Chapter 4

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Aera's P.O.V

I laid in bed that night, wide awake. It was already past midnight, but for some reason I couldn't fall asleep. The bed was perfectly comfortable, and I had opened the window, letting the cool night air trickle into the slightly stuffy room. But no matter how comfortable I was, I could never fall asleep if I had something on my mind. I knew I wouldn't be able to close my eyes until around three, when I would probably be at the point of utter exhaustion. At that moment, however, I was definitely not going to be falling asleep.

I didn't know exactly what was bothering me. Perhaps it was the anxiety for going to a new school in the middle of the year. Or the fact that I wasn't going to be returning to my familiar home any time in the near future. Maybe, it was him that kept me awake. I frowned in thought of the boy. He was making this huge transition in my life even harder. I wondered where he was right now, or what he was thinking. I glanced at the open window in sudden horror. What if he's right outside? Without hesitation, I pulled off the covers on the bed and crept towards the window. I slowly lifted my head and took a peak outside. It was lonely and silent.

With a sigh of relief and a shake of my head, I sat back down on the old, wooden floor. You really should sleep. I told myself. Not likely. I replied. My stomach growled, despite it being only a few hours since my last meal.

"Oh no," I said aloud. "I am not getting a snack. No way."

But my stomach growled again, louder, as if in disagreement. I bit my lip and glanced towards the door. I knew the house pretty well, since I'd visited it so many times when I was younger. But it never ceased being a bit creepy in my eyes. I really didn't want to go downstairs. At all. But I was suddenly really hungry. With a scowl, I slowly got up and tiptoed towards the door, slowly creaking it open. My stomach always won.

That was the first sleepless night that you caused. The first of many.


"Yeah, chicken is fine," I yawned in reply.

"Perfect. It's my favorite," Grandpa said happily, grabbing the large package ramen.

"Aera, did you sleep okay?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, fine." I rubbed my eyes.

"Doesn't seem like it was fine. Are you okay? Is your room comfortable?" He continued.

"Yes, dad. Everything's great," I insisted, refraining from another hint at how tired I was. "I just need to get settled in, that's all."

"Okay, okay. But just make sure to tell us if you need anything," he said.

"Sure, dad. Thanks." I continued down the grocery store aisle.

As we got in the checkout line, the two of them brought up the inevitable.

"So I think it would be best if you started school on Monday," Dad said.

"All we need to do is get you registered, and find a uniform," Grandpa added. "Danwon is a really good school. I think you'll like it a lot."

"I'm sure I will," I agreed.

"They have a really good art program," Dad continued.

"The classes themselves are, of course, extremely beneficial. The school has astounding reviews."

"Guys, you sound like you're trying to convince me of something. Monday sounds great, the school sounds great. Don't worry, okay?" I said, a bit flustered.

They shared a look, which made me roll my eyes.

"I can take the next customer," the cash register called.

He was a teenager with bleached white hair. Maybe around my age. He was watching the three of us, dad and grandpa still looking worried for some reason. I prayed it wasn't because Dad had told him about my social status back home. I didn't really have any real friends. Not that I minded. Dad was always worried about me being lonely. But I liked it. Most of the time.

"Guys, that's us," I told them in slight annoyance.

"Oh, right." Grandpa blinked at me, and turned the cart towards the counter.

While the cashier rang up our groceries, I could feel him watching me curiously.

"I overheard you guys talking about Danwon Academy, right?" He said.

"Yup. My granddaughter here is going to be attending. Why, do you go?" Grandpa replied.

"Yes, I'm a student there. Class president, in fact," he stated proudly.

I frowned at his arrogant sounding statement. I hoped he wasn't the president of the 12th grade class.

"Impressive! Which grade?" My dad asked.


Of course you are. Just my luck. My frown deepened.

"Well, Aera is starting Monday, maybe you could show her around?" My grandpa said.

Thanks, grandpa.

"I'd love to." The boy turned to me. "I'm Kim Namjoon."

"Mok Aera." I reluctantly shook his out stretched hand, returning his sly-looking grin with a half-hearted grimace.


My complaints came rushing out as we sat in a small restaurant for lunch.

"Thank for trying to set me up with that cash register president," I said to Grandpa.

"Come on, Aera. He seemed nice," my dad insisted.

"He seemed like a show-off to me. I hate show-offs. Especially ones with white hair." Well, now ones with white hair.

"Just give him a chance. I'm sure he'll be a great help," Dad said, while I took an annoyed gulp of my water.

"And he was pretty handsome," Grandpa added with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

I immediately began to choke and sputter, coughing until tears started welling up in my eyes. The two watched me in disapproval.

"Oh my gosh!" I finally gasped after partially recomposing myself. "Grandpa, please. No!"

"Calm down. I was just stating my opinion." He frowned.

"Please, never move your eyebrows like that again. Oh my gosh," I repeated, still gasping for air.

I found myself thinking I would never be able to look at that Kim guy without Grandpas waggling eyebrows coming to mind. Perfect.

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