Chapter 35

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Aera's P.O.V

Everything that I'd imagined when I first saw Jungkook at the mall was finally coming to pass. He was going to try to take my life again. And I didn't think I would be lucky this time. Our faces were inches apart. And I could feel the cold darkness radiating off of his skin, sending shivers down my spine. It was strange; I thought I would be more terrified at the thought of him murdering me, but my mind was sort of blank as he glared down at me. Maybe because it just didn't matter anymore.

Because the first time, Jimin had been there watching it all happen.

Jimin had been there.

Now he wasn't here.

And now it didn't matter.

But suddenly, as quickly as Jungkook has grabbed me, he let go of my collar. I stumbled back a little as another voice sounded through the darkness.

"Aera?" Namjoon called.

I didn't turn around, I couldn't. I was frozen, just watching Jungkook. Finally he spotted the both of us.

"Jungkook? Right?" Namjoon asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Just on a walk," Jungkook replied with his fake quiet personality.

"Let's go, Namjoon," I said, finally turning around.

"What?" Namjoon looked at me in confusion.

"Now." I grabbed his wrist and quickly walked away from Jungkook.

I could feel his eyes on my back as we got farther and farther away, taunting me. You got away with it. This time.
I shivered as we got to Namjoon's car.

"What was that all about?" He asked as we buckled up.

"Stay away from him, okay?" I suddenly turned to Namjoon.

"What? Why?"

"Just, please."

"Aera, what's wrong?" He asked, the worried eyes returning.

"Namjoon. Just trust me, okay? Don't ever be alone with Jungkook."

"Did he do something to upset you?" The worried look hardened into something more angry.


"...No." I closed my eyes for a second. "He just doesn't seem like a very good person."

"You're really confusing me right now, Aera."

With a sigh, I turned away to look out the car window.

"Forget it," I told him quietly.

We sat in silence for the rest of the drive home.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I watched as they disappeared into the night, a smirk slowly tugged at my lips.

"Why didn't you do anything?" I turned around to the dark figure that lurked behind a nearby tree.

"I knew you wouldn't actually hurt her," He said softly, before stepping out into the dim moonlight.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"You're getting softer, Jungkook."

"Don't be dense. I'll never stoop to the level of feeling emotions."

"It's too late. I saw your hesitation."

"That's not true!" I snarled, seething at his ridiculous statements.

"You've been spending too much time with them."

He looked down at the ground, pain in his eyes.

"That's what happened to me after I met Aera," Jimin told me quietly.

Sorry for the short chapter! I just had to update. Anyway, do u guys like my new cover theme?

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