(1) Trouble

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Welcome welcome welcome. Welcome back to another adventure with me, I have so much in store for this book and hopefully quick updates at least three times a week if I can.



"Your mother is here and if I see you here again, you will spend the night", the officer warned me as he opened my cell, I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Jimmy", I flipped him off.

"I'm serious Alex, this is your last warning, vandalizing is against the law."

"Its not my fault I caught my backstabbing best friend getting down on my boyfriend, luckily they didn't see me", I growled.

"But getting revenge by vandalizing both their vehicles?" he raised an eyebrow.

"They're lucky or else it would of been more than that", I scoffed. 

"Alex Mae James!" my mom shouted as she comes in and signed  my release papers.

"Hey mommy", I smiled batting my eyelashes as she glared at me.

"Thank you Jim, you're in big trouble young lady", she snarled as I departed from the station and got into her car in the backseat.

"I never knew you would of gotten arrested twice before me Alex", my brother Aiden smirked at me.

"Shut up", I snapped.

He ran his hand through his blonde hair and continued to text on his phone, he and Ally his twin sister got all the good traits from mom. Blonde hair and bright blue eyes, I on the other hand got dad's traits, wavy sandy brown hair, green eyes, 5'7 at age 16 and slim.

"What am I going to do with you Alex?" mom complicated as she started the car and began to drive.

"Mom we need to stop at Walmart, remember Ally wants to make her famous brownies tomorrow", Aiden reminded her.

"Of course and Alex you're grounded"

Nothing changes I get in trouble, grounded for a week or two according to how bad it was.


Our house was two story house, with green painting, a backyard pool with a small field for Aiden and Julian  to practice soccer, a hot tub, have six rooms each has their own bathroom, laundry room and last but not least dad's man cave where he, his brother, Aiden and Elliot our cousin hang out.

I was the only one on the family that didn't have a talent, Aiden as well as our little brother Julian age thirteen  play soccer, straight  B student and does fencing.

 Ally bakes, straight A student, choreograph dances moves for our school's cheer team and also teaches kids to dance. Kayla our eleven year old sister is following in mom's footsteps and want to become a doctor. 

 I can't play soccer, cheer or even bake, but grandma said I am yet to discover my talent. 

"What did she get herself into this time?" Ally crossed her arm when we got inside the house. She was in a shorts and tank top, her hair in a messy bun.

"Vandalism", Aiden replied while texting going up the stairs.

"Alex you got to control yourself, next year you'll be senior", she sighed,"don't you want to get into a good college?"

"With a grade like mine and my record? I doubt any college will take me, plus I have my reasons why I was arrested"

"Talk to me little sis", she sat on the stairs and patted the spot next to her.

"I caught Olivia and Christian making out on his bed, he was about to unhook her bra but I left before they saw me", I sniffed.

"I knew I didn't trust that bitch once Christian came into the picture last year", she hissed,"don't worry I'll make sure she's not on the team when school opens", she hugged me.

"Thanks sis", I smiled,"where are Julian and Kayla?"

"outside in the back taking a swim"

I was the only person in this house who had to share a room and  I am the middle child also.

"Alex get in here now!", dad demanded from his study room.

Uh oh.

I strolled into my father's study room,"yes?" he glared at me.

"Have a seat", he ordered.

I sat down as he lifted up my report card and showed me,"three D  plus Alex, you dropped from C to D", he said,"and you get detention every week!", he cried.

I winced.

"This is getting out of hand", he sighed,"I have no choice, but to send you to summer school"

"What?! Bu-"

"No buts, I know you were suppose to go on spend some days in Miami but unfortunately you're not going", he cut me  off.

"So the summer school at my school?"

"No I'll talk to your mother about it and let you know, you can go and also no television for the rest of the week"

"Fine", I snapped and left, slamming the door behind me.

I went to my room and locked my door, falling on my bed as the tears came. I wouldn't forgive you for what you did Christian and Olivia? You haven't seen the last of me.


"We have made a decision", dad announced during breakfast.

"What?" Aiden looked at him.

"Alex will be going to summer school, but it will be a boarding school", I choked on my tea.

"What?!" I exclaimed as Julian snickered while eating.

"I think its best Alex, that way you wouldn't get into much trouble", mom tried to reason with me.

"That's so unfair, I'm not even getting to come home for July 4th", I protested.

"to bad", Julian said and I glared at him.

"You'll be free for July fourth, but other than that you'll be on the campus till one week before school", dad explained.

"Which boarding school will it be?" I crossed my arms,"an all girls school? Mixed?"

My parents shared a look,"its going to be an all boys school", mom answered and my siblings all watched her with their mouths  open.

"What? No way, I'm not letting my sister go there", Aiden protective mode turned on.

"We already registered her", dad said,"also Elliot will be going as well, so he'll keep an eye on her"

Kayla snorted,"he barely can look after me and Julian, what makes you think he can handle Alex  who caused more trouble than both of us combine?"

"Have some faith in your cousin, Alex you'll be leaving on Friday for orientation then have to be back on campus on Sunday", mom said.

"But why do I have to go an all boys school? Even Aiden or Julian haven't step foot in one", I whined.

"Its the only boarding school that's close to the city, also your uncle and I went there so its not bad", dad replied.

"Fine then I'm going to start packing", I got up and stormed up the stairs.

"Also your uniform will be delivered soon", mom called.

Just great, I caught my ex best friend and boyfriend hooking up and found out that I'm being ship off to a boarding school for the summer on the same day.

This was one summer I am definitely not looking forward to.

My phone vibrated on my nightstand,

Olivia (backstabber): my father took pity so you don't have to pay for the damage you have done

Me: f*ck off and I wasn't paying you a crap anyway

Olivia (backstabber): why the hate? Are you still angry that Christian is into me more or that I showed him what he was missing out?

Me: YOU BITCH!!!!!!

I blocked her number and deleted Christian's, they'll pay dearly for that they did.


A very intense chapter, how  was this first chapter? 

Definitely a unexpected one right?

All cliche chapter always start with a parent waking you up or an alarm. What you didn't expect was to be greeted by a girl being release from a cell.

More chapter coming up.

Don't forget to vote.

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