chapter 14 {to the Sewers}

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Tom's POV



                                 "Get up"




"Bye Witness"

I gasp in deeply as I sat up quickly, I clenched my hoodie collar feeling sweat drops slide quickly down to my chin.

"Tom are you Alright?"

My head turn quickly to my side only to see Edd gazing at me worriedly and also confused. I wanted to speak yet my mouth was too dry and my trout felt too sore to even breathe out a single word.

"Tom let's get out of here, your injured" Edd tells me, glancing down at my arm which was covered with shards of glass blood coming out of its sides.

My eyes widen as I remembered the paper that Tord had given the me, I can't lose it!
I looked around frankly trying to spot the piece of paper only to see darkness around me as the sun was setting, shadows were covering the ground and more shards of glass sinking in my hand as I tried to pat down to find it.

"Tom? What's the matter? Oh god did you get bit?" Edd asked worriedly.
"No-Light!" I tried saying as I started crawling on the floor patting the ground for any piece of rough paper to feel.
"Tom stop your gonna give your hand more shards!" Edd said trying to lift me up only for me to struggle down.
"No! Edd-shit! Stop!" I yelled forcing myself to speak "I need light!"
"For what?" Edd asked letting me go as I finally stood up.
"A paper!"
"You need a paper?" Edd asked "Tom are you doing drugs now?"

I hissed in angrily as I once again searched the floor. Edd gave up and took out a flashlight from his hoodie pocket. He turned it on and randomly flashes it on the ground, when he did he instantly flashed the paper that I was finding. Holy bread crumbs  on a weed wacker

My eyes widen and quickly scattered forward to the paper, picking it up. I scanned the paper and saw what had been needed on (Y/N)'s cure.

'the first subject's blood'

I smiled widely, I gasped in little breaths and started sobbing.

"Edd we need to get back to base" I told him feeling the pain I had caused after it.
"Y-yeah..." Edd said confused, probably because I look like a complete lunatic.

He then grabs my hand and hoist me up to let me stand on my feet, we stumbled a little but managed to walk a little.

"Shit.." Edd muttered looking outside.

My smile faded to a frown as I saw some zombies outside, I tried my best not to panic so I wouldn't cause much attention.

"Come on Tom let's take the back door..." Edd whispered to me as I only nodded.

We walked(limped) slowly to the back door silently. Succeeded we opened the door and saw that the cost was clear. For now. It was getting dark and we have to get back on the building.

"Tom we're heading back tomorrow, let's find somewhere to hide first" Edd stated starting to walk out the alleyway we're in.
"What?!" I whispered yell "No! We can't just do that! They'd panic!"
"Well they'd panic even more if they saw us dead in front of the door" Edd replied back harshly.

I snarled looking down.

"Fine, but where the hell do you think we'll hide?" I asked trying to stay calm.
"By the sewers" he answered.

My eyes widen and glared at him.

"Oh hell no!"
Edd quickly hushed me "shut up! Those zombies might hear you idiot!" Edd whisper yelled at me.
"Are you insane? I'm not going down the sewers period" I told him angrily.
"Well guess what Thomas your legs are feeling crap so you don't have a choice but follow me down the sewer hole" he said rolling his eyes on me.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came in my mind so I just groaned and looked down, continuing my journey to get down the sewers. Great.

As we finally got to the sewers Edd made fire with boxes trashed around and was lucky that he had some matches on him. He has me leaning on the wall while I stared blankly on the fire.

"Want some?" Edd asked holding up a can of alphabet soup.

I looked up at him as my faced scrunched in disgust seeing him eat those sewer can foods he was talking about. He noticed this and glared at me.

"I have this in my trench coat for situations like these" he explained.
I eye twitched and stared back at the fire "I'm good I guess..."

Seeing by the corner of my eye that he shrug, Edd sat down near me and stared at the fire too.

