Chapter 14

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No one's POV

After the little drama created by Aditya, everyone leaves to get to their workplace.

Aditi's POV

I leave the house in a taxi despite Anika chachi and Shivay chacha telling me not to. If I want to create my own name, then I should leave my luxurious life, then only I will make my own name. I suddenly get a phone call and as soon as I see the caller name, I smile to myself.


Me (smiling) - Hi...

Person - Hey Aditi... first of all... Best of luck for your interview... you will do great...and secondly... you will be great... don't stress...

Me (smiling) - Thank you, Krish... you are the best... I was expecting your call for sooo long...

Krish - Of course... you were... after all, you can't live without me...just like I can't live without you...

Me (blushing) - You are so sweet... that's why I love you...

Krish - and I love you too... now I better cut the call... before mum gets to know that I have found her daughter-in-law...

Call Finishes

He cuts the call while I start to think about the day that I met Krish.

Flashback - around a year ago

I was getting ready in the boarding school to go to my class when my roommate comes up to me with a bright smile, I stare at her with suspicion while she looks at me with a bright smile.

Roommate (smiling) - Guess what! You have been chosen for the competition ....

Me (confused) - What competition?

Roommate (hitting me lightly) - How many competitions did you sign up for? It's that academical competition...

I instantly remembered that competition that I signed up for as I got recommended by my teacher and I also needed money to pay for my fees. Even though Anika chachi and Shivay chacha can pay for it, I want to do it myself.

Me (smiling) - Really? Oh my god... (twirls her friend around)

Roommate (nervous) - Actu...Actually, there is a problem... you have a competitor...

I look at my roommate with a nervous look, there is no chance of me winning if I have a competitor before even starting the challenge.

Roommate (smiling) - But it's fine... don't be nervous... you will be fine... I know it...

I give my friend a nervous smile and then leave to go to class but on the way, I bumped into someone and I immediately fall over, while that person falls on top of me.

I stare at him, while he stares at me. It's as if the world stopped because all I could do was stare at him until I realised our position and pushed him off me. He also realises what we were doing and immediately gets up and also holds out his hand so I can get up. I nervously take his hand and he helps me up.

Guy (smiling) - Hello, I am so sorry....

Me (brushing off the dust) - It's fine...

After brushing off the dust I rush towards my classroom, I am not really the type of girl that loves to have conversations with a stranger.

Flashback ends

This is how I met Krish, my love story will be told later but right now, I have to go to the office. I pay the taxi driver and I walk into a large building, with a guy in a black suit opening the door for everyone. The building is tall and black with white square windows. I walk towards the bodyguard and he opens the door for me while I thank him and then walk inside. The inside is even more beautiful then I imagined, the walls are matching the colour with the floor while the beautiful ceiling lights are just...

Receptionist - Hello, can I help you?

Me (smiling) - yes, I am here for the interview...

Receptionist - Oh sure, it's on the next floor and there are signs on the next floor...

I nod and go towards the lifts that are see-through and I press the lift to go to the next floor. While going up, I could see how busy this fashion house was, people were buzzing around, talking or doing work in their offices. As the lift door opens, I walk silently outside and I follow the signs to a simple corridor. Not a lot of portraits were there, but the portraits that were there... were just mind-blowing...

Lady (smiling) - Can I help you?

Me (smiling) - Yes... I actually have an interview...

Lady (going on her laptop) - You are...

Me (smiling) - Aditi...

The lady types my name on her laptop and then looks at me with a warm and welcoming smile.
Lady (smiling) - Just take a seat... Ananya mam... will see you in a few minutes...

I smile and then go towards the black sofa to sit. Two minutes later, a guy comes up to me and asks me if I want any drinks, not wanting to create my bad image I said no. I am here for an internship and if someone sees me asking a guy to get me water, then my reputation will be lost. Suddenly, the lady gets a phone call and as soon as the call ends she sends me in. I nervously go inside the glass office, losing some of my courage.

Ananya mam (her back towards me) - Welcome Aditi...

Her voice sounds so similar... where have I heard it?

Ananya mam (still has her back towards me) - have a sit...

I smile and sit on the black chair. I start to look at the surroundings to see two mannequins wearing a beautiful red dress which was long and simple. It's a design which most designers can create but something about this design fascinates me.  

The other mannequin is wearing a blue flowy dress which unlike the first one didn't look as simple instead it looks like a dress for a prom or formal.

However, the mannequin wasn't wearing any jewellery... wonder why? I look at the table which has lots of designs on it but one specific design catches my attention.

The dress is again red but it looks so beautiful unlike others it's simple and wonderful to wear. Suddenly, Ananya mam turns around and I get shocked to see her... It''s

Precap - Ansh's POV

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