Chapter 28

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Aera's P.O.V

It was still fairly early when we arrived at the large mall, so there weren't many people. I yawned and stretched as we walked past the different shops. I followed them wherever they needed to go, not really caring much about getting all of the things I needed right away. All I did need to buy was a few pairs of pants and new sneakers.

"Aera, are you sure there's no place you wanna go?" Namjoon asked again.

"Not really. I'm not in that much of a hurry. I'll just find my things while you guys get lunch," I replied.

"No, it's fine. We can all go."

"Namjoon, really, I don't what to drag you all into a woman's store," I insisted.

With a "well alright then" look from Namjoon, we continued browsing around. Lunch wasn't for another hour or so, but we decided to eat early after another half hour of walking. I gave Namjoon my order and headed to the first place I wanted to look. It wasn't that big of a deal bringing them with me, at least it hadn't been when we first arrived. But after I saw how slow they all were, I knew I would have to get my stuff alone.

"Yah, Aera!" Someone called behind me.

Surprised, I turned to see who it was. Yugyeom was jogging towards me. I hadn't recognized his voice at such a loud volume, since he'd always talked so softly. I smiled at that.

"What's up?" I asked as he stopped in front of me.

"Do you mind if I go with you?" He said hopefully.

"Are you sure you want to come?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry yet. And I felt bad that you were going by yourself," Yugyeom admitted, his voice returning to its usual softness.

"Okay, then. Let's go." I turned back around and started walking again.

He matched my pace and we headed to the first store in silence. Yugyeom followed me around the store silently as I picked out two pairs of jeans, his eyes wandered around and he softly hummed to the music. I bought my things and we headed to the next shop.

"What are you majoring in?" He asked as we walked.

"Fine arts," I replied. "Do you have any idea what you want to do?"

Yugyeom suddenly seemed to sink. His shoulders slouched and his small smile disappeared.

"No. I have no idea."

I glanced at him with concern, suddenly feeling guilty for bringing it up.

"It's fine. I'm sure you'll figure it out," I encouraged him lamely.

"Everyone in my grade knows exactly what they want to do when they graduate. All of them have a dream, even the least of the studious. But I have no idea at all. I don't even know what I'm good at," he suddenly spilled.

I watched him in surprise, wondering how he could tell me this so easily, when we'd only met yesterday.

"Well...what do you like to do?" I asked slowly.

He turned to me now.

"I guess I like dancing."

"Really? Are you good?" I said.

"I mean...I don't know," he replied shyly.

"You've gotta show me sometime, then. I love dancing," I said.

"Really? Are you good?"

"What? No way! I mean I love watching other people dance," I quickly explained. "I'm horrible."

He smile widely again, making me smile back.

"Ah, we're here," I said as we stopped in front of the shoe place. "This is our last stop, don't worry."

"No, it's fine.'s nice being with you, Aera," Yugyeom said quietly.

I glanced at him silently, noticing in surprise that he was blushing slightly. I turned away and walked into the store, chewing my lips. Nice being with me? Great job, Aera. You're totally leading him on. I knew I should set some sort of boundary with my attitude towards him. But he reminded me...

"Aera!" Jimin's voice pierced through the sudden silence. "Wait."

I turned around but didn't stop walking completely. He sighed and jogged up to me.

"Look...I'm..." He sighed again. "If it's really what you want..."

A smile slowly spread on my face.

"What? What do I want?" I asked jokingly.

He frowned at me.



"Try to get along with him," he mumbled quietly.

"What did you say?"

"I'll hang out with him." He was almost quieter.


"Aish! I'll try to get along with him!" He cried, exasperated.

"Really?" I grinned.

He looked at the ground, frowning slightly.

"Yeah. Okay? So just stop being sad."

I almost choked up at his sweet words.

"Aigo!" I ruffled his hair. "My dongsaeng is so cute!"

"Yah!" He pulled away, trying not to grin.

"Noona? Aera?"

I blinked.


"Are you okay?" Yugyeom asked, watching me in confusion.

"I'm...I'm fine," I told him slowly, glancing around.

"You're sure? You kind of zoned out for a second there," he continued.

"Yeah. I do that sometimes," I replied.

He watched me for a moment longer, looking a bit mystified.

"Come on, the boys are waiting." I hurried into the store to pick out some shoes.

After narrowing down my choices, I sat down on a provided bench and started to try each one on. Yugyeom sat beside me, silent again. After the third pair though, a soft growl erupted from his stomach. I suppressed a giggle as he turned bright red and held his stomach.

"S-sorry, I guess I am kind of hungry," he told me sheepishly.

"Well, go on without me then. Meet up with them, and tell Namjoom I'll be there in another fifteen minutes or so."

He glanced at me, hesitating.

"Go on, Yugyeom. Go," I insisted.

"Alright. Fifteen minutes?"

"Yes," I replied.

With a nod and wave, he slowly headed out of the store. I sighed, my smile disappearing. I frowned at myself. Don't grow close to him. Not if you don't want the memories, Aera. I closed my eyes in exhaustion. I didn't want the pain. But I wanted the memories. And my want for them was stronger than the fear of the pain.


I slowly exited the store with my bags in hand, staring ahead, distracted. I almost didn't notice my phone ringing. But the sound made me jump and return to reality. With a shake of my head, I reached into my purse and grabbed the phone.

"Namjoon?" I answered.

"Yeah, do you mind meeting us in the parking lot?" He replied.

"No, I'll be there. Wait, where did we park again?" I asked with a frown.

"Aish, fine, I'll come and meet you in the food court, okay?" He said, the annoyance in his voice making me smile slightly.

"Okay, food court, got it...I think..." I said slowly, glancing around for it.

I turned slightly, trying to remember which way it was. I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Or do you not know where that is either?" He was saying.

But I had suddenly stopped listening. A familiar feeling was creeping down my spine, stunning me into numbness. I froze.

"Aera?" Namjoon's voice was distant, along with all the other noises through out the mall.

"Oh my gosh," I whispered.

"Aera? What's wrong?"

His clothes were as dark as ever, his hair just as black as before. He seemed taller, more muscular. More intimidating. It was funny how I knew who it was just from looking at the back of him. Goosebumps raced down my arms as I stared at him in shock. The boy who had once tried to kill me was standing only a few feet away. Jungkook.

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