"Do you think their looking for us?" I asked not wanting to turn everything awkward.
"Probably" he answered "wait don't you guys have those walkie talkies on you?" Edd asked taking a glance at me.

My eyes widen to check my sides but only to feel it gone like my hopes. I sighed angrily and facepalmed.

"Must have dropped off me..." I muttered.

Edd sighed and continued eating his alphabet soup. As I took in some air to breath my stomach unwillingly growled loudly.

"Tom you sure you don't want one?" Edd asked.
"Of course I-" My stomach growled once more. "Yeah give me one"

Edd chuckled and took out a can of alphabet soup from his trench coat and handed it to me. I reached it above the fire flames to get it a bit warm to eat.

"You'll burn yourself" Edd pointed out.
"Geez thanks for telling me that Newton" I said sarcastically.
"No problem Benjamin" He answered back "You should have listened to my laws so you don't get killed by wanting to play outside with a kite on the stormy-"
"I get it" I groaned annoyed.

Edd let out a chuckle once more and ate satisfied, as if he had won the lottery and became rich with a flick of a card. As I felt the can burn a bit I sat back down on the wall and took out a knife from my side opening the can fully.

"Want some spoons?" Edd asked.
"Freedom would be great but yeah spoons will do" I told him.

Edd scoffed and handed me a spoon from his once again life saving trench coat.

"Damn, are you carrying the whole house with that trench coat?" I asked chuckling as I sipped on the soup.
"Good thing I even have this trench coat all you have is that knife on your leg" He shot back.
"I had the radio with me" I fought back.
"Which you lost earlier without noticing?" He shot once more.
"Well- uh...YOU! you..." I stuttered.
"I?" He asked.
"Hold on that sassy remark I'm thinking" I joked.
"Sassy? Pfft more like 'out smarting you'" Edd back fired.

I laughed in as he joined.

The night went on, the fire slowly fading groans were heard up the sewers. Edd had already slept by the corner but I  stayed awake, paranoid of being eaten by what's up there. I kept looking around left to right How can Edd sleep like nothing is gonna happen to us?  I thought ruffling my hair. thinking that everything would be good, but for some solid seconds some light was flashed from the left of the sewer cave.

"Not this shit, not right now..." I thought trying to crawl over to Edd. "Edd god dammit!" I whisper yelled.

Edd only stirred too deep on his sleep damn this man, how did he survive anyway?  

"stop" a soft yet harsh voice quietly ordered.

I froze on my spot not knowing what to do. Edd was still softly snoring not knowing our dangerous situation.

"your friend or what ever that is...are they-are they bitten?" hearing the tone much clearer the voice was coming from a male survivor.

I stayed silent til I heard a gun cock  he's not seriously gonna shoot it here right? only a moron would, deep on night quiet and easily attracted to-

"I'm asking you again, I have a gun and I wouldn't hesitate to shoot"  he threatened possibly pointing the gun at me or Edd.

I rolled my eyes "if you do, then do you think you could still get out here alive after attracting so much herd outside?" I asked not moving or DARED to move an inch cause he might really shoot it.

He only stayed silent and from his sudden gasp for air I could tell he was crying. He's probably from a group that almost got killed...

I sighed "I mean no harm..." I help up my hands showing that I was unarmed "See no knife no guns or a single shed of blood"

"your hand is bleeding..." He points out.

I slowly held down my hands and saw that my left hand down to my arm did have blood from earlier glass shards incident.

"Yeah...looks like it" I told him. "But we do need help-"

"your friend's bitten?"

"what? no, he's that why you're over panic?" I asked staring at Edd.

The guy only stayed quiet not till I heard him hiss in pain and drop to the floor, he must of dropped his gun because it had sled near me. My heart rises knowing only one thing.

"are you bitten?"

(A/N: Sup, sorry if I dont update oneshot Sundays I've had things to do but I think I could finally put some attention to it now :3 hope you like the cliffhanger also I might edit this

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