Chapter 48

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Namjoon's P.O.V

I stared at the ceiling, laying in bed, another hour slowly trickling by. But I didn't care, even if it wasn't even eight. I just wanted to go to sleep. However, that seemed impossible at this point. My head ached, I felt sick, and no matter how hard I tried to get comfortable, sleep wouldn't come. I turned over again with a large sigh, wishing I could get her out of my head.

It was stupid of me to have kept hoping, even after a year, that she would come to me.

And now the one she loved had returned, and I was back to where I'd started. I closed my eyes for a second, trying to calm myself down. I knew she didn't like me back, yet I'd let myself believe that she would change her mind. It was my own fault. I'd led myself on. And now the pain was as raw and real as the first time.

I sighed and sat up, trying to push all of the thoughts away. With a shake of my head, I pushed off the covers and pulled on a sweatshirt. I needed some fresh air. I needed a distraction. When I got outside, a cool breeze swept by, making me shiver slightly. I shoved my hands into my pockets and continued towards the only place I could think of.

When I reached the park, my breathing was steady again, and I had more control over my thoughts. With a sigh, I looked around for a place to sit. A lonely bench sat a few paces away from me. I headed towards it, recalling the last time I'd been here.

"No. Don't say that, Aera. Don't tell me you don't know why you're sad," I suddenly snapped.

She watched me with a surprised expression.


"That's what..." I took in a few deep breathes. "That's what you said before."

I watched as she frowned. She knew about my fear. My fear of her depression returning. We sat and slowly swung back and forth in temporary silence. I noticed the park was completely empty now. And a lot darker.

"Just promise me, Aera." My voice filled the quiet.

I could feel her eyes on me as I stared down at my feet.

"Promise me you won't let yourself..." I grimaced. "Just promise."

She was silent for a moment. My heart pounded.

"I--I don't think I can."

I sucked in a breath. Almost as if I hadn't expected that answer. As if I hadn't known exactly what she'd say.


I was brought back to reality when a soft noise filled the air. I glanced behind me to see a a familiar boy walking by. We made eye contact as I watched him. Jungkook? I recalled his name.

"Namjoon, right?" He asked smoothly as he neared.

I nodded. He tilted his head, probably at my silence.

"What are you doing just standing there?" He asked nonchalantly, looking around the park.

"Oh. I'm just out for a walk," I spoke. "What about you?"

A strange look flickered through his eyes. A look I wouldn't have noticed had there not been a dim lamp beside the bench I had yet to sit on.

"I'm just going to visit a friend..." Jungkook replied after a moment.

Another memory pierced through my head at the strange sound of his voice. "Stay away from him, okay?...Just trust me..." I frowned slightly, realizing Aera had never told me why this boy had her so frightened. A dislike for him slowly spread through me.

"Yugyeom?" I asked.

He looked up, seemingly surprised.

"Yeah. I'm going to see Yugyeom," Jungkook replied softly.

His strange behavior and Aera's distant warnings were starting to make me feel uneasy.

"Okay. Goodnight then," I told him.

Jungkook gave me one last glance before continuing past me. I turned and watched as he disappeared into the darkness. Yet even after he was gone, the bad feeling wouldn't leave.


By the time I'd gotten back to my dorm, the urge to call her became way to strong. I needed to at least say something. I didn't want to push her away and back into that state of despair that I had to experience for those few months. I sat on my bed and held the phone on my hands, contemplating. Although she didn't need me in the way I wanted her to, Aera still needed me. And I couldn't abandon her now.

With shaky hands, I slowly dialed her number, almost praying she wouldn't pick up. When I held it to my ear however, and heard her soft voice, I felt myself relax completely.

"Namjoon?" She asked.

"Aera?" I replied.

"W-what's up? Why did you call?" She asked carefully.

"Um...What are you doing right now? I mean, I can call you back. If you're busy..." I said slowly, despising the awkwardness of this conversation.

"I mean, I'm at Yugyeom's right now...maybe you could meet us here?" She asked softly.

"Oh. No, it's okay, don't worry about it," I paused. "Uh, just call me when you can."

"Okay," Aera replied eagerly.

"Well...bye then," I began.

"Oh, Namjoon?"


"I'm...I'm sorry," she said quietly. "I'm really, really sorry."

"No, Aera, I'm sorry," I told her. "Call me."

We hung up, and I breathed a sigh of relief. A big sigh of relief. Until my heart suddenly seemed to seize in my chest.

She's with Yugyeom. I realized.

And suddenly, all these fears set in, setting my head on fire once again. Why had Jungkook been acting so suspicious? Why had Aera been so scared of him that day? Aera's injury popped up into my head, and I shot up onto my feet when I suddenly remembered how the police had never found out who'd tried to kill her.

As impossible as it seemed, I wondered if, somehow, Jungkook had something to do with all of it.

Jungkook. Who had shown up only months before Aera and I in Seoul. Jungkook. Who Aera had been so wary of. Jungkook. Who gave off the same strong feeling as Jimin. Jungkook. Who always seemed to show up in dark places. And I realized what emotion had flickered in his eyes only an hour before when we'd spoken. Guilt.

But why?

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