Certain events relating to Matrixians

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At certain times of the year Matrixian will have the ability to do things they either are unable to do, aren't allowed to do until the right time or just a normal life cycle thing. Here are a few examples that turn up in our species.

Fruiting: a regular occurrence in Matrixians, during certain times of the year we'd start producing fruit. As we are part plant we take on the same features and abilities as they do. Like plants themselves our fruit produce seeds, but once planted they actually start producing several varieties of fruit native to the region they are planted in. And oddly our fruit is high in nutrients and taste extremely delicious. The most appealing fruit grow closer to the Matrixian's Head, the ones near the tail however are what you should try to avoid. The fruit near our tail contains less nutrients than that near our head and as an added side effect has symptoms similar to alcoholism. Thankfully it's not addictive, the hangover is worse than the hallucinating effect.

Dimensional Ripping: on rare occasions Matrixians would produce a radiation that would tear hole in the fabric of time and space. These rips in reality aren't dangerous and would go away after an hour, but as there is no telling where any of them lead so it is advised to stay away from any portals.

Planet jumping: between the month's of March to July 4th and October to December Matrixians are free of the handicap of being unable to travel through space. As to why this frees us to visit our brothers and sisters residing on other planets to spend quality time with and share powers and adaptations. After the months are over the non native Matrixians will instantaneously teleport back to our home planets.

Spawning: occurs every few millennia, Alpha Matrixians will release countless energy into space from their homeworlds. This energy are young Matrixians in energy form, as in the reproductive cycle of Matrixians. Though we can reproduce in myriads of ways this is the most plentiful method, an Alpha Matrixian can release millions over millions of infant energy Matrixians into the universe to inhabit other celestial bodies and become their protectors. Or on rare occasions start the evolution of life on their new worlds, this has happened several times while we develop... I have at least several million kids our there I haven't had the chance to know... I really can't wait for the planet jumping time.

Evo Burst: on accident my race gains allergies to different star alignments and hen that happens we release bursts of energy. This energy, when it comes into contact with living creatures, triggers an evolutionary explosion in life. The last few times this had happened was somewhere in eastern America between 1607 and the turn of the twentieth century. And another time around the beginning of the twentieth century to the twenty first century. This spiked a lot of evolutionary potential in humans but for some reason none of the life my busts produced had little succession... Hmm I wonder why.

Anomaly generation: like with our Evo Bursts, Matrixians will often make anomalies occur in the world. And not genetic anomalies, weird stuff like high aggression in animals, large mountains suddenly going into a weird shape, radical changes in temperature all around the world, and inanimate things coming to life. This happens when more common constellations are close to our planets.

Star creation: during the end of every earth Year, a Matrixian will create a condensed ball of unstable matter and energy and hurl it into space to become a new star. As to why, the end of every year marks the beginning of a new one, so at the end of every year my kind celebrates this new beginning by creating new beginnings in a way. Creating new stars to become new solar systems and create new planets and life, this is a normal tradition for my species and is one of the few holidays our kind shares.

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