Chapter 13

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No one's POV

As the sun rays entered the house, new hopes and wishes also came out for every member in the Oberoi mansion.

Ansh's Wish - I hope I can help dad to get his business out of the loss

Shivika's Wish - I wish that I can buy all the makeup sets using the money I earn from mum's business and then I can show everyone that even Shivika knows how to work

Aditi's Wish - Please dad... please give me your love... I need your blessings today before I go for my interview

Rahul's Wish - I need to find my parents. I have hope that they are alive and that's what I will do but first I will help Saumya chachi in her business

Rumya's Wish - I hope that my dream of being a psychologist is fulfilled. I have finally got my degree and now, it's time I enter the real world.

Dhruv's Wish - I hope that working in mum's restaurant will give me an insight into the career I want to have.

All the youngsters with their determinations leave their room.

Dhruv (smiling) - Guys, are you excited? We will finally be called adults.

Rahul smiles at Dhruv but doesn't reply as he is in his own world. Ansh nudges Rahul to reply but he still doesn't.

Ansh (worried) - Are you ok?

Rahul (upset) - I want to find my parents... you said...

Ansh realises that in all this tension, he has forgotten all about their mission. He looks at Rahul with an upset look. Arushi came later, as Rahul is more important to him.

Ansh (smiling) - We will meet at 5 pm... at ...

Dhruv (smiling) - mum's cafe... I want to help as well...

Shivika - Bye...

Shivika is about to leave but Aditi holds her hand and glares at her.

Shivika (annoyed) - Fine...

Rumya (smiling) - Great then... all for one...

Everyone - and one for all...

Aditi goes to her father's room to get his blessings, while ShivAnsh goes to their parent's room and Dhruv & Rumya go towards their room to get something and Rahul goes to his room to take his parents blessings.

Rudra (smiling) - I love seeing their bond (to Saumya)

Saumya (upset) - And it would have been stronger... if... I didn't separate the mansion... Rudra... I think we should help the youngsters in finding bade Baal Baal vaale bhaiya, Gauri di... and Pari... it's time this mansion gets together...

Rudra (smiling) - I agree... but first... I have to go to the gym (he is a trainee in his gym)... and you to your restaurant... as you don't know what your pagal son will do there without you...

Saumya (annoyed) - Don't call him pagal...

Rudra (smiling) - Fine... Bandar...

He leaves the room quickly so that Saumya doesn't kick him. As soon as Saumya reaches him and is about to hit him but Rumya Dhruv and Rahul comes towards them and Saumya stops.

Dhruv (laughing) - Really dad? Even at this age... you are going to get beaten up by mum...

Rudra (annoyed) - You will see how life is after marriage, my dear Dhruv... I used to make fun of marriage like you as well...but look at me now...I am married with a beautiful and intelligent daughter (Rumya smiles) and an ugly and annoying son (Dhruv makes faces)

Rumya (smiling) - Thank you so much, dad...

Saumya (angry) - Don't say anything about my Dhruv... (hugs Dhruv)..your Rumya is spoilt... (smiles) look at Rahul... the way he is silently watching us... and he isn't even answering back... learn to be like him...

Rahul (upset) - Thank you chachi...

Saumya realises that Rahul is missing his parents and she goes towards him and hugs him.

Dhruv (jealous) - I want a hug as well...

Dhruv goes towards his mum and Rahul and joins the hug, soon the hug turns into a family hug with Rudra and Rumya joining as well.

Dhruv (annoyed) - Guys, I think this hug is getting a little awkward...

Rudra (annoyed) - Yes, it is... I think we should let go of it...

Rumya/Saumya (smiling) - Way to ruin a moment...

All laugh at Saumya and Rumya's comment including Rahul.

Aditya's Room

Aditi walks into the darkroom, and the only thing that welcomes her is the feeling of coldness, normally a child would feel warmth going to their parent's room but Aditi isn't. She nervously walked towards the bed, to see her father staring at her mom's photo hanging on the wall.

Aditya (upset) - Pankhuri... why did you leave me? What happened to our promise of being together forever? Without you... I am nothing... I hate this bedroom... I hate our daughter as if she wasn't born then you wouldn't have died (Aditi cries)... Why didn't you tell me about your pregnancy complications? (crying) Please come back Pankhuri...

Aditya turns around hearing Aditi's cries but ignores it.

Aditya's POV

She is bad luck for me, she is the reason my Pankhuri died... why would I care for her? I don't even care if she dies...

Aditya's POV ends

Aditi finally gaining courage goes towards her father to take blessings but he moves away.

Aditi (upset) - How is it my fault papa that mum died? Tell me! I didn't mean for this to happen... it's not like I got a choice ... why do you keep blaming me for something that I haven't done?

Aditya (angry) - Don't you dare you to talk to me... you are at fault! If you weren't born then this wouldn't have happened... I just wish... you die... don't show me your...

Before Aditya could finish his saying, he gets a tight slap from Shivay. Shivay never dared to raise his hands against Aditya as he knew the situation he was going through, but he can't let Aditya talk like this to Aditi.

Shivay (angry) - SHIVIKA! ANSH!

Shivika and Ansh run into Aditya's room hearing there dad so angry, they are actually scared as their dad has never yelled like that before.

Shivay (upset) - Take Aditi with you to your room...

Shivika and Ansh take Aditi out the room, while Shivay's anger starts to blow.

Shivay (angry) - What the hell is wrong with you? I have been keeping quiet for so long because I understood that you lost Pankhuri... but the way you are behaving with your daughter is unacceptable... I can't believe that you are my brother... I am ashamed to call you that... How is Aditi at fault for Pankhuri's death? She didn't kill Pankhuri... she loves her mother... how many times do I have to explain this to you? You know what... I am giving you the last warning... respect Aditi and treat her with care... or this Shivay Singh Oberoi will take a drastic step...

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