chapter 13 {aren't you glad?}

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(Y/N)'s POV

I groaned painfully as I sat up from the floor. pain burst through my head as I slowly lie down and cover my eyes from the bright light torturing my eyes.

Hangovers weren't always a pleasure for me after drinking a lot and getting a lot of laughs and puns, sure I had a fun time but darn alcohol doesn't have to be this bitchy in the morning...

After a moment of pain it started slowly fading, I slowly sat up from my position and stayed there.
I hissed in some pain that was left and sighed after it stopped once again for a moment.

"Hang over?" I heard Edd asked behind me.
"What else?" I asked back getting irritated quickly.

He chuckled and walked closer to me. I felt warmth in front of my face and a sweet smell of cream, I opened my eyes only to see that he was giving me coffee in a disposable medium cup.

"I hope this work cause we don't have pills around here as I checked around" Edd informed.
"Where's Tom?" I asked taking the cup of coffee he was offering.
"Out killing and hunting for food, probably will come back later" he answered.
I groan "Ugh, I should always remember that  his used to this feeling..." I mumbled to myself before taking a sip on the cup tasting the creamy coffee.

Edd chuckled and sat down next to me, getting off his squatting position due to giving me the cup. Silence wrapped us as I took gentle sips on my coffee making my insides and head feel less shitty and warmly sweet.

It wasn't weird but comforting actually, Edd was just staring at me as I stare back at him, we weren't complaining about something or using mind reading, we were just staring calmly at each others souls as I taste the coffee's delightful flavor.

But the peaceful moment was cut off as Matt had came in and chimed in the scene.

"Um are you guys dead?" Matt asked worriedly glancing side to side on Edd and I.
I turned to him and sighed "well from the inside, sure I can be" I told him huffing out the air that I didn't notice I was holding in.

Matt gave out a side smile as his eyebrows knitted together, he chuckled and sat down next to me.

"will a hug revive you then?" Matt asked trying to sound cute.
"No, but getting every single shit eating monsters cured probably will" I told him shrugging.

Edd burst into laughter as Matt pouted, I only rolled my eyes at them and continued to sip my coffee silently.

"That's impossible!" Matt complained folding his arms to his chest.
"Said a man who was told that Zombies will rule the world" I quote out rolling my eyes on him.
"If there is a cure then tell me how to make one!" Matt said tilting his head to the side.
I put up my finger and chugged all of my coffee, I then took a moment to breathe before answering "nah"

Matt then kept on whining like a kid as Edd kept on snickering. The two kept pestering me making my headache feel at home, but even tho they do I kept a smile and played along with them.

Well it really was rare to see anyone still smiling through an Apocalypse, especially when a traitor is still out to kill us but that didn't stop us from joking around.
The fun had suddenly stopped when Edd had checked the time, he stood up quietly, turning around and walked downstairs to the door as if he was a robot being turned to a new mode called killer joy.

As he left none of us had said a word till we heard a click and a lock. Matt and I stayed silent for a while before I turned to him and asked.

"Did he have bullets?"

Matt turn to me and nodded that was the only answer I needed before getting up and stretching my limbs, I picked up my cup and threw it to the trash. My head ache was gone so now I could move around without the feeling of someone stabbing my head.

"I'm at the mini lab if you need me, knock before coming in Kay?" I told him before climbing upstairs.

Getting to my lab I started working on my cure again. I can't believe it won't work, I'm using the same ingredients what the hell is wrong with it? I thought sighing deeply and started taking out various of dangerous liquids.

Tom's POV

I stared monotonously at the sky as I took a rest inside a broken cafe shop. The chairs weren't much torn and seemed fine so I sat in here for a minute. I had just stopped here for a quick rest and leave after getting everything that can still be used around here and shoving it in my bag.

I dig my hands in my hoodie pocket and felt the cold glass of the cure needle (Y/N) needed. I sighed and took out one. I shouldn't have taken these...but what if I needed it? Damn am I so selfish.
My eyes twitch a bit before letting my eyes close for a moment and held tightly on the needle careful to not break the fragile thing.

"What do you got there Thomas?"

My eyes snapped open to see the one and only shit in my life.

"Surprise to see me, oh you shouldn't have" Tord chuckled leaning on the couch that was in front.

I stood up quickly and pointed my gun on him but after pulling the trigger a click was only heard, the asshole chuckled as he saw I had no bullets in my gun.

"No bullets now Witness? Hah! Like what I always say classic. Stupid. Tom" he teased putting up that shit eating grin as always. "Memories am I right?"

I pulled out a pocket knife instead and tucked in my gun.

"Ahh stabbing me with a knife now? Well aren't I scared, say why don't you say a word instead of letting me blabber, it's quite rude is it not?" He snickered.
"Oh fuck you too commie, what do you want?" I spat glaring at him, ready to stab him on the chest.
"Well you see Thomas, you have something that gain my interest in" he says, sitting down on the sofa. "If you give it to me-"
"Hell no will I give it to you!" I shouted.
"SHUT UP!" he yelled at me "let me fucking finish fuck face, anyway back to what I'm saying, If you give it to me than maybe I could tell you what is missing on (Y/N)'s cure, so what do you say Thomas?" He asked putting up a smirk.

I scoffed and rolled my non existing eyes on him holding my tightly on my knife.

"I don't know-"
"BULLSHIT!" He screamed getting up his chair and glaring at me.

I glared back at him readying my knife. It took a solid moment till he sighed, he sat back down again on the sofa to calm for a bit.

"She's running out of time right?" I didn't even get to answer till he once again spoke "she needs more cure right? But she doesn't know what is missing and kept doing the same thing, yes?"

He chuckled and looked back at me keeping the glare and the frown.

"If you don't hear this she might become like them and you can't do anything about it, you can save her if you give that to me, I know what I meant Thomas, I also have concern for her trust me that's why I'm putting up this offer to you" he explained  "You can kill me, okay, but you know I could bring down (Y/N) with me or should I call her my Girlfriend?" He teases.
"Fuck you" I growled.

Standing up and getting off the seat he then said "If you're still gonna put up with this shit then I better be leaving, you know her time is running out right? She might have one more or maybe the three on your pocket but what if there's none now? Oh wait! What if she leaves cause she doesn't trust you enough now? A shame wouldn't it" He asked turning away from me, but I can still see the motherfucking grin on his face.

My eyes dropped on the floor and thought about it. And even tho it gives me chills he was right, I'm so fucking stupid...

"Wait!" I exclaimed glaring up at him.

He snickered a bit before turning around. I was hesitant yet spoke.

"If-if you knew the ingredients then why didn't you make one yourself?" I asked clutching my knife.
He sighed probably annoyed "do I SERIOUSLY have to answer that? Tom I know what it has but not how to make it, is that to hard to think of?" He insulted "do you want the formula or what?" He asked very irritated.

I flinched and sighed.

"How many do you need?" I asked my voice dropping.
"Two" he answered.
"How do I know your not lying to me?" I asked angrily.
He shoved his hand in his hoodie pocket and pulled out a note "I have the ingredient written here" he said shaking it.

I stared at the paper for a second then sighed I gain in my proper posture and pulled out the two needles in my pocket. He smirked and reached out both his hand one with the paper and one for grabbing the needle, I of course took the paper first and slowly gave him the needles.

"Nice working with you Thomas" Tord stated before dropping a glass ball.

After the ball broke, the glass was spread everywhere, I coughed and tried to breathe in some air only to inhale smoke, it kept filling me, my vision slowly blurred till I slowly passed out from it.

"Bye Witness"

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