shove against the tree then released me and turned back to the park. In a few moments, he was gone. I was alone once again in the silence. With a choked sob of some sort, I sank to the muddy ground, laying back against the tree. We had hardly moved, but my breaths came out in ragged gasps. I shook so furiously, I could hardly pull out my phone. Suddenly, I realized why Jungkook had gone away, because a lonely figure was walking up to me slowly.

"Aera?" Taehyung said as he spotted me.

"T-Tae--" I could hardly speak.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise and hurried over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Aera, you're shaking. What happened?" Taehyung said worriedly.

I shrugged and bit down on my tongue, trying to hold back my tears. I knew I was probably over reacting. But I had just received death threats from some psychopath. And I decided it was enough to make anyone cry.

"We're gonna get out of here, okay?" He told me.

I shook my head, but he grabbed my arm and helped me up anyway. He let me put my arm around him for support.

"Where's your house?" Taehyung asked.

"I-it's d--" I gasped and clamped mouth shut again.

I could barely speak.

"Forget that, I know where we can go."

And so he half carried me down the street, towards my house. I frowned as we took a turn and made our way down an unfamiliar street. Eventually he stopped in front of a nice modern house. We stumbled to the front door, and he quickly rang the door bell. To my surprise, Namjoon opened the door.

"Why are you so--what the heck?!" He gasped as he noticed my ragged state and Taehyung's worried eyes. "What happened?"

He helped me inside and I realized I had more control over my voice.

"Panic attack," I told them as he led us to a couch.

"What?" Namjoon asked.

"I h--had a panic attack," I repeated.

It was partially true. I did have a panic attack. But I wasn't going to tell them how it had been triggered.

"When? How?"

"It just happened. I don't know," I said quietly.

Namjoon gave me a doubtful look, but didn't ask about it anymore. Eventually, the shaking ceased and I slowly began to breathe normally again. Namjoon got me a glass of water and Taehyung chattered excitedly about something, trying to calm me down. And it helped. But I got hungry fast and eventually got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Namjoon asked as I stood.

"Guys, thanks for all of your help, but I've got to get home. I'm starving," I told them. "And no, Namjoon, I don't want to eat here."

He closed his mouth and frowned a little.

"I should, at least walk you home," he said.

And I actually agreed. There was no way I was walking home alone after this whole event. So he got up happily and left Taehyung sitting awkwardly ok the couch.

"Be back in five minutes," Namjoon promised him as we walked out the door.

As expected, we were mainly silent as he started to lead me back to my house. At least, for the first minute or two. Then he spoke up, and I was actually sort of grateful for him filling the silence.

"So did you like it?" Namjoon asked.

"Uh, like what?"

"My house. It was your first time there," he reminded me.

"Oh. Yeah," I said.

I could feel him watching me as we turned down another street.



"Can you please tell me what happened? I know your panic attack didn't just occur on its own," Namjoon said seriously. "The park is quiet and relaxing. There's nothing there that could trigger it."

I sighed, wishing Taehyung hadn't told Namjoon where he'd found me. It would have been much easier to lie if he didn't know where I was when the whole thing had happened.

"Why do you care so much how it happened? It just did. I can't control it," I said.

"Aera, did you see someone?" He suddenly asked.

"No," I mumbled.

"Did someone try to hurt you?" He said, sounding angry.

"I said no, okay! Can't you just let it go?!" I snapped.

We had already arrived at my house, now just standing in front of it. He looked surprised at my sudden outburst, but I didn't care, surprising as it was. I just wanted to go to my safe bedroom, to sleep and be alone. But his look of shock disappeared and was replaced with a hardened scowl.

"Fine. Forget I asked. Forget I even cared," he told me, about to turn around, but he hesitated and continued. "I just don't get why it's so hard for you to accept people's generosity. Is it annoying when someone cares about you? How are you be so unfeeling, Aera? Don't you realize that other people may be hurt by your pain as well?"

I stared back at him, silent. Suddenly guilty.

"Just forget it," Namjoon said quietly, turning around all the way.

Once again, my voice was lost. As much as I wanted to, it was impossible to call out his name as he walked off. I had watch him leave in silence. He didn't understand how I was the complete opposite of unfeeling. I felt things so deeply, that I was sometimes stunned to numbness, loss of words. He didn't see how much his words hit me. How I was experiencing that numbness at that moment. He was so wrong, so very wrong. And there was nothing I could do about it.

And the silence was deafening as I stood alone.

And after all that had happened, it was no surprise that my knees went weak again. I was just so tired. So mentally and physically exhausted. It had been such an emotional ride since I'd gotten here. No. Since Jimin got here. And since he's left.

"Jimin," I muttered as I sank to the ground again.

But before I hit the bottom, a pair of strong hands grabbed me.

"Um, yeah?" He asked quietly.

I hope you guys don't think she's too dramatic...😁 Anyway, once again unedited.

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