Chapter 27

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Aera's P.O.V

I stared up at the dark ceiling, chewing my lips in anxiousness. I couldn't fall asleep. I have to go to sleep. I thought urgently. With a frustrated sigh, I turned to my side. Maybe I couldn't go to bed because of the new and lonely environment. The bed provided in the dorm was comfortable enough, but I always had trouble sleeping in new places. You knew this would happen, Aera. I squeezed my eyes shut. I had to go to sleep. I had to escape from the silence. Because when I'm in the silence, thoughts came more easily. Memories appeared suddenly. I couldn't let that happen on my very first night, or I wouldn't be getting any sleep at all. Please, don't...but it was too late, I would be awake the whole night.

"Not again," I whispered to myself.

Another vivid memory flashed through my head.

"Have you...did you...follow me?" I asked, staring him down.

"Well, I--I mean..." He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. "Not really..."


He met my eyes again, looking like he was in pain for some reason.

"Don't get mad okay?"

"Im not making any promises," I said, crossing my arms.

He sighed.

"I did follow you. That night..." He chewed on his lips. "After that...pervert bothered you...I was just making sure you got home safe. I'm not a stalker or anything, I promise."

I watched him for a moment, then softened. A small smile played on my lips.

"Don't you think it would've been easier to just walk with me?" I asked.

He seemed to relax, but also looked a bit sad.

"At the wasn't a good idea for me," he said seriously. "Maybe it still isn't."

I let out a long sigh, almost like a whimper. Ever since he left I hated the silence. Something I used to look forward to and enjoy. But he'd taken my love of the quiet with him. Now I avoided it at all costs.

"There's no way you're going to sleep tonight," I told myself aloud, laughing bitterly.

I pulled off the covers and reached for my phone to turn on some music. To make noise. To fill the emptiness. So I could escape the memories.


"Going school shopping, wanna join?" Namjoon had texted.

I sat on my bed and reread it groggily. Blinking twice with a yawn, I slowly replied.

"Sure. When?"

I set the phone down and lowered my feet onto the floor, just sitting at the end of my bed. Recalling the fact I'd only had two hours of sleep made me grimace. I contemplated whether or not I should text him back saying i changed my mind. But I did need to get some things. With a scowl, I forced my tired body up and to the bathroom.

I heard a knock on my door as I was eating a banana and trying to keep my eyes open. With a frown, I set down my food and slowly ventured over to see who it was. I was surprised to see Yugyeom standing there, waiting expectantly.

"Kim Yugyeom? What are you...?" I trailed off, watching him with a confused look.

"Um, hello, Aera," he said, smiling slightly.

"How did you find my real dorm?" I asked.

"Oh, uh...I just figured it would be the same room number as the one you thought was yours in the boys dorm," Yugyeom replied slowly.

"Okay, but, why are you here?" I asked, not trying to sound rude, but I was confused.

"Well, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me and my friends?" Yugyeom blurted out quickly.

I gave him an apologetic smile.

"Actually, I already have plans with someone else," I told him.

"Oh. Okay, um, maybe next time then?"


He gave me an awkward nod and turned to leave.

"What, hold on," I suddenly said as he started down the hall.

Yugyeom turned with a surprised look.


"Well, I guess if we are planning on hanging out some time, why don't we exchange phone numbers?" I suggested.

His face lit up.


After Yugyeom left, I couldn't stop smiling. But it was sort of bittersweet. I knew why I was so giddy with him around. I tried to push away the reason, but it was always threatening to pop into my head. I finished my breakfast and grabbed my stuff.

"Where are you?" I texted Namjoon as I walked out of the dorm.

"In front of the boys' dorm building," he replied in an instant. "Do you know how to get here?"

"Yeah." I responded with a knowing shake of my head.

I put the phone away and headed outside. It was a cool morning, but I shivered in excitement. Fall was my favorite time of the year. I didn't know why. Maybe because of the subtle colors or the taste of winter that made you want to snuggle into a large sweater. It was the best season for landscape drawings. I smiled at the thought. The walk to the boys' dorm didn't take as long as it had when I had no idea where it was. So I was there within a few minutes.

"Good morning," Jacskon greeted as I walked up.

He and Namjoon stood with each other, leaning against a white car. I was a bit surprised seeing him though. I was under the impression that Namjoon and I would be going alone.

"Hi, guys," I said in reply, giving Namjoon a glance.

I didn't really mind, but it would have been nice for it to be just Namjoon. We would have more things to talk about, most likely it would be more fun too. But now I would have to converse with an almost stranger. It's fine. I told myself. It was better to make more friends anyway.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I asked as they made no move to get into the car.

"A friend of Jackson's," Namjoon explained.

"Oh," I replied, glancing at the entrance of the boys' dorm.

At that moment, a tall, light-haired boy stepped out.

"Yugyeom?" I asked in surprise.

The two boys looked at me in surprise.

"You know Yugyeom?" Namjoon asked.

Now, Yugyeom had noticed me too. He looked confused, then realization seemed to register, and he grinned.

"Ah, I mean, I bumped into him yesterday. He gave me directions to the girls' dorm," I told them.

"Hi, Aera!" Yugyeom called happily.

I smiled back as he approached us.

"Hyung told me they were bringing a girl, what a coincidence that it was you," he commented as we got into the car.

"Yeah. Looks like we'll be shopping together after all," I replied happily.

But inside, mixed emotions were stirring. It seemed I would be spending a lot more time with him than I thought. Which meant more chances of seeing Jimin in him. More chances of recalling feelings that would only be bringing me pain.

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