(2) Orientation

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The next few days flew quickly and now it was Friday. Ally, Kayla and I went shopping yesterday for me to pick up a few things I will need for the next two months, well I meant they dragged me. Elliot will be catching a ride with mom and I this morning since his parents will be busy. 

"Alex we leave in ten, hurry up!" mom called from downstairs as I slipped on a skinny jeans Ally brought for me. She told me I got to look good if I want to make friends from the opposite gender and also said I was lucky that I got mom's curve and good size of chest for my age. 

"I'm almost finish!" I shouted back as Kayla grumbled from her bed,"shut up!"

I put on my fitted, blue V neck top making my cleavage show a little then my gray jacket, converse in my feet and a baseball cap on my head. Then I grabbed my phone, power bank, headphone and a few cash shoving it into my small bag. 

I went downstairs to the kitchen where mom was eating an apple and on her phone, she looked at me.

"At lease you're not in baggy clothing making you look like you're not living in a proper house", she commented and got her purse,"let's go, we still have to pick up Elliot."


Elliot lived twenty minutes from us, when we arrived at his house he was waiting by the sidewalk with his hands stuffed into his pocket.

"Morning aunty Sophia, hey Alex", he greeted us as he got into the backseat next to me.

"Hey Elliot, excited for the summer school?" mom queried eagerly.

"Yeah, I'm just doing this to get out of the house for the summer", he shrugged,"so Alex I heard you vandalize two vehicles?" he turned to me with a smirk, his gray eyes shimmering with mischief.

"Yes Olivia and Christian's, they had it coming", I clenched my jaw,"I saw them hooking up."

"Remind me when I see Chris to punch him" Elliot grinned, this is why I loved my cousin.

"Elliot don't get mix up in Alex's drama please", mom sighed.

"But its her drama that keeps me sane, I live for her drama", he winked at me and I smiled.

"Then no violence."

"Since when Alex's drama doesn't have violence or involve anything illegal?"


We arrived at the boarding school forty five minutes later, the orientation was set for 9:30 am and now it was 9:00 am. We got time to kill,

"I'll pick you up later, have fun", mom said as we got out of the car.

"We will, bye",  I said as she drove off. A few car were dropping off other guys as well.

We turned towards the school, it has high gates with sharp edges on top of the high fence.

"Welcome, your names are?" a man with a clipboard approached us.

"Elliot and Alex James", Elliot answered.

He watched the clipboard then did two ticks,"you can go in."

We walked through the gate, I saw a few guys checking me out.

"No way a girl?"

"I'm so damn glad my parents sent me here this year."

"Finally its not going to be a boring summer after all."

"I call dibs."

"How much you betting I'll have more than five guys numbers by the time we leave?" I chuckled.

"No doubt about that", Elliot replied.


"Hello I am Mr. Green your headmaster and welcome to Bridgton Academy, for the next two months you'll be doing school work like you are actually in school and don't worry you'll also have some fun as well", Mr. Green introduced himself. 

We were in the assembly hall sitting on the chairs as he stood on stage and the teachers sitting behind him. A few guys checked me out as I entered with Elliot and one or two tried to get my number.

"I hope when you are finish here your grades will be better than before and also this year we have a slight change, a female will be staying with us also, come up on stage Alex James", Mr. Green ordered and I got up making my way to the stage where over a hundred pairs of eyes were watching me.

"Since I was feeling generous and had room I decided to let her in", he added,"and I have rules, you aren't allow to have any sexual contact with her, hook up with her unless she's dating you and absolutely no showering with her, got it!" he snapped as I turned red.

"But we can checked her out right?" a guy from the crowd asked.

"Well I can't stop you since almost the whole crowd is doing it", most of the guys looked away quickly,"that's it for now, you'll  have a tour then checked out your dorm and get your badge", Mr. Green dismissed us,"see you on Sunday."

I walked off the stage and down the small stairs, Elliot was waiting for me by the exit.

I wonder who my roommate will be?


"And this is one of the cafeteria", our guide pushed opened the double door and at the right side were glass windows with connecting doors to eat outside. This cafeteria was huge, no wonder only boys with rich parents sent them here.

"I'm so going to love eating here", Elliot said next to me in awe.

"You're telling me, I'm going to ask my parents to have be transfer for September", a guy with short chestnut hair added, he was standing behind us,"the name's Noah", he held out his hand.

"Alex and this my cousin Elliot", I shook his hand.

"Cool for a second there I thought he was your boyfriend", Noah chuckled.

"Nah I'm way out of his league anyway", I boasted.

"You meant I am out of yours", Elliot scoffed.

"Now this way to the library", the guide continued and most of the guys protested including myself.

"Not a fan of the library, surprising", Noah remarked.

"I don't really like school, but this guy here does", I nudged Elliot.

"Not surprise he looked like the type", Noah and I laughed as Elliot mumbled under his breath.

My building was number two and dorm-room ten, Elliot's room was number eighteen and Noah was in building three. I opened the door and greeted with a guy dancing and had on headphones, his back faced me. He turned around froze, I laughed.

"Hey sorry about that", he turned red,"my name is Charlie, but you can call me Charles what's yours?"

"Alex, but cool dancing."

"So you're going to be my roommate?" he inquired and I nodded,"cool, you can choose any side of the door I don't care", he ran his hand through his curly black hair.

"The left is fine", I answered since I technically sharing a room back home so it wouldn't really be awkward.

"Are you use to sharing a room? Because I am", Charlie chuckled and I nodded.

"Knock knock", Elliot tapped on the open door,"ready to go get your picture taken for your ID?" he questioned.

"Sure and Elliot this is my roommate Charlie", I introduced him.

"What's up?" Charlie tilted his head up.

"Listen here if you ever think about making a move on my cousin I'll break your bones", he threatened and Charlie's light brown eyes widen.

"Don't worry he can't hurt a fly", I said and he relaxed,"now let's go get our ID and whatnot.."

"Wait are you going to be wearing a pants like the rest of us?" Charlie inquired as we leave the room.

"We'll see", I shrugged.


Yes I know, another chapter already, well when you have a good bit of chapters already complete you just give your readers a little more of what's to come before another chapter takes two days to be publish leaving the readers demanding for more.

What do you think about Noah and Charlie?  

I think those two will be Alex's two good close friends.

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