Chapter 34

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I knew it was coming. The look on her pale face made it obvious. Still, watching her crumple to the ground did startle me. I had just started to think she was over it. Now it seemed like maybe she never would be. I crossed my arms, watching her shiver with sobs from my dark spot under the large tree. I found myself considering approaching her, wondering what the look on her face would be like when she saw me. I smirked at the thought. It would be quite amusing.

In a swift motion, I was standing right above her shaking body, considering what to say. But I never got to speak.

"Jimin," her wavering voice suddenly whispered. "I don't think I can last much longer."

My eyes widened, my heart suddenly started to pound. It banged against my chest so much I thought it would burst. Breathless, I stumbled back, away from her and her sad voice. Her sad plea. Her sadness.

What's wrong with me? I thought desperately, clutching my chest. What's happening?

Aera's P.O.V

I didn't know whether it had been three minutes or three hours when my breathing finally returned to normal. I still laid there in like a pathetic lump, hiccuping, face in the cool grass. With a deep sigh, I flipped over, so that I was lying on my back, staring up at the stars. I was surprised that Namjoon hadn't come looking for me. But I didn't make a move to grab my phone. I wondered if I'd even brought it. Probably not. I pushed him out of my head, just focusing on the movement of my rising chest.

"This is how it's gonna be now," I found myself saying aloud.

It was easier than letting the words drown in my loud mind. To say them out loud made it more understood, more definite.

"You can handle it," I lied to myself.

I closed my eyes, chewing on my lips to stop the words from coming. Stop the lies from sinking deeper into my head.

"Nice night."

My eyes flew open and I quickly turned to the sound of the voice. On seeing Jungkook sitting right next to me, I quickly scrambled back, trying to get up at the same time. I ended up landing on my butt a few feet away. He watched the scene with a surprisingly blank face. We watched each other silently for a moment. He was probably considering how to kill me, while I was just rigid with that familiar fear, not being able to speak.

"What's wrong?" He asked, obviously noticing my discomfort.

I couldn't decide what he was feeling. His voice was different, monotone, almost bored.

"Did I scare you?"

That's not boredom...sadness?

He sighed as I sat, unresponsive. To my great alarm, Jungkook actually, still sitting on the ground, began to inch closer.

"Stay away," I warned, finally finding my voice.

To my surprise, he actually stopped with a sigh. We were silent for a few moments.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a low voice.

He laid there for a second, staring up at the sky, before answering.

"I wanted to go for a walk," he replied simply.

"You know what I mean."

Finally, he turned to me, and with the most innocent and blank expression, said, "No, I don't think I do."

"Don't play games, Jungkook," I snapped.

I regretted it as something dangerous flickered in his eyes.

"It was always alarming," he said quietly.


Something about the look on his face, and the way he was talking more to himself, seemed familiar. I suddenly recalled how he'd said things like this when we had been alone, before Jimin left, before he tried to kill me. But it had been so long ago. Almost a year ago. Funny how I actually remembered.

"When you could see me no matter what I did. We could never hide from you," he finished, actually explaining himself for once.

I sat still, considering this. Jungkook sighed and laid back on the grass. His calm attitude didn't fool me, I knew he could turn into the dangerous, venomous Jungkook I'd known so well in an instant. But I did allow myself to calm down just a bit, to grow just a bit braver.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked quietly.

He chuckled a lifeless, humorless chuckle.

"Not everything has to do with you, Aera." Jungkook tilted his head. "Don't you remember what I do? I have more important things to accomplish rather than tormenting you."

I didn't believe him for a second.

"Funny how the things you need to accomplish involves seeing me every single day," I responded without even a slight tremor in my voice.

He narrowed his dark eyes at me.

"Don't you think it's kind of obvious? What I'm doing?" Jungkook asked with a familiar smirk.

It wasn't dangerous. Yet.

"I'm not that focused on finding out why you're here. Just when you're leaving," I spat.

"I think you'd be interested to know why I'm here." He laid his head back on his hands.

"I don't care at all." I got up to leave, despite the question that clawed at my lips to be asked.

As I started to walk back towards the swing set, Jungkook's dark voice sounded through the night behind me.

"That friend of yours...Yugyeom? It's nice how well you've been getting along. Almost seems like you've found a replacement..."

I froze, emotions threatening to burst out once again. He's just trying to get into your head.

"Shut up," I hissed through gritted teeth.

"What? I'm just commenting. They're quite similar actually. But I guess you've already taken notice to that, haven't you?" He continued, the venom slowly creeping back into his voice.

"Stop it, Jungkook."

"I think he's the perfect replacement, don't you?"

"I said shut up!" I shouted, whipping around to face him.

I stopped short when I realized Jungkook was standing right in front of me now, inches away. He peered down at me with his piercing gaze, eerily calm.

"What was that?" He asked quietly, his cool breath sent shivers down my spine.

"Don't compare Jimin to Yugyeom. Jungkook." I glared back up at him. "I'm never going to replace him."

"Why are you so stubborn?" He asked icily.

"You would never understand."

He leaned closer to my face, so that our noses were almost touching. I held my breath, completely frozen.

"You still won't give up? Even after...everything that happened?" His eyes looked almost confused. Angry. But confused. "I don't know if that's bravery or stupidity."

Me neither. If it was was stupidity, than I was about get even more stupid.

"Where is he?" I asked in a low whisper.

Jungkook leaned back up again.

"I was waiting for that question,"
He commented.

Then it struck. Jungkook quickly changed into the hateful, cruel version. His eyes grew ablaze with anger, his face twisted into a scowl. I could feel that same deathly feeling that radiated off of him so strongly.

"You want to know why I'm back?" He hissed, grabbing my shirt collar, pulling me closer like a rag doll.

I gulped.

"I always finish what I started."

Guys, I know these past few chapters have been pretty lagging, mostly just fillers really, but I was kind of going through a bit of a writers block. Now, however, I know what I'm doing for the next few chapters and I'll quit it with the fillers. Just bear with me.

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