Chapter 5

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Aera's P.O.V

The evening before my first day at Danwon, after a greasy chicken dinner with Grandpa and Dad, I set off for a nearby park Grandad had told me about. It took me a few minutes and wrong turns, but I eventually found it. I was pleasantly surprised at it's appearance. It was different from my park at home, with the playground off to the side rather than in the center, and a small lake a little ways away. I found a small, secluded bench under a flowering tree. I smiled my first real smile since coming here as I sat on the bench, pulling out my drawing supplies.

I began drawing a simple picture of a nearby patch of flowers, taking my mind off of the next day. I don't know why I was so hesitant to go to school. I'm sure it would be fine. But I just didn't really feel like starting over. Especially not with cash register Kim. I frowned, this time at myself. I'm too judgmental. I told myself. It was true, I was way to quick to assume the worst about a person. And I was bitter about school. Maybe that's why I didn't really like him. That's why you don't have friends. A small voice said. Yeah. I know.

With a sigh, I returned to my drawing, the relaxed and happy mood gone. Suddenly, that feeling came again. The creepy, skin-crawling feeling. I glanced up in sick anticipation. Sure enough, he stood across the park. Though, this time, he was standing at the pond, looking down at it. He was turned away, but I knew for certain, it was him. He was still wearing the black pants and white t-shirt. Maybe that's just his style? I thought. Who cares? Leave! I quickly got up, turning back to the bench to pack up my things. As I turned around to leave, I found him watching me again. We shared another gaze, the familiar icy feeling running through me. But, for the first time, I was able to tear my eyes away from his, and began to walk away, as fast and as naturally as possible. I pulled out my phone, too, just in case.

He didn't follow me. But I could feel his eyes on the back of my head as I hurried away. Why can't you just leave me alone? I wanted to shout.


Dad drove me to school the next morning, after we both had gotten ready for the day in absolute silence. Grandpa apparently hated waking up before nine, which meant I would only see him after school and on weekends. But it also meant every morning would be a pain. Thanks, grandpa. I wondered how many times I would be thinking that without sarcasm. Probably never.

"Okay, here we are." Dad pulled into the parking lot of a huge school, surrounded by nice cars and loud students. "Do you want me to come in with you?"

"No, dad. It's fine," I said, though I really wanted him too.

"Okay..." He looked at me for a second.


"Aera, I'm just really proud of how you've been handling all of this." He smiled. "I just want you to know you don't have to keep all of your troubles bottled away."

"Dad, don't worry about me. I love living with Grandpa," I insisted.

"Okay, Aera. I love you," he said, pulling me into a hug.

"I've gotta go, Dad. Love you too."

As I watched him drive away, despair began to spread through me. I turned around to face the looming school, taking a deep breath.

"You can do this," I told myself.

I walked up to the entrance, wishing he hadn't dropped me off so early. I would've gotten away with being late since I was new. But dad insisted that we left as soon as possible. And, of course, for a guy who's always late, he was early for my first day at school. That was just my luck.

"Hey," A deep voice spoke up behind me.

I decided not to turn around, since I knew it probably wasn't directed towards me.

"Hey!" The voice repeated.

Just keep walking. There were a lot of people around me.

"Aera, right?" He spoke again.

I turned around this time, with a frown. Kim Namjoon stood there, watching me.

"Oh. Yeah," I said, trying to hide my disappointment.

How did he see me?

"Were you waiting for me?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm supposed to show you around remember?" He said.

"You don't have to do that. I'm sure I'll be fine on my own," I insisted, turning back towards the school entrance.

"It's a big school," Namjoon continued, keeping pace with me.

Leave me alone.

"So?" I asked.

I wasn't trying to be rude. But I really just wanted to be let alone.

"So, you might get lost. Besides, the class president is obligated to help new and naïve students." He emphasized "class president".

Defeated, I turned to back to him.

"Fine, where's the school office?" I asked.

"Follow me," he said with a sly grin, knowing he'd beaten me.

When we got there, I signed in and received my books and schedule, Kim Namjoon greeting all of the adults there. I rolled my eyes and turned to the exit after finishing.

"Yah! Wait for me!" He followed me out the door. "Lemme see your schedule."


"Obviously I want to see what your classes are." He shrugged.

"That's okay. I think I can take it from here," I told him.

"Come on, let me see it," he said.

Go away.

"Like I said, no." I hurried away, praying he wouldn't follow me.

When I turned around, however, he was.

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

"I'm not following you. I'm going to class."

No. Please, no. But, of course, he entered my first classroom with me. Why me?

"Yah, Namjoon!" A dark-haired boy called to him as we walked in.

I looked around for a place to sit as he walked towards the boy and some other guys. While I considered a few spots, more students rushed in behind me, taking the desks I'd been looking at.

"Aera, over here!" Namjoon said.

I flinched and slowly turned to him. I wanted to decline the offer so badly. But the only spot left was next to him and the other guys watching me with interest. In my head, I made a long and inhuman groan. Reluctant, I shuffled over and sat down without speaking.

"Guys, this is Aera," Namjoon said to the two boys beside us.

I gave them a fake small smile. I don't why I was feeling so irritated. I just didn't want to talk to people I guess. It's not that I was exactly shy or self-conscious, I just liked to keep to myself and not get involved with anyone. Namjoon was making that extremely difficult.

"This is Hoseok and Taehyung." He pointed to them as he spoke.

"Did you just move here?" Taehyung immediately jumped into conversation.


"Yes," I replied simply.

They were silent for a second as if expecting more, but I didn't continue.

"Any specific reason?" Namjoon finally continued slowly.

"We came to live with my grandfather," I explained.


"My dad and I," I replied, turning to my backpack to pull out the things for class.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" The one called Hoseok asked.

I immediately froze in surprise.

"Of course, she does. All cute girls do." Taehyung slapped Hoseok's head.

"Yah! Don't hit your hyung!"

The teacher arrived then, I was so grateful I could have run up and hugged her. But I didn't. Instead, I moved my chair away from them ever so slightly. I decided to let them think what they wanted. Maybe if they thought I was in a relationship, they would leave me alone?

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